Chapter 884: Get out and meet the enemy (two three)

After the Star King withdrew for dozens of miles, Zhou Heng said to Liu Hu seven people: "You go first!"

"Brother Zhou, let's go together!" The seven were very loyal and expressed that they would advance and retreat with Zhou Heng.

"Your stay will only drag me down!" Zhou Heng told the truth, although such kind of thing as righteousness is full of positive energy, sometimes it will be wrong.

All of Liu Hu's seven faces were frustrated. Indeed, without Zhou Heng's shot, they were not dying of beatings at this time, and they could only lick the knees of others' shoes.

Strength, this is strength!

"Not going yet, do you really want to kill me?" Zhou Heng said coldly.

"Brother Zhou, you must return home safely!" Liu Hu said all seven, gnashing his teeth, running towards the mountains one after another, after turning a sufficient distance before turning back to Danshui Town.

After such a thing happened, they naturally had to go back to the school to avoid the limelight. Otherwise, if they met the green youth in the mountains, they would have no place to die.

Zhou Heng stood still, just staring at the Star King far away at the foot of the mountain, the other person's eyes were also staring at him.

"Boy, you are dead! I will kill you! Kill you!" The young man in green said with a husky voice, looking at Zhou Heng's eyes full of resentment.

Zhou Heng shook his head and said, "Have you ever told you that you are actually a fool?"

"I'm stupid?"

"Of course, otherwise, you should know such threatening words before you leave!" Zhou Heng looked at each other with pitying eyes. "You said so, if I let you go again. Then I Not stupid? "

He smiled: "Do you think I'm a fool?"

The young man in green felt only a cold air rising from the soles of his feet, which instantly spread his body. It was a fear of death. He overestimates the deterrent power of the King of Stars, or rather. Underestimated Zhou Heng's decisive results!

"No, don't kill me! I can forget everything today! I swear! I swear!" He screamed excitedly, "Uncle Jianchun, save me! Help!"

Alas, the star king at the corner of the mountain also saw that something was wrong, and his body flashed immediately, flying towards the mountain.

"I do not believe!"

A flash of cold light, the black sword has been sacrificed. In the sword air, the head of the young man in green was cut off. Zhou Heng kicked up the headless corpse of the green man in a kick, and the violent momentum was wandering. The other three unconscious men and women burst into a heart and died at the same time!

He turned sharply and ran towards the north.

"Heavenly kid, come here!" The star king yelled angrily, his body emptied, and he kept up.

There was no expression on Zhou Heng's face. The speed increased to the extreme in an instant, and Xunyun's streamer was unfolding. He was as fast as an electric man.

He is still Mingxian, and this body method can still play a powerful role. In the course of the scourge, he also resonated with the earth with the earth runes in the five-line runes, raising his speed to a new height.

The star king chased after him. Although he can fly in the air, but this is a forest. The terrain is complex, with hundreds of feet of sky-high trees everywhere. Dense leaves spread, layer upon layer, the vision can not penetrate at all.

And some trees are more obstructive to consciousness, making it harder to chase.

The more the star king chased, the farther it was. After half an hour, he finally lost the trace of Zhou Heng, and he could not help raising a scream of anger, and the sound of waves thundered in the sky.

However, there are many powerful monsters in Qiyun Mountain. This roar sounded like a provocation to the monsters. A wolf howl sounded immediately. The sound penetrated the stone and cracked the gold. The king is horrible.

Then the middle-aged star king did not dare to fight. One was that he couldn't commit it at all, and the other was more likely to lose. What about a hair attack?

He did not leave, but continued to search for clues, otherwise he would go back safely and holding the body of the young man in green clothing, and it must be the end of the Zhang family's chaos.

Zhou Heng buried himself in a hurry, and after another half an hour, he finally got rid of the people behind him.

He came to the edge of a stream and held the clear stream against the edge. The cool feeling made his fatigue disappear as if it were instantaneous. But at that moment, the uneasy feeling came again.

The ghosts are not scattered!

Zhou Heng slowly stood up and said, "When will you hide secretly, come out!"

"Quack, boy, I didn't think you were so keen!" In the strange laughter, an old man in a vest slowly walked out from a bush, looking like an old dragon bell, as if he might fall at any time. It never seemed to climb again.

This is a star king!

The old man didn't hide his breath at this time. The fluctuation was like the tide, and the power of the stars echoed. The breath seemed to be substantive and could overwhelm one side of the sky.

Zhou Heng just became alert in his heart, and then he lied, but he did not expect that the other party really came out!

Yes, now that you have arrived in the deep mountains, you can shoot unscrupulously!

Moreover, the Qingyang Academy ’s incident happened before. Even if Liu Hu ran back to talk about the incident, they could push Zhou Heng ’s death to the Qingyang Academy and Zhang ’s head.

