Chapter 886: And latecomers (Mon.Wed.)


The black sword entered the body, as if the sharp blade penetrated the tofu, effortlessly!

Peng Ao's breath was cut off instantly, and his face was full of ecstasy to see the secrets of the stars, but there was also a surprise that the sword struck, and the magic that was instantly killed, many expressions appeared on his face at the same time, looking strange Incomparable.

Zhou Heng pulled back the black sword, and Peng Ao's body fell to the ground. Forty-seven stars collapsed together and returned between heaven and earth, but did not cause a large shock such as the collapse of the mountain.

"Wow--" Zhou Heng spit out blood and unbuttoned the clothes on the upper body. I saw a black palm print on it, and the position of her chest was clearly recessed!

His heart was shattered and he did not die, it was because he was Mingxian, and Peng Aoke did not have a killing weapon like a black sword. This blow hit him hard, but when it came to killing, such an attack Not enough!

The King of Stars is the King of Stars. This attack is really fierce and overbearing. Even breaking two layers of five-element runes can cause such destructive power!

However, for the life of the Star King for serious injuries, earned!

Zhou Heng was weak, and his chest was so painless that he straightened his teeth.

When will Ling Tian Jiu Shi be in control? At least give him a 10%, half force, don't always let it go, the man can persist if you are expensive!

"Slap! Slap! Slap!"

Just then, a clear applause sounded suddenly, a solitary sound in this mountain forest.

Zhou Heng was startled, who?

Just at this time!

He was so moved that the Black Sword had already entered Dantian space.

There may be coincidences in this world, but things are too coincidental. That's no coincidence!

Mantis catching cicadas, carduelis is behind!

Peng Ao followed. But he is not the only hunter, there is one more!

Zhou Heng braced himself and climbed up. His physical body had a sublimated physique, but the injuries to his chest were too severe. His body shook like a drunkard, and he could not stand even.


With a loud sound, he was already flying out of Zhenfei.

The whole body was sore and painful, and a blood dripped from the top of his head, and entered his eyes, making his vision blurry. at this time. A slender man appeared in front of him.

This is definitely a person he doesn't know, but the breath flowing out of him is a star king!

The strength is estimated to be worse than Peng Ao, but Zhou Heng is so weak now that the newly promoted Star King can pinch him with one hand!

"I forgot to introduce myself, I'm so sorry!" The slender man showed an apologetic smile, but in Zhou Heng's eyes, the smile was actually very poor!

"Brother Jin Huanri, can Brother Zhou have an image?"

Kim Hwan Il? Jin Huancheng!

This should not be the young man's old man, but the elder brother?

"That's right. The stupid who was taught by Brother Zhou is the brother of the younger brother!" Jin Huanri said calmly, not seeing the slightest anger, but it was this calm that made Zhou Heng's alarm bell rang.

This guy's city is deep, much harder to deal with than Peng Ao!

"Unexpectedly, Brother Zhou is really capable of causing trouble. When the younger brother finds Brother Zhou in Danshui Town, he actually finds that there is another King of Stars to follow in secret!" Jin Huanri said calmly, without any rush. "In the beginning, the younger brother thought it was Brother Zhou's guard. He never dared to show up, but later learned that the younger brother guessed wrong. It turns out that this is also Zhou's enemies!"

He smiled and patted Zhou Heng's head, and said, "Now, household items and the like have been stretched almost. Brother Zhou, I'm very interested in the treasure you just used for the sacrifice. Can you show it to my brother? "

card! card! card!

Under his five-finger clasp, Zhou Heng's skull suddenly showed more cracks, and under the squeeze of the skull, Zhou Heng's great pain also made him cold sweat, and the whole person seemed to be taken out of the water. Intended.

"Your sincerity is not enough!" Zhou Heng said panting, with a disdainful smile on his face.

"Brother Zhou, my brother knows that you are blaming me for being despicable, but there is no way. I saw the sword just now. How can my brother give you time to recover?" Jin Huanri moved his hand to Zhou Heng's shoulder and forced one pinch.

Card, Kaka!

Zhou Heng's shoulder bone was immediately crushed!

Jin Huanri looks young, but his mentality is so terrible that Zhou Heng is now completely out of spiritual power and has no intention. He chose to abolish Zhou Heng's hands and legs first. In this way, even if Zhou Heng fights hard to fight back There will be too much power, and it is impossible to escape!

——Mingjie's injury recovery speed is extremely slow, especially bone injuries. Even if you have good medicine, it takes a month to fully recover.

Therefore, pinching the bones of Zhou Heng's arms and legs, this boy is not the Star King, how can he run?

Jin Huanri pretended to look at Zhou Heng with interest and said, "Brother Zhou, isn't it too painful? It doesn't matter, as long as you give the two treasures just now to the little brother, and that style of swordsmanship, the little brother will You are free! "

That sword ... it's amazing!

