Chapter 1032: Despair, breakthrough! (Thirty-three)

Chapter 102: Despair and Breakthrough! (3/3)

Zhou Heng flew in a hurry, and after walking ten miles, he returned to human form.

But a strong sense of crisis struck suddenly, 咻咻 咻咻, the seven shadows caught up with him instantly, the powerful breath overflowed, and the coldness of the forest made people's blood freeze.

Seven head high-order comet star necro!

May have even reached a quasi-black hole, giving Zhou Heng a sense of power that is unmatched.

This is an intermediate-level death tide, with a lot of powerful dead!

His right hand is dragonized immediately, annihilating the runes, oh! An undead had been fighting with him for a while, and the rune annihilated, and one arm of the undead melted immediately, but Zhou Heng also spit out blood.

Lose both!

Annihilation runes are really powerful, but the opponent is not a soft persimmon. The quasi-black hole level not only has power far above Zhou Heng, but also needs to master the runes of death.

Zhou Heng only feels uncomfortable, as if he has to spit out all the internal organs in his body to feel better.

This death rune is so aunty and sinister!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Did not allow Zhou Heng any time to recover, other necrotic attacks have been bombarded continuously.

Zhou Heng dodged, parried, and counterattacked, and turned the dragon fist to the extreme. He did not use the dragon to transform. This is likely to be a time-consuming battle. The transformation of the dragon can only be prestigious for a while, but it can consume the power. too big.

He kept vomiting blood, and the seven dead souls were uncomfortable. His arms, legs and feet were constantly bombarded by Zhou Heng, but he was not dead! As long as it does not die, the combat power will not be reduced too much, and it still gives Zhou Heng strong pressure.

After a while, many undeads chased after them. These undeads were not strong, but because of the characteristics of shadow undeads, they can penetrate each other's bodies to carry out stacking attacks. The more undeads, the more it means The more dangerous Zhou Zhou becomes.

A quasi-black hole-level undead suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed away at a small undead beside him!

Don't look at its mouth is not big, but it is opened like a snake, it can expand continuously, but it swallows the other necromancer with one mouthful! His annihilated arm immediately grew a section!

吃 Eat again, eat again, eat again, swallowed by five dead souls in a row, and it also went all out!

Rest assured, it can still be like this!

The other six quasi-black hole-level dead spirits are also processed in the same way. They have swallowed up the weak dead souls around them, and their strength is restored in an instant! It's even more powerful!

Zhou Heng couldn't help but be shocked. If these dead spirits can devour each other and strengthen themselves, wouldn't it mean that black hole-level dead spirits can also appear outside the Dead Sea-as long as there are enough dead spirits to be eaten by each other!

特点 What are the characteristics of Shadow Undead? Isn't that much!

Maybe the seven-head quasi-black hole-level necromancy was originally just an ordinary necromancy, but it continued to strengthen in the process of devouring each other, and finally reached the current level!

This is really a terrible race!

Alas, more and more dead spirits came in, forming a larger and larger encirclement. These necrotic instincts blocked Zhou Heng's escape routes around and around. Only the defenses in the sky and underground were weak.

But there is terrible gravity in the sky, and when you run up, you will be dragged down by countless dead spirits, and down ... that is the sea of ​​magic, even the saints dare not go deep!

Zhou Heng must make a decision, otherwise he will be exhausted!

He doesn't want to die here, nor can he die here!

As soon as Xun's thoughts moved, Zhou Heng once again turned into a purple flame Tianlong. As his body moved, he flew towards the Demon Sea.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The rune annihilation was powerful, and the terrible defense of the Dragons also played a great role. He broke through the weakest defense below, and flew down.

A lot of dead spirits chased after another!

唯一 The only good news for Zhou Heng is that all the nearby dead spirits have left because of the tide. This neighborhood not only refers to the surrounding area, but also includes a large area under the magic sea.

He didn't encounter any obstacles along the way.

The problem is that as he goes deeper, he quickly goes to a sense of direction.

There was darkness around him, and five fingers were out of reach, and the consciousness was isolated. Zhou Heng was here like a blind man!

A few minutes later, he encountered a quasi-black hole-level necromant that was chasing after him. After only a few rounds of fighting, he would run away from his opponent. If he was surrounded again, his dragon power would not Support him to change the dragon shape infinitely.

After being chased several times, Zhou Heng converged his breath and then suppressed it with five runes. Now he is like an icy stone floating in the dark universe, without any trace of anger.

Suddenly, the necromancer regarded him as nothing and passed by automatically. But at this time he had penetrated into the magical sea, and there were all dead spirits around him.

He completely lost the concept of time. There was no darkness here, and he had an inexplicable interference with his thoughts, which made him constantly feel delusional. He almost lost himself several times and sank in the dark.

