“It’s here, check the number of sapphire in your body!”When the cold came to the door of the medical examination center with Lu Xihua and Solid Black Tortoise, he was ready to enter the No. 7 medical examination room with Lucifer.

    “You don’t go with me?”At this time, the solid Black Tortoise suddenly snarled in the cold.

    “Without…”The cold and cold answer.

    Bah. Who is rare to accompany you! ”Solid Black Tortoise took a sip and broke into the No. 8 medical examination room, leaving a calm and cold face, as well as Lucy, who was also uncomfortable.

    “Well, little sister, you are very powerful, actually have such a high innate swordsman!”The old nurse who was responsible for the body test of Lucifer was a 60-year-old nurse. After the results of the medical examination came out, he smiled and said to Lucifer. “Old woman, I have seen so many innate swordsmen once or twice a month, you must cheer for the little sister! Strive to find your own swordsman and contribute to the rise of mankind. ”

    Of course, the old nurse did not know the true identity of Lucifer. If she knows that this little girl in her mouth is actually the chief of the sword in Yuzhang City, I think she will not talk to Lucifer in such a tone and attitude.

    “And you, boy, you have to cheer! Strive yourself to be a sword-bearer, or your girlfriend will become a sword-bearer, but you will not see you! ”The old nurse began to say to the cold. The old nurse’s eyes didn’t seem to work well. She didn’t seem to see the scabbard with three swords hanging on the cold.

    “Thank you nurse mother-in-law!”Lucifer said sweetly, and then took over his medical examination form, which clearly stated the number of “365 quark” on the column of swordsman. The congenital swordsman with more than 300 quarks is indeed a very remarkable thing, and it has already reached the level of one thousand miles. It can’t be compared with the tens of thousands of days of the innate swordsman.

    “It’s just a year’s time!”When I saw the figure of the sword, I couldn’t help but swear. He vaguely felt that this number seems to have a special meaning. But what does this mean? It’s hard to fix the cold.

    The cold has not been pondering for a long time. Suddenly I heard an astonishing scream in the room next door, as if I found something terrible.

    “This is not good!”It was the physical examination room of the solid Black Tortoise, where it was screaming! ”The cold immediately stood up from the chair and looked at the room nervously. “It won’t be that the physical examination equipment found the true identity of the solid Black Tortoise, and found that she is a yuan!”

    Thinking of this possibility, there is a feeling of chilling in the cold. Because of the lawfulness of the matter, the entire Yanjing City is now in an extremely sensitive state for the situation of the Yuanxiao. Once another person discovers the true identity of Black Tortoise, the genius knows whether he will be locked into the prison as well as the lawyer.

    After a cold step, he rushed out from the inspection room No. 7, and then appeared in the inspection room No. 8 in an instant. Looking at the cold, I only saw the nurse in the examination room No. 8 holding a check in the hand and shivering, while the solid Black Tortoise sat there with a smile, a wolf-like dog lung.

    SorryNo one saw the movement of the cold, and the checklist in the nurse’s hand appeared in the hands of the cold. If you find that the solid Black Tortoise is a Lantern, you will immediately destroy this checklist, then stun the nurse and destroy all the data here. Can you consolidate the true identity of Black Tortoise to hide.

    If it is not possible, then the cold can only escape from Yanjing City…As long as I left Yanjing City, I believe that no one can regain it.

    “Race: Human Han” “Looking at the cold first look at the standard race position on this checklist, and then a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, it seems that the human form of Black Tortoise is very perfect. Even such a sophisticated instrument has been concealed. It is impossible to check that she is a mixed human and a scorpion.

    Can’t even find the true identity of the solid Black Tortoise, what does the nurse scream? Hell?

    At this time, the nurse finally found that the checklist in his hand was missing. She looked around inexplicably, and saw the sudden cold in the examination room, and the cold hand was holding the checklist she had just seen.

    “what are you doing? Who allows you to take the doctor’s things? ”The nurse immediately asked rudely.

    “I still want to ask you! Why are you screaming just now? ”The cold did not answer, but asked the nurse a question.

    Oh rightWhy should I scream? ”The nurse thought for a moment, then thought of something in an instant, screaming again.