Although the old man was carrying his back and shoulders, he was a full-fledged human race, and should not have been brought out by Niu—besides, it is more likely that the other party will take his own shot. If Jin Huancheng is, he is just the King of Stars. Even if you can ask the King of Stars to take the shot, this is too expensive, and it is estimated that Jin Huancheng cannot afford it!

Then, only the last one is left!

"Are you from the Pang family?" Zhou Heng said lightly.

The old man lingered for a moment, and even grinned strangely: "The young man guessed very well, the old man Peng Ao is the offering of the Pang family! Now that you know the old man's identity, do you still arrest him?"

Zhou Heng laughed and said, "Old man, have you been hiding in the shadows? In this case, you should also know that the master is not a person who gives up lightly. If you want to complete the task, let the horse come and fight!"

"I really don't see the coffin without tears. What about the eighty-nine gods? If you don't enter the realm of stars, it's just an ant!" Peng Ao said disdainfully. In his opinion, this task is extremely simple!

Of course, Zhou Heng's shot surprised him a little before, but that's all. He only needs to pay a little attention to it. Besides, he was alone, but no hostage was hijacked by Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng's face was calm, but there was not much fluctuation. He followed the Golden Dragon Empress to rise to the beginning of the Ming Dynasty and fought against a demon tiger of the Star King for a long time. Although there was a small fire to help at that time, it is undeniable that he The main force of confrontation!

Now that he is soaring, he has the power of eighty-nine gods. It is difficult to defeat the star king, but it is not impossible to get away!

He also has a few cards-Chaos Tianjing, Lingtian Jiushu, Ziyu Dagger!

Chaos Tianjing sent him a five-element rune with him, allowing him to barely withstand the bombardment of the King of Stars, and the words of Ziyu Diao ... can explode the power of the ultimate King of Stars, which is the power of ninety-nine stars!

Nine is the pole number and ninety-nine is the pole number. On this basis, one more jump will cause a qualitative change. A hundred stars will exceed the category of the Star King and leap into the Star King!

In the end, his power now reaches eighty-nine gods, and all the spiritual power in the body is instantly leaked out ... there is at least a 50% chance of breaking the defense of the Star King!

And with the sharpness and evil spirit of the black sword, as long as this sword is cut above the key, what is the star king?

"Old guy, just say you can't practice fake handles, come here for a fight!" Zhou Heng's warfare went straight to the sky, and he didn't fight against the Star King, and even killed one himself.

"Quack, ignorant child, the old man will let you know what the power gap is!" Peng Ao had seen the strangeness of Zhou Heng before, and although he was extremely disdainful in his mouth, he did not dare to have the slightest slackness in his heart. His power was released without reservation.

Buzzing, forty-seven stars emerged from his body, each of which looked as small as a house, made of scarlet, blood-like stars.

The powerful pressure spreads, and the ordinary Mingxian will have to go to the ground as soon as he touches it!

Zhou Heng clenched his fists tightly. The black sword and Ling Tian's nine styles were his fatal blow. Now it is naturally not yet exposed, but Chaos Tianjing has been opened on top of his head, and colorful lights are hanging down to protect him. .

"What treasure is this!" Peng Ao couldn't help showing surprise, he could sense a supreme breath from this treasure, even if he was not qualified to study, but I believe that long-term contact will help Realize the profound world mystery in him!

"I don't know if I tell you, I won't hit you anymore!" Zhou Hengdan said with a smile. The chaos was slightly trembling, and the multicolored brilliance became more divine and noble.

This sentence is really the truth, because the secret of Tianjing has only spread to the highest circle in the world, even if this old guy is the King of Stars, running to the immortal world can be the king, but it cannot change his belonging to the bottom in the Ming world. The facts of personnel ~ ~ It costs too much to travel between the two realms. What qualifications does he have to go to the lower realm? Since it cannot be lower bound, it is confined to a quaternary star in the area of ​​Duyang Xing, and it is also a running dog that is not influential. Why do you know the secret of the Sutra?

But Peng Ao obviously didn't think so, and Mingxian dared to laugh at him, which was really intolerable!

Kill this kid and grab the treasure!

Otherwise, if Zhou Heng is brought back alive in accordance with the order received, the secret of this treasure will never be kept.

"Boy, you don't deserve such treasures, you should give it to the old man!" Peng Ao finally shot. In the flash of his body, forty-seven stars bloomed brightly.

The whole person of Zhou Heng sank towards the ground, the strength of the opponent was too powerful, and the attack was already so horrible before it really hit!

With his fist condensed, he launched a counterattack without showing weakness!

Let him also come to slaughter the King of Stars in the Ming Realm! (To be continued ...)

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