Chapter 913: Strongest Star King (Mon.Wed.)

Compared with the contempt of other universities, the people of Ohara University are stunned.

They all know that when Zhou Heng played against Ximen Mountain before, he was only the three-star king. Although there is one star that can be called a superstar, in terms of quantity, it is indeed Samsung.

But now it has become nineteen stars, this, this, this, only half a year!

monster! What a monster!

"Uncle, come on! Uncle, come on!" Only Jiang Zishuang didn't care about Zhou Heng's level, and the little girl immediately excitedly waved the flag and cheered for Zhou Heng.

"Hahaha, the star king of the nineteen stars dare to fight! Is there really no one to go to the Ohara Academy? Even the weakest students who have just stepped into the star realm are sent out!"

"The laughter is dead. Nineteen stars are just right. The breakthrough of the nine phase Mingxian is exactly nineteen stars. It is not a waste!"

"If they could send an eighteen-star star king, that would be a rare thing!"

After a brief "shock", the people around them laughed and laughed. Is the Ohara school going to be a blockbuster? Of course, this is absolutely notorious.

Zhou Heng's opponent, Sun Shengyu, was full of anger. He didn't think there was anything to be pleased about picking up a soft persimmon, but he felt a great humiliation!

This is a shame on Ohara Academy!

The relationship between the two universities is inherently poor, and each student is also imbued with the concept of hatred for each other. Now that he is so "humiliated" by the Ohara Academy, Sun Shengyu is naturally furious!

But he also knows that it is impossible to fight Ohara Academy by his own power, and he can only recover it from this opponent!

Since you are going to humiliate yourself with this weak person. Then he tortured this guy named Zhou Heng severely and used his blood to wash away the humiliation he suffered. Use the opponent's screams to shame Ohara Academy!

"You are already a dead man!" Sun Shengyu looked at Zhou Heng coldly, with undisguised killing in his eyes.

To be honest, he doesn't hate Zhou Heng. He hadn't even seen Zhou Heng before, but who asked Zhou Heng to play on behalf of Ohara Academy? Now that you are on this battlefield, don't grumble!

"Start!" On the other side, the referee also casually announced the start of the game. He is not only a star emperor, but also a student of Dahe Academy, and he looked down on the students of these secondary institutions.

"Let me lie down!" Sun Shengyu flew out, punching out with a punch, and he was going to defeat Zhou Heng in one blow. Otherwise, one more trick is a denial of his strength! To know that there is no shortage of ninety-nine stars in Qingyang Academy, his ability to stand out means that he is absolutely strong enough!

Zhou Hengyun was light and light. In his eyes, Sun Shengyu was no different from the children playing on the street. He was not even qualified to make him angry.


Sun Shengyu had already struck, but Zhou Heng was motionless, as if frightened.

It's no surprise that everyone is selling the nineteen-star star king. Since it is for sale, there is no need to put yourself in a special position, or you should step down and come happily. Otherwise, the more you resist, the more you will be hanged.

Sun Shengyu approached, just then, Zhou Heng suddenly punched. Strangely fast!


This punch blasted out and hit Sun Shengyu's face directly, his nasal bone was first broken. During the violent trembling of the face, the whole person was subjected to two forces from his own momentum and Zhou Heng's fist. The neck was broken instantly!

In the crisp sound of broken bones, Sun Shengyu was already used to flying out. As soon as Xu Di fell to the ground, his head bent to an incredible angle, and his eyes stared at Zhou Heng with incredible eyes.

It is impossible for the Star King to die because of a broken neck. However, under the strong impact, Sun Shengyu temporarily lost his ability to move. He was full of face but shocked. He is the star King of the ninety-nine stars. More It was the King of Kings who stood out from the ninety-nine stars of the Qingyang Academy. How could a neck of a nineteen stars star break his neck and lose the power of World War I?

Not only him, but other people are totally unacceptable!

Is this really the star king?

Absolutely impossible!

To defeat the ninety-nine star king with one punch, the star emperor must be able to do it, and the star emperor must be more than three hundred stars, otherwise he can win, and it is impossible to win so cleanly!

But Zhou Heng's repair has been reported before, nineteen stars!

How am I teasing me? Who believes!

Suddenly, people in the stands encouraged each other, and Qi Qi shouted for cheating, demanding that the state of Zhou Heng be re-examined and severely punished.

At this time, even the star emperor of the Dahe Academy was a little confused. Did the underlying school find any way to disturb the detection of the instrument? Otherwise, how could such an incredible thing happen.

Tianyang King, led by the Qingyang Academy, even scolded him, eagerly rushing in to chop Zhou Heng.

"Zhou Heng, turn your stars out and let everyone see!" At this time, Yu Sichen was not anxious to express it. With Zhou Heng's inevitable scoring points this time, they are likely to make it to the semifinals and even better.