    “Ahhhh…”The nurse pointed at the solid Black Tortoise and screamed, “She is not a person…She is not a person…”

    When I was cold, I was a little nervous. Could it be that the nurse found evidence that solid Black Tortoise is not human from the other data on the checklist?

    “She is a genius…Is a super genius…The genius of the World in the world “the next word the nurse froze the whole face of the cold, then he immediately looked at his own hands of the check list, and then directly to the writing of the number of swords, red five digits 95628 almost did not light blind solid cold eyes, this incredibly is a full close to 100,000 of the figure.

    So far, who is the highest person in the human body? Some people say that it is Jianzu, because Jianzu directly coordinated with the sword-level swordsman, and later Jianzu also admitted that his innate swordsman was around 15000 points.

    However, this view has not been recognized by everyone, because there was no way to detect the swordsman at that time. All the swordsmen were estimated by the latecomers and could not be used as an accurate basis. When humans have an accurate method of detecting sapphire, the highest congenital sapphire recorded by humans is 14,893 quarks.

    This is a number that has blinded all the dog’s eyes, and that number has not changed in more than 700 years, and no one has ever been able to go beyond that in 700 years, and according to statistics, the average of human innate values is declining, So it is almost impossible for future generations to find someone who can transcend that number.

    But now this number has been surpassed, and it is still six times as much as it has been surpassed, reaching an astonishing 95,628 quark, which is almost a number that can destroy all human common sense. No wonder the nurse will make a high after seeing this number. Screaming…If the cold is the nurse, he will also scream.

    Seeing that people are looking around here, I want to see what happened. I immediately took this checklist into my pocket, and then said to the nurse with a plain face, “What is it?” What is so good, is there anything weird about this? ”

    “Isn’t this strange?”After listening to the cold, the nurse finally stopped her scream. “This is the innate sword of the 95,628 quark. She has created a record that humans can no longer break.”

    “Who told you that this is a congenital sword!”Cold and disdainful, these are her acquired sorcerers, her true innate swordsman is only a few hundred quarks.

    “Impossible…”The nurse was amazed. “The record she took over clearly states that she is only eighteen years old, and she is still an ordinary person. Where did she come from?”

    “You have been played by her…”The cold and sturdy smashed Black Tortoise. “She just looks small. She is twenty-eight years old, and she is not an ordinary person, but a sword-level sword-bearer. She usually likes to tease people, I say sorry to him for him. ”

“……I see……It turned out that she is already a sword-level sword-bearer, and I said, how can humans have 95,628 quarks of innate swordsmanship! ”It is because the facts of the 95628 are too much to destroy their own views. The nurse’s subconscious does not accept this fact at all. So when the cold gave her a reluctant explanation of the past, the nurse accepted this explanation instinctively.

    Until the cold and the black Black Tortoise left the examination room No. 8, the nurse was still immersed in the things that had been going on for a long time. It wasn’t until a few minutes later that the nurse stunned and patted his head. “No! These data should be provided in the personal terminal, she can not fake in terms of age and identity. ”

    Thinking of this, the nurse immediately opened his computer and wanted to check the information of the Black Tortoise.

    However, all the information about the solid Black Tortoise disappeared at this time, and the nurse could not find any trace of the solid Black Tortoise anyway. This discovery made the nurses feel chilling. The little nurse who usually likes to watch various conspiracy the TV dramas immediately felt that he had discovered something terrible. And this secret must involve the human secret plan, so the information of the solid Black Tortoise will be deleted in an instant, and maybe someone will kill himself.

    When I thought of these nurses, I felt a terrible horror. Then she fled back to the house without even asking for it, and packed up some things in a small home for a month. When she found out that no one really wanted to find her, everything was already late.

    Because of the one-month completion, the Swordsman Service Center has already opened her. And because of this bad completion record, it is very difficult for her to find another job.

    After more than three months of unsuccessful job hunting, the nurse who felt that his spirit and body had been greatly hurt had prepared a bottle of high-level sleeping pills and drank it, eventually leaving the world miserablely.

    In any case, the cold did not think of a person who had a lie with his mouth and went to a dead end.

    Therefore, everyone must not lie to anyone, if you do not, someone will die under your lies.

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