[PS: These chapters are more introductions of characters, and may feel more water, but these are the more important characters of Late-Stage, or it is necessary to introduce them]

    There were no leaders sitting at the Eighth Congress. The contestants sat down on the stage. Then every leader came to the stage to give an impassioned speech. Then he played the national anthem in the flag, and then invited the previous contestants to give a speech. Finally, Please ask the contestants to speak on the complicated procedures such as speaking on the stage. The high-level swordsmen of the entire Eighth Congress will not even come out directly. They will only secretly hide in the one-way perspective platform at both ends of the martial arts field and watch the players play silently. Neither the player nor the audience can see the expressions of these sword-bearers, and no one knows what these high-level minds are thinking.

    “The Eighth Congress is now starting!”As if the sound from all corners of the air, a fairly simple eight words, announced the official start of the Eighth Congress.

    “There is a delegation from the Buenos Aires Academy!”The order in which each college is presented is not fixed, but it is not random, but is based on the results of the last Eighth Congress. The last time the last one ranked seventh or the eighth last, and the last one was the first or last one.

    Does it sound strange? Feeling that this sort is somewhat inexplicable? That is because there is also a Yanjing College added, because the strength of Yanjing City has always been the most powerful of the eight base cities. Therefore, Yanjing City said very modestly that Yanjing City will always be the last debut regardless of the change in ranking. So even if the last one of the last Eighth Congress was Yanjing City, Yanjing City is still the last one. Unlike the last Buenos Aires Academy, the last time it became the first debut.

    Three people from the Buenos Aires Academy soon appeared in front of the pyramid. The contestants of Buenos Aires consist of two sword-level swordsmen and a sword-level sword holder. Two men and one woman, and that only girl is the only sword-level swordsman of the University of Buenos Aires.

    This girl is a very tall girl with red hair. The girl’s height is very high. It should be about 1 meter 8…In the height of 1 meter, the slender legs are at least one meter long. There is a feeling of a girl with a bone on the whole body. What is inconsistent with this bone figure is the European side of the pair of huge E cups on her chest.

    The European style of the E cup does not seem to be a big deal. At least the European style of the gentle and charming rhyme is far more than her European style cup. But such a European faction is placed on a skinny girl, and this huge contrast is particularly large for the Europeans. The cameramen who watched this were stunned and licked their lips, and wished that they would rush to the European side to take a bite.

    “My oh…What is the name of this woman? I really want to take a bite! ”That, while the photographer was clearly surrounded by a beautiful blonde, he couldn’t help but shed a slobber.

    “She is called Leslie Dracula, the niece of the Dracula family in the city of Buenos Aires. If the young master is interested, he can take a bite!”The cameraman, who is known as the downwind ear, said very awkwardly.

    “Dracula…The Dracula family…”As the second generation, it was awkward, and I didn’t mention anything that I wanted to take a bite. It’s really because this Dracula family is terrible.

    There are two Dracula families in this world. One of the Dracula families is the Dracula family in Buenos Aires. Their ancestors were the Saint Mang Swordsmen. The other Dracula family is the Dracula family in the Lantern World. They belong to the Western World of Warcraft camp and are the loyal servants of the demon Satan, the most powerful vampire family in the world.

    Although both families are surnamed Dracula, this is a family that is completely unrelated. There have been six or seven meetings between the two families. Every time they meet, they don’t say anything directly. It’s not that you die, that is, I am dead, and the two are covered with each other’s bloody vendetta.

    Although the Saint Mang Swordsman was not in the position of the Emperor Shoutian or the Sword Emperor, he had a very dazzling record, but his descendant Dracula family was extremely good. A total of nine swords were held. The equivalent of every three generations of the descendants of the Dracula family will give birth to a sword-level sword-bearer. It is the most powerful family in the world except for the Noble Family. The family also firmly grasped the rights of the city of Buenos Aires, as long as the family’s sword-level swordsman survived, the chairman of the Buenos Aires’s sword committee must come from The Dracula family, who have the right to call for rain in the city of Buenos Aires. Some people have made a family of the human world a not very scientific ranking, and this Dracula family ranks fourth, which can imagine the terrible degree of this family.

