At this time, Kuafu was like a patient with Parkinson’s, constantly waving his arm and trying to get rid of the cold. But the cold is firmly crucified on the back of Kuafu’s hand, and it cannot be opened.

    Suddenly, Kuafu took out his left hand and hit hard on the back of his right hand. He wanted to kill the cold on his back like a dead fly.

    It is a pity that things are far from being so simple. Seeing the palm of the left hand that whizzes, the cold is ready. He used a poor sword to tear a big hole on the back of Kuafu’s hand, then frowned and slid into the mouth, and the whole body was buried in the palm of Kuafu. Kuafu’s slap naturally can only be played on the back of his bloody hands, and there is no damage to the cold.

    “Ahhhh…”Kuafu made a painful scream, because the cold in the skin of Kuafu’s flesh was not idle, and the poor sword in his hand would slap the palm of his hand, and the Kuafu, who was originally injured in the back of his hand, also Cracked open.

    “Little beast! This is what you forced me! ”Kuafu screamed, and the cold that was hidden in the flesh and blood of Kuafu suddenly found that the bones of Kuafu around him began to swell. Seeing that the cold of this scene has reacted very quickly, he immediately wants to rush out of the flesh and blood.

    However, Cheng also Xiao He, defeated Xiao He. Just because I was hiding in the flesh and blood, I avoided the beat of Kuafu, but because it was hidden in the flesh and blood at this time, the resistance was far greater than the air, which caused the cold at this time to have no way to quickly get from the flesh and blood of Kuafu. Detach.

    Therefore, only half of the body has escaped from the cold, but the last two feet are stuck by the rapidly accelerating bones.

    Seeing the scene of the scene in the canopy, she immediately became anxious. She shouted to the cold and said, “Be careful!” This is the praise of the father to change the source of the real body! You must leave from his body, otherwise you will be pinched by him! ”

    In fact, there is no need to say that the cold is also known to praise the father is to change the original body. Although the twelve witch tribes see people in the image of half-human and half-beasts on weekdays, the great witches are able to break away from the image of the beast and appear in front of the world simply in the image of the human being.

    But every great witch has his own true body. This kind of origin comes from the ancestors who gave them blood, which is equivalent to summoning the true body of the ancestors. Once the great witch uses the original body, the strength can be greatly enhanced, from the level of the level to the level of the level of the universe, the hard life spans a huge realm, which shows the power of the original body!

    It’s just that the big witch can’t always summon his own true body, just like the solid Black Tortoise uses primal chaos to open his own soul. Using the original body will also consume the blood of the great witch.

    The origin of the great witch is strong, but once the change disappears, the great witch will instantly enter a state of weakness, and only a few months after entering the ancestral blood can recover. Therefore, less than a last resort, the great witch will not use the original body.

    Originally, according to the estimation of the cold, the Kuafu at this time should not use the original body. Because he has stirred up the palm of his father’s hand into a mess, but this is only a palm of his hand. Even for humans, cutting a palm is nothing but a disability, and it can’t cause any fatal damage. For the witches, their bodies can be regenerated, and as long as they are cultivated for a long enough time, the palms that are cut off can be automatically restored. Therefore, the situation at hand is not a lasting juncture for Kuafu. Kuafu should not use his own source to be true.

    It is a pity that the cold is still not understanding the witches. He uses the gains and losses of reason and interests to calculate the response of the witches, but does not consider the nature of the witches. The character of the witches is tyrannical, and a little bit of something can hide their anger, and once they get angry, they will completely lose their reason and become a monster that can only fight.

    The characteristics of each tribe are different, and some tribes are more rational, such as the Dijiang tribe, the Xuanming tribe, the Houtu tribe, and so on. Some tribes are even more violent, such as Zhu Rong tribe, Gong Gong tribe, and this strong tribe.

    Although the cold-cold attack on Kuafu’s palm did not cause fatal damage to the cross-service, the so-called ten-pointed heart was fatal to the suffering caused by Kuafu. Such fierce pain and Kuafu’s temper, naturally let Kuafu enter a huge anger, anger occupies the heart of Kuafu, and he will not care about the sequela of the original body, as long as he can To die this human being, Kuafu can do anything.

    Once Kuafu begins to change the original body, the whole body will naturally undergo tremendous changes, and those wounds will automatically heal in the change.

    The cross-father’s origin is a kind of creature similar to the tree essence. His body becomes a tens of meters thick mahogany trunk, his legs become dense roots, and his hands become two ten. The thick branches of the rice are covered with green branches.

