“1860 points” The highest score in the history of the Eighth House Conference was born, and the gap of the second place is 900 points, which means that no such high score will be born any more. Although some super school tyrants may be able to score such scores, such squadrons are often in their twenties to 30 years old. More importantly, they are not sword-bearers…Even if there are so few rare schoolmasters who have become swordsmen, they can become sword-level swordsmen within one year, and it is impossible to obtain the minimum qualification for attending the Eighth Congress. Therefore, unless there is a genius sword-bearer born in the future, this record may have to be kept for hundreds or even thousands of years.

    Whether it’s the stands around the theater or the TV, all the audience are silent, they have realized that they may witness a record of hundreds or even thousands of years…They should have excitedly jumped up to celebrate the birth of this record, but they remembered that this record was created by Yu Zhangzhang and put the Noble Family, the proud capital of Yanjing City, in the second place. I am not happy at all.

    “What, exams, not real strength, what is good.”These audiences can only comfort themselves and ease the unhappiness in their hearts. However, their eyes on the cold have changed. From the previous disdain to become extremely cautious, it is obvious that the people of Yanjing City, like the people of Yuzhang City, began to look at the rising power with a new look. .

    “Please rank 23rd in Abdul Mohammed; 22nd in Olaf; 21st in O’Neill; 20th in Obama; 19th in Bush.”The voice of the host’s indifference sounded through the entire performance field, because three contestants had chosen to not match their own position, and the result was eliminated. In addition, there is a waiver of the righteousness, so the last five Participants must be eliminated.

    And Abdul Mohammed, who was ranked sixth, had replaced his position with Ashima, so the contestant who was the top performer had to leave. The most unfortunate thing is the LA San Brothers. These three unlucky children who didn’t have any sense of existence didn’t even have the right to participate in the second round. They were all cleared out.

    In this way, the Los Angeles College also directly scored the last one, which is one more than last year’s score. The Sword Spirit led by Los Angeles College on the side of the martial arts field is black like a coke. I left the theater directly without playing one. However, the three brothers did not seem to be so sad, but they were happily licking each other’s shoulders, smiling and ready to end their soy sauce experience.

    Only when the three brothers were about to leave the side field from the side door, a man in black was in front of them.

    “Hello, I am Sword Spirit.” Sword Spirit said to the three brothers with his small book.


    “Solid cold gain points 24 points, Kim Youjia get points 22 points, Harry Changjo get points 22 points, Lei Tia get points 18 points, unease Lin get points 18 points, Andrevich get points 18 points, Munich received points 18 points, Mu Nibai get points 10 points, Ashima get points 10 points, Abdullah scored 10 points, Beckham scored 10 points, Bell Griers scored 10 points, passers-a scored 10 points, passers-B scored 10 points, Leslie Degula scored 10 points. ”According to the results of the first round, the host reported the scores obtained by each contestant. This score is based on different levels, and the score of sitting in the first layer is 24 points. The person sitting in the 2nd layer scored 22 points, the third layer scored 18 points, and the fourth layer scored 10 points.

    However, I believe that some people may feel strange. Obviously, they have achieved the second place in the total score. Of course, they should get 23 points in accordance with the points. How can they get 20 points in the fourth place?

    This point has something to do with the choice of the beginning of the year. According to the rules of the organizing committee, after each round of competition, it is preferred to make up the level according to the original level. That is to say, when the upward replenishment order is given, the priority is in accordance with the original order, and secondly, the result is upwardly replenished.

    For example, after the second layer Leslie Dracula’s position is vacated, it will be the best one among the contestants who stay in the 3rd layer, that is, Harry often replenishes to the 2nd layer. Instead of the second place in the score, but sitting in the 4th layer of the year.

    Of course, because the grades in the 4th layer are the best, the flow year is preferentially replenished to the position of the 3rd layer. The rules are roughly like this. If you still can’t understand it, you don’t have to think about it. Anyway, you can’t go wrong.

