“Cold comrade! You take care of this! ”When the incoming person enters the door, he is very familiar with the cold.

    “It turned out to be Bright Jade. I don’t know what the bright Jade adults are coming to. Is it to inspect the work? ”It’s a cold smile, and there is no respect in the tone. Instead, there is a taunting taste in it.

    Originally, everyone is now a sword-level sword-bearer, just because of the first come. His Bright Jade was able to stand at the top of Shanhaiguan, and he stayed in the guarded area where his name was too bad for him.

    Of course, there is absolutely no dissatisfaction with this defensive zone. There is absolutely no such thing.

    “I can’t count on any inspection work. Anyway, you have a cold and guarded here. I believe that no witch can pass over here!”Bright Jade smiled slightly. “The Lilith thought she got the most powerful sword-bearer, but she didn’t know that the real all-rounder was here.”

    “Do you come to me and say these nonsense?”Cold-cold knocked on the table. “Bright Jade, you want to play, I know you see it, some things can’t help smart people, you don’t have to play dumb puzzles between me and me.”

    Okay! Still want to play again for a while! ”Bright Jade reveals a disappointing expression. “So I will officially welcome Comrade Admiral to join us in the town of Lishui, the town of Lishui, and hope that the comrades of the Admiral will not care too much about this little joke!”

    “Can I say that I am very concerned?”Asked about the cold.

    “Of course.Bright Jade nodded and then smiled. “But if I can let Comrade Admiral feel for me, I feel very honored!”

    “You know that I am not a person who likes to talk nonsense. You don’t seem to come to me to tell the old.”

    “Your intuition is still so keen, in fact, I do have something to find you!”Bright Jade nodded, and then the face, full of smiles, suddenly became serious, projecting a few photos from his personal terminal and putting it in front of the cold.

    这是The cold immediately raised his eyes. According to this photo, in a dense jungle, a very conspicuous white object hung on a tree.

    “This is a picture taken by an unmanned star shuttle who is responsible for patrolling!”Bright Jade said, this photo suddenly zoomed in on the white object, and when it was enlarged to the end, the white object finally revealed its true content, which turned out to be a white robe.

    “This is Ashima’s robes!”The cold was impressed with this robes, because in the past few days, Ashima was wearing this white robes to sway in front of the cold, how could the cold be able to recognize the owner of this robes.

    “good eyesight!”Bright Jade greeted the cold with a thumbs up and praised, “This is a clue that I got three hours ago. It took me half an hour to confirm that this robes are the robes of the Ashima saint. I don’t think of the Admiral. The gentleman recognized it at a glance and knew that I would not waste this half an hour.”

    “Where was this photo taken? Have you searched carefully around? ”The cold then asked.

    “This photo was taken in the depths of Changbai Mountain. It is the territory of the Wu people. Our people simply don’t dare to go deep into the place. They can only search through the unmanned stars. It is a pity that the six unmanned stars shuttled for two hours and found no second clue. ”Bright Jade is very sorry to say.

    “It is not surprising that Changbai Mountain is full of lush jungle everywhere, and it is covered with snow. It is not easy to find this white robes. I want to rely on the stars to find more clues in the air. Almost impossible.”The cold continued and said, “But I am very curious, why do they appear in Changbai Mountain. If their star shuttle is controlled by the witches, then the witches will kill them as fast as they can, instead of taking them to places as far away as Changbai Mountain. ”

    “What do you mean?”Bright Jade has a light in his eyes.

    “As I see it, Ashima should not be intimidated by the witches to Changbai Mountain, but like us, in the stars shuttle, they will see the camouflage of the extravagant tribe. They may have a battle with the Wus, and finally completely destroyed the driving device of the Star Shuttle, only to let the Star Shuttle fly, and finally landed in Changbai Mountain! ”Quickly analyze the road quickly.

    “It makes a lot of sense, but this is your side. Do you have evidence??”Bright Jade’s eyes are brighter.

    “I have no evidence of the fact that I have it, but I have a simple common sense analysis here!”After the cold is finished, use your personal terminal to project all the maps in the entire Shanhaiguan, and then point your finger at the location of the Shanhaiguan Tower. “This is our starting position!”.

    Then the finger is again at the position of the Vermillion Bird Startown. “This is the destination that Ashima is expected to arrive. Connect the two points with a straight line and then make an extension to extend to the end. ”As the cold voice falls, his finger rests on a point in the area marked with the words Changbai Mountain on the map.

