Do you want to save the law? This is a very worthwhile question. If you don’t save it, he is a man of Yuzhang City after all, and he is still the only son with no way. With the death of the law, there is no way to completely eliminate it, which makes the Tiger Sword Spirit and other sword holders in Yuzhang City unacceptable. After all, there is no way to save the safety of the entire Yuzhang City. If you look at his only son to die, no one in Yuzhang City can be safe. In the case of a 10,000-step retreat, even if you are dead, you should die in the hands of Yuzhang City.

    But save him, this is almost an impossible thing to do. Now all the high-ranking sword-bearers in Yanjing City are in a state of anger and anger. Unless they are planning to kill the entire Yanjing City, how else? Will the salvation be saved?

    “We still make sense!”After thinking about it for a while, I said to the singer of Tiger Sword Spirit.

    “Speaking reason…What does this have to do with saving the injustice? ”Tiger Sword Spirit said that he was a bit aggressive.

    “Of course, it must be reasonable, or do you want to use force?”The cold smashed his mouth and said, “If you can’t save him, you can see that this is not a good thing.” The reason is said, even if Yanjing City is not willing, they have to let people go. The reason can not be said that even if we both become swordsmen, it is impossible to forcibly take away the law, or we are the historical sinners who destroy the harmony between Yuzhang City and Yanjing City. ”

    I understandTiger Sword Spirit nodded, and then looked at the cold with hopes of hope. “You have the most methods and the most ideas. You think about it, how should we talk about this?”

    “The most important thing to say is to figure out the ins and outs of the whole thing. The so-called knowing ourselves and knowing each other. If we can’t figure out what happened at the time, how can we tell the truth? ”Standing cold and calmly said.

    “But I did my best, that is, I heard this news. At that time, what happened at the scene, no one would like to tell me, Yanjing City Jianjian did not even report the matter to the General Committee of the Sword Committee, I can not from the sword. The committee will inquire about the news, and now it’s completely black eyes!”Tiger Sword Spirit said with distress.

    “This is nothing, even if you have heard the news.”Chilling and shaking your head “The message you listened to must have passed through the news of several mouths and ears. It has been processed by different communicators. It is impossible to be exactly the same as the facts. These messages are of little use even if they are heard. We must find a way to find out the most accurate information from the mouths of people who have witnessed all the facts directly on the scene. ”

    “Comfortable cold comrade, do you want me to ask directly with Renren?”Tiger Sword Spirit touched his head. “It’s more difficult. I don’t even know where he is trapped. I am going to ask him to ask questions!”

    “I don’t know where he is asking!”The cold smiled and laughed. “Don’t forget the entrants of the Eighth House Conference. According to the rules of the General Assembly, no one is allowed to impose any restrictions on the participants of the Eighth Congress. Therefore, before the trial of the Discipline Inspection Commission, we can brighten up to the Yanjing City Jiandang Committee dignitaries, otherwise this lawsuit will be even greater if we hit the Swordsman General Council. The day after tomorrow is the eight Yuan Congress convened, we can also aboveboard request Yanjing City will our contestants back to us, if we do not give, we must give us conclusive evidence to prove the crime of the law, and let us talk with the lawyer, this is very reasonable request, Yanjing City has no reason to refuse. ”

    “While this is the case, in the case of Yanjing City, is it not to let us see the side of the law?” In the face of Sword Immortal, even if Yanjing City is not willing, I am afraid that the organizing committee of the Eighth Congress will not be for us. ”The Tiger Sword Spirit is obviously not as optimistic as the cold.

    “I will hand over this matter to me. I will let the people of Yanjing City let us in!”Although the cold is very simple on the mouth, there is some helplessness in my heart. He is not willing to get into the things of the law. This and the law have no possession of the more Wang Goujian sword, the cold does not mean revenge, but feel that this will be very troublesome, a bad deal may lead to a fatal crack in the relationship between Yuzhang City and Yanjing City.

    And the most crucial thing is that the deep inside of the cold is faintly felt that the law is indeed damn. For the sake of a district, the Lantern actually killed a human sword-level sword-bearer…The impact of this matter is significant, and the power of humanity has been weakened by a large part. What’s more important is that the Smark Immortal is very young. Maybe in the future, he can also be enthroned as an emperor. If you don’t have a legal person, you will kill a future swordsman. It’s light to kill a little life with a lawyer. If you are in the middle ages before the big break, it’s a murder, and the family is connected with the nine, and the whole family is buried with him.

    But the cold has to find a way to save the life of Renren, as I said before, there is no way to sacrifice his last life for Yuzhang City, and the cold does not want to see that there is no way to finally get a blood cut off. To the point. Therefore, in the heart of the cold, I decided to find out the truth of the facts and see what role Ren’s role played in this place. What kind of thing did it do? How much does it cost to kill Sword Immortal? responsibility. If the death of Sword Immortal is indeed because of the betrayal of the law, then the cold will not only save the life of the law, but will step on the foot and send the comrade to the road.


