“Do you really decide to accept this cold?”When the cold swelled away from Liu Lei’s room, Sword Immortal had no way to walk out of a small door in the office. Everything that happened just now was invisible.

    “He gave me a sire called Master, why do you still ask me this question.”Liu Leibai had no way to look at it. “How, envy me to accept a good apprentice. Hey, we are the best sword-level swordsman in Yuzhang City. I have taken it away. I have any reason not to accept him as an apprentice. !”

    “It’s just taking away from the sky. Is there really potential? You still need to test it!”Have a cold and cold sentence

    “What is good to test? Just rush to this county king, I have to hand him down! ”Liu Lei’s singer’s own king class in front of the innocent, today he was holding a loss of mind to calm down the cold, I couldn’t think of earning a county king back, this world is really good. Report?

    “You are the king of this county, you should divide me half!”Looking at Liu Lei’s hand in the county, there was a bit of redness and a sudden lack of words.

    “Why? Why should I divide you half? ”Liu Lei did not do it. “This is my apprentice filial piety to my master. What does it have to do with you?”

    “Of course it matters!”With a pathless saying, “The medical warehouse that saved him a life, but I gave it to him. Without my medical warehouse, his life is gone. Where are you going to find this apprentice?”

    “Less less to me, a medical warehouse can be worth a few dollars, this thing wants to divide my county king, and quickly give me a go.”Liu Lei’s disdainful look at the invisible look, this guy, too shameless, the favor of a medical warehouse, I want to get the king of the king?

    “Hey, that’s not the general medical warehouse, it’s my Xianjian medical warehouse, it is the medical warehouse that you and I used to save lives! Until now, my medical warehouse is still in the hands of your apprentice. Should we be clear about this account? ”With a pathless air, this Liu Lei is really too irritating.

    “Well, even if it is a medical warehouse dedicated to the sword level, what a ghost thing, see you wronged.” Liu Lei immediately shook a medical warehouse out of the pocket of the yuan, thrown in front of the innocent, “take it, This is mine, the brand new is not open, I will give it back to my apprentice, and we have two loves!”

    Seeing this medical warehouse in front of him, there was no way to breathe in without a breath…Nima, I seem to have room for rebuttal.


    “No, you can choose one soon. I beg you. You have been out of time for five minutes. If you are discovered by the supervisor, I will be finished!”Jiange 1 Layer, a guide accompanied by Song Yifei between the various swordsmen. Unlike the guide who despised the cold, the relationship between the guide and Song Yifei looked quite good, and actually gave Song Yifei a delay in the choice.

    It is not surprising that Song Yifei is a frequent visitor to the Jiange Pavilion. It has been coming to the Jiange forty times before and after, and he is working in the Service Center of the Swordsman. Naturally, he is familiar with the staff of these swords. In addition, Song Yifei’s character is very good, and his friends are very sincere. If you have difficulties, you will do your best to help. Therefore, the popularity in the Jiange is very good. The guides can choose the time of the swordsman in order to get more and more songs. Take the initiative to help her delay the time…Compared with the cold, this is the gap between heaven and earth.

    “Okay, then I will…”Song also sighed, she did not intentionally delay the time, but she has failed so many times, and began to have an instinctive fear of choosing a swordswoman. Because of fear that this time will still fail, so Song did not even have the courage to hold the swordswoman.

    “Then I will try this!”Song Yifei’s goal was to put on an ancient sword-level swordsman named Sha Ying Sword. On the counter of the shadowless sword, the golden brocade box is empty, but a long sword is placed in the silver brocade box. This shows that the artificial swordsman who is stored in the shadowless sword is not the natural swordsman of the shadowless sword.

    Song Yifei chose a shadowless sword to mean that she gave up her natural swordsman and chose a man-made swordsman with a higher success rate. This is also a helpless choice. The long-term failure has made Song Yifei completely lose his confidence in himself, just thinking about it. Quickly sync successfully and relieve your obsession.

    “Don’t rush to pick and choose. You can take a look at it any more.”Another guide came over and whispered to Song Yifei and the guide who had accompanied Song Yifei. “You don’t know. I heard that Eternal Mother was born, and the entire 2 Layer was overturned. The leaders are now concentrated on the second floor. How can I delay you for a while? Don’t rush, let her pick a little more, how can it be successful in a hurry. ”

    Well, the appearance of this guide has thoroughly proved the failure of the cold man.

    “What, Eternal Mother is born!”Song Yifei was shocked. The news was too sudden and it took a lot of time to digest this news.

