Chapter 978: Wanxing Gongfa (three three)

After the words of the Emperor Dragon, the audience was silent.

Anyone who can come here is at least a comet star power, or a descendant of a comet star power. All of them know the level of the exercises.

The martial arts method that can stably allow the warriors to double their power, the grade is one star, and the one that doubles out is two stars. In Bailongxing and the surrounding constellations, the most powerful method is Baixing, which is only in the hands of the Daqin royal family.

I don't know how many people get jealous and jealous!

But now the Emperor Dragon suddenly said that Zhou Heng actually mastered a skill of at least ten thousand stars!

This, this, this, this is too exaggerated!

Wanxing Gongfa ... how is that possible!

Is this a force that humans can explode? What treasure can withstand such great power?

Yes, it is no wonder that the sword in Zhou Heng's hand was broken. It turned out not to be because of a forbidden device.

If those words were spoken from other people's mouths, they would definitely be sniffed. Wanxing Gongfa? You didn't wake up, go wash and sleep! But from the mouth of the demon dragon emperor, none of them did not believe it.

Where is the identity of others?

Wanxing Gongfa, hiss!

Not to mention their tooth extraction, it is in the first area, plus a black hole king coming later, a total of nine black hole-level strong are also tooth extraction.

If this sword was cut by the Red Moon and attacked at them, what would be the result?

They have deduced in their hearts one after another, and the result is that they are secretly overshadowed. Because when they face this sword, they will inevitably hide, they can only eat hard!

The black hole king is so powerful that the black hole formed can devour everything, including the damage it eats! But this swallow also has a degree and a quantity, and if a terrorist force erupts in a short time. That black hole can't be completely consumed!

After a long battle, you will be hit hard!

The only solution is to keep the opponent away and avoid head-to-head confrontation.

This woman is as beautiful as a fairy, but she is full of puppets. Maybe when the soul conferred color, it was suddenly cut off, and it was directly damaged or even hung up!

Zhou Heng turned down from the ring platform and returned to his original position, only to see everyone watching him with a shocked look.

Wanxing Gongfa!

I really want it! I really want to learn!

There is envy, jealousy, irritation, and shock. All tastes.

"Wow, Zhou Heng, Zhou Heng, this palace exchanges you with two treasures of sweets. You teach the sword techniques of this palace!"

"Okay!" Zhou Heng nodded, as Liu Yuner smiled. He said again, "I will teach you a trick to return to the wind dance willow style!"

Liu Yuner is not stupid. Listening to Zhou Heng's teasing tone suddenly understood. He snorted and said, "Zhou Heng, you are a bad person. This palace is angry and ignores you!"

"Zhou Heng, Yun Er is angry, how do you pay?" Liu Shishi immediately asked Zhou Heng to drink.


This is too fake!

Zhou Heng sighed. Take out a piece of dessert made by Yang Yuhua and put it on the table.

Liu Yun'er stopped suddenly, but for a moment, he was embarrassed to reach out and could only bear it, but it was really hard work. Her shoulders are trembling, perseverance is really not enough!

Wow, the drooling voice came, and the Seven Princesses couldn't bear it anymore. After grabbing the dessert, they ate it, and the jade-like little face was unbearable.

Pig teammates!

Liu Shishi supported her forehead with her hands, anxious to slap Liu into the bottom of the table. Do you have such a fist? Can't you bear this time?

Others are smiling again and again. After all, Liu Yuner is still young. When everyone looks at her, the most feeling is love. Only Lin Xianyang's nose was crooked. His fiancée was so "boneless". A small piece of dessert can make her aberrant. I knew that he also used dessert to conquer this girl. How can there be so many things now !!

The ring race is still going on. After two rounds, the mediocrity has been greatly reduced, leaving behind the high-ranking Tianhe Emperor, and either the King of Wuzhong or the King of Wuzhong King!

This is a genius that gathers at least half of the seventy star fields, and naturally each one is extremely powerful.

Because the remaining people are very strong and strong, each battle has been played for a long time, which usually lasts about two hours. But because it is not a life-and-death battle, usually after the strong and the weak are separated, the weak will take the initiative to admit defeat, so as not to continue to lose the ugly.

Zhou Heng has now formed a vortex of stars, which can fully recover the spiritual power in about an hour. In addition, the limited platform space can only allow ten pairs of people to confront at the same time. He has enough time to fully recover the spiritual power.

After almost four hours, it was his turn to make his second appearance. The same Ling Tian Jiu-Jiang blasted out, instantly hitting his opponent to completely lose his resistance, and easily won another victory.

When he entered the ring for the third time, his opponent abstained from voting directly, which was intimidated by the end of the previous two.

However, the opponent in the fourth round did not believe this evil and tried to distance himself from Zhou Heng.

