Chapter 945: Murderous (three three)

Yang Qi looked up and looked at Zhou Heng, his heart suddenly burst: it was him!

Zhou Heng did not recognize him, but he did recognize Zhou Heng. After all, Zhou Heng won the first place on behalf of the school on that day, and Geng Xinnuo and others were so popular with the school. This face can be said to be recognized by everyone.

With his background, as long as he is willing, there is no problem in getting a substitute for Star Emperor. But the Dayuan Academy has been playing soy sauce for too many years, and it is often a round trip, so what is he going to do? Shameful?

However, I did not expect that this time there was a big outbreak in the Dayuan Academy. Zhou Heng and Geng Xinnuo beat the chicken blood, and God blocked God all the way, Buddha blocked the Buddha, and took the first name!

Yang Qi naturally regretted his death afterwards. If he had taken a foot in the first place, he would have been among those who returned. But what can I do? The wood is in a boat, time can't go back, and the only thing that doesn't exist is regret medicine.

Therefore, he hates Zhou Heng very much!

Why Zhou Heng wants to win, so that he loses the chance of scenery and beauty!

"Zhou Heng, you have already left the school. What qualifications are there for you? Also, you are a public murderer, thinking that you can do whatever you want when you join the Dahe Academy?" Yang Qi was about to wear a big hat for Zhou Heng.

Not only did he have to catch Zhou Heng's pigtails, but he also took the opportunity to kill each other!

The great achievements made by Zhou Heng as the Dayuan Academy, plus the fact that he joined the Dahe Academy, it is not enough to break into the student house alone to make the Dayuan Academy resolve to kill him!

But it would be different if it aroused public outrage among the students!

Therefore, Yang Qi must build momentum first. Mobilize the emotions of all students, resulting in an unforgivable negative image of Zhou Heng's sin. Then he took the opportunity to kill Zhou Heng. When the time had come, the school would only recognize it and could not punish him. Instead, he should be regarded as a hero. Hold it!

As for whether you can kill Zhou Heng? Just kidding, Zhou Heng was just the invincible King of Stars, but he was an Emperor of Stars with 1,400 stars. Is this power comparison not obvious?

really. Listen to Yang Qi say so. The students who looked lively were all angry.

Originally, they were very dissatisfied with Zhou Heng's private invasion, because it was related to their vital interests, and now they are so moved by Yang Qi, naturally they are all emotionally high. Anxious to hang Zhou Heng in front of the school to make a difference.

"Yes. What happened to the Dahe Academy?"

"Rules are rules. Whoever wants to obey them, otherwise, the school has established these rules?"

"Brother Yang Qi. Take this guy!"

"kill him!"

I don't know who shouted first, and after a moment's stun, the rest couldn't help but get excited and shouted with red eyes.

Human nature is jealous. Why do you have all the scenery of Zhou Heng and join the Dahe Academy? Now that you've committed something, just take the opportunity to kill you!

The sentiment is so angry that he can't wait to eat Zhou Heng's meat and drink his blood!

Yang Qizhi was so proud that he all admired himself a little bit, and he came up with such a coup in an instant that could nail Zhou Hengsheng to death! When he glanced, he finally saw Feng Qingqing, and he couldn't help showing his stunning color.

It wasn't that he didn't know about Feng Qingqing before, but he didn't pay attention to it at all, and only then discovered Feng Qingqing's innocence.

He was swayed in the heart, and it was not that there was no one who could compete with Feng Qingqing in appearance at the University of Ohara, but women could n’t just look at them and reach his height. Ordinary beauties were playing too much, and naturally they were tired. Pursuing the best beauty with good looks and temperament.

Feng Qingqing is definitely such a superb!

After the killing of Zhou Heng, this beauty is a reward for him!

——Without a man's support, can't he still win a little beauty who just entered the stars?

What a killer!

"Zhou Heng, don't catch it!" Yang Qi shouted loudly.

"Get out of hand!" Jin Huancheng also yelled, foxing and pretending.

Zhou Heng didn't bother. After looking around in the crowd for a while, he couldn't help showing a smile, his right hand was stretched out, and the spiritual power turned into a giant hand, restraining a person out of thin air.

It's Pang Shaolong!

"Zhou Heng, you are already guilty, and you dare to murder?" Pang Shaolong was originally watching the excitement and was the first slogan he called to kill Zhou Heng. He thought he was hidden but did not expect Zhou Heng to suddenly He took him out.

Fortunately, there was a star emperor sitting in the town. Although he was a little scared, he was more excited, and finally caught the opportunity to see Zhou Heng die!

"Bold madman, enter the school privately, break into the student's private land, and dare to injure someone, I sentence your death sentence on behalf of the school!" Yang Qi screamed, his right hand swayed, and a long and dazzling sword.

Treasures are rare, but weapons created by skilled workers can go to the extreme with Feng Rui. As long as they are operated with strong power, warriors in the same realm can be cut in half!

Of course, the material requirements for this weapon are also extremely high, but it is much better than the weapon.

