Chapter 1014: Hyuk to Suicide (33)

The flamboyant shadow flashed, and the beautiful figure of the red moon appeared over the ruins of the Lin family, her feet were bare, and her jade-like skin reflected the magnificent colors, just like the most beautiful treasure in the world.

She glanced at Long Mohe, with an "Oh" expression on her face, and said, "No wonder the taste is familiar. It turned out to be the descendant of that old dragon, but the blood is too thin and the taste is not good!"


Hearing this sentence, everyone has the urge to vomit blood.

Dragons are synonymous with power no matter where they are. People who can fight against the Dragons will be regarded as warriors! But listening to Red Moon's words, she was obviously used to eating dragon meat, so she could only conclude that the blood was thin and the taste was bad.

This is too amazing!

Lin Wuzheng even flicked his skin. He had previously inferred from the changes in Long Mohe's expression that Hongyue was absolutely powerful, but it was powerful enough to include dragon meat in the recipe, which was far beyond his imagination.

Long Mohe couldn't help but think of Hongyue's fierce name. At the beginning, every time she defeated a descendant of the beast, she would cut legs and fold wings to lay a tooth offering!

It is said that it is only said that even Zulong has been dug out of the boss's one-torn meat!

If Red Moon can be wiped out, what will Master Zulong look like? The joy of the old ancestors represents endless cultivation resources!

How many billion years has Longyu been since its inception? The Dragon is the most enthusiastic race in the world to collect treasures. The treasures of the Dragons are definitely a suffocating number for so many years!

Long Mohe felt that the opportunity was at hand.

The woman in front of her is extremely beautiful in the eyes of the Dragons, but it can be thrown aside when compared with the joy and satisfaction of the ancestors! And beauty is beautiful, but it does not exude a strong breath, he can knock down with one finger, no, with one hand!

He could not help but be born to the guts, and the four black holes behind him spread side by side, forming a terrifying power!

This is already the power of the rule. The four runes light up at the same time, and they shoot towards the red moon! Just be solid. Even Jiudong Zhenjun is likely to fall off immediately!

The power of rules is full of terrible destructiveness!


Red Moon didn't move, but a blood moon appeared around her body, and instantly ruled the whole world!


Long Mohe suddenly sprayed a mist of blood all over his body, his breath dropped sharply, and he was no different from ordinary people.

"Mixed, chaotic realm!" He looked at Hongyue with awe-inspiring eyes, and there were two great chaotic powerhouses in Longyu. He is no stranger to chaotic power!

At this moment, he naturally also knew that Hongyue was not his imagination. His injuries were so severe that he fell to the Emperor of the Black Hole, but he was restored to repair and became the most powerful chaos in the world!

-In a way. The saint is also a state of chaos, but it has more powerful power. It does not go farther on the road to the realization of the law. It is not even as strong as some powerful chaos, such as the confused sky and the red moon.

He is really impatient!

Thinking of the horror of Red Moon, even the two ancestors had to plead with the vain saint to escape the fate of being "harassed". He actually dared to take the initiative to the big witch. This courage is so stupid!


He knelt softly with his legs down, and repeatedly scratched his head, saying: "Master Red Moon, please spare the villain!"

Knelt down!

A black hole-level strong man actually knelt down!

Everyone was blindfolded, and the battle ended too quickly. No one could see what was going on. All they knew was that Long Mo He Niu courageously showed four black holes, and then kneeled.

Four black holes!

Although all martial arts know that the martial arts realm has extremely high sayings. Then the limit of the black hole realm is nine black holes. However, Bailongxing has only appeared two black hole emperors for hundreds of millions of years, and now it suddenly ran out of a four hole. Can it scare people?

But this beating heart hasn't fallen yet, Long Mohe kneels!

This is too sudden!

Everyone has not yet produced an endless worship like the river, and this supreme image suddenly collapses. How can this be complied with?

The stronger a warrior is. The more proud of this temper, the so-called soldiers can be killed! Especially the descendants of Divine Beasts, shouldn't they be proud and die. Why did you just kneel?

It's too boneless!

Hongyue looked at Long Mohe with curiosity, and said, "Hundreds of thousands of years have passed. The Dragons finally have the courage, and dare to take the initiative to the deity!"


Long Mohe was so ashamed that he wanted to bury his head in the ground, which is courageous, but stupid! This is a witch who even the old ancestors avoided, but he's better, and actually provoked!

Now the too-virtual saint has been ridiculed, and no one can restrict this witch, if she ran to Long Yu to kill the ring ... then he is the eternal sinner of the entire Dragon tribe!

No, you must not affect Dragon Realm!