一天 A day, a month, or a year?

Zhou Heng is floating in the dark. He should have entered the depths of the magical sea. From time to time, shadow dead souls float around. The environment here is particularly "sticky." Those shadow dead souls are also very slow. Slow, as if the flies had fallen into the paste.

However, the shadow of the dead here is extremely powerful. Not long ago, an extremely powerful dead soul swept Zhou Heng's body with his sense of God, making him goosebumps, and almost escaped immediately!

But if he really did that, the only result would be being caught up by the undead and instantly killed!

That is a dead soul in a black hole. It can actually run the gods here!

After a while, Zhou Heng reacted. It turned out that he had been out of the repression scope of Zhenhai's golden hoop, and black hole-level undead appeared here!

If he encounters this undead as soon as he enters the Demon Sea, he must not hide from each other, but he will be spotted instantly! But I don't know how much time has passed, and his control of Reiki has reached a negligible level. This was forced. Who let him enter the depths of the magical sea?

He floats in the darkness, the anxiety of the heart from the beginning to loneliness, and finally silence.

He doesn't know how long this will last, but only treats with the calmest attitude.

As long as you don't die, there is hope!

And he will never let go of the black hands that put him and the ninth team into a desperate situation. No matter who the other party is, he will take it out and throw it into the depths of the magic sea, so that the other party will also be killed by millions. Soul siege, taste of despair.

Zhou Heng calms his mind and relaxes to the most peaceful state.

Is this darkness and loneliness similar to the universe?

The icy universe is full of life due to the appearance of planets, and the appearance of Tianhe and comets has made the universe more colorful. Although it is not a good thing to encounter black holes, it is also part of life.

Except now, this is a mess!


After the four realms, is it the chaos that is so silent?

Zhou Heng suddenly realized that consciousness sank into the deepest part of the soul, and there was no trace of life flowing. Now he really looks like a dead thing, that is, a black hole-level necromancer carefully examines his body and never think of a little flaw.

Stars, Tianhe, comets, black holes, the universe changes, it is chaos, and the end point is chaos!

The slightest change is taking place in Zhou Heng's body, but he is not even aware of it, because he is immersed in the deepest meditation. At this time, it is impossible for him to be awakened by the death of the dead. .

Fortunately, nothing so terrible happened.

In his body, the vortex of stars is still there, and Tianhe Rivers are united together in a wonderful way to form a circle, but this huge circle is missing the last ring, which can only be said to be a circle arc.

Buzz! Hum! Hum!

轻 His body started a light shock, the breath of life could not be hidden at once, and the turbulent movement moved in all directions, only hundreds of dead spirits came around in just a moment.

The number is not large, but the quality is ridiculously high. There is a black hole class, ten comet stars, and the rest are all Tianhe level!

Ke, although more and more dead spirits are coming from the cage in all directions, but the dead spirits in place did not attack.

In their emotionless consciousness, they actually feared this creature!

That is a supreme breath, as if shaken, they can be completely turned into fly ash.

It is their instinct to kill creatures, but they will not die for no reason! Fighting death and sending death are completely different things!


The electric thunder inside Zhou Heng's body suddenly struck, and a slender Tianhe suddenly appeared during the drama!

Thousands of Tianhe!

His ten thousand stars are formed under the extreme emotions of fury, and who can say that absolute calm is not an extreme emotion?

The whirlpool of Xingchen turns sharply, continuously sucking aura from the void, supplementing this newborn Tianhe!

Buzz! Hum! Hum! Hum!

There is light in the Devil Sea ~ ~ This ... this is the wall of the entire Demon Sea. This is the largest deep pit in the world. All the pit walls are emitting bright light!

Not only that, this magic sea seemed to come alive, pulsating like a heart. After a heartbeat, the size of this magic sea actually expanded a few feet! In just a minute or two, this demon sea passed through the front of the Dragon clan, causing countless dragon warriors to flee.

After only a few moments, there will be countless shadow dead souls to fill the newly appeared areas.

"What, what is this?"

The eternal dragon star was shaken, one big man appeared, and the old blue dragon also appeared with the second ancestor, and one step came to the top of the magic sea, his brows frowned.

"When the magic sea was just born, it was only one-tenth the size of the eternal dragon star, but now it has expanded to one-third the size. The deity is worried ... When the magic sea completely occupies the magic sea, it is Zhenhai The golden hoop can no longer be suppressed! "

"This day, the deity is still a long time ago, but ... what exactly happened! The expansion of the magic sea will accelerate so much!"

"Will our world be destroyed?"

Lao Qinglong exclaimed, at this moment he is no longer high above the realm of chaos, but just an old man who is worried about his descendants. (To be continued) [This text is provided by the sailing update group @ 翠 灿 _ 弟] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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