Chapter 893: Strong and weak reversal (Tue Wed)

"Hahaha, although we are enemies, I have to admit that you are the most difficult and talented Mingxian I have ever seen!" Yang Chen first praised Zhou Heng, but then his face It also became gloomy, "But you absolutely can't see the sun of tomorrow!"

Zhou Heng snapped his fingers, hooked his fingers, and said, "Hurry up, when do you want me to wait?"

"court death!"

Both Jin Huanri and Yang Chen were furious. At this time, the boy was so ridiculous, it really made them unbearable! And they did not want to endure, Zhou Heng had many secrets in his body, and even the King of Stars had to be moved!


They saved one after another, winning Zhou Heng and forcing Zhou Heng's secrets to be the basis of their cooperation. As for the nature, they will go their separate ways, or destroy one of them, then the exercises and treasures are their own. .

Zhou Heng stood up with his hand and did not mean to shoot at all.

Facing the two stars, the boy knew that he had no chance at all, so he gave up the resistance directly?

Hum, even if he grabbed his hands, let him suffer the most painful torture before killing him!

On the other side, the four of the Zhao family did not go far. They stopped at the top of the treetops several miles away and looked at the situation here. At this time, Zhao Yaxuan also woke up quietly. When she saw this scene, she could not help exclaiming. And then.

She is full of good feelings for Zhou Heng, the young and handsome young man she just met. She always feels that the other person has a unique and intriguing attraction, which makes her involuntarily develop a good impression on her.

"Kneel down!"

Zhou Heng drank suddenly, the voice was not high, but it was full of substance. The wind near the earthquake stopped moving.


This guy actually made the two star kings kneel. How confident is this? No no no This is not self-confidence, but arrogant and blind. Do you think this world was born because of him and turned around him?

Several people in the Zhao family had a feeling of spurting blood. At this time, they didn't run, and they even uttered wild words. I really don't know how such people live to this day!

But think about it the other way around, can a Mingxian escape the two Kings of the Star?

Since you can't fight, you can't escape, you can also addicted.

Huh! Huh!

Several people in the Zhao family did not finish their thoughts, but they heard two heavy sounds, and their eyes suddenly burst out at the same time. His face was full of horror shock, because Jin Huanri really got on his knees!

Kneeling was so heavy that even the bones of the legs were broken directly, the broken bones were pierced from the thighs, blood surged, and the white leg bones gave a terrible feeling.

Really ... kneeling down!

How can it be!

why! Why did the two Star Kings kneel down at a Mingxian? This doesn't make sense at all! To say that these two are Zhou Heng's men, just cooperate with him to perform a play, to make Zhou Heng pretend to be aggressive. Is it too expensive?

Kneel on your knees, and kneel down all your bones. Is this too expensive?

"You, you you you you-" Yang Chen looked at Zhou Heng with a stunned expression in her eyes.

Jin Huanri is not much better. His face was as if he had eaten a dead child, and he was convulsing constantly, and his blood was pale. There was absolutely no objection to saying he was a zombie at this time.

They are the parties. How can I not know what is going on?

Zhou Heng's body suddenly overflowed with an irresistible momentum, and they shook them down. Because the rush was too urgent, they even broke the leg bones!

Star ... The Star King?

No, the King of Stars cannot have such a terrifying momentum, it must be the King of Stars or even the King of Stars!

But no matter what, since Zhou Heng's hands didn't lift and his feet didn't move, they shook their knees and broke their legs. How can they resist such existence?

Damn it!

This kid was just a very high-level Mingxian before. Why did he jump into the stars?

It ’s ridiculous!

How could the threshold of astral realm be crossed so quickly, even if it is an opportunity, even a genius will take months or even years, and awkward people can really cross this threshold for tens of thousands of years. Not surprising.

A few days ... Are you playing with me?

Both Jin Huanri and Chilling rose from the bottom of their hearts. They chased Zhou Heng several times before, but now the position of strength is reversed. Will Zhou Heng let them go?

They all stood up forcibly. As star warriors, the broken bones would not make them incapacitated. As long as they are filled with spiritual power, it is not a problem to run wildly.

Of course, after all, spiritual power cannot really replace hands and feet, which will always affect their combat power.

"Who made you up?" Zhou Heng said in a deep voice. Om, a momentum suddenly trembled.

Snapped! Snapped!

Jin Huanri and Yang Chen knelt down again. Under the huge impact, their broken bones shattered again. Several pieces of **** bones were broken out and landed in the nearby grass.

Alas, alas, not only that, this power also shocked their internal strife and made them vomit blood.

