Chapter 1027: Enter (13)

"Newcomer, aren't you convinced?" The brave man saw a few people showing disapproved expressions, and couldn't help but look cold, reached out and pointed one by one, saying, "You, you, you, and you, out of line ! "

Everyone was young and vigorous. Anyone who was afraid of being named would come forward without hesitation.

"You guys, attack me!" The brave man sneered.

Of course, it was impossible for him to be alone in the large barracks, but everyone else did not come out, all looked at the door of the barracks, some stood, some sat, but there was joy and joy on their faces. Expression.

"This rookie is going to be cleaned up by the captain!"

"Stupid, don't look at the captain's spiritual power is only comet emperor, but his blood awakening has almost reached the level of a quasi-black hole! Besides, it is the same power. With our captain's combat power, one to fight five is at least ! "

"The rookies are really stupid!"

"Crap, you didn't get cleaned up by the captain last year!"

"You weren't the same last year!"

The veterans all hurriedly said, but deliberately suppressed the spread of sound, except for people who were particularly sensitive, such as Zhou Heng and Shui Yuqi, who could not hear it at all.

The four named people looked at each other and spread out, enclosing the strong man. Before they showed disapproval, of course, they were quite capable.

——All who will be called here are at least at the level of comet. Both the spiritual level and the physical level have mastered the runes, not only the power is ten thousand times higher than that of Tianhe, which increases the lethality. It is also inestimable.

This strong man is nothing but a comet emperor. It's better than them, but it's four to one. They are by no means impossible to win!

Besides, they don't need to win. As long as he can hit the strong man with one or two punches, does he still have the face to call them newcomers with great power?

call out!

The four of them flew out at the same time, rushing towards the strong man, all of them ran out of their most powerful exercises, and the runes of light circulated. It can be said that in addition to not transforming into a dragon shape, they have gone all out.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

The strong man shot very fast, but everyone could capture the trajectory of his punch. They hit the chests of the four in an instant, and flew them out one by one.

"Wow--" The four of them completely lost the power to fight again, and even had no strength to get up, constantly retching, and finally spit out blood, pale and ugly.

"Newcomers, you all take pride in Lao Tzu. This is the magic sea and the battlefield. It is not for you to come on vacation or to earn your qualifications!" Even more arrogant and impossible than you, but after I entered the battlefield, I almost died face-to-face. A comrade in comrades pushed me to make me survive! "

"But. He's dead, dead in front of me. Shattered by the **** shadows of Necro!"

"So, I don't want to see any idiot die to save you!"

"From now on. You have to get the toughest practical training!"

"Now, I'm going to camp!"

After the brave man speaks, he can just turn around and never give anyone a chance to speak.

The crowd was silent. Four people were separated and four people who were still lying on the ground were backed up. They entered the military camp. Nearly 1,000 people lived in fifty tents. Stuffed.

In fact, it doesn't matter where you live, not to mention that high-level martial artists have strong adaptability. Many people have Xianju, and you can run to Xianju even if you squeeze.

But they soon got military regulations, one of which was to ban the use of Xianju.

Because this is an army, what you pay attention to is prohibition. You lie inside Xianju, how does the above command be transmitted to you? Everyone must stay in the tent for a specified period of time, and a sudden attack may occur under an order.

Of course, the newcomers here can't know everything about this place. Someone soon said it and spread it among the newcomers.

The fierce brave man is called Ni Anbei. Not only does he have the spiritual power of the comet emperor, but he also has a high level of physical awakening. He can rush into the black hole environment and is known as fierce.

He has served here for more than 700 years, and he could have left gloriously long ago, but he stayed year after year. The reason may be related to sacrificing himself to save his comrades-in-arms.

In fact, although the required time for service is ten years, most people have exceeded this time. On average, people here wait more than thirty years before they leave.

Of course, for at least the Dragons in the Comet Realm, let alone thirty years, three thousand years is just a blink of an eye in their long lives.

The strong must be together with the strong. In Zhou Heng's tent, there are more than a thousand people who are considered to be relatively strong. In addition to Zhou Heng, there are Yan Zhidong, Shui Yuqi, and Turan.

Although Shui Yuqi and Tu Lan are not the first in Qingyang City, they have such strength, all because of Zhou Heng's turmoil and changed their destiny. For Turan, it was Zhou Heng and Shui Yuqi who both got into chaos, which led him to dare not even think of the second place. In fact, his strength was not weak at all.