Although Yang Qi screamed in his mouth, the person had already rushed out while talking, but there was no difference between the attack and the sneak attack. He didn't want to give Zhou Heng any chance to survive, and to kill Zhou Heng in one shot.

When the last sentence fell, he also chopped a long sword to Zhou Heng's body.

It is another thing to win glory or disgrace, what Yang Qi wants is Zhou Heng's death!

Zhou Heng raised his hand at will, snapped, and the blade fell on his palm, or in other words, he reached out and caught the sharp sword.

Is this a dead end?

But the scene of blood splashing and falling off the limb did not appear. Zhou Hengsheng caught the sword, as if it was a harmless stick, easily.


Everyone's eyes are staring out, how is this possible!

Zhou Heng smiled a little, slammed his hands, drew a long sword, and shook it. Alas, because Yang Qi was too shocked, he forgot to let go of his hands, and was beaten into a semicircle by life, and hit the ground heavily. handle?

The collision really made him feel good, and his bones seemed to break. I just felt a sweet voice, and I couldn't help but spit out the blood, and the cough kept on being uncomfortable.

But more is scary!

How could Zhou Heng have such strong power? Moreover, how could his physical defense be as terrifying as a monster?

——That's natural. Zhou Heng's physique has reached the level of 5,000 stars. Yang Qi has only 1,400 stars. How can he break Zhou Heng's defense?

Zhou Heng flicked his right hand and held the sword's hilt and snapped. He drew back to Yang Qi with a swordless back. But Wu Feng is Wu Feng. But coupled with Zhou Heng's horrible power, a sword was drawn and Yang Qi's face immediately added a red mark, and his face swelled at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Zhou Heng replaced his sword with a sword and took Yang Qi's face as an ass. The sound of a crisp sound seemed to hit everyone's face. Let them all turn pale. Show a strong color of fear.

This demon!

Before, he only led the way at the level of Star King, but now he can beat the Star Emperor! This, this, this, it's only after a year!

Everyone is trembling. At this time, no one would dare to challenge Zhou Heng, but they were sneering in their hearts—what if your star emperor was invincible, but the King of Tianhe was in the town!

Now the more fierce the trouble, the worse it will end, causing Tianhe King to come is a dead end!

Among them, Pang Shaolong and Jin Huancheng are the most happy. Anyone who suffers is not himself, and Zhou Heng is so arrogant that he can't escape being killed by the school. It is really stupid!

"Zhou Heng, I will never let you go!" Yang Qi roared, and his presence as the grandfather of the star emperor and the prince in the academy was actually humiliated in public.

"I'm going to kill you!"

"All those related to you are going to die!"

He said with red eyes that he had been completely angered by anger.

Zhou Heng frowned, and said, "I still wanted to save your life, but you have to find your own way, and you're done!" When he threw his right hand, the long sword shot directly from Yang Qi's mouth. Under the attention of the powerful force, he pierced the back of Yang Qi and nailed him to the ground!

With devastating power flowing through, Yang Qi did not even have the chance to escape with a soul, and died completely.

There was a silence in the audience. No one thought that Zhou Heng would be so powerful, and he never thought he would dare to kill!

Killing people in Ohara Academy is a blatant provocation to the Academy, and there is no chance that it will be good. Compared with the Dayuan Academy, how about the star emperor, can he fight against so many Tianhe Kings of the Academy?

Alas, four human shadows flew in again, each with a white eyebrow and white beard, exuding a powerful and incomparable breath.

Tianhe King!

King Tianhe of Ohara Academy is finally dispatched!

The four elders looked at Yang Qi's body on the ground, and everyone's face showed an irresistible anger.

They didn't care what happened before, but an outsider ran to the school to kill people openly. This is a provocation to the Ohara school!

"Zhou Heng, how brave you are!" Said Tianhe Wang Hansheng, and another Tianhe king sent a signal to spread the news of Yang Qi's death to the Yang family ~ ~ Although the perpetrators must be executed , But it is best to start by the people of the Yang family.

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha!" Pang Shaolong laughed, pointing at Zhou Heng, "Zhou Heng, you idiot, dare to attack the Dayuan Academy, you are seeking your own way!"

"Yes, you are seeking your own way!" Jin Huancheng also jumped up and said loudly.

"Yeah!" Zhou Heng's eyes sharpened, and he reached for a move. The long sword that nailed Yang Qi trembled immediately, flew from the ground, fell back into his hands, and raised his hand again. This long sword stabbed at Pang Shaolong's forehead.

"Bold!" Qiqi Wang, the four great Tianhe kings, was furious. The kid dared to attack in front of them, it was really lawless! They shot all together and passed to Zhou Hengzhen.

"You are bold, and dare to shoot at the Lord!" An old voice sounded, and alas, the four kings of Tianhe were weak at the same time, and they knelt down involuntarily.


At the same time, the long sword also penetrated directly from Pang Shaolong's head and nailed him to the ground! (To be continued ...)

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