Chapter 1025: Dragon Temple War (23)

Before this battle, what everyone could imagine was that Shui Yuqi swept everyone in an invincible posture, easily obtained the first name, and continued to sweep the first of other dragon temples in the next battle to become the gold 74 star. number one.

But the fact is always so love to be right with people, Shui Yuqi defeated, and was still defeated in one of the strongest forms of dragon form!

The man who created this miracle is a descendant of Zilong who was never optimistic about it before!

But anyone who has seen the form of Zhou Henglong will not think that it is a real purple dragon!

Is there a purple dragon with purple flames?

Inferior blood? Lower bloodline you look! This is clearly a variation of blood, but it is very coincidentally a purple color on the dragon scales. Like a purple dragon, it is by no means a real purple dragon!

——Of course, if there is no such war, Zhou Henglong will not ignore the flames, even if the flames are really burning.

Too many people are smart afterwards.

Anyway, Zhou Heng won the first place and received ten dragon crystals as rewards. Tomorrow he will set off and go to the Dragon Temple of "Four Rivers" to compete with the other 71 heads for gold 74 stars.

Although the overall strength of Golden Seventy-four Stars ranks last in the Golden Dragon Starfield, and the first gold content obtained on this planet is pitifully low, but it is also the first to say that the entire Golden Dragon Starfield can only produce seven Fourteen is quite meaningful.

Otherwise, like Tu Lan and Shui Yuqi, why did they intentionally commit something and be exiled here?

Just a hundred dragon crystals can make people excited.

Of course, Longjing is also divided into grades, like a one-hole strong is made by a one-star dragon crystal, and a two-hole strong is made by a two-star dragon crystal. And so on, and the two chaos ancestors made it is the ten-star dragon crystal.

In fact, if not for the baptism of Zuchi. Generally, these big men of the Dragon clan will not make dragon crystals, which consumes their essence and blood. It can no longer be described by its value.

One star dragon crystal can be exchanged for ten thousand dragon coins, but ten thousand dragon coins can never buy one one star dragon crystal, which is completely unequal.

Too few, there is no market price.

Words from a wealthy man: This wealthy man is a black hole-level strong man who sits in the town, and the juniors will have the opportunity to be gifted by their elders. Otherwise, they will only go through the Zuchi baptism contest to fight first.

Zhou Heng was very disappointed looking at the ten dragon crystals in his hand, this is just one star dragon crystal!

The blood in his body is lazy, and he has no appetite.

Because the value of Longjing lies in raising the upper blood limit. Rather than enhancing his physique, if he doesn't feel hungry, it means that this level of Dragon Crystal will not help him to improve his bloodline.

In other words, his bloodline has exceeded a hole!

I haven't spent so many days in Zuchi!

Zhou Heng thought in his mind that when he had just awakened the blood, Hongyue guessed that his limit was the most comet emperor, but now it was more than a hole, which naturally made him a little proud.

However, the Dragon constitution is just the icing on the cake. What he really cares about is a breakthrough in the spiritual level.

No matter how good the physique is, it is the same as that old blue dragon! But the old Qinglong is not the one who is tortured by the blood of the Red Moon. Besides, Guitian is even better than Red Moon in the understanding of the rules, and even has the power of a saint!

He didn't want to turn things around. Be sure to suppress the genius!

Therefore, the path to alternative holiness must go on, no matter how difficult it is!

Hope among those 71 opponents. There are a few powerful points that can push his limits out. Breaking the shackles of 999 Tianhe.

After a night of overeating, Zhou Heng went to Sihe City with a big sacrifice.

Portals are set up between cities. So after just a little effort, the two appeared in Sihecheng and came all the way to Long Temple.

Because of the sudden emergence of Shui Yuqi this time, even the six-hole elder Dragon Starfish came to watch the war intentionally, but when he heard that Shui Yuqi had not won the first place, he couldn't help but be very surprised.

He also focused his attention on Zhou Heng, and wanted to know what kind of strength this young man had just arrived.

This competition is the first name of each city, and the quality is naturally much higher than the Dragon Temple competition in Qingyang City. Basically everyone has the strong blood of local dragonization.

Everyone in the constitution has stepped into the comet realm, but there is only one person who has also stepped into the comet realm at the spiritual level. It is a man named Yan Maodong, with a golden dragon flurry and a very burly figure.

This is the Golden Dragon star field. Naturally, there cannot be blue dragons, green dragons, red dragons, and black dragons. Most of them are golden dragons, and "hybrid dragons" like purple dragons and red dragons are scattered among the five star domains.

But the reason why the upper bloodline is called the upper bloodline is precisely because of the power of the five-colored dragon family. The 72 people who stand out from this are all golden dragons except Zhou Heng!

