“The original one is Jianyong Daoist -“

When Zhuang Wudao took the sword forever and completely defeated it, he knew the name of the white man in the dream, and immediately sneered. Without stagnation, I began to capture the four robbing scent, leaving the soul of the soul.

Melt your mind to read the essence of the core, take its foundation. The Primordial Spirit is also a small, fast-breaking road.

Just like the one who was taken over, if you win in the battle of Primordial Spirit, you can inherit everything from the alien soul. Zhuang Wudao can inherit all the inheritance of this sword daoist as long as he wishes.

The effect of the Primordial Spirit after the deathmatch is similar to that of the Buddha’s Gate.

However, Zhuang Wudao, naturally, cannot be a complete inheritance, but just take its essence and discard its dross.

It was originally difficult to do, but the sword would never let the real spirit escape, and actively dispel the spirit in his heart-like world. Zhuang Wudao is surrounded by sword spirit and help from Hua Xianjun. Therefore, it is easy to capture the essence of Jian Yongdao’s Origin Soul and inherit it.

Most of the insignificant things were consciously given up, but even so, Zhuang Wudao’s Primordial Spirit strength has more than doubled after one night.

In addition to this, there is a huge amount of kendo experience and a recognition of Heavenly Dao. All of the 13,000 turrets of Jianyong are filled in the mind of Zhuang Wudao.

Zhuang Wudao is not happy, this day’s harvest can be worth 50 years of Primordial Spirit cultivation. The Kendo experience is quite a centuries with itself. Many can’t be digested immediately, and can only be temporarily sealed into memory, and I will have time to say it later.

If you can receive it in full, you will step into the 8th-order Great Ascension, which is bound to be greatly advanced.

However, there are things that bother him. At this time, Zhuang Wudao’s thoughts are strong, and he can compare the nine-order cultivator. However, this also means that he will add more loss when he is divided.

The same Lingzhen, when it comes to recovering the gods that are close to the eighth-order level, is naturally easier. At this time, as Zhuang Wudao’s Primordial Spirit grows in intensity, the spiritual treasures needed to bridge the trauma of the Primordial Spirit increase accordingly.

It is also a loss of the three-legged ravens and the ‘undead Tianyu. After that, Zhuang Wudao casts “Rizhao Re-Nerve”, which can be used to cheat the soul of the division. When the soul is broken, it can be recovered by the undead force. Star Pofound Realm is a lot easier.

Otherwise, he wants to take out a hundred and eight souls, even if there are many similar things like ‘Netherin Origin Soul Liquid, the help of Lingzhen Zhibao, it is difficult to do it in these two hundred years.

Naturally, although the Primordial Spirit’s deathmatch has entangled Zhuang Wudao, it is not without benefits. From then on, the soul of his separation will be even stronger. It is also more sensitive to the induction of its own number of days.

The second good news is that Mo Ling has swallowed the true spirit of Jian Yong Daoist in the reincarnation of the sea, and thus broke the threshold of the blood vessel. At this point, I am already asleep. When I wake up, I can step into the seventh order.

The seventh-order realm also means that the Divine Beast, a pure-blooded three-legged crow, has grown into adulthood. The combat power will increase dramatically, and the cultivator will need to complete the inner world and the life domain when it is in the Immortal Ascension. Divine Beast blood vessel, but at the seventh stage, it is initially formed.

In addition, Mo Ling can choose a kind of thing from his own body, as the treasure of the life, deriving its second jurisdiction.

Inkling will also enter a rapid growth period. After adulthood, the blood vessel memory will open up to him completely, and the Taoist daoist will leave the Taoist industry in a short period of time. The eighth order.

Zhuang Wudao took a full three days to fully handle all the legacy of Jianyong Daoist, and only dealt with the first line of mind, driving this Taiyuan Heavenly Nebula. Fortunately, the remaining Xuansheng 弑 弑 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Zhuang Wudao’s mana, as well as the constant supply of energy, has enabled this warship to maintain an idle speed of more than 90%.

Three days later, the Taiyuan Heavenly Nebula Shenzhou has left the Xingxuan coast at least five million miles away. Surrounded by the vast sea,

When Zhuang Wudao opened his eyes, the undead daoist had returned to his cabin. Only Su Jiantong and Zhu Yunzhui, who were supposed to be on the side, sat on the side of the Protector.

“Congratulations to the Lord, defeating the sword-premeditary Spirit, you will definitely be able to advance Dao Technique”

Su Jiantong first congratulated, and there was an admirable color in his eyes, but there was no envy. Primordial Spirit, the sinister, the sword is daoist, it is higher than the third-order cultivation base oppression bullying.

In exchange for anyone, this battle is estimated to be dead. So Su Jiantong is not envious, and will never want to experience this sinister Primordial Spirit.

But admire Zhuang Wudao, not only won, but also wins. In less than a moment, in the world of the heart, the sword will be killed forever.

Undoubtedly Primordial Spirit is only slightly higher than the 8th-order Great Ascension cultivator, but it can also make the immortal realm strong.

To make Su Jiantong look more and more, this master still has some strength hidden.

The heart is even more fascinating, knowing that after the war, the rise of Renshan River must be more rapid.

Before the sword was destroyed, Jian Yong was beyond the scope of the Immortal Ascension on the Yunyunzi, with a life essence of 13,000 years.