Instead of explaining it over and over again, let Zhou Heng make a big reveal now, anyway, the Star King can only deal with the Star King, and don't be afraid to be targeted.

The stars of the warrior can't be faked, they are just a few.

Zhou Heng nodded and released the Dantian space without any reservations. Nineteen stars suddenly appeared, floating above his head, centered on a superstar, and the other eighteen stars were around.着 转。 Turning.


"Why is that star so big that one can top me two hundred stars fast!"

"Fuck, no wonder his power can crush the star king of ninety-nine stars, and that big star alone is worth two hundred stars of the ordinary star king!"

"This is not the rarest place, you see his stars are densely packed!"

"Yes, how could there be such a weird array of stars! Aren't the stars all based on nine, this guy's nineteen stars are actually revolving around a big star, which is weird!"

There were many discussions around, but they were all in the stands. They were separated from Zhou Heng by a protective formation, and they couldn't fully understand the evilness of Zhou Heng's nineteen stars!

Sun Shengyu was shaking, he was not far from Zhou Heng, he could clearly sense the majestic breath from those nineteen stars, with supreme domineering in the simplicity, like an ancient emperor. No one dares.

"Enough is enough?" Zhou Heng said faintly, and stiffly put away the nineteen stars.

What can you say with your own eyes?

The percussion on the stands has long disappeared, and the rest is only deeply shocked. No one has ever seen such a star arrangement, completely breaking the nine-based array, but such a star densely cannot be imitated!

Who can form the star in the middle?

Without any evidence, everyone can be sure that the big star is the key to Zhou Heng's ability to form such a dense crowd, but who can form such a large star, or to form such a special group of stars?

"The first battle, Zhou Hengsheng of Ohara Academy!" Star Emperor of Okawa Academy announced the result.

"Uncle, award you a piece of jujube cake!" When Zhou Heng returned to the stand, Jiang Zishuang immediately handed over a piece of cake, but was not delivered to Zhou Heng but was taken away by the black donkey. , Running across the **** of the black donkey and started hunting.

Next, it was Geng Xinnuo's turn to play. Although she only formed 973 stars, she was very powerful. From the beginning, she pressed the star of the Qingyang Academy to less than half. The battle was won in hours.

The first two battles were won, but the third battle was still in progress. This is a stage for outstanding talents to show, and it will not end early because the two universities have separated the winners and losers.

Ximen Mountain did not disappoint the school's training for so many years, and also achieved a great victory, allowing the Ohara Academy to enter the second round with a perfect record of victory in three games. This advance to the top 16 is something that Dayuan Academy hasn't encountered for thousands of years, not to mention that it has crushed the old rival Qingyang Academy by three to zero?

Stepping on the enemy's face, what could be better than this?

Although the Ohara Academy won all three games, Zhou Heng is undoubtedly the most outstanding. Whether it is the way of the nineteen stars densely distributed or the superstar that is enough to reach a hundred stars of ordinary people, it has caused a huge sensation.

One punch defeated the ninety-nine star star king. This is an extremely brilliant achievement, and it is the first such side-by-side battle in the history of the university competition. It has been acknowledged that Zhou Heng can sweep all the star kings and can secure a point for the Ohara Academy.

If you can stop the progress of Ohara Academy, you must see that the moving Star Emperor and Star Emperor are weak.

Because of his great interest in Yun Luozhou, Zhou Heng cared about the strength of the other school ’s star emperor. He took into account the characteristics of the other party and compared it with Geng Xinnuo. It is necessary to open a small stove for this woman to improve the opponent's combat effectiveness.

However, this woman is really extraordinary. After the first round, excluding some individuals to hide their combat power, Zhou Heng found that Geng Xinnuo has a considerable chance of winning the star emperor who has been promoted to any institution ~ ~ It is Simon Shan has at least seven enemies, but how can Zhou Heng care about his life and death? Anyway, as long as he wins two games, he can be promoted. In contrast, he naturally wants Geng Xinnuo to win.

The first round of the strike, just after a day of rest, began the second round of drawing.

Ohara Academy ranked in the third group this time, but when Zhou Heng's turn came, the opponent directly lost.

No one would laugh at it. The Sun Shengyu had a bandage around his neck like a living dead.

After Zhou Heng won without a fight, Geng Xinnuo also achieved a victory, but the third game of Ximen Mountain was lost, but it didn't matter. It won two games in three games and was also promoted to the quarterfinals.

Ohara University swept away the image of the underdogs of the previous dozens of sessions, and sang along all the way. Half a month later, they had already emerged from the thirty-two universities and obtained the qualification to challenge the defending champion, the Dream Dragon Academy. (To be continued ...)

ps: I wish you a happy Children's Day ~~~ Students who have expired, hurry up and give birth ~~~

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