Chapter 898: Record breaking again (Mon.Wed.)

Because he had already been promoted to the Xingwang Yuan, Zhou Heng had to vacate his residence in Mingxian Yuan, and then moved into the Xingwang Yuan.

All his things were stowed in the space weapon, but there were two large, one small and two towing oil bottles still in their original residence, and they had to be made out—that was, naturally, a black donkey and a small fire.


The moment he opened the courtyard door, he saw a black hoof smashing at him in front of him, but the hoof just came out and saw a fiery red shadow passing by, hitting the hoof openly Come.

"Small fire, you guy who eats and eats, don't you recognize your donkey? Put your mouth! Put your mouth away!" The black donkey's voice sounded immediately. Just now it was trying to sneak attack on Zhou Heng, but was bitten by Xiaohuo's hoof, and hit him in the past.

Xiao Huo growled loudly. In his eyes, the donkey mother couldn't match Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng laughed and said, "Bitch, you just ate and bite flat, even the small fire see through you!"

"Why no, Zhou, you have the ability to compete with this battle for three hundred rounds!" The black donkey finally kicked off the small fire and shouted proudly at Zhou Heng.

It has broken through the stars!

"Come!" Zhou Heng tickled his fingers and stopped Xiao Huo from continuing to bite at the black donkey.

"Zhou, please take care of you this time!" The black donkey smirked and rushed up.

Zhou Heng stretched out his right hand and clasped his forefinger. When the black donkey approached, he gave it a slight bounce, stunned, and in a strong surge, the cheap donkey was ejected and hit the wall heavily. .

Fortunately, this is protected by matrix formations. Otherwise, the entire wall must be destroyed in this collision.

"Donkey!" The black donkey screamed, struggling for a long time before climbing up slowly. It stood up, pointing at Zhou Hengdao. "Zhou, have you broken through the stars?"

"Donkey, don't take it!" Zhou Heng laughed.

The black donkey slumped to one side suddenly, disregarding Zhou Heng and hurting its self-esteem. Although this cheap donkey never exercised, this time the expectations were too great, and the disappointment naturally increased.

"Leave, we're going to change places!"

Not only the place to live, but also a different color of clothes. In the Ohara Academy, Mingxian was dressed in blue and the star was dressed in black. After Zhou Heng received his new residence, he also received new clothes.

After changing into the clothes representing his new identity, Zhou Heng headed for Sha Nuchang. Xiao Huo was so sticky to him that he bit the corner of his robe all the way and refused to release, and came here together.

The wall of strength still stands as usual, and there are still many people around. Occasionally, after making small progress, the strength is tested here, most of them are Mingxian. This group occupies 90% of the school.

Therefore, when seeing Zhou Heng in black, many people showed awe.

The Star Realm is too difficult to break through. Even if Ohara College has very strict admission standards, at the very least one-tenth of the stars can finally break through.

Seeing Zhou Heng's goal pointing directly to the wall of power, several Mingxian who were testing the power had flashed to one side. Dare not to be tied with Zhou Heng. No matter where, strength determines status.

In fact, it is not too much in the school. If he wanted to go outside, Mingxian would only kneel when he met the Star King.

——There are not so many rules outside. Can not fight privately, can not kill people, this is a world of strength.

On the wall of strength, Mingxian's Zhou Heng's name ranks first. I believe that this little Duyang star is unlikely to have another person who is so evil as Zhou Heng. This record is likely to last forever.

Second column?

Zhou Heng looked at it. The lowest value in the second row of records was also over 2,000, but the unit was replaced by a star. The highest record was maintained by a person named Liu Minheng, reaching 5,760 Samsung. .

I don't know how many stars I have!

Zhou Heng knew that he could definitely break the record, because he was already the emperor of the stars, but he didn't know what level he could reach. However, this time he does not intend to use the five-element runes, and he has not mastered any Ming Dynasty techniques. In fact, this time he will test his normal strength.

"Well, isn't that Zhou Heng?"

"Retainer of the Wall of Power Mingxian Record?"

"Yes, it is him, I have seen it with my own eyes!"

"It's only been a few months, and he has broken through the Star King. It's amazing!"

"That's natural. People can break the record of the Mingxian level. They must have at least 90 gods. It is not unusual to achieve a breakthrough in three months!"

"Cut, it's so easy to speak, as if you could do it!"

"But as soon as he breaks through, there are more than ninety gods, won't he soon become the emperor of the stars?"

"Actually, the realm of stars is three artificially divided realms. If you want to enter the next realm, you must have at least three thousand stars. He has just started!"

"It's sour again, you're just jealous!"

"Stop noisy, see if he can break the record!"

"Of course, he now has more than ninety stars!"