From the second day, they really started the actual combat training-Ni Anbei brought a living shadow of the dead, let everyone go up to fight alone.

Everyone who went out was confident, but when they came back, they all turned pale and sweaty.

No wonder the death rate of the dragons on the Mohai side is so high, these shadowy dead spirits are terrible!

"These undead attacks are penetrating, and the defense you take pride in won't do much at all!" Ni Anbei shouted, "So, let Lao Tzu put down the pride of the Dragons and treat himself as an ordinary person! "

"A shadow necromancer scares you like this, it's really annoying!"

"On the battlefield, at least tens of thousands of these dead spirits appeared. The magic sea was so large that we simply could n’t know where they would come from. So when they appeared, every garrison would be less enemies. , Each of you must at least meet ten or even a hundred dead! "

"Even dealing with one is difficult. What can you do when you encounter a group? Can you turn around and run away?"

Ni Anbei looked at these recruits with disdain. This is his usual trick, which is to polish the spirit of these newcomers first, and then slowly create sharp killing weapons! It's a pity that at least a third of the people in this process will scorn, and even ... more!

The quality of these newcomers is not good, and half of them who can finally leave alive are good!

——Who made Zhou Heng come from 74 stars in gold? In theory, there are only four newcomer teams who can "shoulder with them", which is the worst planet in the other four-color dragon domain, such as blue seventy-seven stars and green seventy Two stars.

"No--" Ni Anbei's words undoubtedly stirred up a strong backlash among the newcomers, and each dragon tribe was extremely proud, which was written into their blood. They can admit that it is not as good as Ni Anbei, because the other party is also a Dragon Clan, and there is no shame in losing to a more powerful Dragon Clan.

But Ni Anbei said that they would be deserters. This is too much!

The Dragons would rather die!

"Really?" Ni Anbei grinned and swept the crowd, saying, "Which of you is the first place in this baptism contest, come out and let Lao Tzu see what the first place can do. degree!"

In this way, all eyes were focused on Zhou Heng.

Zhou Hengyuan wanted to be low-key, but this was bound to be a luxury.

He smiled and strode out.

"Uh? Didn't even comet?" Ni Anbei was surprised, because two of the newcomers here had leapt into the comet on a spiritual level, and even one was a comet emperor, similar to him.

Although the Dragon family pays more attention to the physical rank, but the people who come here definitely break through the comet, so how could the double comet be defeated by someone who is just a physic?

Could it be that the two comet realms were defeated and defeated, so that this kid picked up a bargain?

How can one imagine the power he possesses without ever seeing Zhou Heng fighting?

"Huh!" Yan Mindong showed a sneer, he hated Zhou Heng, if it was not because of "hidden rules", the battle was forcibly terminated by Long Haixing, this time it was his first! The Dragons are proud, so they pay more attention to these false names. To him, this is no different from hating his wife.

However, the gun shot the head bird. This kid is definitely not Ni Anbei's opponent. It seems to be suffering!

Ni Anbei has to quench their spirit, the best way is to stab the strongest of them, so as to kill the chickens and tamarins and startle them in one fell swoop! What Ni Anbei didn't expect is that the first name this time is actually not one of the two who are higher in the realm.

However, physique is different from spiritual power. The spiritual level can be glimpsed through the breath that is revealed, especially when the high-level martial arts look at the low-level martial arts, it is really clear and clear.

But the constitution is different, this is brute force, and it is impossible to see at a glance without hands-on tricks.

Is this guy's physical growth extremely high?

Ni Anbe thought in his heart ~ ~ But he immediately shook his head again, and Zhou Heng didn't say local dragons, even if the dragon's horns didn't grow out, this kind of blood ... can only be seen with thinness and miserable describe!

How did such a person get the baptism of a planet first?

Ni Anbe stared at Zhou Heng for a while, as if to see Zhou Heng through, but Zhou Heng was light and light, not only his waist was tall, but his expression on his face remained unchanged.


There was a smile on the corner of Ni Anbei's mouth. Just now he had used his evil spirits, but it was formed after the slaughter and I don't know how many shadows of the dead. The comet realm was shaken by his stare, cold sweat!

Zhou Heng's performance is like a perfect score!

However, this is not enough!

"Come, come with ten more cages!" (To be continued ...)

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