“Re-emphasizing the jurisdiction?”

The white robe old man seems quite surprised, staring blankly at the fascinating feather sword around the film: “Without the support of the Life Source Spirit Aperture, there is still a power comparable to the life of the law, even beyond it, you How was it done?”

In the eyebrows, the sword shadow flashed, and a strong sword air broke through the void, colliding with the bright dawn of the world.

They are all doing their best, never keep their hands, and the sword is in the air. It was the void between the two people, and it made a crack of almost the tear of the clothes.

This is the world of the gods constructed by the power of the two Primordial Spirit, and there is a risk of shredding.

“I don’t want to answer it? Is it your Thunderfire Origin Embryo, or is it a dead egg?”

The white robe old man sneered, his eyes smug, and he was madly stunned with Zhuang Wudao.

“The words of the Scorpio are very right. People like you, even if I am exhausted, I will kill you before your Immortal Ascension.”

Just as the voice fell, the white robe old man rushed up countless sword shadows, and then seemed to be like a sword rain.

Zhuang Wudao does not flash, and there are forty-nine hidden shields on the top of the head, which keeps the body around.

No matter how much the sword is coming, these emptiness shields can be swallowed up.

The void shield in normal state is naturally impossible to do. However, this is the world of mind, and if one’s own consciousness can be imagined, most of them can be manifested in the world of mind, but the magnitude of the power of the Primordial Spirit is not too real.

At this time, Zhuang Wudao’s lips are more sneering, and the singer is not the same. His ingenuity and innumerableness, the reason why he can be compared to the truth of his life, is because of his own Innate Battle Soul.

This Soul Body, which has the same list of battles and Soul Body, can also increase the quality of the French and Inner World in addition to the growth of the semi-divine Abilty Prfound Technique.

Also until this time, the intensiveness of this Innate Battle Soul began to show the tip of the iceberg.

As for the Thunderfire Origin Embryo and the re-emphasis of the dead eggs, although there are improvements in the re-enactment of the jurisdiction, it is extremely limited.

While resisting the infinite sword rain, Zhuang Wudao’s mind was beginning to make a quick calculation. His gods are immersed in this, and there will be omissions in the manipulation of the Sunshine.

The two next-class quasi-class warships can be reached by simply picking up. In other words, this battle, you must be quick and fast.

However, it will definitely expose a lot of his own cards, even real identity. If you want to win fast, then you will have to kill and destroy the unknown.

It sounds ridiculous, and it’s a fantasy to use the Returning Origin to cross the border to kill the cultivator. However, the strength of the latter, no matter how close to the celestial being, is only a nine-order perfect level.

Even more conceited to the etheric 霄 霄 诀 诀 Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri This also makes him, there is a chance.

It’s just this battle, you can’t be wrong in one step.

Thinking of this, Zhuang Wudao began to rise up, control the purple flames of the sky, and continue to attack in the direction of Jianshan.


The white robe old man coldly snorted: “If only you, Inner World and the ruling, you are in the mountains and rivers, you will inevitably suffer from the disaster.”

That ‘too, inside the Jianshan, suddenly there is a dazzling sword light rushing up, a flash of light, it fell into the hands of the old man.

The sword is one, and the time is sharp. One person and one sword, rushing to the ground, directly broke the tide of thunder, and went straight to Zhuang Wudao.

Too day, the sword is extremely extinct

“Give me death”

The sword has not arrived, and the whole piece of void around Zhuang Wudao has already appeared as a fissure. This is because his heart is like the world, and he is completely unable to bear the pressure of this sword.

Zhuang Wudao took a deep breath at this time, and each step is the key. Winning is a complete victory, losing is all lost, defeated

Right hand forward, Zhuang Wudao five fingers arrogant, a light drink.

“Great sorrow and light clouds”

Light Cloud Sword immediately appeared in front of him, and in his world of God, he almost completely copied the sharpness of this sword.

And then, countless great grief and swords appeared in the body around Zhuang Wudao. Densely dense, there are 19 thousand giants, forming a vast sword array.

Below the sword array, there are five different colors, different flames, burning in the blazing. Make Zhuang Wudao’s body week, and make the world of chaos.

Mixed celestial pole, great compassion

“this is–“

The old man in the white robe that rushed to the rush, suddenly slammed his eyes and looked at him in disbelief.

This is actually a jurisdiction where the sword field is completely different from the heavy law domain, but the power is more on the law domain.

No, there is Inner World. There are two very different Inner Worlds. One is a clear and infinite quantity. One is a five-line mixed element. They are all great products. How can this be done?

When the thousands of sword shadows appear, the heart is like a crack in the void, and it quickly closes. Zhuang Wudao The whole person seems to be a bottomless abyss, swallowing and suppressing everything.

Instead, the ‘Xuansheng, the mountain, under the pressure of the two Inner World jurisdictions, began to collapse.

The momentum has increased, and in turn, the white robe swordsman


A crisp metal cross, Zhuang Wudao Light Cloud Sword out, only a sword, so that the white robe old man had to fly back.

