The guarded area of ​​the comet is about the size of a county, and the original Emperor’s seat is located in the middle of a flat land. Only this royal throne has been destroyed by the witches, and the cold must be restored to the throne.

    Fortunately, the process of repairing is not troublesome. Before leaving the Taiyinxing Township, the cold weather also received a set of supplies from the military needs, including the repair of the star crystals needed by the throne. Just put the crystal of the stars on the broken throne, and enter the power of your own stars, then this throne can rely on the power of the Sunday Star Wars to repair itself, but this process is quite long and needs twelve. Hours of time.

    The comet is the outermost area in the area controlled by the White Tiger. The two sides of the comet guard area are the toilet star guard area and the Pingxing guard area. However, due to the lack of the overall number of people, there is no sword guard in the Pingxing Township District. In addition to the leading ginseng scorpion, the entire Shenshui Township Guard Area has only the sword-level sword-bearers who are responsible for keeping the cold and the Renren. Other original guards either died on the battlefield or were assigned to the Sun Star.

    Moreover, there should be 36 satellite guardians under the shackles of the cold, that is, 36 ancient sword-level swordsmen holding the small Zhoutianxingchen. It is a pity that the above leaders lacked the manpower, and all the satellite guardians who belonged to the cold and the stalwart of the law were allotted away. In other words, the two county towns and the surrounding three counties are now vacant. The area is left with only two people who are cold and have Ren.

    This is undoubtedly putting two people in great danger. If the Wu people gather their forces to attack these areas, there seems to be no other way to survive than the other two sword-bearers. But if it is cold, unless there are more than four witches of the Wu people coming here, the cold will not fear any enemy.

    However, for the sake of safety, when the cold was repairing the throne, he did not release his own guardian house. Instead, he sat next to the throne and meditated, beware of the witches coming over, but the witches seemed to be completely honest. Until the restoration of the throne was completed, no one ever disturbed the cold.

    After the restoration of the throne, as the master of the big star of this area, the cold has completed the control of this area. Once any of the Wu people enter the area where the cold is responsible for the guard, then the big Sunday stars in the cold and purple house will immediately report to the cold, and the cold will be awakened in their sleep.

    Of course, this kind of control is not absolute. In the face of some witches, this automatic alarm will not work. For example, the area that has passed over the control of countless guards directly sneak attacks on the Ziweidian star guards. The death of the big witch flying cheap.

    “This Feilian should not be bored to find yourself!”The solid cold has yawned, the solid cold maintains the spirit concentration state already a day many, the spirit can not help but also a bit dispirited sleepy, directly to the Lunar Star guard House issued to their own small space to defend the House of the ball to take out, to the throne on a lost, a villa size of the house wrapped in the throne, This small villa has become a solid cold in Shanhaiguan, the first guard house: Excrement star guarding mansion, is really gratifying to congratulate.

    After entering the town hall, the cold first liberated all of their swordsmen, each assigned a room belonging to them, and then found their master bedroom and fell asleep. I slept until the next morning, only to wake up in the friction of silk.

    Open your eyes and look at it, the feelings are poor and wrapped in silk ***** rubbing on your own face, a singular unclear taste in the cold around the cold nose…This is in line with the new title of the cold.

    “Is the witches really honest?”The cold has stretched out, and some do not believe in talking to himself!

    In fact, the cold is also known, the majority of the Wu people are completely honest. If the sword-bearer is deprived of 60% of the combat power, then the witches will at least lose 70% or even 70% of the combat effectiveness. So the situation of the witches is no better than the swordsman.

    The previous attack has failed, and the swordsman’s defense has once again been organized. It is impossible for the Wu people to make a second breakthrough. That being the case, there is no need for the witches to send precious forces to attack the sporadic towns of human beings. Instead, they should consider how to hide their own tribes so as not to be found by angry human swordsmen. massacre.

    Although the lost fighting power of the Wu people can be resurrected within a few years, the recovery of the swordsman’s combat power is much faster than they are. Next week, the Sword Spirit will come with a large number of support forces. At that time, it was the turn of the wind and water, and it was the turn of the sword-bearers to find the troubles of these damn witches.

    After considering the things of the witches, the rest is the problem of poverty!

    The cold will squat on the bed, picking up a butt to sleep, and then slipped up, and then slap on both sides of her small butt, screaming at the little guy, but it’s sober. come.

    “Bastards are cold…What are you doing with your ass? People’s ass will hurt! ”Poverty is very wronged.

    “Well, I am poor, I have a very important thing to ask you now, I hope you can answer me truthfully.”It seems that holding a cat like a cat catches the awkwardness of poverty and sees her in front of her eyes.