On the other side, the five of the Zhao family were also surprised that they were about to vomit blood!

is this real? Not your own eyes?

The star king of Zhao family repented his intestines. If he had been able to support Zhou Heng before, then he could be related to Zhou Heng now!

The friendship of a strong man is inestimable!

In particular, if his granddaughter can still marry Zhou Heng ... the Zhao family is really developed!

Unfortunately, everything was pushed out of the door by him!

"You, you broke through the stars!" Jin Huanri looked at Zhou Heng in shock and unwillingly. To this day, only Zhou Heng can break through the stars to explain, but why this guy can be so short. Breakthrough in time?

It must be that he has mastered the exercises, so profound, that he can almost see the barriers of the realm as nothing!

Jealousy envy hate ah!

"Good!" Zhou Heng smiled lightly, "Everyone said that 30 years of Hedong, 30 years of Hexi, but for me it was the debt in June to pay off quickly. Now I am strong, you are weak, should It's time for me to get back to you! "

"Brother Zhou, how can you say such immoral words, younger brother is your brother!" Jin Huanri suddenly changed his expression, full of affection, and full of distress.

Seeing his expression, even Yang Chen was ashamed.

On the contrary, he was more angry, because he could not kill Zhou Heng's revenge for the young master, then he would have to die back to the Zhao family-if he did not return, his wife and children would be executed cruelly, and he would also be executed The Zhao family chases and kills, even if it doesn't die, it will always be a deserted dog!

Every family hates the unfaithful subordinates, so even if they turn to the enemies of the Zhao family, they will not be sheltered, but will be executed relentlessly!

Zhou Heng stretched out his right hand and pressed down slightly, eh! Huh! Both Jin Huanri were shocked to the ground, and every bone in his body was wailing, facing the danger of being crushed into pieces under great pressure.

"Ah-" Both Jin Huanri and Zhou Heng didn't have such a strong will, they immediately screamed.

"Shut up!" Zhou Heng yelled displeasedly, holding his right hand, Jin Huanri could only utter a sullen moan, and couldn't scream anymore.

But this does not mean that the pain they have eaten has been reduced. On the contrary, because it cannot be revealed, the pain becomes clearer, which makes them want to die immediately.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

How can their strength compete with Zhou Heng, who is actually the Emperor of the Stars? Pieces of bones were broken, blood was splashing, bones were exposed, and bone marrow was all over the ground.

These two people can no longer be called people, they can only be said to be two groups of bad meat!

The five members of the Zhao family in the distance couldn't say a word, but felt that they were all cold, and an indescribable cold rose from the depths of their hearts.

"Zhou Heng, you won, and give me a happy one!" Yang Chen couldn't bear the pain and chose to give in.

"No, no, Brother Zhou, we are in the same university, you ca n’t kill me, this is a taboo! I was only bewitched by my brother, and then lard was so blinded to chase Brother Zhou! Brother Zhou, rest assured In the future, I will take you as the head and be your loyal slave! "Jin Huanri did not want to die at all, and shamelessly begged Zhou Zhou for mercy.

"Let you be a slave like this? I can't afford to lose this person!" Zhou Heng snorted, the black sword was already sacrificed, and torture was not a pleasant thing. It's over.

"No--" Jin Huanri's consciousness shook with horror.

The black sword crossed and everything came to peace.

Zhou Heng gathered his sword and looked at the five members of the Zhao family on the other side. He scared the five people back involuntarily, fearing that he would settle accounts after the fall and hold them out.

But how could Zhou Heng be so boring, he can fully understand the Zhao family's approach. There are several people in the world who are willing to work hard for irrelevant strangers, not to mention no one knows who they are helping.

Of course, Zhou Heng also didn't have the intention to go with the five of the Zhao family ~ ~ He smiled slightly at the five people, his body rose, and he flew away toward the distance.

Watching Zhou Heng's figure disappear, Zhao Yaxuan could not help showing the loneliness. She knew that in this life it would never be possible to see Zhou Heng again.

The star king of the Zhao family patted his granddaughter's shoulder and said, "He is a dragon in the sky. You are just a mortal on the ground. You two will never be together!"

Zhao Yaxuan nodded. Even if nothing happened just now, how could Zhou Heng look down on her so ordinary person? After all, their lives are only a brief intersection here, and they will never have a chance to meet again in the future.

But to understand this is very simple, but how difficult it is to really let it go!

"Let's go, let's collect the medicine, and when we go back, we'll find you a good wife's house!" The star king of the Zhao family laughed.

"Grandpa!" Zhao Yaxuan stomped her feet shyly.

Forget him!

Can you really forget it? (To be continued ...)

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