Chapter 943: Homecoming (Mon.Wed.)

Zhou Heng has no doubt that Hongyue will do it. This woman burst a sun without frowning, and what's so great about killing a donkey and having a good meal?

He said: "You are already in a state of chaos. Going up, there will be only heaven and earth saints. There is no benefit in eating this donkey!"

"Wrong!" Hongyue shook a plain white finger. "Although there is a sage above the chaos, the realm can be infinitely deep, and the strength of the chaos can also be completely different!"

"I can sense that the heaven and earth fruit eaten by this donkey should be quite powerful! It's not just a black hole, it should have reached a chaotic state. If the medicine is not dispersed, it should be quite good for me to take it out!"

Zhou Heng laughed and said, "Yeah, but now that the medicine is gone, you can let go of this poor guy!"

"Poor? It doesn't know how lucky it is!" Hongyue snorted. "Tian Ming Zhen Jun is considered to be talented, but he doesn't know how many times he has been reincarnated but can only stay at the level of eight holes. It's easy to reach this height, which cannot be described by luck! "

Shit luck!

Zhou Heng sighed, and even he was a bit envious. This cheap donkey could even become a chaos-level existence, comparable to the four gods and beasts that opened in the heavens and the earth. It is invincible under the Five Saints!

And all of this is because it accidentally ate a heaven and earth fruit, it's really bad luck!

If this heaven and earth fruit has not been melted, but can be taken out, will he be tempted? Zhou Hengxi asked himself, after an instant. His envy will be gone, he doesn't need this kind of gain for nothing!

He is confident. You can step into the chaos with your own efforts!

——There is no other way to be a saint. This is given by heaven and earth. There are only five in total, which can not be achieved by hard work.

Red Moon stared at the black donkey, as if measuring the gain and loss. After a while, she smiled suddenly and said, "Well, for your sake, I won't kill this donkey!"

When this sentence fell, the power to restrain the black donkey instantly disappeared, and the base donkey was scared and ran away. It doesn't want to be made into a donkey feast!

"Thank you!" Although Zhou Heng reluctantly thanked him.

Not only is Red Moon letting go of the black donkey, but also because she suppresses the ancient Uranus and saves Du Yangxing from the old perverted poisonous hand-although she also attracted the sun and burned countless people at once, and beat the sun Explosion, let Du Yangxing sink into eternal darkness.

Reaching her level, any creature is no longer important in her eyes. She will not move when she kills hundreds of millions of people, and she will not be happy to save hundreds of millions of people.

"Say. How did you find me?" Zhou Heng strangely said that although Hongyue is a strong chaos and one of the most powerful beings in the Ming Realm, when it comes to finding a specific person in the vast universe . I'm afraid she can't do it!

"You forgot, I used to help you subdue the four dragon women!" Hongyue said.


Of the five dragon queens, only the red dragon queen has not been tampered with by her. therefore. With the power of Red Moon, she was felt hundreds of millions of miles away, and first found the Golden Dragon Queen. After confirming that Zhou Heng was on the planet, she searched with consciousness. It is not difficult to find Zhou Heng.

"Why did you come to me?" Zhou Heng asked again. He was just a little person in the realm of stars. Would it be worthwhile for her, a strong person in the chaotic realm, to search for it?

"Guess!" Hongyue smiled coquettishly, apparently she didn't want to answer this question, and said, "My destiny is going to sleep! Boy, if you dare to peep, I will dig out your eyes!" She gave it a soft, anti-visit He entered the house that originally belonged to Zhou Heng and took the main room as his own.

Zhou Heng twitched his lips, who dare to peep at her? Damn, go to sleep too!

He was lying on a large rock outside, but it was okay without Hongyue's last sentence. This deliberately telling him something like "voyeur" made him involuntarily think of Hongyue's beautiful beauty as soon as he closed his eyes. The body, the delicate skin like jade and ivory, the delicate and perfect face.

Damn, I can't sleep at all!

Zhou Heng straightened his upper body, only to feel a fire in his body, uncomfortable.

What's the matter, his concentration is not so bad!

Buckle buckle, just then, the door knocked.

Zhou Heng opened the door and saw that it was Yang Yuhua. At this time, the crisis was lifted. She came to pick up the little girl and go back.

"Brother, you really have to be reported by that weirdo?" Yang Yuhua asked curiously.

"Hmm!" Zhou Heng nodded, but the answer was not much better than a sigh.

Yang Yuhua didn't ask much cleverly. The two walked into the living room and saw Jiang Zishuang was sleeping on his feet on the table, while Xiao Huo leaned against her with her feet on the sky, and she slept likewise, and drool came out of her mouth. .

However, as soon as Zhou Heng approached, Xiao Huo immediately woke up and turned around Zhou Heng's feet with excitement.

