When I took off my own game helmet, I heard the sound of cheers from the martial arts field. They shouted “Miss Yu!” Miss Yan, apparently cheering Yanjing City for this crucial victory.

    For the fact that he is second, the cold has also accepted very calmly. Whoever makes himself two hours ahead is so forced to let the oranges and the starting point kill the Lantern. If these two hours are all done by yourself, then it is estimated that your score has exceeded 150,000 points…Of course, this score is too horrible. I don’t want to get so many points to get cold, which causes unnecessary trouble.

    Now this score is just right. In fact, there is not much difference between the cold and the cold, enough to keep the cold into the final round. In the final round of the game, all the opponents were defeated to win the championship of the Eighth Academy, and that the cold can also achieve their promise, which is enough.

    At this time, the other remaining contestants also picked up their helmets one after another, and they took a glance at the throne, but they were surprised to find that they only wore helmets and lie on their seats, no need to be awake. Look like.

    Could it be thatImmediately, I quickly walked to the side of the rogue, pressed the forced exit button on the helmet, forced the withdrawal from the game, and then took off the helmet and touched her forehead. Sure enough, the forehead was hot. amazing.

    “What is that despicable man doing? Didn’t he be unwilling to fail in the game and want to retaliate against Miss Yan in reality? ”A viewer noticed the strange move of fixing the cold and immediately said to the people around him.

    Soon, other people also noticed the move to fix the cold. They began to make noises and shouted loudly in the theater, letting the cold leave their goddess Miss Yan. Soon the staff of the organizing committee also noticed this. They first sent two people to the side of the cold and the old age to explore the situation. Then after talking to the cold, a few words, the two staff members hurriedly said something to their personal terminal, and immediately the doctor wearing a white coat rushed over with the medical warehouse, and then the flow of the year凛 Put in the medical compartment for emergency medical treatment.

    “What is the situation? Miss Yan, what happened to her? ”The audience found that the situation seemed different from what they had imagined. Could it be that Miss Yan was injured? But this is impossible! Although the battle was very intense, it was also a battle in the game…Even if there are hundreds of thousands of deaths in the game, there will be no impact on the reality. How can Miss Yan hurt to get into the medical compartment?

    “Miss 凛凛’s spirit has been greatly hurt!”The doctor wearing a white coat looked at the flashing data on the medical cabin and frowned at the cold. “What happened to you in the game?” Why did it cause such a huge harm to Miss Yan’s spirit? ”

“……”When the instinct is fixed, it reminds me of the situation in which my body suddenly disengages and cannot move at the last minute. Re-association of the three-footed sword, the answer is simple and clear. “It should be a humanistic swordswoman. She used the power of the humanity swordsman in the end and absorbed strength from the participants.”

    “It turned out to be like this!”The doctor nodded “maybe for this reason, but the database of our medical center has never used the record of the power of the humanity in the game, so it is still necessary to observe this reason.”

    “The doctor comrade, is there no problem with her?”Asked about the cold.

    “After rest, the spirit can be restored. As for the life damage caused by the human swordsman, I don’t know.” After all, this is just a game. It should not cause damage to life…”The doctor’s words are also full of uncertainty. After all, this is a subject that has never been studied before. Doctors dare not easily reach any conclusions.

    After answering the question of chilling, the doctor also reported the situation of the dying to the organizing committee of the Eighth Congress, which is seriously concerned about this matter. If other competitors are injured, the organizing committee is too lazy to pay attention to these matters. But this time I was injured by the Noble Family. This is not the same. If you don’t handle it well, it will cause big problems.

    “At the end of the fourth round, the first combination is a combination of Liunian and Passerby B. The total score is 96,000 points, including 88,000 points for personal years and 8000 points for passers-by.”

    “The second combination is a combination of cold and cold, with a total score of 88,200 points, of which 88,200 points are for cold-cold individual points;”

    “The third place is the Andreivic combination, with a total score of 76,200 points, of which Andreich’s personal points are 48,000 points and Leitia’s personal points are 28,200 points.”

    “The fourth place is the combination of Harry Changruo, with a total score of 50,300 points, of which Harry is always 27300 points and Leslie Dracula is 23,000 points.”

    “The last four rankings, passerby B, Leslie Dracula, Harry Chang Ruo, Lei Diya eliminated. Keeping the cold, the old man, Andreich entered the finals. ”As the host reported his personal score, it was discovered that he was still the first, because his personal points were ahead of the current year by 200 points. Yes, it was only 200 points ahead. But the two percentages are also scores, so personally, the cold is still the first.

