It was many and many a year ago,In fact, just a few months ago, when the copy of “The Art of King Arthur’s Betrayal” was in the Raiders, the cold had purchased a whole six tokens of Yitianjian at the auction house. In the process, the cold has known as the auction house Miss…Oh, it’s not the true and permanent kingdom of the young master.

    After the auction house, the country of Gu Han and Zhen Ruo Ruo had no communication in the game. I couldn’t think of it, but actually met again in reality. The true and constant country is still a cute girl in reality, and according to the rules of the game, the gender of the game character must be the same as the gender of the real character.

    In other words, the true and permanent country should actually be a boy in reality.

    Thinking of this, the cold has instinctively stepped back. Reasonable, I heard that there was a time when a big JJ girl was very popular. Now there is still a big JJ god in the network. However, the cold guarantees that he does not have this preference…However, if you think about it carefully, it seems that the cold is more thorough. After all, there is still a solid edge.

    “Does the Admiral feel that it is very strange?”Seeing the reaction of the cold, the country of the true and the ordinary is inevitably faintly said, “Many things in this world are chosen by others.” If you can choose, I really want to be able to reincarnate to a real girl instead of being a nasty boy. ”

    AHEM!Coughing coldly, “This is not your fault, it is the fault of this world. But now that medicine is so developed, you can change yourself to a gender.” Gu Han said that the truth is that even before the great destruction, humans have successfully mastered the transsexual technology. What’s more, now that medicine is more developed, except for the transgender that still can’t be born, the other aspects are exactly the same as the real girls.

    “If the family is a descendant of me, if I am transgender, then if the family is going to disappear in this world, often if I can’t be so selfish.”The true and constant country is very sad to say that he did not choose to transgender because of the family heritage.

    “Frequent family…”The cold and sinking for a while, the cold has heard of the family of the regular family, but their family is not a sword Noble Family, even the sword-level swordsman has not appeared, the family creator is just a sword The level is the sword-bearer.

    But this often has a place where everyone is amazed, because the descendants of the family born every three generations will certainly become sword-bearers, and at least they can become sword-level swordsmen. No one knows why the reason is here, but the thing is really true. It is precisely because every three generations will have a sword-bearer born, so if the family does not have any top sword-bearers born, there is no foundation, but it can continue as a family of sword-bearers, beyond many even if born A family of sword-bearers.

    Wait, often the family is not the regular family in London? Is Harry always a descendant of the family? Could it be thatIn the cold, I carefully looked at the eyes of the women’s true and often, and removed the hair and makeup. This women’s dress is often the same as Harry’s often on the throne. ?

    “When are you changing clothes?”Asked cold and frowning.

    “I didn’t change clothes…The clothes wrapped in the robes are the clothes. ”Having said that, Harry often screamed and danced. “Is this convenient?” As long as the robes shine on my body, I am a boy. As long as the robes are off, I become a cute girl. ”

    “I wish you happiness……I will return to the battlefield first, and you will continue to find your Griffin sword! ”Although the cold can not accept this concept, but this is the freedom of other people, the cold does not want to blame others, so decided to take the 36th as the best policy, first leave this far away, Harry often said .

    “Wait, Mr. Admiral, can you do me a favor?”Harry often hurriedly grabbed the cold hand, and like a kitten’s eyes pleaded, “I have found four places, but still have not found where Gryffindor is. I know that Mr. Admiral is the smartest man in the world. Please help me and help me think about where Gryffindor will be. ”

    “This is your swordswoman, why should you ask me?”The cold brow wrinkles more tightly, and there is a request for help from his competitors.

    “Mr. Admiral…”Harry often suddenly hugged the waist of the cold, and then the whole person began to spoil.

    “Fine.You let go first…”If you beat a woman on the street, then his reputation in Yanjing City is estimated to be even worse, so the cold can only help Harry’s request.

    “Show me your 100 locations.”Harry often quickly announced the 100 locations that belonged to him. The cold was just a glance. He pointed to a place and said, “Go there to see, Gryffindor is there in all likelihood.” .”