"The rules of the game are very simple. Whoever can stand last is the first!" Said the principal sacrifice of the Sihe Dragon Temple. No matter how proud the dragons are, they are still gods. The most respected nature of gods is power.

If you want to be number one, you have to have the power to knock down all competitors and ascend to the throne!

"Salute to the elder first!"

The crowd bowed to Long Haixing and saluted.


All of a sudden, everyone backed away and opened a certain distance from others. This was a scuffle, and not the strongest people would necessarily stand to the end.

"Hurry up, you ca n’t be hungry!" Zhou Heng said, touching his stomach. As the upper limit of blood vessels increased, he easily became hungry, and his body was craving for energy all the time.

It's a pity these people are humanoids and have no appetite!

Zhou Heng screamed, and directly launched the dragon shape transformation. When the purple flame flashed, he became a purple dragon again. With the improvement of blood veins, the transformation can last for up to two hours at a time, completely. Recovery is still three days.

"So crazy!" Everyone looked at Zhou Heng one after another. This guy is only a comet king of physical constitution. Why is he so arrogant? Who is not the comet king of the physical level here, the strongest is the spiritual and physical comet realm. I haven't seen others crazy!

Shoot the head bird and send this proud guy out first!


The momentum is mad. Everyone was suffocated, with a strong awe in their hearts. As if they weren't facing Zhou Heng, they were their great dragon ancestor!

how can that be!

Not to mention that Zhou Heng is still far from the black hole level. I do n’t know how much distance it is. It is not possible for him to have purple dragon scales alone.

In the stands, Long Haixing smiled with a beard.

He is a six-hole strong, and naturally has become a perfect dragon shape, but now this human shape has changed. But if anyone bombards him, he will immediately realize how terrible the defense power of the six-hole-level beast is.

What has changed is shape. Not qualitative.

"This is good, the blood must have changed!" He said quite applaudingly.

"Elder, in my family history, all the blood vessels with mutations are very powerful, at least they can become the true king of Wudong. Does this son really have such potential?" A sacrifice asked.

Everyone looked at Zhou Heng, but they were not sure.

Because Zhou Heng is now powerful, but he has no signs of partial dragonification under the human form, which is too weird! The blood is more pure. The degree of local dragonization is higher. When the local dragonization is extended to the whole body, it is a real beast, and the blood is pure to the point where it cannot be added!

Bloodline. It is the criterion for detecting the strength of the beast. It is also the only criterion.

"Variable blood, there are always unexpected places. Wait patiently!" Long Haixing closed his eyes after saying this, signaled that he didn't want to speak anymore.

Everyone shut up obediently. This is the privilege of the strong.

With Zhou Heng's transformation, a flying chicken jumped on the field. Because the combat power of the dragon form is too strong, one person will form a chain reaction after being transformed. If other people do not use the dragon form to transform, they can be directly out of the picture with a slap!

Suddenly, the golden light flickered. Seventy-one golden dragons appeared in the field, and there was only one purple divine dragon suddenly, and the whole body was surrounded by purple flames.

"Ang--" Zhou Heng issued a dragon yin and launched an aggressive attack.

As long as he can stand still his opponent, it's that simple!

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

There was chaos in the field. Under Zhou Heng's special Long Wei suppression, no one could play more than 30% of his combat power, and Zhou Heng kept shooting and flying out. Soon there were only ten people left.

These ten people are the strongest individual beings. They are led by Yan Dongdong. He is a double comet, and his spiritual level has even advanced into the comet emperor. Regarding strength alone, he is ten times stronger than Zhou Heng. Unfortunately, Under the repression of Long Wei, he can be equal to Zhou Heng.

However, one person was able to contain Zhou Heng positively. In addition, the weak did not need to worry about accidental injury. The ten people seemed to have a sharp decrease, but the threat to Zhou Heng was not reduced.

The strongest person still Yan Yandong!

In terms of talent, Zhou Heng thinks that he is not as good as Shui Yuqi, but this man has long jumped into the comet realm at the spiritual level, and he is also a comet emperor. In addition to a rune of blood awakening, he also masters A rune!

This kind of combat power must not be underestimated!

Yan Yandong's two dragon claws radiate light together ~ ~ The left claw represents the "Golden Barrier" obtained after the blood awakening, which is a rune that is biased towards defense. On his right claw was a gloomy black light, which was the rune he learned after his spiritual power entered the comet.

Dark, rotten, full of abominations.

The slate in the Dragon Temple was corroded under the talon of this dim rune, and its lethality is horrible. If it is to be hit, even the defense of the beast must be severely damaged!

Zhou Heng was annoyed, the other party was really merciless!

Is this still a competition?

Do you need to be so hard for victory? Anyway, everyone is a "one" family!

Then you can only eat bad results yourself!

Zhou Heng loosened her control of the annihilation rune, and her body flame suddenly changed subtlely. (To be continued ...)

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