The woman in red seemed to be awakened from the deep thoughts, disturbed by the voice of the middle-aged, and could not help but help her hand. Looking back, more willow eyebrow slightly stunned, with a bit of blame.

“too quiet”

In the middle of the white robe that appeared in this pavilion, it was a quiet retreat that was similar to Wu Ming. The woman in red wanted to complain and blame, but she finally slammed it down and put only the wound at her finger on the lips.

“You can’t look at the situation here first. If you are shocked, don’t worry that you will be shocked by the gods?”

“If you just stun the gods, think that the power of the husband can help you recover. But if you rush to touch the fate of the river, it is for the husband, and there is nothing to force.

It seems that I found out that the situation is wrong. It is too quietly snorted. I finally looked at the spinning wheel and the color of the back was slightly changed.

“Oh, God, weaving the Dafa? You are a red dust! When I am retreating, are you taking advantage of this uninhibited technique?”

The sound is almost roaring, and it is clearly violent, and the whole smashing of the hole is squeaky.

“Occasionally it’s just -“

The red dust fairy turned his gaze, and it was still a bit of a guilty conscience: “Do not ask the husband, why is it because of injury?”

“Why can it be? The good swimmers die in the hustle and bustle, and with the power of your fireflies, you want to play the trace of the fate of Heavenly Dao. Sooner or later, you have to eat a big loss, I don’t know if you care about the wind, but also You can’t use this method of finding death.”

The mouth said that it was too quiet, and it was a bit of anger. When I saw the spinning wheel, I was more serious.

After a while, the meaning of doubt in the secluded, but more and more concentrated. Especially the two fractures made him puzzled.

“This is? Impossible, but variable? Heavenly Dao variable? My mana is shallow and I can’t see what it is.”

“It’s not a variable, it’s a trace of the fate of me and Xiaohengfeng-“

The woman in red has pointed her fingers at the breaks: “I just used the sacred oracle to calculate the Dafa calculus, and the sudden induction, the fate of me and Xiaohengfeng seems to have turned. However, the silk is broken, I am small. Hengfeng, it seems to have missed something, it seems to be able to make the wind and he can recover. The fate is staggered, I waited with him, it seems that there is no chance. As for the back, you are disturbed, and then continue to deduct. ”

The secluded pupil was slightly open, and then stepped forward a few steps before the spinning wheel. Looking at it carefully, the face is cloudy and uncertain.

“I don’t know what it is, the fate of this break, can’t be continued, and the opportunity is awkward.”

The woman in the red woman’s lips showed a few smiles. It seems that she is very happy: “However, since there is a Techique in the world that can make Xiao Hengfeng get rid of that cause and effect, he can change his fate track. That also shows that Xiaohengfeng, in fact, still has the hope of recovery?”

“It is true”

Too quiet and expressionless, but at this time the robes are dancing without wind and the muscles are tight, looking into the eyes of the spinning wheel, this time is full of sadness and sadness.

“However, why don’t you say, how is your own fate?”

Two broken wires, one just broken and connected, still have a part of the filament, and the two ends of the broken wire are tightly connected.

The other one is completely broken and the two are falling.

If there is a balance between the wind and the wind, there will be a turn of fate, and it may continue. Then his wife’s red dust is just a little lifeless.


The red dust laughed, and the wind was clouded, and it seemed that he did not care about his life and death. “If I say that as long as Xiaohengfeng can live, I can make up for the fault of the year, and I will be full of hopes. You must be angry. You are not hopeless now, you are too calm, look at you. Not too careful -“

When he spoke, the red dust stalker took a trick and pulled out a stream of utterances from the line that was completely broken.

“This is an invisible sacred gold gas, which can be used for the silk thread of the gods and weaving of the Dafa. It is not a product in itself. These silk threads of fate are evenly woven. This thread is broken, but there is a residual vein, it is not broken. It’s too thorough. Can’t say for sure There’s still some hope in the whole body. Now I’ll see if I can wait, if I can find it, this separation will break the edge.”

Too quiet look startled, carefully look again, the sorrowful mood, and finally gradually subsided; “What kind of qi? I have never heard of this statement. It is nothing more than self-deception. This is how God woven the law from your hand, how to explain The mystery is from your heart, and it’s hard to know.”

“Even if it can only restore the wind and wind, it is good.”

In the eyes of the red dust, there is a period of embarrassing color: “I don’t want to try it out? I have the same injury as Xiao Hengfeng, and I can help him to solve the cause and effect. Naturally, it can also be useful for the whole body. The husband’s method of returning to life for the balance of the wind is not very optimistic. Although it is a rare treasure contained in the world, it is difficult to reverse the cause and effect.”

“A certain person can not know”

Too quietly sighed and extended his hand to the red dust, and he could not resist it. He directly stalked the woman who was actually skinny in this dress.

“I will examine the matter of the fate that I just missed, so I will explain that thing. It was not far from the hole in the cave. Since there is causality, that is to say, this opportunity must be with you and me. Or my profiles have contact. Red dust, you said, what else can I miss?”

However, the woman in the red dress in his arms is already in a coma, and he is not awake. At this time, the wound at the tip of the finger was completely out of control, and the blood poured out like a spring.

That is too quiet, this time is already more sad. Mana infusion, even if he did his best, can not make the wound back to the original, nor can the blood stop flowing.

In the end, I still have no choice but to give up, too quiet mood, but it has been difficult to suppress, and suddenly shouted again, the sound of the whole room.

“I am too quiet to swear by this, this day goes up and down, but who can make a red dust for my wife, my son balances the wind, finds and unlocks the truth, and I am too quiet to give everything, to smash the bones to report this grace.”

The whole hole is empty, and the weather is entangled. And the sound of this whistling, more faintly passed outside the cave. In the Lushan Mountain, Hengfeng Sanren was looking cold and cold, watching the silver-white ‘Taiwan Duo Tianyun Cloud Godship, gradually accelerating, and drove out of the scope of Zhuxian City.

At this time, I heard the sound of Heaven and Earth. The wind and the wind couldn’t help but feel awkward, looking up and looking in the direction of the cave.

I feel a sense of heart, and the face of the delicate and pretty of the wind and the wind is also a bit sad.

When the ‘Taiwan Duo Tianyun Cloud Ship, leaving the city of Zhuxian, Zhuang Wudao returned to the main control room and personally drove this quasi-class battleship.

Although I have temporarily got rid of the three major churches, I can still be sinister. It is necessary for him to master the warship master to control the speed of this quasi-class warship to peak.

However, just before the departure, Zhuang Wudao suddenly felt a shock and jumped, and suddenly turned back to look back. The eyes are full of doubts.

The sound demon god is quite strange: “What is the induction of the Lord, or is there something important, forget it?”


Zhuang Wudao shook his head slightly and restored the normal color: “It’s just that the heart is suddenly feeling, but it’s not a bad omen. It just feels like you are missing something.

“What did you miss?”

Undead daoist, a brow, and then a sneer: “can’t say for sure is a fairy, such as a fairy, or a cultivation base ascending to the heavens in a single leap, I do not know. Can the Lord go back?”

Zhuang Wudao didn’t plan to take care of it at all. It has already accelerated the ‘Taiwan Duo Tianyun Cloud Ship to speed. The feeling just felt was extremely weak. It seems that it has no big impact on myself. I don’t need to care.

He was already thinking about it, and Profound Heaven Sword Sect was afraid that he would not give up easily, let them escape into Xing Xuanhai. I don’t know what to do next, what kind of means will be in front of me, waiting for myself.

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