"Sweet, we're going home!" Yang Yuhua lowered her body to hug the little girl. This bent and bowed her head, you can see a seductive bulge through the collar, white and smooth.

Zhou Heng couldn't help breathing tightly, his eyes were straight.

"Brother Zhou, thank you for helping me take care of the little girl!" Yang Yuhua was slightly blessed for Zhou Heng, but saw no reaction from Zhou Heng, and he looked up at him with surprise.

Zhou Heng froze and said busyly: "Maybe!"

Yang Yuhua smiled warmly and went away holding her little girl. The school has now lost so many masters. It is a mess. At one time, her strength is low. At the other, she has no ambition. What impact?

Zhou Heng's brow tightened. He never abstained from femininity, but he couldn't even stand up when he saw a beautiful woman!

All this happened after the red moon came!

It must be that this woman has tampered with him, let him burn himself, and cannot control himself!

No wonder she said not to peep at her. It turned out that Zhou Heng had known such a reaction!

Zhou Heng thought for a while, and immediately went to the teleportation front-he wanted to bring his parents and wives to his side.

I haven't done this before because his strength is too weak, and the girls are too beautiful. When they go out, they will surely attract a lot of people. Some people ca n’t beat Zhou Heng, but some people ca n’t beat him.

But now that Hongyue is here, and it is clear that he will depend on staying, then what is Zhou Heng afraid of? Naturally, he can bring his loved ones to his side. Besides, he was really afraid that he would not be able to control being alone with Hongyue.

This is not transferred by his will, because Hongyue's strength is too strong, it is so easy to confuse him, he has no chance to respond!

But when he came to the teleportation, he found that there were too many people here to die!

All the masters of Dahe Xuefu died, and the sun suddenly approached, instantly killing at least 30% of the people. This naturally caused the whole chaos of the Duyang Star. Everyone was panic-stricken like a headless fly. They all wanted to use teleportation. Rush to the inaccessible deep mountains and ridges.

This is naturally whimsical, if there is another sun pressure, you can't escape anywhere!

However, many people were crowded into the teleportation area in panic, and some even fought to grab the front. Zhou Heng released his momentum and immediately suppressed everyone.

When he stepped onto the teleportation team, he realized that it had already broken!

——Some places have the formation defense, others don't. They were destroyed as the sun approached! This teleportation team has no defense. Generally speaking, who will destroy the teleportation team?

Zhou Heng took out Yun Luozhou and could only hurry.

When he flew up, he found that Gu Tianwang was following him all the way. After lowering Yun Luozhou, Zhou Heng asked before to know that the old pervert had the order of the Red Moon, and he must remain intact to protect him. If he has any difference, death will be the most luxurious wish of the old pervert!

Follow up, although perverted but at least a master, enough to suppress all the troubles on Du Yangxing.

As for the old pervert, will he rebel after leaving the Red Moon?

Zhou Hengke didn't believe that the other party would dare to think so after seeing the power of Hongyue, it was really a dead end!


Flying all the way, Zhou Heng finally drove Yun Luozhou to the area ruled by the Ohara Academy, and soon came to the town where his parents were. He put away Yun Luozhou, walked slowly, and allowed the old pervert to hide away, lest the cold and the customs would scare people.

Where there is a loved one, no matter if it is a mansion or a hut, that is the home.

Because of the existence of Xianju, the courtyard that Zhou Heng bought before is not large, but just to hide people's eyes. This is a small town on the border. The strongest is only Mingxiu. The Empress Jinlong is enough to suppress everything.

When he walked into the courtyard, I saw the Emperor Jinlong chatting with the Empress Blue Dragon, and after discovering his entry, both women showed surprise. The Golden Dragon Queen still had some restraint, and the Blue Dragon Queen flew directly into his arms.


Zhou Heng suddenly lost control ~ ~ Copying the blue dragon queen and went to the bedroom, the golden dragon queen did not dare to follow it, but the apparently deliberate suppression of the blue dragon queen soon appeared in the bedroom, so She involuntarily fluttered red.

After tossing for a long time, the blue dragon queen can no longer bear Enze, but Zhou Heng still only "eats" a half-full, he enters Xianju, and tells everyone the meaning.

The girls were very happy when they learned that they could stay with Zhou Heng in the future. However, the previous scene of the sun approaching and being blasted was too amazing. Even the people who stayed in Xianju heard the blue dragon queen talking about them and asked why.

Zhou Heng explained on the one hand and found that everyone's practice had greatly improved. This is natural. The aura of the Ming Realm is so strong that everyone here will usher in a big explosion.

In addition to the Queen of the Dragon, Zhou Heng's wives also stepped into the astral realm, showing their physical strength. But after entering the realm of stars, their practice speed slowed down, but still more than a so-called genius.

Zhou Heng prepared everyone to prepare, and he had to go to Dayuan University to resolve the old grievances. (To be continued ...)

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