He looked carefully in the distance. Although he couldn't see the mystery of the stars, he saw that he had killed a star king under this sword!

You know, it is very difficult for the Star King to kill the Star King, but now a Star King is actually beheaded by a Mingxian, he just said that I might be scolded for mental illness!

In fact, Jin Huanri had to admit that if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would definitely think that was ridiculous!

But he saw it!

After this sword, Zhou Heng consumed all his spiritual power. In fact, it is not difficult to guess why this sword is so strong!

The so-called Gongfa is to allow the warriors to exert higher power than their own, and the ten-star power method is to explode the power to ten times under normal conditions. And Zhou Heng's sword directly allowed him to pour out all his spiritual power. If this can be quantified, how many stars should be used?

According to normal estimates, if a Mingxian bombards with all his strength, he can at least continuously launch more than a million attacks before he can empty his spiritual power.

According to this most conservative attack, one sword exhausts its spiritual power. Isn't this the equivalent of a million stars?

When thinking of this, Jin Huanri was so excited!

He didn't care why Mingxian could bear the power of millions of times, he just wanted to have this exercise!

And the colorful treasure, and the broken sword that can cut the body of the star king!

It's all his!

"Brother Zhou, don't feel bad about yourself!" Jin Huanri said softly, as if speaking to a good friend, "Tell you a little secret, you must remember to keep it secret, you can't tell anyone!"

Before Zhou Heng answered, he continued: "In fact, my qualifications are not good. After barely reaching thirteen Mingxian, I can no longer make progress, neither can I form more gods, but I can also sense No chance of breakthrough! "

"Until I went out to practice, and also in a mountain forest, I met a seriously injured person. It turned out that he was also a disciple of Ohara Academy, facing a companion sword because of a 'star dragon dan.' But he was seriously injured! "

"It took me three days to tell him where Xinglong Dan was, and then he begged me to kill him!"

"Brother Zhou, it's not strange that you said it. Someone begged to die? For brother's sake, I fulfilled his wish!"

"And Xinglong Dan, for Mingxian, this is the treasure, which can raise the hope of at least 50% breakthrough! I ate Xingwang Dan and finally broke into the realm of stars!"

"It ’s just that the brother ’s qualifications are not very good. Five hundred years have passed and the brother has formed three stars! However, the brother is very aggressive and does not want to stop. I believe that Master Zhou will help the young Dude, there are no treasures, exercises, etc., right? "

He looked at Zhou Heng with a smile, but the smile expression made people fear from the bottom of his heart!

Zhou Heng reluctantly smiled, cold sweat DC: "Compared to hypocrites, you are not hypocritical!"

"Since you have been a bad person, you must be a bad person with a style!" Jin Huanri smiled. "Brother Zhou, this is really just the beginning. Next, there are countless ways to torture people. I do n’t know if you can insist. how long?"

"However, the brother still advised Brother Zhou not to try it! Forgot to say that the brother often helped his father to interrogate the prisoner before entering the academy, so ... hey, a little embarrassed, but the brother is really very good at interrogation! "

Zhou Heng also smiled joyfully and said, "I am a hard-bone person, I hope you will not let me down!"

"Well, Brother Zhou, you are forcing the younger brother!" Jin Huanri looked sharply, one hand pressed to Zhou Heng's chest, and he pressed it down sharply.

"Ah-" Zhou Heng gave a short scream, and his heart was broken. At this time, the broken bone stabbed into the heart, and it was even more painful!

"Brother Zhou, you can call the little brother to stop at any time, as long as you agree to the little brother's request just now!" Jin Huanri grinned, Sensen's white teeth were like a fierce wolf, "So, let's continue!"


Zhou Heng screams endlessly ~ ~ In fact, his tolerance is not so bad, the reason for the screaming is to cover up! Conceal the fact that he is quickly recovering spiritual power!

Although Jin Huanri has been very careful and scrapped Zhou Heng's limbs, how does he know the mystery of the black sword?

Just now, Black Sword has just beheaded a star king and absorbed enough life energy. Although the vitality of plundering others is cruel and even evil, its effect is obviously incomparable.

In Zhou Heng's Dantian space, his spiritual power is changing from a dry river to a trickle.

The speed of recovering spiritual power with life essence is very fast, but because there is a star king on the side, Zhou Heng has to suppress this speed to an extremely slow level, and his scream is also to distract Jin Huanri's attention .

However, how powerful is the King of Stars, Zhou Heng cannot recover his spiritual power too much, waiting for the opportunity to cut Ling Tian Jiu again, it will be discovered by Jin Huanri in advance!

His goal now is to get away! (To be continued ...)

ps: Just registered Weibo, begging for fan, "the starting point is flying alone".

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