Chapter 1005: The Way to Sanctification (33)

Zhou Heng finally returned to Wuyang Academy.

Accompanying him were Zhao Luoyan and Liu Yuner. The comet emperor's bodyguard Ying Yuhuai was carrying his back like a shadow, leaving Zhou Heng with hair on his back. In case the infatuated comet emperor knew that he had taken Zhao Luo Yan gave up, no, it was Zhao Luo Yan who pushed him back. Will he be so angry that he chased him down?

Most likely!

Hongyue is a huge deterrent to normal people, but an infatuated person is no different from a neurosis and will do countless things without reason!

Zhou Heng is not afraid of the comet emperor, but he is not interested in fighting a comet emperor for no reason, so don't anger this infatuation seed.

After returning to the Wuyang Academy, Zhou Heng arranged a place for the respected mother and daughter. In fact, as soon as the death of the Emperor Dragon, Zhao Luoyan and Liu Yuner's worth plummeted, and the halo on their heads was already shaky.

Therefore, even Lin Wuyue dared to let an empress remarry as a concubine, which shows Zhao Luoyan's distress at this time.

But the Liu family no longer has a strong person. To survive, they must choose between Lin Wushen and Hongyue. Finally, Zhao Luoyan chose Red Moon. On the one hand, as she said, Red Moon may be stronger, and the other On the one hand, Zhao Luoyan is optimistic about Zhou Heng's potential.

The Star Realm is Great!

This is something everyone knows. As long as Zhou Heng can grow up smoothly, his future will be limitless!

This is hundreds of times stronger than Lin Xianyang and Lin Wuyue.

Zhao Luoyan was a decisive woman, so she immediately put it into action and pushed Zhou Heng back. Promote the relationship between the two to the closest.

Zhou Heng never regrets what has happened, what he thinks is how to solve it.

He did not plan to put Zhao Luoyan into the harem. This woman is used to being her queen, so keep making her good. As she said, be a lover, everyone will send each other when you think, and each will do its own thing when it's okay.

As long as she didn't find another man, Zhou Heng didn't mind keeping this relationship, but if Zhao Luoyan saw other men again, then he would turn away without hesitation and always forget this woman.

From his standpoint, he is not qualified to refer to Zhao Luoyan's life. But you can decide your own behavior.

As for the proposal to marry Liu Yuner, he didn't think much.

Lin Wuzheng has released news that Liu Yuner and Lin Xianyang will get married after ten days, but Liu Yuner and Zhao Luoyan moved to the Wuyang Academy on this occasion, which immediately caused an uproar in the entire capital.

Although their mother and daughter live in the Wuyang Academy, not the Zhou family, everyone knows that Zhou Heng and Hongyue have been living in the Wuyang Academy for a long time. The glory of Yang Xuefu itself.

Now people mention the Wuyang school. The first reaction was Hongyue and Zhou Heng, who suddenly became synonymous with them!

Therefore, Liu Yuner's living in Wuyang Academy is actually no different from living in Zhou's house!

Erotic people immediately thought that Liu Yuner was the most beautiful princess of the empire. And her mother, as the queen of the dynasty, is the most famous beauty in more than 100,000 years. Any man has not been fascinated after seeing it!

It is said that at a state banquet. There was also a bold and arrogant king who offered to show his respect to the Demon Dragon Emperor at the cost of giving Zhao Luoyan his wife. The result was an interstellar war between the two countries, and ultimately the imperial emperor paid the price for his death.

The charm of Zhao Luoyan can be seen!

Now the Emperor Dragon is dead. I do n’t know how many people are so impressed by this delicious fruit, but now Zhou Heng has picked and tasted it alone, which has really made countless men envious and envious!

If you let them know that Zhou Heng has been pushed back, let alone know what kind of nosebleed to spray.

But in the world, after all, there are not only lecherous people, but also many people with great wisdom. They saw another significance of Liu Yuner and Zhao Luoyan living in Wuyang Academy.

Are these two powerful black hole powerhouses head to head?

What kind of spark will it collide with, and how much impact will it have on the world?

Lin's disease-free strength has been known all over the world. He is the second man to reach this height in 100 million years! But what about Hongyue? Mysterious, she can only infer her strength from the side.

But let Zhou Heng drive away the bone skeleton, which is strong, but to what extent is it unknown?

The black hole realm involves rules. Nine black holes correspond to the nine most basic laws of heaven and earth. The same black hole king may have a general gap between heaven and earth. This has nothing to do with spiritual power, but has a different understanding of the heaven and earth road.

Just like the white-bone necromancer had a deeper grasp of the way of death, he easily killed eleven black hole kings, but maybe Hongyue just went further on her road. Is it still just a black hole king?

In fact, there are only a few powerful black holes. Others are just guessing based on their own understanding, how much does it deviate from the facts, and who knows?