    This second generation will not give the guy a lifetime unforgettable experience unless he is a dragon lion or emperor or a descendant of the Noble Family.

    “I will tell you a little more secret!”The photographer of the wind ear disdained the second generation and then whispered, “In fact, the descendant of this Dracula family was only 18 years old last month. It is said that her innate swordsman exceeded 12,000 quarks, which is the highest genius of the innate swordsman in the descendants of the Dracula family. Considered by the Dracula family as the most precious pearl of the Dracula family, I heard that the Dracula family has decided that even if it consumes all the resources of the Dracula family, and for hundreds of years of history and human feelings, we should also talk about this Leslie Degu. Pulled to become the second sword emperor of the Dracula family. ”

    “So you do not look at him until one months ago to become a sword-bearer, but also over the ancient sword class and sword-level directly to become famous sword-level sword-holders, but her strength would have crushed more than 95% of the sword-level sword-holders, but for the dawn of the Moscow, the first bet I would have thought of at the University of Buenos Aires. ”

    “Good!”The photographers who heard these words around used these eyes to look at the tall Leslie Dracula, revealing the expression of envy and hatred.

    “You can start to choose your own seat in the throne.” Remember, once you sit down, you can’t change it. You have to be responsible for your choice! ”The voice of the host continued to ring from all directions, and Leslie Degula bowed to the position of the Observatory, then he nodded to the two sword-level sword-holders behind him, and the two sword-holders immediately breathed an amnesty, and headed toward the position of the throne, after a brief hesitation, The two sword-level holders were wise to choose two seats at the bottom 1 Layer.

    After her two classmates chose their seats, Rilis Dracula finally walked slowly to the throne. She did not look at the last 3 Layer and went straight to the 1st and 2nd layers. The middle position…It can be seen that between the 1st layer and the 2nd layer, Leslie Dracula is very very tangled. She seems to want to sit directly in the first position on the top floor, but there is something always holding her clothes, so she dare not take this last ass, and finally Leslie Dracula is still sitting 2 A position on the Layer.

    “Strange, I heard that Leslie Dracula is a very proud woman who is very confident in herself and belongs to that kind of character. How could she not sit directly on the top throne? ”The downwind ear videographer said incomprehensible.

    Bah. You don’t understand this, naturally because this Leslie Dracula is very knowledgeable, knowing that this top throne is not her ass. ”Seeing that the cameraman who had just despised his own ears was caught in doubt, the second generation immediately taunted the interface, as if he could get rid of his ignorant performance.


    “There is a Los Angeles College delegation to appear!”It was Los Angeles College that followed the Buenos Aires Academy. Unlike the two men and one woman in Buenos Aires, all three members of the Los Angeles Academy are made up of men. The three boys wore uniform black short-sleeved tops with a huge white skull on them, and the three men were cold and cold, as if they were members of the gang.

    Los Angeles is also a combination of a sword-level swordsman and two sword-level swordsmen, but there are some unexpected things. The sword-level swordsmen of these three people did not and Leslie Dracula. In the same way, go directly to the top two floors, but the three people sit directly at the bottom of the 1 Layer.

    The three swords held each other’s shoulders, like brothers sitting together, even if one of the famous sword-holders can sit in a higher position, but also dismissive of it, just want to stay with their brothers, watching the surrounding crowd and live through the eight courtyard of the General Assembly of the people are applauded.

    However, the two sword-level swordsmen of Buenos Aires College, who are sitting together with these three black brothers, become very embarrassed. They want to change positions and not squeeze with these three people. Together. But this is impossible. The moderator just said that I understand very well that once the selected location is not allowed to be replaced, it is directly judged to be lost.

    “senior! Do you know what these three people are coming to? ”The cameramen around were asked to the downwind ear videographer. The second generation, who had just expressed disdain for the downwind ear videographer, couldn’t help but erect his own ears. He wanted to hear what the three eccentric black people were.

    “This is the famous brother of Los Angeles College!”The downwind ear videographer enjoyed this feeling very much, so he cleared his voice and began to say.

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