Until the overbearing heavy bad breath in the Tyrannosaurus was full of bloody smell blowing into the nose of the starting point, the starting point only found that things were completely different from what I imagined. I have fallen into the most dangerous situation between the beards.

    At this time, the big mouth of Tyrannosaurus reopened again, and then bite at a speed that is too fast, and it will give the starting point the second is fatal.

    “Cold the cold, save me!”At the crucial time, the starting point as a woman’s weakness is completely revealed. Well, in fact, even if it is a man, I am afraid I will shout for help.

    GRRRROARRRR.The starting point clearly felt that seven or eight sharp teeth pierced his body. Just as the tooth was ready to further crush his bones, Tyrannosaurus suddenly made a painful scream and then stepped back a few steps. I spit out the starting point in the mouth.

    “Cold cold…”The starting point struggled to raise his head from the ground, and he saw the cold-shoulder holding the sword of the moment. The tip of the sword pierced from the squat of the Tyrannosaurus Rex and penetrated deeply into the throat of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. No wonder the Tyrannosaurus Rex will make a painful roar and then spit out the starting point already in the mouth.

    GRRRROARRRR.Tyrannosaurus Rex has a crazy gimmick and wants to take out the cold and the sword of his hand. The Tyrannosaurus rex also achieved its own purpose, and the cold and the sword flew together with the Mozi sword…But the cold did not fall to the ground, but a beautiful turn in the air, falling on the trunk of a nearby big tree.

    Come backWhen the hand of the cold is stretched out, the starting point turns into a streamer and returns to the hand of the cold, and changes back to the appearance of the starting sword. Chilling carefully looked at the data at the starting point, and found that the body shield of the starting point sword exploded, but the loss of durability is not high, that is, about 10% of the durability.

    This makes the cold-cold very surprised, because the durability of the sword-naughter can withstand less than 1/4 of the damage of the body shield, and this tyrannosaur can directly bite the starting shield of the starting point, it is reasonable to say It is also possible to bite the endurance of the starting point to 1% directly with a mouth.

    However, the starting point has only lost less than 10% of the durability. It seems that the durability of the starting point of the starting point is still above the shield…However, if you think about it carefully, you can add three kinds of god-level materials when forging the starting point sword. It seems that it is normal for the durability to be higher. After all, the starting point is the potential of the emperor sword level.

    It is very hard to study the durability of the starting point again. Unfortunately, this Tyrannosaurus does not intend to give the opportunity to fix the cold. The blood that is constantly squirting in the throat is like a heavy-duty chariot. It rushes to the towering tree standing in the cold, and then the whole body hits the big tree, and the foot is hard. There are three big trees that hold the thick and thick and hit the roots.

    bookIt was at this moment that the lingering light in the cold eyes saw that the head of the Tyrannosaurus had a slight pause when it hit the trunk. This was because the brain of Tyrannosaurus was also slightly stunned.

    In fact, this pause is not long, about 0.5 seconds. But the time of zero and five seconds is enough. The cold is like a bullet, and it jumps down at the moment when the big tree is knocked down. The sword of the starting sword draws a beautiful curve on the chin of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

    Then a dimension vortex appears directly at the side of Tyrannosaurus Rex, and this is still alive and kicking. In fact, the Tyrannosaurus Rex, which has not suffered much damage, sucked in and entered the world.

    It was also at this time that the score of the cold-cold points directly increased the score of a full three thousand points.

    “Awesome.”Even if it was expected to fix the cold in this scene, when I saw the almost full-blooded Tyrannosaurus retracted by the Dimensional vortex, I couldn’t help but say it. This is a bloody 陨 寇 寇 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

    If the opponent is a Yuyuan Lantern…Although with the fighting ability of the Yuyuan Lantern, in the case of the Yuyuan Lantern’s concentrating protection of his own node, the sword-level cold can not touch his node at all.

    But the problem is that the meta-level Lantern does not know that it is necessary to protect its own nodes. In fact, the existence of the nodes is not even clear. It can be guaranteed that these high-level Lanterns will never deliberately protect their nodes during the battle.

    This gives a great opportunity to fix the cold. As long as the Yuyuan Lantern does not protect his own node, the cold will have confidence to hit his node, so that even the Yuyuan Lantern is full of blood. The state is still going back to the dimension vortex, and the world is vain.

    “Yu Yuan Yuan Zhen…”Cold weather suddenly showed a sneer “I should not take the initiative to find them to play?”

