Chapter 873: Slam (three three)

Conditions you can drive?

Really exuding a taste of a sub-outbreaker, unfortunately, what conditions can he offer to Zhou Heng?

Will Confused Find? Take him to see the sky?


Zhou Heng looked at each other coldly and said, "I don't care about the competition for admission cards, but you actually shot at a little girl, which made me very angry!"

"Angry? Hahaha, angry?" The dragon laughed suddenly, and looked at the left and right sides, so that his subordinates also laughed, but did not know what was laughing.

He gave a swift meal and pointed at Zhou Heng. "What qualifications do you have to be angry? Do you know who Ben Shao is? Panda's big! As long as Ben is one sentence away, you will be hacked to death on the street!"

Whether this guy is the young master of the big family or the boss of the hooligan hooligan, he is all wicked when he speaks.

"Brother Zhou doesn't need to be angry, but the Pang family has risen only for decades, and still can't get rid of the lowly dirt in the bones!" Qi Yuan said lightly.

"You are Qi Yuan!" Of course, Long Shao is Pang Shaolong. He looked at Qi Yuan and sneered suddenly. "What about Qi family, can't the tiger's bottom be touched? Ben Shao touched it, how can you take Ben Shao ? "

"Pang Shaolong, you're causing yourself trouble!" Qi Yuan's tone was still pale, as if disdain to talk to the other side.

"Hahaha, my family is now the dean of the Dahe Academy. What is your family?" Pang Shaolong was arrogant and proud.


Qi Yuan said in his heart, he was really in no mood with a fool theory.

The Pang family is really nothing, the rise is only a few decades. There is no such thing as a secret! The Dahe Academy has at least a hundred vice presidents, and many vice presidents have grudges. It's easy to never get angry, let alone get angry for your dog!

But their Qi family has a million-year heritage. The ancestor of the family is the deputy dean of Ohara Academy, with a high weight!

Although the Dayuan Academy is one level lower than the Dahe Academy, naturally the Qi family cannot be tied with the Deputy Dean of the Dahe Academy, but the other party must consider the consequences if they want to deal with the Qi family!

Besides, does the Qi family not have a back office at the level of the Deputy Dean of Dahe Academy? Since the dogs were fighting, the owner ran out to intervene and that was a bad rule!

Of course, Qi Yuan will never admit that the family is a running dog. They have been passed down for millions of years. How noble is the blood flowing in the body?

It's okay for a moment. Sooner or later one day will skyrocket!

Qi Yuan smiled slightly at Zhou Heng, and said, "Even though Brother Zhou took the shot, as long as he didn't kill anyone, I would carry it for Brother Zhou!"

Pang Shaolong's attack was actually directed at Qi Yuan, but it was a coincidence that Zhou Heng was also involved. Regardless, Qi Yuan must stand up, otherwise he will lose his face and become a Qi family.

Therefore, whether he wants it or not. Now he must support Zhou Heng.

"Ha ha ha, Qi Yuan, are you crazy?" Pang Shaolong disdainful, "Don't forget. You have already experienced a big defeat before! Now you still want to speak up?"

"Just because I wasn't with Brother Zhou!" Qi Yuan smiled slightly.

"Only the two of you?" Pang Shaolong laughed, but when he found that he was laughing alone, he couldn't help looking at the left and right sides. Others didn't know it, and they laughed quickly.

"I'll be enough!" Zhou Heng interjected. He is so angry now that he needs to vent.

"Enough for your sister!" A burly man rushed out. He waved his fist and hit Zhou Heng. The fist wind surged and the wind blew. Three red dots appeared on his fist.

Alas, when his fist was about to hit Zhou Heng, the three red dots turned out to have a sharp edge, cold and dazzling, and shocking!

Seeing Zhou Heng not dodging or flickering, everyone was embarrassed.

Being stabbed by these three sharp blades, even if the burly man finally recovered a part of his strength, it would be enough to blast Zhou Heng into a serious injury!

Not dead!


At that moment, Zhou Heng fanned out with a slap, hitting the face of the burly man, and the huge force pulled the other side out of shape, and hit the ground directly.

The power of this slap was so horrible that he buried the man's face directly in the ground, leaving only his head and neck still exposed, and passed out.


How could this be?

Everyone was horrified. Just now Zhou Heng's blow was very random and unpretentious. Why did they stun their companions?

Zhou Heng started casually, forcing Pang Shaolong to pass.

"Give me him!" Pang Shaolong stared at the enrollment card worn by Zhou Heng. Although some people went out for "hunting", the remaining people still accounted for the majority, so I don't believe so many people still can't win Zhou Heng alone!

As long as he can plunder the scores of Zhou Heng and Qi Yuan, then he only needs to find a place to hide in the remaining two days, and he will definitely win the first place!

