According to the statistics of uncertain historical data, it is found that the humans before the great destruction seem to be very good at the examinations. They have strong talents and great hobbies in the examinations. They have been practicing the examinations since childhood, and at least they have to practice. The time of the last nine years. Every child before the great destruction is very passionate about the exam, which is good for physical and mental health. Everyone is studying how to test high scores every day. They started formally entering the school to take the exam from the age of seven (according to incomplete information, some people are three years old), and they learn day and night for the exams, something that is actually not used in the future.

    For example, the English test, research data shows that 85% of children need to use English in adult time no more than one day. But for this day, 85% of the children spent an average of at least nine years learning English. After the beginning of the great destruction, the humans did not understand this. Later, they realized that learning English was only for the purpose of high scores. It is the fundamental purpose of these children to learn high scores. It is really a noble and beneficial to physical and mental health. Article, out of the hobby of low-level fun

    Moreover, it is said that before the great destruction of human beings, after a long period of examination and training, each person’s examination ability is extremely abnormal. Two volumes filled with dense numbers can only be answered in more than two hours. Many very simple articles can understand the profound meaning that even the original author can’t understand. The most fascinating is the political examination, which clearly means that these people are to be governed by the officials for the rest of their lives, but they hold up xxx thoughts, xxx theory, xx representatives, x rong x humiliation but all of them are more important than the official. Skilled, Jane until the end of the flow.

    There are even many people who are only interested in the exam in their lifetime. They are not satisfied after studying for nine years, and they want to repeat the exam again…These nine years are not the limits of the exam. As long as the humans before the great destruction are interested, they can be admitted for thirteen years, fifteen years, nineteen years, twenty-five years…Even if it is a lifetime, it doesn’t matter. They don’t know what they can do in addition to the exam in this life.

    It is a pity that the human beings after the great destruction did not inherit these fine traditions. In addition to the need to cope with a unified examination at the time of graduation, ordinary people do not need to take any more tests. For most humans after the great destruction, a simple equation operation, they may take ten minutes to answer. A six hundred-word essay also takes a few hours. Anyway, after the great destruction, all human beings are not good at the test, and even 1% of humans can’t match before the big break.

    What is even more terrifying is that the test papers placed in front of all the participants are not a simple one or two papers, but a total of twenty papers are superimposed. The contents of these papers are very broad and are summarized under the name of world culture. In fact, it includes mathematics, history, language, physics, swordsman, swordswoman, yuanxiao, society and other eight major subjects of study…This is already streamlined, unlike ordinary people who are determined to be scientists, they also need to study quantum, biological, chemical and other very complicated and cumbersome subjects. The eight subject words listed here are the knowledge that the sword-bearer must master.

    Because the number of incidents is a bit more, the organizing committee of the Eighth Congress gave the participants a 24-hour response time. Twenty-two volumes were written in 24 hours, and an average of 1.2 hours of answering time was a very generous time. It is only two hours to know that there are two full mathematics exams, and the number of questions on each test paper cannot be compared with the density of the mathematics papers before the break.

    But this 24 hours is already a very tense time for the humans after the great destruction. In addition to the real schoolmasters, there is also the need for sleep. Most ordinary people often need more than 72 hours to finish writing. These papers. Although these sword-bearers are the top figures in the colleges, the top three schools in the college…But they are the masters of combat, and they are awkward in terms of cultural knowledge. Many people can’t even get 100 points when they take the exam (the total score is 1000 points). Moreover, according to statistics, the participants who take the test are often the stronger the ability to test, the weaker the ability to test. The so-called limbs are simple and simple, and there is a certain scientific basis.

    Therefore, many times, the 24th hour of the first exam of the Eighth Congress, there are still many sword-bearers who have not answered half of the questions…And in these exams that have already been completed, the correct rate is usually no more than 50%. This exam is a huge torture for all the contestants, leaving a huge psychological shadow for many contestants. For example, when Yongquan Sword Emperor was young, he lost a final result after attending the exam. The eternal sword of the righteous Sword swears to Heaven, if one day he can enlighten the emperor, he must force the Eighth Congress. Move this bad exam project out. But in a dramatic fashion, when the emperor was really a sword emperor, instead, he was interested in rushing to encourage the organizing committee of the eight Congress to increase the weight of the examination, the number of papers to improve, the difficulty of the test to improve, even the test of the degree of tricky to improve, those who later took the examination of the younger generation to the whole of the grievances, This lifetime to see the test paper on the instinct trembling, even yuan 冦 are not so afraid.

