Chapter 905: Tease you (two three)


Ximendong stiffened the momentum. His face became flushed, and his neck was a little rough because of the madness of spiritual power. He shouted, "What are you doing!"

"Don't worry, I need to move my muscles!" Zhou Heng also kicked his legs and stretched his hands, regardless of whether Ximendong agreed or not, but his movement was strangely slow, like a 70-80-year-old man.

"Hahaha", the audience suddenly laughed into a ball, especially Jiang Zishuang, the little girl's laughing point was definitely not high, and tears had already burst into tears at this time.

Although Ximendong hates Zhou Heng more and more, if he now takes a shot to defeat an opponent who is still "preparing", such a victory will certainly not convince everyone!

Yes, this is Zhou Heng's conspiracy!

This guy knows that he has been badly wounded and can never be his opponent, so he deliberately uses such a trick, trying to provoke his anger and lose his mind, so that even if he defeats the boy, the other party can be said to have lost to him Despicably, you can ask for a rematch!

Hum, this kid is really mean!

Ximen Dong thought he could see Zhou Heng's plan clearly, and he could not help showing a sneer at the corner of his mouth. Well, if you want to play, I will play with you and die! Thinking of this, he was not in a hurry, holding his hands to his chest, waiting for Zhou Heng.

He is not in a hurry, but the others are in a hurry. What is going on with these two guys, aren't they duel, and how do they become a juggler?

But looking at Zhou Heng's slow-moving appearance, knowing that the other party was deliberately annoying himself, Ximendong's heart could not help but burst of anger, and he could not wait to suffocate Zhou Heng immediately!

After at least ten more minutes, Zhou Heng stopped moving. With a cough, he said, "My bones are finished!"

"Dead!" Ximen Dong was impatient. Wen Yan immediately rushed out, and ninety-two stars reappeared. Go all out, he will blast Zhou Heng to death without giving the other party any chance!

"Slow-" Just then, Zhou Heng yelled again.

My day!


Ximendong went all out this time. How could it be so easy to stop the car, barely crooked his body, but hit the platform heavily. This ring is protected by the formation method, which can fully withstand the impact of the Star Emperor. This collision is equivalent to hitting a stone with a egg.

When he got up. His face was already covered with blood, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

He looked at Zhou Heng steadily, saying verbatim: "What else do you want to do?"

"Let me think about it!" Zhou Heng stroked his chin and thought hard.

"You **** fucking me!" Ximendong yelled, and anger was squirting in his eyes.

"Smart, you guessed it right! Alas, it's not fun now!" Zhou Heng spread his hands.

"I, I want to kill you!" Ximen Dong was completely out of anger. At this moment, he forgot everything, just to kill Zhou Heng. This was his only thought.

The audience in the stands was already laughing so much that their stomach hurt. A good duel was turned into a juggling by Zhou Heng. However, now the real battle has finally begun, who is the first master of the Xingwangyuan will soon be out!

Zhou Heng started a walk, and his figure moved freely under the attack of Ximen Cave. I still do n’t forget to “educate”: “Not fast enough! Too slow! Did n’t you have enough food in the morning? A little faster, you will hit me soon!”

After this fight, Ximendong calmed down instead. Isn't the other party scattered by the stars, how can he use such a body form?

Is it. Is he not injured?


Since Ximen Mountain said that it shattered Zhou Heng's stars, it must be so! His brother is the Emperor of the Stars. Can you even read this wrong? And his brother would lie to him? impossible! How deep they are!

That is, Zhou Heng is bracing himself and using some secret method to stimulate spiritual power, so that he can barely run his body, otherwise why doesn't he fight back?

Because he couldn't do it!

Thinking of this, Ximendong immediately sneered, and said, "Brother Zhou, don't always dodge, don't you think it's too timid? Do you dare to fight hard with me?" He growled, and it turned out to be a layer The thick black hair covered him all at once.

His body shape also swelled sharply, and his clothes were shattered instantly, and a huge ape appeared. Only the outline of his face could faintly see the original appearance.

——He inspired the blood and turned into an ancient giant ape!

Of course, his little blood is a long way from the real **** beast, but since the **** beast carries a **** character, it can never be taken lightly! After he becomes a giant ape, the speed of spiritual power can be doubled, and brute force is skyrocketing!

Doubling the speed of spiritual power means that he can spit out doubled spiritual power in the same attack, which is double the power! Coupled with the brute force of the giant ape itself, his power at this time is at least three times stronger than before!

If this is combined with the exercises, the outbreak of combat power will be even more terrifying! Even five-star exercises can erupt at least fifteen times the power!

He was called a "monster" in Mingxianyuan precisely because of the power of this terrible bloodline!