If this is not a ring game, but a real battle, then Zhou Heng can be thrown away at the speed of the opponent's high-ranking Tianhe Emperor, and then blasted Zhou Heng with a force that is a thousand times higher.

This strategy can't be said to be bad, but now it is on a limited platform. After few dodges, he was forced into a dead end and was hit hard by Zhou Heng.

Then again, if there is a real war, Zhou Heng still has a Vulcan furnace, and the power of the quasi-hui Xingjing will be out, who is afraid of anyone!

Ten black hole kings closed the first area with great power. They are taking this opportunity to discuss the matter of the tomb of Emperor Leiyun. The interests involved are too great, but they can not be resolved in a short while. .

It happens that this platform needs a lot of games to decide the first, and there are always exciting showdowns, and it will not be too boring for the guests.

There are not too many upsets, and the strong are promoted one after another, like the four kings of Wuyang Academy and Ding Quan, the masters of Wuzhong Kings, as well as the super geniuses who have already left the institution in the early years. Apparently, arrangements were made before the game, These people avoided each other in the first few rounds and did not stage a strong matchup prematurely.

However, when there are only 64 competitors left, it is inevitable that a fierce battle between the strong will be staged.

At this time, it is the world of the king of the middle of the Wuzhong. When the momentum is released, the king of the middle of the Wuzhong will be affected, and the combat power will plummet.

When there were only eight people left, it was the overlord of Wuzhong King, Zhou Heng was naturally one of them, and the Great Qin Kingdom deserved the title of the First Empire, and three others entered the quarterfinals, each being Liu Shi Poetry, Lin Xianyang and Manu.

Manu was a civilian genius. He was born in a poor family, but was caught in the eyes of Yan Qin's prince. He waited for him to marry his daughter and took this genius to his Majesty. Sure enough, Manu did not live up to Prince Yan's expectations. He left the school of Wuyang until the end of the millennium. He was the first day of Emperor He, and no one could shake his position!

Now that he has left Wuyang Academy for more than a thousand years, he has not broken through the comet realm. One is that it is really difficult to break through the comet realm, and the other is that he wants to have more Tianhe!

He has big ambitions, not only to break through the black hole realm, but also to become the black hole emperor, and even the black hole emperor!

The other four were from the remaining six major countries, and Liu Shishi's fiance, Jin Haochen, was also listed, and it was very coincident that the two just happened to be in the next round.

Four games are played simultaneously.

Zhou Heng was confronted by a genius beauty Shi Yan from the Great Chu Kingdom. She was a granddaughter's daughter, charming and smiling. She first turned to Zhou Hengyingying and said, "Brother Zhou, how can this little girl make her happy?"

"No!" Zhou Heng shook his head without hesitation.

"Why!" Shi Yan looked at Zhou Heng with his pitying eyes, which was enough to make the Iron Man be impressed.

"No why, just don't want to let it!" Zhou Hengsheng insisted, wanting to seduce him, please let me have half the charm of Hongyue first!

He even temporarily blocked the charm of the peerless witch. By contrast, Shi Yan's charm was pale.

"You bully me!" Shi Yan shook her waist gently and approached Zhou Heng. When approaching a certain distance, she suddenly laughed like a flower, but a slim hand was chopping a blood-red dagger towards Zhou. Heng stabbed in the past.

Hiding a knife in a smile, the most poisonous woman's heart!

Zhou Heng smiled a little, he was ready for a long time, a sword unfolded, as if time had stopped for a moment.


Shi Yan looked at Zhou Heng inconceivably. The dagger in her hand was not too far away from Zhou Heng, but she had lost all her strength. She slammed the dagger in her hand and her soft and delicate body fell to the ground. Yin Hong The blood spilled, forming a shocking blood stain.

"It's so cruel, even such a beautiful woman can succeed!"

"If I'd give up, maybe I would be grateful to the beauty and make a good statement with my body!"

"You two idiots who think with their lower bodies ~ ~ If you really make you meet your enemies, you will be killed by a group of people who are weaker than you!"

"As long as I fight with you, there is no difference between anyone, that is your enemy!"

"Treat the enemy, be fierce!"

"If you don't treat the enemy hard, then you have to pay the price of blood!"

In the hall, many people have used this example to educate their descendants.

Zhou Heng was the first to end the battle, and the remaining three groups were still fighting. Because he defeated Shi Yan with a single blow, he naturally did not know what kind of strength the other party had, but the other three groups showed the true level of the master.

Of the six people, four have the blood of a beast, and all of them can temporarily transform into the shape of a beast, increasing their combat power by a large margin. However, it is not necessary to be invincible with the blood of the beast. Both Manu and Lin Xianyang have no blood of the beast, but they have defeated their opponents.

The only exception is Jin Haochen, who defeated Liu Shishi. (To be continued ...)

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