    At this time, the part below the cold knee is rooted in the branch, while the cold body is straight out, and looks like a branch that grows on the trunk.

    I tried to stretch my feet, but my feet were like being trapped in a swamp. Without the coldness of the sword, the strength of my feet was only a little bigger than the average. How could it be Struggling out of the branches?

    The cold wants to use the poor sword to dig out some of the branches that trap the feet of the feet, but after the poor swords pierce the branches, it is like a sword into the sand. Although it is very easy to get in, it is very easy to split. However, the mouth cut out from the front of the poor, the hind foot is automatically healed, even if the cold is cut at a faster speed, the wound will heal in an instant, and the feet of the sword will not move, and the living is limited to the real Inside the body.

    Human I want to kill you alive! ”Seeing that the cold was trapped in his own paw, Kuafu made a crazy laugh. Suddenly, the branches around the cold began to grow rapidly, turning into a tough and soft rattan whip. Just like the linen wrapped in mummies, the body of the cold is tied in a circle and finally. Thoroughly wrapped the cold into a mummy.

    “Give me death!”When the cold is completely wrapped, the rattan whip is like a giant snake, and begins to shrink and tighten. He wants to kill the cold as the Kuafu just said.

    At this time, the cold experience experienced the pain of Kuafu. He felt that every inch of his skin and the internal organs began to squeeze into the body. He could clearly hear the broken sound of a bone in his body, which brought a while. A sharp pain in the heartbreaking lungs.

    However, the severe pain at this time is no longer a problem for the cold. The cold need to consider how to live in this situation, but even if it is cold, in the face of this situation, I can’t think of it for a while. A good idea of ​​what the Jedi counterattack comes out.

    The cold is like a bag of small raccoons, which is about to be squeezed into a bag of broken bread by a person across the bag.

    “Cold cold!!!!”There was a miserable call from the passing of the year, and she seemed to have seen the scene of the instant noodles that had been smashed into a bag of broken instant noodles. It’s too late to hesitate, she takes off the cold clothes that she wears on her body, and then pulls out her own pendant again. It seems that Liu Nian has made up his mind to use her killer, and I don’t know what effect this pendant has!

    It is a pity that it seems that there is no time to use this killer because only a dark gun has appeared around the age.

    “You give me a go!”The sound of the solid Black Tortoise was heard, but compared with the previous Black Tortoise, the solid Black Tortoise sound became extremely indifferent, like an iceberg beauty.

    “Miss Black Tortoise, you are…”When she turned her head, she stopped for a moment, because she found that the solid Black Tortoise and the solid Black Tortoise seemed completely different.

    Although the face of the two solid Black Tortoises has not changed, the clothes and hair accessories of the solid Black Tortoise have completely changed. The original solid Black Tortoise was dressed neatly, with a sword shirt and a slacks underneath. It was a simple and neat sword-bearer.

    But at this time, the solid Black Tortoise changed into a dress, wearing a dark red military uniform on the upper body, a black and white lace miniskirt on the lower body, and a pair of slender long legs on the long white stockings. A pair of tubes and a rifle. Yes, there is nothing wrong with it. At this time, the solid Black Tortoise has been replaced with a costume worn by an angel outside the city.

    “You are not human!!!”At a glance, I saw a circle of energy around the body of the Black Tortoise. This is a characteristic that only Yuanxiao has. Can it be said that the Black Tortoise is a Lantern? But what about the Black Tortoise’s swordswoman? I feel that my brain is about to explode.

    “I will say this later, you will let me go now, don’t prevent me from saving my father!”Solid Black Tortoise snarled into the rogue, and then pushed directly on the body of the rogue. Without the flow of the sword, the black Tortoise was directly pushed a few meters away and hit the trunk directly.

    FatherIt’s more deaf to hear the title of Solid Tortoise, but she suddenly remembered that when she was invaded in Yuzhang City that day, she was in her own sea of ​​consciousness, in the scene called the Cifu shop… …It seems that there, I am very happy to call my father.

    “This cold is really a metamorphosis…Actually adjust your sister to say this! ”In his own heart, Liu Nian will suddenly give up the cold and give him a stink.

    “boom!”At the time of the smog, the sound of guns and roars came from the ear, and when I turned around, I saw the barrel of the black Black Tortoise in the hands of the smoke, and the vine that was firmly tied to the cold, Then he was shot in a dark hole.

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