Failure to reach this realm is destined to just sit in the sky and look at the sky, speculating wildly.

Zhou Heng did not make random speculations. He deliberately consulted Hongyue. Although he was far from reaching this level, he did not mind to plan ahead.

"Comet Realm can initially contact runes, and runes belong to the embodiment of the laws of heaven and earth. Regardless of understanding, Comet Realm can borrow a part of the power of heaven and earth to exert its combat power beyond its own level of spiritual power!" After thinking about it, he started to explain with what Zhou Heng understood.

"At the peak of the comet, you have to choose your own path, choose one of the nine branches to make a breakthrough, form a black hole, and devour everything!"

"The way of heaven and earth is endless. The so-called black hole realm is only one of the preliminary understandings. If you want to quantify it, you can divide the black hole king into ten steps. After completing these ten steps, you will reach the black hole realm. The limit you can comprehend on the road! "

"In general, as long as you understand the five steps, you can start to form a second black hole, and so on, it is a nine-hole true king!"

"However, if you want to impact the chaos, you must advance the understanding of each avenue to ten, then you are eligible to go further!"

"Chaos is to continue advancing on the understanding of Tiandi Avenue, but the vastness of heaven and earth is that I have been reincarnated countless times, and I never see the end. It is the teacher ... The sage who is too virtual has only taken more than 900 steps!"

"The sage may not have deeper understanding of the realm, but he needs the help of heaven and earth. He can use the power of the universe endlessly to overpower all chaotic realms! This is a gift from heaven and earth. It has nothing to do with qualifications, has nothing to do with understanding, has nothing to do with laws. Fortunately! "

The road to the strong is so long, but I have not even taken the first step!

Zhou Heng took a breath, and his fighting spirit ignited instantly. He could definitely go this way and go extremely far.

"How many steps have you and Gutian reached?" He curiously wondered. According to Hongyue, Lin Wushen took at least five steps and one step. I'm afraid I don't even know Lin Weishen himself. , Because he didn't know how long the road ahead was!

"If you really want to quantify, I have taken almost a thousand steps, and the confused sky may be one or two steps more than me!" Hongyue thought about it and said seriously.

Zhou Heng coughed immediately.

These two women need not be so powerful!

The saintly saint has only taken more than nine hundred steps. The two of you are even fiercer than the saint. Is there any truth?

However, the chaos has still hit the saints, even if they have a deeper understanding of the laws of heaven and earth!

In fact, the law is power, the power is law, there is no need to be so clear!

The saints are not as good as chaos in terms of laws, but because they can use more power of the heavens and the earth, they can completely make up for the deficiencies in the laws, thereby crushing the chaos!

What about yourself?

Zhou Heng's thoughts fluttered, he reached the point of super-satisfaction, which meant that he was absolutely superior in comprehension, and after comprehension, it would slowly evolve into the power of laws.

In other words, he will far exceed the general chaos in mastering the laws in the future!

If the limit of Hongyue and Gutian is one thousand steps, then he may be two thousand steps or three thousand steps!

The law is power!

When the rule he masters is absolutely surpassed, it can also make up for the lack of strength, so that he can stand shoulder to shoulder with the saint!

This is alternative sanctification!

Zhou Hengru thought, but no one has ever walked this way, is it really so? He has no confidence at all!

However, Hongyue agreed with his speculation, because the five saints all have such inferences. It is just that there have never been great consummates in history, and the same is true of saints. Why can Chaos Realm catch up with and even surpass the saints?

This never existed in theory until Zhou Heng appeared!

"Young man, you are a little bit more qualified to make this dear now, work hard!" Hongyue patted Zhou Heng's shoulders as a sign of encouragement, the fragrance was blowing, and a strand of hair drifted across Zhou Heng's cheek, just like a lover's tenderness Little hand touching.

Zhou Heng couldn't help but wander in her heart ~ ~ In contrast, although Zhao Luoyan was brilliant in the world, she still couldn't compare with Hongyue!

Trap, don't step into it!

Zhou Heng said to himself, once he and Hongyue are entangled, it will be embarrassing when they get along with Gutian again.

Confusion is a peerless goddess, and Hongyue is a stunning witch. There is only one in the world, and each one can make any man be impressed. His heart is just a mortal, really ca n’t hold on for too long!

Confusion still occupies the most important position in Zhou Heng's heart, but every day passes, the weight of the red moon is constantly increasing, and one day, the two women will become equally heavy!

Zhou Heng sighed, don't want so much, the boat is naturally straight to the bridgehead, what should you do!

He began to look forward to the reaction of the Lin family. Is it because he came to the door aggressively, or if he just swallowed his voice and didn't know?

Liu Yuner and Lin Xianyang's wedding day is only nine days. What will the Lin family do? (To be continued ...)

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