Next, there is a story about the story that happened later. After learning the news of Sa Sa in the game, the law-abiding person who decided to take the plunge decided to take the initiative and decided to go to the first laboratory of Yuanxiao to salvage Salsa.

    So our genius with the law has come up with the idea of ​​self-harm. He suddenly pulled out his own Wang Goujian sword, and then directly cut off his left arm, and then yelled at the attention of the prison guard, successfully let the prison guard take him out of the prison of the discipline of the discipline, sent to Healed in the hospital next to the Wind Disciplinary Committee. Then the genius of the lawful Ren took the doctor to check his body, directly stunned the doctor, jumped out of the window of the hospital and fled, and ran to the first laboratory of Yuanxiao in one breath.

    There is nothing to repeat in the following story. It is worth mentioning that the two natural swordsmen, including the Yue Wang Goujian sword, are all without exception, and all refuse to fight for the law. The reason is very simple, because this time, it is absolutely impossible for the swordsman to be forced to kill the Yuanxiao in the first laboratory, or to save a Yuanxiao, and even kill humans. This is absolutely unacceptable to the swordsman.

    So all the swordsmen went on strike and refused to fight for the law. Although Ren Ren can use the mandatory order to order the swordsman to fight for himself, but he has hesitated for a while or gave up the idea, because in his own heart, he does not want to carry out such a betrayal. Human fighting.

    Therefore, the ruler can only use his own ancient sword-level artificial swordsman who has no personality, and fight in the way of the sword master, forcibly breaking into the first laboratory of Yuanxiao. Since the establishment of the First Lab of Yuanxiao, there has been no human swordsman who has been forced to attack, and it is expected that there will be such a day. There wasn’t even a sword-bearer here, so the lawyers of the ordinary humans stunned one by one very smoothly, and found the position where Salsa was imprisoned. When I saw the situation of Salsa, I was going crazy. Because Sasha was locked in a small cage made of imperial alloy by the naked body. The body is covered with all kinds of banned talisman, and a large piece of flesh and blood is cut off on the left thigh…Those research institutes also deliberately did not bandage and wanted to observe the resilience of the Yuyuan Lantern.

    According to Ren Ren himself, Sasha had been tortured for a few breaths at the time, and it was full of hatred in anyone’s eyes, and even Renren himself was no exception.

    “I didn’t have any other thoughts at the time. I wanted to save Salsa. I don’t want Sasha to hate me. Even if I am dead, I have a perfect image in her heart.”It is very sincere to say that Ren is very sincere.

    “It seems that there is a behind-the-scenes black hand behind you!”The cold sighed and sighed, “You don’t want to think about your head. You are a small sword-level sword-bearer. You can only use the ancient sword-level swordsman, and all the way from the hospital to the first laboratory of Yuanxiao. Also killed the first laboratory of Yuanxiao, a transparent, is this possible? Do you think that you are Sword Immortal? ”

    “I checked the details of the first laboratory of Yuanxiao before I came. Although the first laboratory of Yuanxiao did not have the sword guards stationed and defended, there was a class of elite special forces soldiers responsible for protection. The sword-bearing man with a feverish mind is powerful. Those soldiers are elite in the elite, with the laser gun in the hand can do the bombless, a round of sweeping down, your ancient sword-level swordsman’s personal shield will be broken, you will only have a dead end. ”The cold watch looked at the pocket watch Internet device that was held in the hands of Rin-Ren, and the eyes were cautious and worried. “But I found out that these elite special forces had an accident the day before, and a special soldier’s mother died of cancer. So the entire army took time off to visit. Because it is safe for almost a thousand years, the director of the First Lab of Yuanxiao directly approved the leave of these special soldiers, otherwise how could you go all the way to the place where the salsa is held. ”

    “What do you mean by saying that all the way to my success is the one behind the scenes?”Ren Ren is also silent. He always thought that he could be so smooth because of his own ability. I couldn’t think of someone who secretly gave him a golden finger.

    “Forget it, these just let me confirm that there is such a behind-the-scenes black hand. What happened next, the most important thing is, Sword Immortal, what the hell is he!”The cold is particularly strong on the dead word.

    “He really did die in Salsa’s hand!”With the rhetoric smile, “At that time, I picked up the salsa and prepared to escape. But the empty door was opened at the same time, and the Smark Immortal came out of the empty door directly. I knew that things were finished, and I couldn’t escape with Salsa. ”

    “So you are ready to kill him and escape?”Asked coldly and squinted.

    “No! Even if Sasha is important, I can’t kill Sax Immortal because of Salsa. Even if I die by myself, I won’t let Smark Immortal die! ”With the help of Ron, he shook his head and denied that “I was going to beg Sword Immortal, let him leave Shakespeare and go outside to live freely.”