"Not necessarily, the King of Stars is different from Mingxian! Mingxian can break through at least nineteen gods, and there are only a handful of Mingxian who reach more than ninety gods! But unlike the star king, ninety-nine stars are The road to becoming the Emperor of the Star must be followed, so all of these people on the list are the ninety-nine stars of the King! "

"So if Zhou Heng is not the ninety-nine star king, he is at least not qualified to reach the top!"

Everyone talked, but the voice was very low, afraid that Zhou Heng would hear it.

In fact, you wo n’t take it to heart when you hear Zhou Heng. You will definitely be talked about when you are in the limelight. If he cares, will you be tired?

He was calm, stunned, and just punched out.

Four thousand eight hundred and fifty-six!

On the list, but also reached the sixth place!

This is not Zhou Heng's strongest blow, just trying water.

"It's amazing, it's on the list!"

"It's a pity that it didn't break the record!"

Everyone was exclaimed. It was indeed someone who could break the record of the wall of power during the Mingxian period. This time they broke the Star King and went directly to the list. It was too powerful!


At this moment, the wall of power trembled again, refreshing to a higher value.

Nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine!


I just said that I didn't break the record.

But after the Wall of Power released a light, the records on the wall did not change at all. Because ... this record-breaking guy is actually a dog!

small fire!

This guy has everything to learn, seeing Zhou Heng hit a punch on the wall as a loyal dog leg, it naturally regards the wall of power as the enemy and slammed into the wall. Unfortunately, this wall is able to withstand the bombardment of the Star Emperor, and it cannot be broken by a monster of the Star King.

The small fire hit a little bit of his head. He shook his head as if drunk, and straightened his teeth against the wall of power, but it had suffered a bit, knowing that the wall was stronger than it, and naturally it wouldn't go up and bump again. Yiqiao, facing the corner is a bubble of hot urine spilled.

Everyone saw a face twitching, which animal pet of this one is so fierce!

9,999 star power, this directly broke the sky! Not recognized by the Wall of Power, because Xiaohuo does not have an identity token, otherwise its name would be ranked first in the Star King!

Beast! It is indeed the original ecological beast conceived by heaven and earth! It is impossible to speak with the second and third generations of those gods and beasts!

Zhou Heng nodded secretly, the beast was already brute and terrifying, and the small fire was the first-generation **** beast. How pure the blood was. After stepping into the astral realm, it finally showed its power. It broke the Ohara Academy in one fell swoop. No record in ten thousand years.

Next, look at him!

Zhou Heng had the attempt of the punch just now and had a general understanding of his strength.

——His ultimate strength should be around 100,000 star powers. If supplemented by Gongfa, the power that bursts out will naturally be stronger.


He punched again and hit the wall of power.

A row of numbers jumped out immediately: ten thousand one!


Zhou Heng screamed in his heart. He originally wanted to play 10,000 stars, but after all, he just broke through, and he couldn't control the power with the most precise, so there was only a fraction!

Om, the wall of power reacted suddenly, sending a light to Zhou Heng, resonating with the identity token and checking whether it was consistent with himself.

Seeing this, everyone nearby was stupid.

Oh my god!

In just a minute or two, the Wall of Power was broken twice in a row? Freak! Two freaks!

No one can speak, and they are in absolute dementia.

They looked at Zhou Heng with a light face, and looked at the small fire that circled Zhou Heng's legs and feet. They didn't know what to do.

"Zhou Heng broke the record of strength of the Academy's Star King, with a special reward of two thousand points of contribution!" A voice suddenly rang in the institution. The voice was not high, but it was straight into the hearts of the people.

The contribution value this time is not as much as last time!


Because the senior management of the university already knows that Zhou Heng is a freak ~ ~ It seems that there is only one star, but it can actually be called the Star Emperor. If it wasn't for the Wall of Power that recognized Zhou Heng's cultivation as a state, they would not want to give Rewarded by Zhou Heng!

Two thousand is two thousand. That's not a lot. If you earn money by doing tasks, you have to do hundreds of tasks even at the level of Star King!

Moreover, this time he can not only break the record of strength, but also speed and reaction agility!

The lap record is broken, and you can mix 10,000 contribution values ​​without saying a bit?

let's go!

Zhou Heng started the performance that startled his eyes and swept all the records of the level of the star king of the university all the way.

As a de facto star emperor, it is naturally easy to break the star king's record, making him a little embarrassed, but in order to contribute value, it is broken and determined to break!

Not only was he breaking, Xiaohuo followed suit, but also broke all the original records of the Star King all the way, and it was regarded as following the fire.

One person, one beast, famous Ohara Academy! (To be continued ...)

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