    Before the official exam, all participants have one more step to complete. They must drink a cup of tea in front of their desk. Don’t underestimate this cup of tea. It is said that this is a magical liquid dilution formulated by scientists, called Chuhe Tang. This kind of Chuhe soup has no other ability. The only function is to be able to isolate the connection between the sword-bearer and the purple house, so that the sword-bearer can’t secretly talk with his own sword-girl through Zifu.

    According to folk rumors, if the Chuhe soup is drunk without dilution, the effect is not just that the sword-bearer can’t talk to the sword-girl in the purple house. This kind of liquid can directly seal the purple house for a long time, and the sword-bearer can not only talk to the sword-woman, but even the liberation of the sword-in-law can not be done. This is equivalent to wearing a handcuff to the sword-bearer, completely banned the combat power of the sword-bearer. In the absence of antidote to this liquid, it can only be resolved slowly by time. This time may be one day or ten years.

    However, the CRIC has not acknowledged this rumor, nor does it recognize that this liquid has the effect of letting the swordsman lose combat power. This kind of thing is really horrible. If someone is poisoned on a large scale, maybe the sword-bearers in the entire base city will be handcuffed.

    The reason why the sword-bearers drink the diluted Chuhe soup is very simple, that is, the sword-bearer is not allowed to cheat. These questions may be very difficult for the sword-bearers, but for the swordsman who has a life span of 1000 years, it is not difficult. In a certain test, the sword-bearers took the first place with the strength of their swordsmen. After the results of the name, the cheating door was quickly blocked.

    After drinking the Chuhe soup, the sword-bearer can open the test paper in front of him, and then the expressions on the faces of these sword-bearers become strange. Some sword-bearers who had previously had a hippie smile seemed to suffer from the bitterness of hundreds of bitter melons. Some swordsmen who play cold and faceless, the muscles on their faces seem to be shaking like Parkinson.

    After a 40-minute long-range shooting, under the control of the photographer, the camera began to close the end of the main contestants of each city.

    The first one to enter the audience’s line of vision, this cute blonde Loli, the nose of her face is almost painfully squeezed together…She also instinctively ate the tip of her double ponytail into her mouth, and biting the poor blond hair incessantly, just like the candidates in the exam who kept biting their heads and thinking.

    The second close-up gave the blonde Zheng Andreich. Contrary to the blonde Lolita of Retia, Andreich is very calm and flat, and even a little smile on his face. Although the pen in the hand sometimes stiffens, most of the time it is so fast, it is very smooth. Obviously, most of these exam questions are hard to beat.

    This made many viewers who saw this scene very puzzled. Isn’t the Romanov family a warrior filled with muscles in his head? This Andreich can fight hundreds of dollars and kill hundreds of them. Shouldn’t it be the beast in the beast, the muscle man in the muscle? How can I answer the questions so smoothly!

    And then there’s the skull trio of Los Angeles, and their performance has nothing to say, very very normal, these three children who grew up from the orphanage can not have much cultural knowledge, they are all anxious scratching, as in estrus, like baboons, eager to secretly aim at their side of the test papers …Unfortunately, everyone has more than a dozen cameras staring at the same time, and they will be discovered immediately if they have any small movements.

    In the fourth close-up, Leslie Dracula banged on the table with constant force, seemingly angered by these difficult questions.

    The fifth close-up is the thin boy wearing glasses in the city of London. He is also a distressed face, obviously with a degree of temperament with his own.

    The sixth is the holy woman Ashima of Jerusalem…Well, under the protection of white robes and veil, the audience can’t see even the look of the saint, let alone her expression. It can only be judged by the fact that she is stuck with the pen that she does not move from time to time.

    The seventh is the flow of years…The close-up only swayed for two seconds and quickly evaded, but the eye-catching audience still found that Yanjing’s hope that the Noble Family’s descendant did not seem to have any answer, and her eyes were slightly red and swollen. It was full of tears.

    The last close-up gave the cold, and the audience was shocked, because after the close-up shot was less than twenty seconds later, the cold suddenly took a palm on the side of the table, and then the paper on the table. Was sucked in by a virtual door, apparently was taken away by the sword-level sword-bearer who was in charge of the proctor.

    It’s been awkward, and now it’s less than an hour before the exam begins. This cold has already been handed over!

    This dress is my clothes! The audience sighed.

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