Very fortunate, when the soldiers of the twelve strong tribes were killed by the solid Black Tortoise, there were no more large-scale witch troops chasing them, and the team of temporary swordsmen led by the cold can also Fast speed toward Taian County.

    Only one person in the team is like a corpse, and this person naturally loses his son’s old Chen. What is even more tragic is that at the time of the Black Tortoise and the Witch War, the body of Lao Chen’s son was unfortunately stepped on by a witch.An ordinary flesh was stepped on by a witch who was more than five meters tall. The result is naturally self-evident, and his body looks like it was crushed by a rear eight rounds.

    The old Chen who was awake could not stand such a blow, and once again passed out. Helpless to fix the cold can only arrange a few people to rotate and carry the old Chen forward, until the old Chen wakes up again…At this time, he has become a walking dead, limbs weak, his eyes are scattered, just mechanically follow the big forces, like a zombie.

    “This person is already finished…”Almost everyone in the heart, including the cold, gave this statement to the old man. If this old guy doesn’t get up again, the next one to die is probably him.

    Of course, for such a vulnerable person, there is not much mercy in the cold. He is more concerned about how to safely take this temporary force to Tai’an County, where he can find traces of the rogue and join her.

    Despite the great vigilance of fixing cold on the road, some young sword-bearers were arranged according to a group of two. They were in the front, rear, left and right directions, and they did not know that the scouts closely monitored all the situations on the way forward, so as to avoid the emergence of witches. The risk of a sneak attack.

    It is a pity that the cold seems to be destined to spend an hour in the aftermath of leaving the ruins of Shenyang. In addition to encountering three little witches on the road, Black Tortoise killed the accident and never encountered other witches. This made the whole team’s atmosphere a lot easier, and let the heart that people have been hanging down slightly, until Leslie Dracula, who was in charge of scouting in front of the team, ran to report, saying that he found it in front. There are many witches in the number of more than fifty.

    This discovery made the whole team suddenly panic, but the cold quickly used his cold gas field to calm the team back.

    “Everyone is hidden, solid Black Tortoise. You are here to protect everyone, Miss Dracula, take me to see the witches!”After allocating their respective tasks, the cold was carried out under the leadership of Leslie Dracula, and it was very hidden and climbed a hill overlooking a small plain below the hill.

    In the plains, there are indeed more than fifty witches living there, but these witches seem to have no sense of vigilance, and there is no murderousness in them. There are several witches who are still playing together to play stones… …It’s the kind of game that throws the stone high and then looks at the moment you can catch a few small stones at the next moment you touch the stone.

    Therefore, it is better to say that they are here to play and play around, rather than saying that they are preparing to block the cold and others.

    “These are the strong witches!”Judging from the cold, these witches are all over five meters tall and have a long tail, which is clearly the middle of the strong Liang.

    “Just why are they doing this? It doesn’t look like a warrior at all, but like some children. ”There is some doubt in the tone of the cold.

    “Because they are children!”Leslie Degula said, “I’ve seen the data in the family, and these witches, after their rebirth, can inherit their body and strength before they are reborn, but their souls and memories are not reborn, so they will be just like children in the period of their rebirth, Need the family’s predecessors to teach and time to help to restore their roots of the family memory, the real adult combat effectiveness, this time about six months or so. ”

    When Leslie D’Gula explained that she was proud of her face, it seemed as if she could show off her knowledge in front of the cold. It was such a great thing.

    After listening to this, the cold immediately observed the movement in the entire valley again. It turns out that, as Leslie Dracula said, there are two very different sects of witches among a large group of older children. Although they have a cold face, they have a kind smile and they are obviously the witch teachers who teach these children.

    “So the witches in the valley are actually the children born by the strong tribes in this half year!” They don’t have real combat skills! ”Chilling thoughtfully said, “In fact, these fifty witches are very good to deal with, right?”

    “That said, but they are just a group of children. Are you going to shoot these children?”Leslie Dracula said something that she could not bear.

    “Have you ever seen a child over five meters tall?”Solid cold smiled. “We are the enemy of life and death, do not need to pay attention to those false kindness. And don’t you think their situation is very similar to us? The same is that there is a strong power, but for various reasons, it has lost its power. The witches can kill us, why can’t we kill these so-called children? ”

    “But will this slow down our speed? In case the chasing soldiers in the back chased it up…”Leslie Dracula raised another concern.