"Brother Zhou, come to war!" After the transformation, Ximendong's voice became extremely hoarse. After he slammed a few times against his chest, he suddenly stood up, blocking the sun and dropping A huge shadow.

"Do you really want me to take a shot?" Zhou Heng slipped and stepped away from the opponent's attack circle instantly.

"Little poor mouth, do you dare?" Ximen Dong bounced with both feet, his body turned immediately, and continued to pursue Zhou Heng.

Alas, both of them are fast, shuttled on the ring, Ming Xian can no longer capture their shape, even the low-level star king is very reluctant.

"If I do, don't you regret it?" Zhou Heng said seriously.

"No regrets!"

"Really regretful?" Zhou Heng confirmed again.

"Are you a man, why are you mother-in-law!" Ximendong was getting mad, how could this guy be like a sissy.

"Since you have repeatedly begged me to take a shot and watched the same match, I can only satisfy your willingness!" Zhou Heng stunned and turned into a straight face to Ximen Cave.

Is it finally duel?

Everyone is full of anticipation. The battle between the two heroes, who is the first strongest among the Kings of Stars, has made many people curious.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Ximen Dong issued a series of wild laughs, he can finally smash Zhou Heng's head and destroy the other soul! In a giggle, his body flew straight, a claw protruded, and countless stars fluttered, forming a dazzling white awn.

go to hell!

He utterly attacked, but this is the five-star power method, plus the increase in power after he activates the blood, which is equivalent to operating an eighteen-star power method! And he himself is the star king of the ninety-two stars. Together, these three, he has the absolute certainty to kill a star king whose stars are shattered!

There was a mocking smile on the corner of Zhou Heng's mouth. His eyes did not look at Ximen Cave at all, but instead looked at the corner of the stand-Ximen Mountain was sitting there, humming, and three stars appeared behind Zhou Heng.

One big one, one small one!

It ’s a small one, even a medium-sized star is twice as large as a normal star state, and that giant star is even more outrageous, at least a hundred times the size of a normal star state!

Is this really the Star King?

No wonder the school said that Zhou Heng only formed one star after he entered the realm of stars ... Who the **** knows that this star is so big, one can top one hundred, and it is against the sky!

I rub, this guy is a monster!

"Not good!" When Ximen Mountain saw Zhou Heng's three complete stars, he immediately knew that he had been deceived by Zhou Heng! He doesn't know how Zhou Heng cheated himself, but the priority is not to investigate this issue, but to rescue his brother!

Alas, his body popped up, and he shot in the direction of Yantai.

With no expression, Zhou Hengmu turned his eyes to Ximen Cave, leaving only a sudden murderous look. He threw a punch without any flashes of light, just a simple, ordinary punch, and greeted Ximendong.

"No--" Ximen Mountain showed his horror, and he knew deeply how terrible Zhou Heng's fist was, which was enough to kill Ximen Cave instantly.


He flew over the ring, but in order to ensure fairness, the gimmicks were surrounded by array laws. Not only would the attacking force inside not shake out, but people outside would not want to intervene.

-Unless you have the strength of Tianhejing!

Unfortunately, Ximen Mountain is just the Emperor of the Stars and has not taken that step.

"Ah-" He screamed, and was bounced back by the power of the formation, and the force of the shock blew his whole body.

On the ring, Zhou Heng's fist was already approaching Ximendong's paw.


The same loud noise, but the bodies of Zhou Heng and Ximen Dong were instantaneous, and there was no picture of everyone being shocked by the crowd in the imagination, or they separated immediately after a blow and re-launched the fast break.

The two stood so opposed to each other, with their claws facing each other, motionless.

After activating the blood, Ximendong's body is two feet tall. By contrast, Zhou Heng's body is as small as a child, and the fight between the two of them is extremely uncoordinated.

"Oh, why not!"

"Come on!"

The dissatisfaction of the students gradually sounded around ~ What is it, just started fighting for a long time, and finally it started to fight, it was another chase and escape, no sincerity.

Now finally, I have a blast on it. How did I freeze it like this?

There was a light of hope in Ximenshan's eyes, and he forcibly endured the uncomfortable feeling of vomiting blood, saying loudly: "No fight! No fight! We give in!"

Concede? Why give in?

Everyone is bewildered. Are your brothers all funny monkeys? Are they specifically for us to play?


There was a strange wave, and Guanghua moved over the platform, and the ban was being lifted.

"Brother!" Ximen Mountain jumped onto the ring platform, rushing into shape.

Zhou Heng smiled slightly, took a step back, and retracted his fist.

The mutation suddenly broke, and Ximendong's claws began to shatter and spread quickly towards his arm! (To be continued ...)

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