    Thinking of this, the cold can’t wait to find a Yuyuan Lantern to experiment with his own thoughts. See if the Yuyuan Lantern can be deadly without any sense of defense against his own nodes. Sneak attack, with the strength of the sword-level sword-bearer to send a powerful Yu-Yuan Lantern on the road.

    It is a pity that the highest level of the Lantern Festival created by Xiang Fengzhi is only a 寇 寇 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元

    “Chi Nai Sauce, where is the nearest point of the 寇 寇 距离?Since it is impossible to practice hands with the Yu Yuanxiao, the cold can only retreat to the next level, to find the trouble of the 寇级元寇.

    “There are a group of nine Tyrannosaurus rex in the 23 kilometers southwest of you.”Xiang Fengzhi replied in a timely manner.


    “Too handsome! Our 凛凛 adult score has exceeded 65,000 points, still far ahead! ”The host is explaining the emotions in high spirits. At this time, the broadcast footage of the picture is facing the picture of the old man. I saw the flowing years floating in the air, the eyes closed slightly, and the palms pressed down gently. And beside the lingering, the floating is like a slender and sharp hair.

    These lights are like a long sword, quietly suspended in the side of the flow. On the battlefield in the distance, there are about a thousand lightsabers flying up and down. In the middle of these lightsabers, there is a group of armored pigs that are in despair.

    Although these armored pigs are dragons, they can be heard from their names, and their main combat power comes from their armor. They sacrificed their offensive capabilities, which in turn gave them a stronger defense. The armor on their skin can reach the defense of the sacred scorpion after injecting magic power.

    Many sword-level swordsmen have worked hard for half an hour with the armored rooster to kill more than half of their blood. Therefore, the armored pig is a very bad Lantern in the memo of the sword-bearer. Although these armored boars are unlikely to kill themselves, the long process of killing is enough to allow most of the sword-level swordsmen to give up the idea of ​​fighting them. They would rather fight twice as much as the attack, or even five times the Lantern, and would not waste time with the armored pigs.

    But now, this group of more than 30 armored devils helpless like a baby, their eyes are filled with the light of fear, the armor of the body bursts with the ultimate black light. This means that this group of armored pigs has poured all their magic into the skin, and also inspired the armor’s defense to the maximum state.

    Despite this, these armor is simply unable to withstand the attack of the lightsaber suspended in the air. At the moment when these lightsabers pierced the skin of the armored boar, they directly fell into the depths of the iron armor. The armored boar that was hit by the lightsaber was like a hot iron. It began to jump wildly, and the eyes were filled with pain and despair, as if the whole body was being burned.

    And once this armored pig is out of the blessing of the pigs, the rest of the light floating in the air will immediately pierce the body of the armored pig. After careful calculation by the audience, only about 32 lightsabers are needed. , you can lively kill a defensive armored magic pig.

    In ten minutes, the lightsaber near the armored devils were exhausted, and the group of armored pigs disappeared without a trace, and was absorbed by the dimension vortex.

    In this short ten minutes, the scores of the circumstance increased by 9000 points, reaching a height of 74,000 points.

    But obviously, such consumption is also very laborious for the fleeting, when she fell from the suspended state of the time, the forehead has been covered with numerous beads of sweat, wrist there are some slight trembling, facial expression is becoming a little pale, apparently just that more than 300 light sword for the unease of the consumption is not small.

    When the Noble Family’s singularity “100 million Sword Art” was trained at the Emperor’s sword level, it also burst into a billion-dollar sword light…There is no need for hundreds of millions of Jianguang, only a million Jianguang, a Hongyuan Lantern to return to the Dimension vortex.

    However, at this time, the upper limit of the sword light that can be used is about 10,000. I just used a thousand to kill the magic pig. I used more than 3,000 to kill the Ming dynasty, plus some other messy urns. I have consumed more than 6,000 Jianguang. This is equivalent to 60% of the sapphire in the body of the dying.

    It’s not unusual to see a state of exhaustion.

    “It seems that our Miss Yan has been a little tired, but it doesn’t matter. The second place’s Andreich scores less than 60,000, and only 20 minutes is left. Miss Yan has completely locked the victory. Miss Yan will win…Miss Yan…”

    Only the host did not notice that the on-site director was constantly making gestures to shut him up. Finally, the assistant director rushed to his side and said softly in his ear. Now the second place is not Andreich”

    “not him? Who isThe host asked awkwardly.

    “It is the Yuzhang people who are cold.”

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