    Is it possible? Do you think Sword Immortal will promise this ridiculous request? ”Chilling and laughing.

    “I also know that it is impossible. I have to give it a try for Salsa!”With the law, the fist clenched his fist. “I lie in front of the Smark Immortal and hug his thigh. Tell him, I can give up everything about me. I can even cut off all the sword marks in the purple house. I will return the sword to the Smark Immortal. I only hope that Sword Immortal will be able to put a salsa on the road. Salsa will only have a dead end when she stays here. ”

    “You are actually willing to give up the Yue Wang Goujian sword!”Some of the strange looks of the cold have a look at Renren. With Renren’s extravagance for the Yue Wang Goujian sword, it is in the eyes of this person. In order to be able to coordinate and coordinate, Wang Jijianjian abandoned his usual Second Young Master year. But now for a salsa, I am willing to give up the Yue Wang Goujian sword. And this is not a simple abandonment, it is to cut off the sword marks to give up. In this way, the law will lose all of his swordsmen. Without the swordsman, it is almost impossible for him to get up to the 90,000 quark swordsman who upgraded to the sword-level swordsman. It may be possible to coordinate with the spirit sword-level swordsman again, which will completely cut off his possibility as a sword-bearer.

    The blood of this white Sword Immortal will become an ordinary person, a waste person. Or because of a shackle, it is a joke in all the population, and it becomes the negative textbook for mothers to educate their children in the bedside storybook. The price paid by the sage is simply more uncomfortable than death.

    “You don’t have to guess, you know, Sword Immortal will definitely not promise you.”Looking at the cold and looking at the law, “What about the next?”

    Up NextThen I have no way…I can only hold his thigh and keep begging him. Then Smark Immortal kicked me away, and released a few Sword Qi to grab the salsa again and put her back in the cage. ”Ruan said with a whisper.

    “Just use a few Sword Qi? Is this day mark Sword Immortal too big? How many of his Sword Qi can trap a Yuyuan Lantern? ”Asked about the cold.

    “That’s because there is a seal of talisman on Sasha, so in the eyes of Sword Immortal, Sasha may be just a tiger-level scorpion. It’s not surprising that Sword Immortal is so big.”Lu Ren explained that talisman is a kind of props that humans have developed. The main function is to limit the ability of the Lantern. According to the production method and material of the talisman, different levels of the Lantern can be controlled. The setting of talisman is not explained too clearly here. Anyway, this is equivalent to a high-strength atomic steel handcuffs. Even if it is a human being with the power of Lu Bu, bring such a handcuffs and don’t want to break your hands out. . In this way, in the eyes of Sword Immortal, it is not something that can’t be understood by using only a few Sword Qis to grasp a Yuyuan Lantern.

    “Next, what happened later?”

    “I saw Sasha suddenly rushed to Sword Qi, who was supposed to tie her up. As a result, Sasha’s sudden action, but Sword Immortal did not change the route of her own Sword Qi. So the flexible Sword Qi, which was originally used to tie the salsa, was finally used as an attack on Sword Qi. The skin on the salsa was cut off, but the salisman on the salsa was all cut off. ”Hearing that Ren Ren said so, the cold has to admire Sasha’s wit, and actually think of this method of survival in the dead. This talisman should be able to withstand the power of the Lantern, but can’t help Sword Qi of the sword-bearer, Sword Immortal actually shackles and helps Salsa out of the control of the talisman.

    “And then, Sasha immediately fought against the swordsman of Sword Immortal. The battle between the two sides was very intense. I have never seen such a wonderful battle. However, she was injured in the salsa after all, so she was quickly suppressed by the swordsman of Sword Immortal. Even the nine snakes that Sasha used to fight were cut off nine, no snake hair Sasha even a meteorite class yuan 冦 are inferior, at that time I have completely despair, just want to be able to save Sasha a life, so I will muster the final strength, flutter to the sword immortal, want to take this disturb the day scar sword Immortal for the Sword Niang conductor, give Salsa a chance to escape. ”

    “But I am overestimating myself. I haven’t touched the body of Sword Immortal, and I was flying out of the sword by Sword Immortal. My chest was cut out of a huge mouth, and even my intestines flowed out of the wound. ”Having said that, the law has become more bitter. “Sasha saw me and made a sharp scream. As a result, the body quickly shrank and finally became a golden little man who fell to the ground.”

    “Golden little man!!”When I heard the cold, I thought about it because the coldness suddenly remembered. The beauty of Medusa is a golden little man. Can it be said that the true body of Salsa is actually the godhead of Medusa? But is this gadget a not a simple computer CPU? Is it possible for a small CPU to evolve into a single computer?

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