Even if the Lord can only capture half of this person’s Taoism, it is enough to cast a nine-step foundation, which is not the foundation of instability.

“Thank you for your good words, this time the harvest is not bad, there are small gains.”

Zhuang Wudao said, while turning his eyes to Zhu Yunzhui, a lot of up and down.

“In the Profound Heaven Sword Sect and Snow Yang Palace, you should not be able to catch up in a short period of time. This month is the rotation of Jiantong. It is best to find a place for peace, so that I can close-door cultivation. time.”

Orthogonal generation after the escape from the star Xuanhai, Zhuang Wudao suddenly voiced a meal: “Well, you have a magic tire has been formed? Next, but to go to a Tao Gong?

Zhu Yunzhui was due to worry about ‘Renshan River, safety, has been staying here. Seeing that the Shaogong Lord has nothing to do, he wants to leave. At this time, he heard what was said, and it was not unexpected. The faint glimpse of the first glimpse: “The prince of the palace is like a torch, and the fall is indeed a magical tire. These days, it is necessary to close.”

Zhuang Wudao lips and micro-pumping, this woman really does not hit Nanshan does not look back, it seems that it is impossible to give up. When the magical tires are formed, and the devil is done, it will only be able to go to death.

However, this matter also has a responsibility. When the Tao is gone, it is the most dangerous.

Slightly meditation, Zhuang Wudao uses an unquestionable tone: “When you go to the Tao, you must inform them. You are not allowed to act rashly.

Zhu Yunzhui suddenly stunned, hesitated for a long while, and then nodded again: “The fall is the order”

In my heart, I don’t think so. She has the foundation of her past life. This time she went to the Tao, but she was only the first step in rebelling against the Tao.

There is a previous generation of accumulation, from the water to the water, where still need people to care?

However, her order to Renshanhe has always been obedient, and it is not a big deal, so I never thought about resisting.

Yes, while the Shaogong Master is worried about his own achievements, Inner World will also be destroyed. It’s really dangerous to switch to someone else. However, the Shaogong Master did not know that the Culture Technique she had cultivated in her previous life was stable and steady. Even if this Inner World is broken, it will not be dangerous.

At this point, Zhu Yunzhui’s heart was unreasonable, and suddenly a sweetness rose.

Su Jiantong next to him, but I don’t know that Zhu Yunzhui is a celestial being reincarnation. After Zhuang Wudao rescued him from Shanhai, he had very little communication with Zhu Yunzhui, and Zhu Yunzhui was not close to them.

Only Zhu Yunzhui was enchanted, because of the mountains and rivers, and the second because of their grandparents. At this time, looking at the body of this body, the temperament should be clear and clear, but it has been contaminated with bloody girls, only to be inexplicable.

“Must remember, don’t forget”

After saying this, Zhuang Wudao flew out of the main control room, and then he was ready to close the death after Zhu Yunzhui went to the Tao.

At this time, the people have already highlighted the encirclement. With the idling speed of the ‘Taiwan Duo Tianyun Cloud Ship, and the hidden power of the stars at night, there is basically no possibility of being caught up.

His own magical thoughts, coupled with the sacred star of the gods, is also enough to lock the number of days in the house, making it difficult for the opponent to measure his position.

So a long-term retreat cultivation is also possible.

The first thing he has to do is to digest the 13,000-year-old Taoist foundation of the sword, and secondly, to comprehend the cause and effect, and to perfect his own way of moving the Dafa.

Only by taking the former as much as possible, can he get out of the shadow and understand more essence.

A month later, Zhu Yunzhui lived in the cabin. The turbulent waves, the almost substantial aura, encroached into light.

A group of unusually strong spirits lingered around Zhu Yunzhui’s body. This is the vitality of Zhu Yunzhui, it should have been gone, not enough at this time is bound by the formation, no leakage.

In the center of this array, Zhu Yunzhui’s face was pale and the air machine was gradually weakening.

“It’s a rare experience to learn from the Tao, and to repair the magic. It’s a rare experience, and it’s never been seen before.”

Zhuang Wudao stood near the hatch at this time and looked at it quietly. At this time, on his side, Luo Qingyun on one side and a heavy bird less than one foot in size, and Zhu Yunzhui could not be distracted at this time.

“Inner World has been broken down. With this help, the girl can at least attack the cultivation base to the ninth-order Immortal Ascension, and she will surpass the master in one fell swoop. I don’t know what kind of cultivation method she chose is based on which Culture Technique. ?”

“It’s the Heavenly Demon Record” sword spirit faintly said: “In her previous life, I must know the details of this magical work. This female predecessor, even if it is not Leaving Dust, has a close relationship with Leaving Dust Palace. Involved, I will go under the door of Leaving Dust.”

“Heavy Heavenly Demon Record? It is indeed possible.”

That was a gentle sigh from Hua Xianjun, and then suddenly smiled: “I have understood, this woman’s love robbery, from where.”

The sword spirit glimpsed, and then seemed to think of something, and his face was quite weird.

Zhuang Wudao also frowned, just asking about it, and then listening to Hua Xianjun’s words: “It’s already started”

At this time, Zhu Yunzhui, a gas machine has been weakened to the extreme, no different from ordinary people, but after this step, it has begun to weaken.

Zhuang Wudao can’t help but look forward to it. I saw the shadow of Zhu Yunzhui’s body, and it was already enchanted by the magic. Besides the skin, there were flames and lightning.

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