    “Cat Paradise…”Harry often looked at the location pointed out by Gu Han, feeling inexplicable, how could Gryffindor be in the cat paradise?

    “I have already pointed out to you, believe it or not, you will not care.”After finishing the cold, he pulled the solid Black Tortoise and quickly disappeared into the side of Harry Changruo.

    “Why is Gryffindor inside such a cat park?”After being separated from Harry Changruo, Solid Black Tortoise curiously asked the cold.

    “Because the body of Gryffindor seals the soul of a lion, so the Gryffindor soul was built on the basis of the lion’s soul, in other words, Gryffindor was a lion.” The lion belongs to the cat, and no cat will dislike the cat park, I think it would be great to have a good time there. ”

    DispleasuredIt’s not pleasant to be poor in poverty…”Poverty found a head out of the baby bottle in the chest before the cold, and then turned on the circle of his own cold and cold belly. “There is no way to fix the cold again. It is a liar, and it is poor.” The little belly is eating bad.”

    “Auntie, are you pregnant?”Solid Black Tortoise looked at the poorness in the nursery bag with a head. “I remember that when Aunt Latti was pregnant, she touched her belly like this.”

    Yeah.Yeah.When I was poor, I nodded, and then the mysterious little face showed a mysterious expression that I only secretly told you. “It has been three months…”

    Just shut up.The cold will give the poor to the press, this pit goods.


    “Weird, where did the sword-bearer seem to have seen it?”With the departure of poverty, the bone cold drink wholesale market has gradually returned to calm, and everyone has returned to their stores to continue to operate. However, the people on the second floor of the store said to themselves in confusion.

    He witnessed the whole process on the second floor. As a result, he was surprised to find that the sword-bearer who took the sword-naughter in the end seemed to have seen it wherever he looked. It looked very familiar.

    “But where have I seen him? I haven’t even had a door this month! ”This person is puzzling, but can only put down the camera in his own hands, and then return to his computer, ready to continue to brush the forum to see if there is any interesting new news, and then compare with some familiar friends on the forum, Or tear with those familiar opponents.

    The post of “Baitianhua: The Exit of the City Management Office” is in his vision.

    “How did this post get on the front page again? Isn’t it KB, what’s so exciting…”This person has seen this post for dozens of times, and I really have no interest in reading it again, so when she is ready to skip this post, she suddenly blinks.

    “Wait, the sword-bearer seems to be…”He quickly opened the post again, and then found the photo in the post, turned to the top-down perspective, can only see the man’s small half face and the photo of the woman kneeling under the man.

    Then, he had the photo of the sword-bearer who had just taken the top-down perspective on the second floor from his camera. In this contrast, the people on the two photos are exactly the same!

    Big News! Big News!The man smiled and screamed at the nose. “I can finally make a big news!”

    So after a few minutes, a post titled “The Truth Revealed: The Former Sword Court of Yuzhang City is a Big Abnormal” appeared in the forum of Yanjing City, and instantly detonated the audience.


    “Participant Harry often found his own sword, Gryffindor, and scored 19 points in 2 hours and 03 minutes.”Harry often found his own swordswoman under the guidance of the cold.

    “Participant Lei Diya found her own sword, Wilhelm II, and scored 19 points in 2 hours and 04 minutes.”After only one minute, Lei Diya also successfully found her own swordswoman, so that only two contestants left to find their own swordsmen, and both of them are Yanjing. City entrants.

    Unease and that pedestrian B still did not find their sword Niang, see this scene, Yanjing City of the audience mood not by some excited, time is only one hours, if this round of Yanjing city without harvest, points will be pulled down a lot of will forget, even worse is Yanjing City’s face will be lost, This is not to say that the sword-bearer in Yanjing City and their own home sword Niang tacit understanding is very bad?

    Or—The rumor of this generation of Noble Family and the martial arts of their own swordsman is very bad?

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