    Only this time the statistics of the college’s total points are not based on personal points, but on the team’s total points.

    In this way, Yuzhang College, which represents the cold, still ranked first with a total score of 181 points, followed by Yanjing College with 179 points, ranking second with two points. In the end, Moscow College ranked third with 151 points.

    In addition, other colleges have all been eliminated. As for the rankings, there is nothing to pay attention to. I believe that readers are not interested in knowing the names of these people.

    ” Dear viewers and friends, today’s game is over. The final will start at 8 am tomorrow. Now, please let the audience leave the scene in an orderly manner. Please leave the remaining three contestants not to leave the throne. You can’t leave the throne before the end of the game. ”

    put it on repeatDear viewers…”The broadcast of the military field is repeating this news constantly, and it is already close to 6 o’clock in the afternoon. The audience who are tired of watching the game in the day have begun to prepare their positions, and when everything is in good order, The audience also walked almost two-thirds.

    The broadcast in the military field was suddenly broken by a bit of a rush of voice.

    “I am the Sword Spirit of the Shanhaiguan General Administration of the General Committee of the Swords Committee. I am here to announce that the Eighth Congress has ended. All the sword-level swordsmen who participated in the Eighth Congress are not allowed to leave Yanjing City. Reported to the General Committee of the Swords Committee before 8 o’clock in the evening.”

    “I will repeat it again. The Eighth House Conference has ended. All the sword-level swordsmen who participated in the Eighth House Conference are not allowed to leave Yanjing City. They must report to the General Committee of the Swordsmen before 8 o’clock in the evening!”

    Sword Spirit, after repeating the news twice, ended the broadcast directly, leaving an inexplicable audience and even more inexplicable entrants.

    What happened Didn’t you just say that the finals will be held in the end? How did it suddenly end? ”A viewer asked a friend around him.

    “You asked me to do it…I am also confused now. ”

    “When is the end of me, I will ask if the first place in the Eighth House Conference is the end if it is over!”Another audience said.

    “There is nothing to ask, if it is over now, the first place is naturally the Yuzhang, after all, their total score is the highest.”A viewer sneered and said.

    That wouldn’t be right.How can this be…How can the game end like this? There must be a shady scene in it. It must be that Yuzhang’s bribe has murdered the damn sword committee general meeting. We have to complain and complain! ! ”

    And no matter how the audience is noisy, the cold and cold sitting on the throne of the seat are silently thinking. In fact, when he heard the voice of Sword Spirit, he roughly guessed what happened.

    Can let Black Temple sword Spirit suddenly rushed out and forced to declare eight Yuan Congress of the game, coupled with the requirements of all the sword-level holders in the evening before 8 o’clock must report to the Sword Committee, that is necessarily shanhaiguan what huge problems, Forced the original next month to add to Shanhaiguan sword holders now must act immediately, perhaps tomorrow will be directly to Shanhaiguan.

    “No! I don’t have time to waste it here! ”The cold immediately stood up from his position and directly found a staff member standing next to the throne. “Hello, comrade, can I leave the throne now?”

    NoYou can’t leave the throne before the finals! ”The staff member immediately replied instinctively.

    “But haven’t you heard the words of Sword Spirit?” He said that the game is over. Since the game is over, why can’t I leave here? ”The cold is asking again.

    ThisThisThis staff member has been ignoring for a long time and I don’t know how to answer the cold. So I don’t bother to waste time on this staff member. He jumped straight down the throne and flew away from the field.

    It is now 6 o’clock in the evening, and there are two hours from the last set of eight o’clock. In the two hours, you have to do something to fix the cold. It was originally planned to take a day or two to solve the problem after the end of the Eighth House Conference. But now, there are only two hours left in the cold.

    Hey! Is it solid Black Tortoise? ”The cold first dialed the communication of the solid Black Tortoise, and the other end of the news came that the black Tortoise was very intolerant. “What’s wrong, don’t you have to end the game tomorrow?” Will it take a few more days to accompany me to Shanhaiguan to see my mother? ”

    “No, I may have to leave for Shanhaiguan tomorrow…No, maybe you are leaving today. You are going to the hotel to wait for me right now. ”After the cold is finished, the communication is directly hung up.

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