    In the afternoon of the same day, Fuxi came to the gate of the Yanjing City Jianjian Committee with Lu Xihua and asked to meet with the Chairman of the Jianjing City Jianjian Committee.

    There are many differences between the Yanjing City Swords Committee and the Yuzhang City Swords Committee. At least from the building, the Yanjing City Swords Committee has crushed a step in the Yuzhang City Swords Committee. The building of the Yanjing City Jiandang Committee is called Bai Yujing. The whole building does not have any building materials such as painting, ceramic tiles and cement. All the walls show a warm color of the best white jade, and the touch is exactly the same as the white jade.

    In fact, the whole building is a building made of a huge white jade stone. It is said that when the sword ancestors and the king of the Tibetan kings and Bodhisattvas fought a battle, the Tibetan king Bodhisattva fled. Two people fought tens of thousands of meters underground. In the end, although the Tibetan king Bodhisattva was allowed to escape, Jianzu unexpectedly discovered this white jade boulder. When the sword ancestors commanded the white jade boulder to dig out, everyone was shocked. Because this white jade boulder is a square stone 1000 meters high and 1000 meters wide, the whole boulder is transparent to the color of white jade. After taking the test, it is found that it is pure jade with a purity of more than 98%, and the impurities are rare.

    Such a horrible white jade boulder can be shocked to death in the whole world before the big ruin. If you take the estimate, it would not be a problem to sell thousands of trillion yuan. Of course, it is impossible to sell it, but it will be collected as a national treasure for the government. But after the great destruction, this piece of white jade is a bit redundant. At that time, human life could not be saved, and there was no interest in bringing luxury goods. This white jade stone is just a good-looking stone.

    However, it is a pity to just throw it away. So the swordsman’s brain opened wide, and a group of construction workers and a group of construction engineers were found. After three years of age, the piece of white jade was carved into a huge one. The building was named “White Yujing” by the sword ancestor and used as an office space in Yanjing City. Later, the Jian Jian Committee was established, and Bai Yujing became the office building of the Jian Jian Committee until now.

    This is also the most luxurious building of all mankind, even if it is Yanjing Palace and the work of the Federation of the General Assembly Building is not Baiyuking one-tenth of the style, anyone see this piece of white jade boulder carved from the building, will be tempted to offer their knees, kneeling in the uncanny nature of the strange things before.

    However, the cold and Lu Xihua did not have much reaction in seeing Baiyu Kyoto, because it has been seen on the network countless times before the cold, and the cold can even give back the various data of Bai Yujing, there is nothing. Amazed at all. Lu Xihua is because I have seen more…When I saw Bai Yujing for the first time, Lucifer really couldn’t help but want to offer his knee. However, for so many days, she has truly integrated into the position of the chief of the Jiange Pavilion in Yuzhang City. She has been continually going back and forth between the various Sword Committees and the Yanjing City Swords Committee. Nothing to be curious about.

    After entering Bai Yujing, there were staff members who took the initiative to meet them and asked if these two are obviously not the swordsmen of Yanjing City.

    “I am cold, she is Xihua, the main road of Jiangege, Yuzhang City. We want to see the chairman of the Yanjing City Jianjian Committee, Dazhi Sword Immortal!”The cold said to the waiter. Although there is a sword emperor in Yanjing City, it seems that the position of the chairman of the Jianjian Committee should be the right of the Emperor of Heaven. But from the beginning of the sword, people have developed the habit, that is, in addition to the creation of the base city of the Sword Emperor, other sword Emperor generally not directly participate in the base city of all kinds of government, will be in their own palace inside Self-cultivation, further improve their ability, all the energy is put in as much as possible to make their own strong, and live as long as possible.

    However, the Sword Emperor can assign any position in the base city except for the Chief of the Sword Court to anyone, so the chairman of the Swordsman or the chairman of the board of directors will generally be the sword-level swordsman appointed by the Sword Emperor. This big day Sword Immortal is the chairman of the sword committee appointed by Emperor Sui Tianjian, and has the authority of Emperor Shoutian Sword. The Sword Immortal in the city of Yanjing can be described as one person, above the 10,000 people, quite a few The taste of the prime minister is inside.

    This waiter is just an ordinary person. I don’t know that there has been a big event in Yuzhang City where the sword-level sword-bearers have fallen. However, he did know that the cold-stricken Sword Spirit, which was so scary, gave him a disgusting sigh. He had a bit of awe in the cold, let alone his side and the sword of the Yuzhang City. So, this waiter did not dare to neglect, immediately reported to the switchboard the request for cold.

    In less than ten seconds, the waiter got a reply and began to lead the cold to the dedicated elevator behind the hall. It is impossible to see the big day Sword Immortal by taking the general route. Only by the special elevator can you see the nominal power of the Yanjing City.

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