Teng, Teng, Teng!

Suddenly, more than a dozen people were killed behind Pang Shaolong. In the shape of his body leaping, the armament of the armament equipment, without weapons, directly punched his legs and sieged towards Zhou Heng.

"Afraid?" Zhou Heng asked Jiang Zishuang, looking down.

"Sweet is not afraid!" The little girl was indeed not afraid at all, but opened her eyes cheerfully.

"Then you're optimistic!" Zhou Heng looked up, his eyes shining brightly.

Before Zhou Heng talked with his head bowed, he missed the best breakthrough or attack opportunity. When he looked up again, more than ten attacks had already struck. Eight weapons blasted his head together, and two palms Three fists banged at his chest and three legs kicked at his lower abdomen.

This guy is dead!

Of course, death is an exaggerated statement. It is impossible to dodge at such a short distance, and it will eat at least ten attacks! Mingxian's vitality is tenacious. He must not use special weapons to hurt the vital points. Then the most serious injuries are just injuries, not fatal.

It can be done without death, as long as it doesn't matter, the Qi family can be level. Isn't Pang's family right?

Attack together!


Zhou Heng's eyes narrowed, and the attack by more than ten people suddenly stopped. As if time had frozen, their actions froze instantly. It looks weird.

Here we go again!

Qi Yuan exclaimed in his heart that this was not the first time he saw it. When he was in the ant emperor's nest before, Zhou Heng once had this trick to flatten the entire ant nest.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Zhou Heng came out at will, every time he took out a hand, a row of teeth flew out, blood splattered. His shot was very heavy, and all his teeth were shattered and pulled off with one palm, and his entire face was deformed!

If not for killing here. With Zhou Heng's current anger, he will surely draw people to death with a single palm!

With the Five Elements Rune, he can do it!

After more than ten palms, all the people around him were pumped away by him, and the ground was full of red blood, and broken teeth, shocking.

The people here are not without seeing **** scenes, and it is not unusual to kill people, but watching Zhou Heng smash the teeth of others' mouths expressionlessly, somehow a chill came from their hearts.

"Wow. Uncle you are so good!" Jiang Zishuang applauded, the little girl was not afraid of this **** picture.

Zhou Heng smiled slightly and didn't speak, just stared at Pang Shaolong.

"Why are you doing that? Give me! Give me!" Pang Shaolong stared at Zhou Heng's grimace, kept going backwards, and shouted. "Are you all waste?"

Under his prestige, everyone was afraid to fail. More than a dozen people rushed towards Zhou Heng, but this time their expressions would be more dignified.


When they rushed to Zhou Heng. Like the previous group of people, they are frozen at the same time and cannot move even one finger.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Zhou Heng pumped his palms and slaped a person. The blood and the broken teeth flew together. Everyone was drawn to death and fainted directly, as if he was lying dead.

This time, not only Pang Shaolong was backing, other people were equally frightened.

Fierce god!

"Take me down! You waste, eat mine and use mine, now you are afraid when you are at your service?" Pang Shaolong grabbed one's placket and pushed the other out, facing the **** Kicked.

The Pang family's men are helpless. If Pang Shaolong is left to run away, he may lose his life after going out!

Come on, at least Zhou Heng dare not kill anyone!

The remaining dozens of people yelled and killed Zhou Heng in the past, while Pang Shaolong turned around and ran away. He was unwilling to score on his body, so he must find a way to escape.


It was only after he ran a dozen steps that he felt a strong wind behind him, coming at an extremely fast speed, so that he had no time to respond at all, and the powerful force had already knocked him to the ground.

At this time, he only found out that he was hit by a person, and that person had fainted, and it was his subordinates.

He turned his head in horror, and saw Zhou Heng showing a smile to him not far away, obviously very mild, but in his eyes it was horrible ~ ~ he quickly got up and felt all over Soreness, the chest is so stuffy that it vomits and bleeds.


As soon as he got up, he saw a group of dark shadows blasting towards himself. Pang Shaolong had no time to respond at all, but felt that his chest was heavy. He had been hit by the group of dark shadows.

"Wow--" He spit out blood, stepped back ten steps in a row, and his face suddenly became extremely pale.

The group of shadows was another of his subordinates. After being hit by this, he naturally fainted.

As soon as Pang Shaolong gritted his teeth, he took out a reddish-gray sphere from his arms. After pinching it, he buzzed, and a gray shadow opened, wrapping him up.

This is a treasure given to him by the family, named "Shadow Mask", enough to withstand the impact of the King of Stars! However, this is not a treasure, but a disposable restraint. If the strength is used up, the restraint can only be completely scrapped, and it cannot be recharged.

"Ha ha ha ha, come, come again, how can you help me this time?" Pang Shaolong laughed arrogantly. (To be continued ...)

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