    The remaining entrants on the throne are all progressively ranked in the order of ranking, filling all the first 4 layers. The emptied 5th Layer was quickly cleaned up by the staff, leaving only the empty steps to be placed there, as if to say that the peach was unwilling.

    And the remainder of the most unwilling may be Leslie De, the proud little girl never thought in the first round of the end, the entire city of Buenos Aires is left her a contestant just, and she is still the moon remaining 15 people in the last, Already in the next round of the elimination of the edge, this situation is simply terrible.

    Of course, if Leslie Dracula is more open-minded, she will be very happy to find that at least the position of the seventh place is stable, and has improved by one compared with last year’s results. progress……The second place to upgrade to the first place is not to upgrade a place.

    “Yuzhang College scored 46 points; Berlin College scored 46 points; London College scored 42 points; Yanjing College scored 38 points; Jerusalem College scored 20 points; Moscow College scored 18 points; Buenos Aires Ellis College has a total score of 10.”The host then reported the total points obtained by each college. After the five rounds, the college with the highest total score will receive the honor of the first place of the Eighth Congress.

    Originally in the eyes of the people of Yanjing City, the total score must be the Yanjing College. It’s just that I didn’t want to fix the cold. This Yuzhang’s squad suddenly broke into the foot. The original score of the sinister score of the world was only 18 points, and the total score was ranked fourth. The damn Yuzhang College and the Berlin College are tied for the first place. Even the London College is ranked third, and it is too unwilling to be on the head of Yanjing College.

    Of course, most of the audience did not think about it. Even if the current year is the first, the total score is only 44 points. It is still two points behind the Berlin Academy and can only rank second.

    “It’s okay, this is only the first round. So soon Yanjing College will be able to catch up, no big deal!”The downwind ear videographer comforted the people around him. The people around me are also very sad and nodded. Our Yanjing College is just a lost front, and it must be recovered later.


    “The second round of the championship challenge. Each entrant has the right to challenge. If you challenge the opponent who is higher than the opponent, the challenge will be eliminated, and you will have the opponent’s position. Failures will not change and will not be eliminated. If you challenge a master who is below or equal to your position, the victory will not change and will not be eliminated. The losing party will have your position and you will be eliminated. ”

    “If you can’t reach 8 players after a loop, then the players in the 4th Layer will start a separate knockout.”

    “After the number of eliminated people reaches 8 people, the second round of competition will end. The eliminated players can also exchange seats with other participants of the college and remain in the throne. The challenge is initiated by the entrants of the 4th Layer. ”

    The host explained the rules of the second round and then the second round of the game officially began.

    “Lesley Dracula, please start your challenge!”The host went on to say that the first one to start the challenge was Leslie Dracula. However, because she was replaced by Bush, who was the 18th overall scorer, she was the last one of the total scores after Bush’s elimination. Naturally, she was the first to challenge.

    Leslie Dracula looked at the fourteen contestants behind her and fell into deep meditation. She suddenly didn’t know who she should challenge. According to the exclusion method, the first thing that should be ruled out is the flow of years. Leslie Dracula once played with the other party while traveling to Buenos Aires. At that time, both sides were not 18 years old, and they were not sword-bearers. Just by virtue of the ancient Wu, Leslie Dracula was very aware of the gap between himself and the old man, let alone the other. It also has a super sword like “Sword Art”.

    The second thing that should be ruled out is Andreich. Andreich’s battle video Leslie Dracula has also seen it. Andreich’s way of fighting is to restrain her by nature, although Leslie Dracula does not think she will be weaker than Andreich, but the other side is only in the 3rd layer, there is no need to risk this challenge. A guy.

    In fact, Leslie Dracula told herself that she should challenge the cold, but just as she was preparing to say the name of the cold, she was inexplicably in the bottom of her heart, she did not want to see It is the case that the cold is eliminated.

    “Forget it, it is better to challenge another contestant in Yuzhang City.”So Leslie Dracula put his eyes on Jin Yujia.

    “I want to challenge Jin Yujia, the contestant of Yuzhang College!”Leslie Dracula said loudly.

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