“After 8:30, let’s go? Will it be too urgent? ”A middle-aged sword-level swordsman stood up from his seat. Although his legs were trembled, he still struggled to stand up. “I just came back from outside the city. Even my parents and my wife didn’t get along well. Can’t slow down the day and start tomorrow night? So let me wait for my loved ones, this may be our last time…”

    ForbidThe sword-bearer’s words were interrupted by the Sword Spirit. “Shanhai Customs will not be able to meet tomorrow’s noon. If I am today, you will be reunited with your loved ones. Then, after a few more days, everyone here will die in ten. In the second ancestor’s hand, it is too heavy and heavy, and I need more nonsense.”

    After listening to Sword Spirit, the sword-bearer can only fall back and fall back. Sword Spirit is not wrong. If Shanhaiguan can’t hold it, the nearest Yanjing City to Shanhaiguan must bear the brunt. The 12 ancestors who have accumulated hundreds of years of anger will surely target the primary revenge to Yanjing City. If Yanjing City fails, all the family members and relatives at the site will not survive.

    “It’s a good thing, even for your own loved ones, you can’t back down this time!”A very majestic voice came from the door. Everyone turned around and saw a dragon and robe man dressed in red and yellow with a five-pronged golden dragon and a red-browed White Tiger.

    “See the dragon lion!”Seeing this person, all the sword-bearers present included the Sword Spirit, the cold and the Sword Immortal, all kneeling down in front of this person. However, there is also one person who has not left, that is, solid Black Tortoise, this child has never seen the picture of the Dragon and Lion Sword Emperor, and naturally it is impossible to know that this man will be one of the only two swordsmen of human beings. Sword Emperor.

    But even if Black Tortoise knows this, she is not expected to kneel down. After all, she grew up with Lantern and her heart, and there is no point in her heart for the awe of the sword.

    Solid Black Tortoise did not kneel down, the three swordsmen behind the Black Tortoise, white iron, beauty, Taia naturally did not kneel. In fact, the swordsman who was present did not have a majesty…There is not much much respect between the swordsmen, even if the ancient sword-level swordsman met the emperor sword-level swordsmaid, as long as the heart does not like it, don’t say it, even the reason is too lazy to take care of it.

    “hahaha! Flat! Flat! ”The Dragon and Lion Sword Emperor did not seem to care about this. He quickly greeted the sword-bearer who was present and got up, and then sat in the position of Sword Spirit.

    “A thousand miles of rushing over, I originally wanted to see the finals of the Eighth Congress and see what young talents we humans have in the future!”The Dragon and Lion Swordsman looked like a amiable person. “But I didn’t think I just came to Yanjing City. I heard such bad news. It seems that I didn’t have the chance to see the grand event of the Eighth Congress Finals!”

    “Since you can’t see the finals of the Eighth House Conference, let the crickets give you all the talents.” It is inevitable that going to Shanhaiguan will be dangerous. Any one of you may leave yourself there forever! In the same year, I stayed in Shanhaiguan for three years. What is happening in Shanhaiguan is clearer than you. There is a dangerous place, it is a Jedi. It is like a routine to get hurt, and death is also normal. I don’t know, when you return after three years, there are several people who can once again be in front of you! This is really a great sorrow for my Human Race. I resisted having to throw the elite geniuses into the place from generation to generation, and then watched them die. ”

    “If you can, I hate to dismantle the Shanhaiguan, and broke the starry array of the stars, so that my Human Race will never be dragged down by the Shanhaiguan. But you can’t do it! The biggest skill of 朕 is to give you a cup of strong wine here! ”Speaking of this, the Dragon and Lion Swordsman’s eyes have a few drops of tears. It can be seen that this is not the performance of the Dragon and Lion Swordsman, but his true feelings.

    The Dragon and Lion Sword Emperor certainly has his selfish side, but on the issue of big and big, the Dragon and Lion Swordsman is still profound and righteous. The Dragon and Lion Sword Emperor clearly knows that apart from those who are old-aged sword-bearers, the children in front of him who have become sword-level swordsmen at the age of 18 are all one of the best geniuses among human beings. . This is probably the most powerful genius of mankind in 100 years. It is very likely that there will be future Sword Immortal and Sword Emperor in this wave of genius.

    “Throwing such a group of geniuses into Shanhaiguan, there are a few people who can come back alive, and I really don’t know. If some of you die in Shanhaiguan, who is likely to become Swordsman and Sword Immortal in the future, I don’t know! ”

    “But I know one thing! Shanhaiguan can kill talent, but it can also hone talent. One or two of you may have the genius of Sword Immortal and Swordsman talent. But there will be three or four Swordsmen and Sword Immortal who have been honed between life and death. If you can survive these three years, your future will be paralyzed, and human beings will be proud of you! ”Having said that, the emotions of the Dragon and Lion Swordsmen have been brewed to the extreme. Seeing his hand wave, dozens of empty doors appeared at the same time, and then a common blue-rimmed bowl was sent from each of the empty doors, and the blue bowl was full of one. A bowl of aromatic wine.