He hurriedly said, "It's the fault of the villain. It's the villain's fault. It's the villain who has no eyes. Ask the adult Red Moon not to blame others, and the villain is willing to bear it!


He patted his own brain, and the remaining power in his body burst into bursts. His head was instantly smashed, and his consciousness was annihilated in an instant.


Alas, Long Mohe fell to the ground, his body suddenly turned into a green dragon with a length of thousands of feet.

died! Suicide!

Lin Wuyi shivered, and a four-hole strong man died like that! There is no gorgeous attack, just to commit suicide after a trick, to what extent can this gap make Long Mohe despair?

You know, the whole dragon clan is standing behind Long Mohe!

Lin looked at Hongyue in horror without a disease, and didn't know what it was like in his heart.

Since re-entering the imperial capital, he has always regarded Hongyue as his strongest opponent, but he always felt that he had the power to fight, and the biggest possibility was to lose both, so he did not want to easily provoke fighting.

But now he knows how stupid he is, how much he overestimates himself!

Even the four-hole strong died so casually. What is he, the black hole emperor?


Is this a higher level above the black hole realm?

"I haven't eaten dragon meat for a long time. Although this little dragon is not very authentic, it can always hit the teeth festival!" Hongyue whispered, and pointed out his right hand against the dragon's body, this dragon was actually a body It shrank sharply and turned into a little dragon with only Zhang Yu's length.

However, the dragon essence in the body is not lost, but it becomes more concentrated and refined.

"It's entrusted to you. If the taste does not satisfy me, I'll slap you! Also, these guys are very annoying and want to use the deity, you kill them all!" Hongyue said to Zhou Heng With one step, the figure has disappeared.

There is silence both on and off the court.

Just died a four-hole Supreme!

Everyone can see the four black holes clearly, and it is clear that Bai represents the realm of Long Mohe! But now, they are regarded as the main course on the table!


I was still discussing which one of Hongyue and Lin Wushen was stronger?

Isn't this a big joke?

Zhou Heng gently coughed, and in the movement of his thoughts, five treasures seized by Long Mohe immediately spun back towards him. He looked at Lin Xianyang and said, "You and I will fight to death!"

A Tianhe Emperor Challenges a Comet King? This was supposed to be a joke, but Lin Xianyang couldn't laugh at all, because Ye Guyu's bones were not cold!

Want to use the hand of Long Yu to eliminate Zhou Heng, and even kill the super strong behind him. The plan went smoothly, but it turned out to be desperate!

Hongyue's strength is far beyond their imagination!

A four-hole-level strongman actually chose to commit suicide in order not to affect the dragon domain!

This is incredible!

How strong is Hongyue? What kind of bad temper she is, actually let a dragon-like four-hole-level strongman choose such a path!

Duel with Zhou Heng?

Lose to die, win? That's not to be killed by Red Moon!

"I'm coming!" Lin Wuyi came forward with no expression on his face.

"Dad!" Lin Xianyang exclaimed.

Lin Wuyi waved his hand, and when Red Moon was approaching, he told Zhou Heng that he would kill them all. He never thought it was just a word of intimidation, because even a four-hole-level strong man was scared to rule himself!

But he is a field marshal, he will never fall without a fight!

Even in the most sinister situations, he will seek the vitality in despair!

——Red Moon was so big that Zhou Heng left alone! This left him with a delicious bait, even if he didn't think about it!

That is to take down Zhou Heng, take him as a hostage, and stay away from Bailongxing!

This is the front line of the Lin family!

Lin Wushen is the coach of the battlefield. He has led the army for many years. In his eyes, only victory can be achieved, then all means are possible!

He shot violently and passed to Zhou Hengzhen.

But this shot immediately startled him!

Because his cultivation actually fell to the comet realm, and it was not the peak comet emperor, it was just the comet king, exactly the same as Lin Xianyang's cultivation!

Suddenly, his face turned pale!

How to fight against Zhou Heng with the power of Comet King only?

No wonder Hongyue walks so smartly ~ ~ not because of her negligence or arrogance, but because she is too powerful, so powerful that he can suppress him to comet king even after a long distance!

This gap was so big that he couldn't accept it!

He finally understands why Long Mohe would rather commit suicide than give up the dragons behind him, because the Red Moon is so powerful that it can destroy the entire Dragon Realm!

Lin Wuyan swallowed his mouth, his face was bitter and bitter, and he lost the battle without a fight!

However, the Lin family did not have a man who fell without a fight!

"Dad, I'm fighting with you!" Lin Xianyang exclaimed.

"Hahahaha, father and son soldiers, let us fight the last!" Lin Wuyi laughed.

The father and son jointly launched an attack on Zhou Heng. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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