Hearing what Liu Lei said, the cold has not been answered for a long time, so that Liu Lei has repeated the words he just said. “From now on, you are my apprentice.”

    This time, the whole egg in the cold heart hurts. Two days ago, I still want to ask myself to be an apprentice, but I’m not too stupid to say that I have to be in the Eighth Congress. In order to become his apprentice, he won the first place.

    As a result, the two-day effort was that a sword-level sword-bearer took the initiative and said that he was willing to accept the cold and feed the apprentice. To tell the truth, simply from the good and bad of Master, the master without a chapter is better than the master of Liu Lei.

    First, there is no chapter ten party is the fifth in the sword-level sword holder, and Liu Lei is only eleven, on the strength, Liu Lei is better than no chapter;

    The second is that there are no chapters and ten parties that are young enough. The current ten-party is still only in its early fifties. The physical quality of the sword-bearing swordsmen, as long as they don’t die in the hands of Yuan Zhen, live for another thirty or forty years. The problem is not big, so you can protect yourself for thirty or forty years without a chapter. In contrast, Liu Lei has been dying, looking at his physical condition, can be alive in three or five years.

    Third, there is the Emperor Qian Tianjian behind the undisciplined ten parties. At the crucial time, it may be possible to have a relationship with the Sword Emperor. This safety factor is much more secure. But Liu Lei is a lonely man. It is said that the relationship with Sword Immortal is also normal.

    Although there are so many benefits of worshipping the ten parties, but from the heart, the cold is more willing to worship Liu Lei as a teacher…The cold has always been an arrogant person. The test of the ten-party without a chapter is to make the heart of the cold have a flaw, but because the second sword-level swordsman can’t find the opportunity, the cold must bear. There is no test of the ten parties.

    But now it is not the same, Yunxiao Sword Immortal Liu Lei actually offered to collect the cold as a disciple, the attitude is better than the ten-party ten-party, and the cold is of course willing to worship Liu Lei as a teacher…However, before this, the cold still wants to figure out why Liu Lei suddenly proposed to be an apprentice.

    “The clouds are stunned by the predecessors, and the cold is flattered!”The cold first was a deep sigh of Liu Lei, and then by saying, “It’s just that you don’t understand the cold, but you can receive the favor of your predecessors. I am anxious to ask the predecessors to tell the truth, otherwise the younger generation is afraid that they will not sleep at night. ”

    “You kid, I am afraid that Liu Lei will not kill you!”Liu Lei unhappyly sighed “Is it worth mentioning, it is no problem to tell you, lest you have any embarrassment to my Master in the future.”

    “Kid, do you know what is the age of swordsmanship?”Suddenly, Liu Lei asked the question of fixing the cold.

    “Sword hard times!”When I heard these four words in the cold, my mind quickly flew out the information about the age of the sword. The so-called arduous era means that the sword-bearers in history have gradually become scarce, and the new sword-bearers cannot catch up with the dead sword-bearers. At the same time, the era of high-end sword-level sword-bearers is seriously insufficient. In this era, Called the sword hard times.

    Generally speaking, there are two criteria for judging whether an era has reached the age of the sword. The first is that the annual increase rate of the sword-bearer is less than 10%, and the second is the low number of sword-level sword-holders. For the two people, to achieve these two standards, it is basically possible to judge that this era has reached the age of swordsmanship.

    Just like a sentence in a classical book, “The Three Kingdoms Acting”, the world’s general trend will be divided for a long time. The same is true in the difficult times of the sword. About two hundred to three hundred years are a time node, and human beings will inexplicably greet the era of swordsmanship. Before today, humans have encountered three times of hardships…After careful calculation, isn’t the last sword-hard period ending 230 years ago? With this calculation, the time is right.

    Suddenly I heard that the hard times of the sword are coming soon. It is a sudden change of the cold. This is an absolute secret for the KPC. It is a secret that no one can tell. Once the sword begins, the news is passed to the Yuan. In the midst of it, then humanity is bound to usher in a miserable war.

    “Predecessors, this kind of thing, juniors still don’t know better!”I don’t want to know the news, because once I know it, I will definitely enter the CDC’s list of key concerns. Maybe someone will monitor their communication and prevent themselves from revealing the news of the hard times. .

    “No problem, you are my apprentice, you are qualified to know this!”Liu Lei seems to want to tell all the things he knows to the cold. “In fact, according to statistics, the growth rate of sword-bearers last year was negative 6.87%. Although the statistics of this year have not yet come out, according to the statistics of our Jianzhang City Jianjian Committee, the growth rate in the first half of this year has fallen to negative. 7.8%, it is estimated that this year’s breakthrough of 8% is no problem! ”

    “And now the Swordsman is only the two dragon lions and the Emperor Shoutian, in other words, no more than five years, the whole world, officially entered the age of swordsmanship!”