    Come on! Everyone did this wine! I promise you that after three years, I will wait here for you to wash the dust for you! ! ! ”The Dragon and Lion Sword Emperor raised the blue bowl in front of him. Infected by the Dragon Emperor Sword Emperor, even those who were originally fearful of the middle-aged swordsman, at this moment also courageously raised their blue bowls.

    Ever since, everyone has lifted their blue-rimmed bowls high, and the whole picture looks like Liang Shanbo 108 will be meeting together, shouting for the scene of the Heavenly Way.

    However, there are still some uncoordinated things in this scene, such as solid Black Tortoise. It makes sense, even if the fool knows, it must be waited for the Dragon and Lion Sword Emperor to drink the wine, and other people can drink this bowl of wine. But our solid Miss Black Tortoise does not understand these…But even if she understands, she will definitely not care about it. To be reasonable, our solid Black Tortoise is still a good boy. I haven’t had any wine since I lived so big! .

    So when I saw this bowl of scented liquid, Miss Black Tortoise couldn’t resist the temptation. When everyone raised his blue bowl, Miss Black Tortoise began to sip the wine to herself. The throat is filled inside.

    However, this wine tastes very sweet, but in fact it is not the same when you drink it. After Miss Solid Black Tortoise drank the first bite, then the whole person’s cheeks swelled and instantly became flushed.

    “Bash!”Miss Black Tortoise smothered the liquor in her mouth…Fortunately, standing in front of the solid black Tortoise, the cold eyes were fast, and in the hands of Sword Qi, the whole liquid was wrapped up with his own Sword Qi, and finally with the whole group Sword Qi thrown out the window…An unfortunate passerby outside the window thought that it was raining and raining, and quickly blocked it with his hand.

    When I reacted, I found out that I was already drunk, and when I got home, I was reprimanded by my wife.

    Seeing a lovely girl suddenly made this action, the sword-bearers present couldn’t help but smile, and they put down the blue-rimmed bowl in their hands and began to laugh.

    I don’t know how the mood of the Dragon and Lion Swordsmen in this situation is, but the Sword Emperor is the Sword Emperor. Of course, he can’t be seen with the little girl. Therefore, the Dragon and Lion Sword Emperor can only put down the blue-rim bowl in his hand with a gentle smile, and look at the solid Black Tortoise with interest. He smiles and asks “Little girl, which city are you the sword-bearers?” Ask for name?

    I am……When Black Tortoise had not had time to speak, he was interrupted by the cold. “She is offended. She is the cousin of the younger generation. She learned from home when she was a child. There is no such thing as a Menglang, and she still wants to forgive her.”

    “It turned out to be the cousin of the owner of the cold house!”The dragon lion sword emperor’s other sword-bearers can not know, but this in the Changyang Mountain and their own top cattle, and finally preserved the Xuanyuan sword’s cold, the Dragon and Lion Sword Emperor can not help but recognize.

    The eyes of the Dragon and Lion Swordsman swept on the body of the Black Tortoise, and then saw the three swordsmen behind the Black Tortoise. In addition to the ancient sword-level white iron sword is not worth mentioning, whether it is the beauty sword or the Tai A sword, it is the top ten top swordsmen!

    “It seems that the family of this kid is not ordinary!”The Dragon and Lion Sword Emperor, like the undisciplined Ten Party, began to admire the blood of the home of the cold. He is known for his strong cold, and he has the first sword of the sword-level sword and the sword of the first appearance in front of the world…The cold has already reported the news of the Temple of the Soul to the General Committee of the Swordsmen. The General Committee of the Swordsman also knows that after the ancient sword-level swordsman was poor and the sword, the cold has actually had a sword-level sword that was born for the first time. Mother’s moment sword. And looking at the data of the Son of the Sword, you can already force the three-foot sword and the Tai Ajian, become the first sword-level sword-named mother.

    I heard that the General Committee of the Swordsman has already photographed the “Ming Sword Recording” Compilation Committee. When the next issue of “Swords of the Swords” was released, the second one was not the original Tai Ajian, but the Mozi Sword.

    Everyone may feel strange, isn’t it true that the data of the Mozi Sword is a veritable sword-level first swordswoman? Why are you still tied for second place?

    That is because the Mozi Sword only surpasses the three-footed sword in terms of attributes, but who makes the three-footed sword a humanistic swordswoman, with the power of all human beings behind it. As long as the three-footed sword is willing, she can even force the first sword-sex of the sword-level, so the position of the first sword-sword of the sword-level can only be worn on the head of the three-footed sword.

    “Single Sword Spirit, is there a name for Miss Black Tortoise on the list?”The Dragon and Lion Swordsman suddenly asked Sword Spirit, the temple around him.

    “I am playing, because Miss Black Tortoise became a sword-level swordsman ten minutes ago, so she is not on the list.”Sword Spirit replied.

    “Then add her name!”The Dragon and Lion Swordsmen nodded. “So many people are still a little bit tight for Shanhaiguan. Now, with the birth of the Thai Ajian, the power of Shanhaiguan can be greatly enhanced. For the safety of mankind, the little girl still has to sacrifice it! ”

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