    “Just ask! As long as the cold is asked to be poor, the poor will tell him! ”It’s hard to say a word that makes warm and cold feeling warm.

    “First of all, what is your body? Are you waking up with strange powers? ”Asked about the cold.

    Clam P-pardon me? I can’t understand the poor! ”I just said something that tells the poor of the cold, and now I am very shameless.

    “Poverty, don’t think I can’t see it. The attack of your own body not only regards the defense of the witches as nothing, but even cuts off the weapons of the great witches. This is definitely not the ability of the ancient sword-level swordsman. It is poor, can you tell me what is the reason? ? ”The cold is very hopeful that poverty can honestly tell the answer to this question. In fact, in the Meiling Mountains, the cold has already suspected that poverty is not an ordinary ancient sword-level swordswoman. After all, the performance of the girl’s poverty has impressed the cold.

    The cold has also asked the problem of poverty all times, but every time the poverty is squandered and stuffed, until this time, the cold feels that things must be clear.

    “And your magic is more than that. Under normal circumstances, the witches should be turned into blood in the mud after death, and finally return to the arms of the ancestral witch. But the witch who died in your hands will leave a body…I can also feel that when the witches are lost, something in their body will enter your body. ”

    “So I guess, is your body capable of absorbing the blood of the witches, so this makes the body of the witches not return to blood.”The decision to fix the cold is not going to be a circle with the poor, and directly telling all the problems that I have discovered. “And there is the final battle with the criminal day. I suspect that he seems to know something about the punishment. Although he said that he is a poor sword, I always feel that he is not talking about the poor sword, but about another. sword. Poverty, you tell me, why is this? ”

“……”When I heard the cold, it was obvious that poverty began to hesitate. Struggling in her eyes, she seems to be struggling to tell the truth about the truth.

    “Cold, I am real…”When the poor little mouth is open, it is necessary to tell the truth of all the things, then her body begins to violently twitch, and then like a balloon filled with air, it begins to expand and become bigger until it becomes a The girl’s appearance was held in her arms by her cold.

    “I don’t think you will show up!”Seeing the poverty of the girl’s mentality, I can’t help but smile. Originally, I just wanted to ask the truth about the matter. I did not expect to force the ancestor to come out.

    I can’t! The little guy is too stupid, and you are asked to speak in a few words. The deity can only shut her up in this way! ”This is the first time that the cold has seen a girl in poverty in the daily state. It is also the first time that the cold is carefully examined to see the girl’s poverty.

    Although the girl’s poverty is completely poor and grows up, the temperament of the girl’s poverty and the poorness of the goods is completely different. One is a cute baby that can make the cold heart melt, and the other is as if everything in the world is not in her eyes. The cosmic princess is average.

    “Alright, I always wanted to talk to you well, but I never knew how to get you out. Can you talk to me?”Cold and sincere asked.

    “You should let go of the deity first!”The girl looked at the poor and looked at the two arms that clung to her body.

    SorryThe cold immediately released the arm and placed the girl’s poverty on the ground.

    “The deity has no interest in talking to you, but if something does not explain to you, you will probably destroy the deity of the deity, so the deity will talk to you about it.”The poor girl opened her mouth and closed a book, and did not know what His Holiness was.

    “Before you talk to me, can I ask you a question first?”Cold sighed.

    No What the deity tells you, what do you listen to, you are not qualified to ask the deity any questions! ”The girl is poor and curls her own hair with her own fingers. First of all, you are not allowed to ask the idiot about the deity. The body of the deity has been used with mercy for you. You should be grateful for the use of Dade, and don’t think about something that is useless. ”

    “Second, you must kill all the witches here, and then find twelve drops of ancestral blood, and integrate all these blood into my body. Do you understand?”

    3rdAnyway, you first remember the first two to the deity, and the third deity will tell you later. ”Cough, it seems that the third article of our girl’s poverty is just to make a number.

    “I can promise you all three of these things, but you must also promise me a request!”Standing cold and standing up, his hands pressed on the shoulders of the girl’s poor, and said loudly, “I don’t care who you are?” What do you want? But you must leave from the poor body and return the real poverty to me. This is not the place you should stay! ”

    Joke Who is the real poverty, can’t you see it? ”The young girl suddenly gave a sneer, and spit out a “cut” word in her mouth. When she held the girl’s poor hands, she suddenly lost consciousness and became like her own hand. The girl was poor and gently backed away. Then break free from the control of the cold.

    “But I can promise you that as long as you honestly kill all the witches, then I can at least let you be together with the poverty you want in your lifetime.”The girl’s poor body began to shrink rapidly, and it seems that she has to change back to her original goods. “But remember, if you dare to ask another question, I don’t mind giving this body a memory. Cleaning.”

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