    “The slowest five years, the whole world, officially entered the age of swordsmanship!”This sentence instantly blasted in the cold-headed mind, and the cold could never be imagined. Actually, from next year, it will enter the age of swordsmanship. This is simply the news that human beings are least willing to hear. This means that In the next 20 to 50 years, mankind will face their greatest suffering in three hundred years.

    Yes, the hard times of the sword are the most difficult times for human beings. Because of the large number of sword-bearers, human beings have to give up a large number of strongholds outside the city. Because there is not enough power to defend these strongholds, forcing people to guard them, only Losing yourself is not much power.

    Therefore, in the age of swordsmanship, humans simply chose to abandon their strongholds outside the city and defend their bases and cities. Looking forward to the past of the hard times.

    Corresponding to the difficult times of the sword, the Lanterns will enter a very active state, and they will seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to launch a flood of human base markets. At that time, most of the base cities were only guarded by the poor sword-level sword-bearers. Once they faced the attack of the flood level or the wild-level Lantern, it was a naked massacre.

    Every time the sword is difficult, we can hear that several base cities can’t hold on, the city is completely destroyed, and a large number of sword-bearers are killed and wounded, and almost all the civilians die.

    Yes, after the swordman can’t defend in the city, he can use the power of Jian Niang to escape and go to other base cities. But the civilians can only be ruthlessly abandoned in the city’s refuge. If you are lucky, you may be able to hide in the refuge for decades and wait for the hard times.

    If you are not lucky, you can only die. By the way, by the way, 99.9% of the civilians are bad luck.

    In the past, there were three times of arduous times. In the second arduous times, Yuzhang City, which had no sword-level swordsman, was unfortunately broken. The people in the city basically died, and only the families of sword-bearers were Transferred to Yanjing City in advance, only to save a life.

    After the hard times of Jianjian, after the re-repair of Yuzhang City, it took a hundred years to encourage fertility and restore the number to a normal level.

    Therefore, the hard times of the sword is a disaster for the sword-bearers, and it is a great disaster for the civilians.

    “How come, so fast, there is no sign!”The cold whispered to himself, all this came too suddenly.

    “The signs have long been there. We have foreseen the age of the swordsmanship five years ago, but we estimated that there are still fifteen years from the age of swordsmanship. Unexpectedly, this is less than five years before the time, and the time is ahead of a full third, and we are about to meet this terrible era. ”Liu Lei sighed.

    “What is even more frightening is that the Emperor Sui Tianjian may not be able to survive for five years. At that time, the entire human race will have a sword emperor of the Dragon and Lion Sword Emperor. Even in the first three times of the sword, the worst time, we humans. There are also two swordsmen, but now when they enter the age of swordsmanship, there is only one swordsman left.

    “This time the hard times of the sword, I am afraid it will become the worst time in the history of mankind.”Liu Lei’s eyes reveal endless worries. “Among the eight base cities, Yanjing City has the deepest heritage, and the birth of the sword emperor is also the most. In the first three times of the difficult times, Yanjing City had the guardianship of a swordsman, so Yanjing City has not suffered too much damage in the difficult times. But this time, even Yanjing City is also the guardian of the lost Sword Emperor. If this is not the case, this time our Chinese bloodline will suffer extremely terrible disasters. ”

    “Why tell me this!”Chilling up and looking up at Liu Lei “These things are not what I know of the ancient sword-level swordsman. Why do seniors tell these things to the younger generation.”

    “First correct your mistake. You are no longer a sword-level swordsman. You are now a sword-level swordsman!”Liu Lei actually has a mood to make a joke. “You ask me why I told you, then I told, because I am optimistic about you! ! Or, I am more optimistic about the Admiral! ”

    GovernorHearing this name, he fixed his head and looked at Liu Lei incredibly. How did he know that he was the Admiral?

    “Don’t be surprised, fix the cold” Liu Lei took a picture of the shoulders of the cold. “The biggest fun of my old guy on weekdays is to brush a copy in “Jian Niang OL” and hit the debris. It’s just that I have a friend’s son who has been fooled into Bright Jade Sword School. It’s not difficult to know that there is a Heavenly Sword in the Admiral’s hand. Just, you sent this message to me, this is fate! ”

    Hearing this, the cold is speechless, and I dare to send it to my door. But with the identity of the admiral, is Liu Lei so optimistic about himself? The achievements I have made are higher, and the achievements in the ******** have nothing to do with reality. Why does Liu Lei like this? There must be something that I don’t know.

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