It took about three full hours to fix the cold, and then the body’s desires were calmed down by self-regulation. The sequela of “Qing Lian San Jian” is more and more difficult to calm down. It is obvious that when I first took a bath with Wen Meiyun, there was no such desire. It took only a few minutes to calm down.But now, the cold is only to see two full and upright European faction, it is already difficult to self-sustain.

    “No, then everything goes beyond control!” I should probably treat the “Green Lotus Three Swords” in another way! ”Cold thinking silently “I remember that in the ancient times, there was a water scientist who called 禹 曾经 once said that everything in this world is not blocked. If I gamble again, sooner or later I will not be able to control myself. Let’s try it out!”

    Good-looking, it is conceivable that there will be a great change in the life of the cold future, but it is not necessary to care about these things.

    When the cold is hard to appease the body that is moving, the sunset slowly descends on the land. At this time, the sky will be late, and it is no longer possible to continue driving. It is a nightmare for the night to deal with the suspension. The cold and others must find a place to camp and wait for the dawn.

    Looking at the map of the personal terminal, I found that my team is now located in Shaanxi Province, and it is just in the vicinity of Xianyang.If you go tens of kilometers to the east, you can see Xianyang Airport.

    When I think of the name of Xianyang Airport, I can’t help but feel awkward in my heart. Although I have never been there before, the unforgettable experience in the game is no longer reminding me of the cold. It is a place that should not be forgotten.

    “Whether, now is not the time for these things, it is important to rush back to Yuzhang City!”Fixing the cold puts some messy ideas behind, and it is imperative to find a suitable camping place.

    As I said before, for the sword-bearers, the best place to camp is to have the place that the former sword-bearers have chosen, which can save a lot of trouble. However, the cold has found a large circle along this forest and has not found a trace of camping. He can only choose a windy empty stone as his camping place. There is a cliff behind it, and there is a large swamp on the left. It is impossible for the general Lantern to attack yourself from these two directions. As long as you look at the other two directions, this is a safe place.

    “Best three of them don’t know if they are chasing it!”When the cold was leaving Changyangshan, they let the three of them follow the suspension car, but after less than half an hour of departure, the cold will lose the connection with their three elements.By controlling their godheads, the cold can keep in touch with the three of them within a range of about 20 kilometers, which is why they are not allowed to leave their 20-kilometer range.

    Just to limit them, and not completely remove their seals, just will their strength warriors raised to the level of the Dragon 冦, such a speed to keep up with the suspension of a few hours is not realistic things, perhaps a short period of time they can follow the speed of the suspension, but a long time, their endurance will fall, Can not catch up with the cold of the rook.

    However, the cold has told the three obstacles in advance, as long as they are close to their 20-kilometer range, they can immediately contact them…Of course, considering some unexpected circumstances, the cold can also agree with them that if they can’t find the cold, they will go directly to the Qiushui Square site near Yuzhang City to wait for the cold to find them.

    Fortunately, when the cold was established in this temporary camp, the information of the three-person gods appeared in the induction of the cold. These three guys arrived.

    Under the command of the cold, the three scorpions sneaked into the camp near the cold, and used the cold to excuse the environment, and left the camp to find the three unlucky ones, and once again gave them a seal to remove some of the gods. Let their strength reach the level of 陨, which is the level of Isis blood and cold.

    Then they fixed the cold and ordered them to be responsible for guarding the camp. If they met the Lantern Festival, they must report to the cold.The low level of cold can make Song Yifei and Yi Wenjun kill the practice hands in the past. If the level is high, let the cold work yourself…A little higher, let the three people clear them.

    All in all, there are three guards on the side of the side, the cold can sleep a sense of stability.

    It is a pity that the cold did not sleep well. On the contrary, he did not close his eyes almost one night. When he and Song Yifei met the next day, the eyes were directly blacked out.

    “Cold the cold, what did you do last night? I see you tightly shut your tent, no one is allowed to go in, even the vigil you are not coming, honestly account, you are not doing anything unforgivable to Yitian! ! ”As soon as I saw the cold, I was caught in the cold and screamed.

    This stinky guy is really kind enough to let the two girls watch the night and scream in the tent.

    “No.The cold has simply denied it.

    “Hey, are you actually so sweet and so poor…”The flow of years has deliberately improved his tone, and the meaning inside is self-evident.

    “What do you want?”I was cold and white, and I took a look at it as “the first reward for completing the trial. I have left a lot of sword marks on the cover. I was busy for one night, just to improve the level of the swords and the heavens.” Go up…What is inside your head? ”

    “You are in deep sword marks!”I sneaked for a few years, and then I immediately laughed at Mimi’s, “I asked you, your poverty and ego are deep into a few things!”

    “I don’t think it’s worse than your day!”It’s not good to say cold.

    When the Noble Family was missing the sword mark, when it was a long time, the sword of nature began to grow into a product.

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