    “Why do you think there will be a group of witches in this valley?”The cold and indifferent said, “The reason is very simple, because there must be a tribal settlement of the witches in the vicinity. And this tribal settlement is very likely to be on our way to Tai’an County. ”

    “I have looked at the map. There is a valley in front. I want to pass it only one way.” Otherwise, you must climb over the mountains on both sides to get around. If you need to spend five or six hours, we don’t have so much time to waste, so we can only break the Witch tribe in front of us and pass through the canyon. ”

    I understandLeslie Dracula nodded, although the heart was a little bit intolerable, but after all, humans and witches are the grievances of your life and death, and now it is not the time of the Madonna.

    “You are going to find the Black Tortoise right now and let her bring everyone to this hill!”Cold weather ordered Leslie Dracula. Leslie Dracula immediately rushed down the hillside and found the solid Black Tortoise, which was trying to hide everyone in the grass, and told him the order to fix the cold.

    As a result, these sword-bearers who had just been hidden and directly concealed their own concealment and climbed up the hill with the solid Black Tortoise. It took about seven minutes or so.

    It was also this seven minutes, when they boarded the sticky ball and saw the situation in the valley once, everyone could not help but stunned and couldn’t believe everything in front of them.

    Because the ground of the valley lies on the body of more than 50 strong tribes in the strong tribe, and each body is the death of the separation of the head and the body, the line looks like a terrible massacre.

    With the middle of all the corpses, there is some cold back on the cold. He held a few leaves of the size of a fan in his hand, and then gently wiped the blue blood on his sword with the leaves…This action is very calm, very gentle and very horrible.

    “Let’s go down! You stand on the hills too conspicuous! ”The cold man said to the people on the hills that these talents suddenly realized that they jumped down the hills and walked into the valley full of killings.

    “These are all killed by you alone?”A swordsman in his fifties said incredulously, “A person who lost his swordsman actually killed more than fifty of the strong tribes? What exactly did you do? Are you a human or a ghost? ”

    “These are not real witches, just a group of children. It is not a good thing to bully a group of children.”Chilling and shaking his head, “Miss Dracula, trouble you to explain to these people, I went to investigate in front and see how the witch tribes live.”

    After that, the cold did not return to the valley full of dead bodies, ready to go to the clan’s settlement.

    “Even if these bodies are children, they are also children with rockets…It’s too fast for seven minutes! ”Leslie Dracula looked at the back of the cold, and muttered.


    “Poverty is poor, is this your special place?”At the same time, the cold that went to reconnaissance did not focus on the surrounding environment, but instead cast all of their gaze on the poor sword in their hands.

    Unfortunately, because of the inability to use the swordsman, the cold can not be exchanged with the poor goods, and you can only make all kinds of guesses.

    In fact, I couldn’t think of the cold, but I was able to solve the more than fifty witches in just seven minutes. As Leslie Dracula said, the children of these witches are all children with rockets. They will not use their own power, and the rest will be exactly the same as the real witches. ……In particular, their physical defense ability, it is necessary to spend dozens of swords to kill a Chinese witch.

    Therefore, in the original plan of the cold, he may take twenty minutes or more to solve these witches. But just as he was preparing to fight with the Eternal Sword at first, the Poverty Sword suddenly made a mind that seemed to use the self to fight as he did last time.

    Although I can’t understand why, but the cold is still replaced with a poor sword.

    After that, things like dreams have happened. Those defenses that need to be attacked by dozens of swords by the sword of the heavens are just like paper paste in the face of poverty. One stamp is broken, and one is a head flying.

    The two witches who were set as the priority targets by the cold have not responded to what happened, and they were cut off by the cold and one sword.This feeling is like a military dagger cutting tofu, a little resistance can not feel.

    So the next battle to kill these fifty children is simply not to be described. In the seven minutes of cold storage, almost six minutes are used to chase these fleeing children. The actual battle time is no more than one minute. These fierce defensive powers of the Witch are one of the swords and die in the hands of the cold.

    “You really are not a simple ancient sword…Poverty! ! ”After a long gaze of cold and cold, I finally sighed. Because just now, he remembered what Yi Qing had said to himself. She told herself that she would definitely die in poverty in the future. She kept herself away from poverty.

    When I was cold, I didn’t think so, but now it seems…

    “There is nothing to look at, poverty is my swordswoman!”The expression of the cold has returned to calm.

    heart Can’t mess!

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