The two inner worlds were suppressed. At this time, the cultivation base has been forced to suppress and drop the land of Returning Origin.

In the battle of God, the sword confronted, and it was a great victory. Zhuang Wudao has no smugness and no hesitation.

Both the double domain and the double Inner World can’t last long. Just like in reality, the two jurisdictions exist at the same time, and they will consume all of their True Origin in the sixties.

In this world of mind, the use of dual jurisdictions will certainly overwhelm his Primordial Spirit.

Must be quick and fast – this point Zhuang Wudao always keep in mind. One waved, and the thirty-six-faced star mirror appeared behind him.

However, he has divided himself into thirty-six, and all of them have been recruited into their own Primordial Spirit and turned into a miscellaneous mirror. With the formation of the sacred star, the gods and the gods, the sky above, the awesome mistakes. Every star, a bunch of starlight was laid down, and the old man in white robe was taken away. Making the action suddenly difficult

“This is a worldly battle?”

That white robe old man is a real doubt, not understanding Zhuang Wudao, how to bring the reality of the array into the world of Primordial Spirit.

Then he took another cold breath and looked at the thirty-six silver mirror behind Zhuang Wudao: “This is, split the soul”

The heart is full of horror, and gave birth to a few points of retreat. This array of thirty-six silver mirrors was actually completed by Zhuang Wudao’s soul.

This is in fact, not only means Zhuang Wudao, but also has a powerful means for the battle of Primordial Spirit, which can more firmly suppress this side of the mind. Zhuang Wudao’s main Primordial Spirit, with the power of integrating these souls, will also have the power of God beyond the ordinary Great Ascension cultivator, completely beyond him.

The mind is running fast, and the white robe old man is ready to get out. Thirty-six divisions of souls mean that today, even if he is lucky enough to kill Zhuang Wudao’s main Primordial Spirit, he still faces thirty-six ‘Zhuang Wudao,

Has been doomed to be defeated, no chance of winning. Even the delay can’t be done. In Zhuang Wudao’s heart-like world, I will be more devastated.

It’s just that this god is fighting for death. Although it’s up to him, it’s never easy to end it yourself.

Fortunately, before the arrival, the white robe old man did not support the big, there was enough preparation, and it was the person who killed the decisive. If you don’t know what’s right, you will immediately have a bright red symbol on your head, and the surrounding divine light will flash. The whole heart will be like a void, and you will be ruined again.

“Do you want to escape this Taoist friend? I am afraid it is late.”

Zhuang Wudao also expected that Light Cloud Sword would take off. Then the tens of thousands of great sorrowful swords also followed.

The sword is forced, and everything is locked. If you don’t die at this time, or Qin Feng Nie Xianling, you will recognize that this is Zhuang Wudao’s strongest kendo Divine Abilty ‘Yin Yang robbery!

At this time, it manifested itself in the world of God, but it changed a little. It was displayed with Light Cloud Sword, and it integrated the 17,000 grief. Sharp swords, more lively three points

The white robe old man first contracted the pupil, revealing the color of fear that is invisible. However, he is still calm and self-sufficient, and continues to use the black red symbol to break through the world like Zhuang Wudao.

In the eyes of killing intent, although today is just a matter of seeing in the heart, Zhuang Wudao has two things of Inner World and double jurisdiction, but it can be confirmed.

If this child grows up to the Immortal Ascension, for the Confucius Merchants League, it must be a disaster. This time, it will be able to retreat. It must be done at all costs, and it must be crushed in the bud.

However, the next moment, when this heart is like a void, it will be broken, Zhuang Wudao is a sneer: “The biggest mistake of today’s Taoist friends is that they should not enter the world of my heart.”


A bang, the whole world, as if it were a glazed piece, began to smash and rupture. However, the white robe fairy, but failed to take the opportunity to take out, but on the spot.

At this time, on his side, he stood alone. One is Zhuang Xuantong, the other is Zhuang Jiuzhen, and the figure looks like ‘Renshan River, which is very different. However, the air machine is extremely similar, like a person.

“Incarnation outside the body? Dream in the dream?”

The white robe old man suddenly burst into a cold heart, this ‘Ren Shanhe, is actually using the body outside the body, in addition to the world like this, wrapped a layer of ‘heart like the world.

Then I thought of something again. I remembered the thirty-six souls of Zhuang Wudao, and I remembered the incarnation of the body that is completely different from the figure of Renshan River. I also remembered this Divine Abilty, which is completely different from Renshan River. means.

The white robe old man suddenly changed color, his eyes looked like a sword, and his tone was unbelievable: “You are not Renshanhe, who is it?”

Zhuang Wudao sighed and he knew himself, even if he didn’t use the cards at the bottom of the pressure box. After this person, it will certainly detect flaws.

So this time, you must kill and kill!

“I finally realized it? Unfortunately, it is too late.”

After smashing the sleeves, the ‘yin and yang robbery, immediately fell, wrapped in a big sad sword, the momentum is no match. White robe old man Any means of resisting, all touched, and there is no resistance at all. With less than one breath, Light Cloud Sword has already pierced the body, and then followed by Is the Wanqi Jianchao

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