    “Yeah, I heard that it is still a small handsome guy to coordinate and coordinate, but the little piano that guides him is unlucky. If you don’t know how, you will be fined for two months. It’s really bad!”The two guides discussed the matter of Yitianjian, and Song Yifei was fascinated. I don’t know why, she felt that the little handsome guy who had synchronized Yitianjian was the guy who fixed the cold.

    Thinking of this, Song Yifei began to panic, and she suddenly felt that the gap between a small river that existed between herself and the cold had instantly turned into a quicksand river.

    “No, we changed places. There is a natural swordsman who just died and held the sword. Back in the sword, you have definitely not tried it. I will take you to try it!”Later, the guide took James and asked her to go to another place.

    The guide, with a force, found that Song Yifei’s feet seemed to be nailed and motionless.

    “No, what’s wrong with you?”The guide asked inexplicably.

    “Sister, thank you for your kindness, I have already decided, I will try this with the shadowless sword!”Song Yifei smiled bitterly, and he was going to touch this artificial shadowless sword. I don’t know why, Song Yifei only wanted to quickly end this simultaneous coordination test and then escaped from Jiange.

    “But this is just an artificial swordswoman, and…”Later, the guides wanted to persuade, but they were dragged by the first one. “Oh, no, since this was chosen, it is this.” You are a powerful swordswoman, unsuccessful, and what is the use of wood. On the contrary, since it is not a firm choice of this, maybe there is a cause in it, you should not stop it. ”

    “Well, what you said makes sense.”After persuasion, this guide gave up the action of dissuasion. When I heard this, my heart was like canned pickles. I had a fate with this shadowless sword. I decided that she just wanted to escape from here.

    Song Yifei’s hand was a little closer to the artificial shadowless sword in the brocade box. Once there was no reaction for ten seconds after the touch, then Song Yifei’s simultaneous coordination also failed, but Song Yifei had already become accustomed to failure.

    Chick, if I were you, I would never touch that sword! At this critical time, there was a sound of a good and awkward voice in the sky…Wait, how is it uploaded from the sky?

    Song Yifei and the two guides looked up and saw a beautiful costumed man sitting on the ceiling chandelier, holding a sword, holding a wine gourd in one hand, and pouring it directly into his mouth.

    “who are you? You give me down, don’t you know that drinking is prohibited in the sword court? ”The guide saw that this scene was a little angry, and actually dared to drink in the sword court. This is the sin of jail.

    “Women, I will come down!”The costumes of the chandeliers leaped down, and they appeared in front of the three people in a stable and steady manner. A thick scent of wine immediately entered the breath of the Song and the three, and the fragrant wine tastes good. Even Song, who never drank alcohol, couldn’t help but want to drink a glass of wine in the gourd.

    “You are a sword girl?”Seeing the equipment of Yitian, and the sparkling sword in her hand, the two guides suddenly realized that the feelings and the ones who talked to themselves were a swordsman. It’s no wonder that they dare to drink in the swordhouse. I don’t know who is fearless! But how is this swordwoman alone here, where is her sword-bearer?

    “Respected goddess, it is not allowed to drink alcohol in the sword court. Would you please drink it after leaving the sword court?”Since the other party is a swordswoman, the attitude can not be bad, and it must be gentle and persuasive.

    “This woman is going to drink, even if the sky falls down, don’t stop me.”Yitian was poured into his stomach, and he took a wine cellar and smiled at Song Yifei. “You don’t want to touch this shadowless sword. She is not suitable for you, or there are few suitable for you all over the world. Ancient sword level swordswoman.”

    “I know that my talent is too bad…”Song Yifei’s look is bleak.

    “Oh, but since there are not a few, then there are a few swordsmen who are right for you. Just right, I know, there is a swordswoman for you.”Etienne looked at Song Yifei with a teasing look. “Would you like to know which swordsman?”

    Suddenly I heard that Etienne said that there is a swordswoman that suits her. Song Yifei feels that the whole person is like flying to the sky. Now she is like a drowning person. Even if she is a reed, she will hold it tightly. I am reluctant to let go.

    However, this swordswoman looks contemptuous. Does she really know where her swordswoman is?

    “How, do you want to know?”Yitian asked again.

    “Think, I really want to, I really want to. Please ask the girl to tell me, in the end is the swordswoman, if it is really successful, I will definitely thank the goddess for the rest of my life. ”Song also said with excitement that she was in charge of her life.

    “Good, but I have a condition.”Yitian said, step forward, walked to Song Yifei’s side, grabbed Song Yifei’s waist, held her in his arms, and then like a satyr, took a deep breath in Song Yifei’s neck.

    “Let me kiss me” and I suddenly said.

    What?Song Yifei did not react at all.

    PaThe eyes of Yitian are on the lips of Song Yifei, hehe, or the French ****

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