    “The energy of Star Shuttle is limited. When all the energy is exhausted, I think their star shuttle should fall near this point. You can compare it. I think the unmanned star. The location of the screen captured by the shuttle is also near this point.”In the end, the cold is summed up.

    “Wonderful, wonderful!”Bright Jade took a clap and projected his map. The two maps were overlapped. In the position where the cold finger finally stayed, the photo of Bright Jade’s accident was clearly visible. position. It seems that there is nothing wrong with the cold guess. The photo was found in the position pointed out by the cold.

    “We got in touch with the city of Jerusalem yesterday. The archbishop of the base city of Jerusalem told me very clearly that the headlights in the Holy See that represent the life of the saints are not extinguished, so they think their saints are still alive. Let me do my best to bring back their saints and holy swords. Otherwise, the city of Jerusalem will forever refuse to send any sword-bearers to Shanhaiguan. Even if the stars are destroyed, they will not care. ”Bright Jade’s words reveal a bit of anger and are clearly angry at the threat of the city of Jerusalem.

    But shaking the light and not being able to turn a deaf ear to the threat of Jerusalem, after all, Jerusalem undertook one-tenth of the support of Shanhaiguan, if less than one of the 10 points of power, it is bound to be filled from other cities, but when the other seven base city does not jump up to blame it, the entire human may thus bury a huge rift.

    So despite the anger at the demands of the city of Jerusalem, the Shanhaiguan Management Committee finally decided that we must do everything we can to find Ashima and others. Even if I knew that it was impossible to find it, I knew that the Sun and Taiyin two guards were extremely lacking in repressive power, but Bright Jade had to send a team to Changbai Mountain to search for the traces of Ashima and others.

    “I have been discussing with Lilith for a long time. I feel that it is impossible to find Ashima by relying on the Star Shuttle. We must send the ground rescue force.”It is said that Bright Jade has become extraordinarily solemn. “But there is the territory of the witches. Our frequent actions of the stars have already aroused the vigilance of the witches. The six stars that I mentioned before have been photographed because of the low altitude. It has been shot down by the witches.”

    “After we tried to send the second wave, we found that the sky is full of the two witches of the Dijiang and Xuanming tribes. If you want to directly send the swordsman from the air, you will take great risks, but instead Starting from the ground, you can hide your eyes and ears.”

    The cold slammed a sigh. “I will say it for you next.”

    “Because you want to enter Changbai Mountain from the ground, and enter Changbai Mountain, you need to go directly through the large-scale settlement of the five Witch tribes. Even three-year-olds can know how much risk they have to take? So you have to pick the strongest and most witty sword-bearers to go in, so that other people can’t come back if they go in. ”

    “When it comes to the most powerful and witty sword-bearers, you guys think of me directly, so you want me to be able to cross the large-scale area of ​​the witches and help you find someone in Changbai Mountain, right?”If you don’t have a word to stop, you can obviously understand Bright Jade’s plan.

    “Since you know it, I will not explain much. If you can, I hope that you can start now, and now that the Wu people have not reacted to what is going on, they will quickly insert Changbai Mountain and rescue them from Ashima. ”Bright Jade said straightforwardly.

    “I am alone?”Cold eyes squinted and asked.

    “only you!”Bright Jade has a big eyes.

    Are you crazy? Missing the invincible young lady, I will not use it, but instead come to me as the guardian of this comet. I think you still have to ask for it! ”After the cold was finished, he made a gesture of asking, indicating that Bright Jade left his town.

    “We can’t use Miss Yan!”Shake his light and don’t leave, licking his fingers and saying, “Miss Yan has more than enough strength, but how to say it is still a little worse in terms of machine change, so she is not the best candidate.”

    “Do you just say that she is stupid?”Chilling and laughing, “It’s nothing to be stupid. It’s a joke in the face of absolute power. As long as there is a “Sword Art”, there is no place where it can’t be crushed. I don’t accept this reason, you better give me a reason. ”

    “Fine.Bright Jade shrugged his shoulders. “The second reason is simple. From yesterday, on the outskirts of the Vermillion Bird Star Township. The witches’ sorcerer’s day, the rain sorcerer and so on, are constantly swaying outside. Although they don’t know why they are not directly attacking the uncharacteristics, there is no doubt that the Sunstar Guardian Zone may face another attack by the Witch. Miss simply can’t walk away from the Sun. ”

    “This is a barely a reason!”I fixed my cold and nodded but shook my head. “But this is not enough. You still give me a decisive reason!”

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