Gao Qia Linai, who spit out more than a dozen blood, has 90% confidence that she can see that the cold is killed by the vacuum, and that the poor is turned back to the sword form because of the death of the cold, so that she can return to the flow year smoothly. Noble Family handed in the task.

    When the vacuum gradually dissipated, Gao Lilinai only saw a figure falling on the ground. Besides, she did not see the person standing. Gao Li Linai breathed a sigh of relief, the figure that fell to the ground is undoubtedly fixed, and the poor should have changed back to the sword form!

    Unfortunately, Gao Li Linai was completely disappointed in the next moment. The figure that fell to the ground actually floated slowly, and a long black hair fluttered…This kind of hair is definitely not the hair that can be held by the cold. This floating figure can only be a girl who is poor.

    Gao Yanlinai’s eyes fainted in an instant. Since the poverty is still in the form of the swordsman, the cold is inevitably still alive, and her own death has failed.

    The poorness that floated up in the air stood upright in the air. There was still a person lying behind her. It seems that the poverty is just pressing on the cold, and the two people are together, which makes Gaochun Linai Produces the illusion of only one figure.

    Seeing this scene, Kaoasaki suddenly realized that she wanted to understand why the cold was not dead, just when the vacuum is shrouded, the poor first time lying on the body, the mouth sealed in solid cold mouth, so the solid cold still maintain the body’s air balance, only in this way, to maintain a solid cold to survive the necessary air.

    Do you think this trick is very familiar? Well, Altolia used this trick in the original copy, at that time in the nuclear bomb at high altitude, and this time, in a vacuum environment.

    However, compared with the nuclear bomb, the environment in the vacuum is obviously even worse. If you just cover your mouth, it is impossible to hold the life of the cold. Obviously, when the poverty is covered by the cold, There are other things that have been done in poverty, otherwise the cold will still be dead.

    “You actually let me kiss a human!”The girl who stood up again was full of disgust on her face. Yes, it was a disgusting expression. It seemed to be disgusting to kiss the cold.It seems that the poverty of the girl and the poverty of the goods are the appearance of two divided personalities. It is absolutely impossible for a child who sleeps in the cold and cold to sleep in the cold and cold.

    “With this, you are not qualified to live.”The coldness in the poor words seems to be able to seal the entire air.

    “Do you think you have already fixed me? I can still fight with you! ”Gao Li Linai used her air sword to support her body, then raised her own sword and prepared to end the battle with melee. Since the long-distance skill is not the opponent of her poor sword, the melee may have a chance. . Although she is mainly trained in the elemental skills in the Noble Family, but the Sword Skill is the only one in the family, she also learned a few percent from her high school, and she is a girl with a weak personality. Perhaps a close attack is The right routine!

    “Hey, stubborn,” the girl was so poor that she saw the high-spirited Linai who had swarmed the air sword and killed herself. The girl was scornful and her face was moved. A white lotus flower was suspended in front of the poor. Unlike a white lotus flower, this white lotus flower is not pieced together with leaves, but flies out of the girl’s poor body. At the same time, this white lotus flower has only six petals, not wanting to have one, and there are twenty petals.

    After releasing this white lotus flower, the poor face suddenly turned yellow and the sweat appeared on the forehead. It was completely different from the weight of the previous battle. It seems that this white lotus was born from her body. Flower, she used a lot of her own abilities.

    “It’s still too weak, one thousandth is still not enough.” The girl was poor and sighed. “Forget it, it is a big problem to deal with this woman with Sheng Qinglian.”

    If Song Hama heard the words of the girl’s poverty in this time, he would vomit the ghost of St. Qinglian. From the color point of view, it is a holy white lotus.

    “Cut-skill” is different from the previous one. This time, the girl’s poverty is actually spit out two words. From this point of view, this time the white lotus attack is bound to be worse than the previous one.

    Sure enough, with the order of the poor pour out, a petal on the white lotus flew down, but it did not burn into ashes, but slowly like the flying autumn leaves in the sky, slowly flying over the high-pitched lining.

    “There is no need to dodge. When she touched me, my sword was already in the poor throat.”When she saw the petals flying, Gao Lilinai was somewhat cautious. However, the speed of the petals was found to be too slow, and Gao Li Linai put down her vigilance and tried her best to narrow the distance between poverty and melee.

    But the flower petals in the sorghum Linai, which is seriously clear and slowly floating, are magically appearing in front of themselves…Takahashi Reina didn’t even see the moving route of this petal. It appeared in front of Takahashi Reina, and then stuck on the eyebrows of Takahashi Reina, just like a facial cleanser, blended into the body of Takahashi Reina. in.

    In the high board, Linnai felt an unspeakable will into his body through his own eyebrows, and then Xuanzhi Xuan’s cut a sword in his body and cut off a certain heartstring in his mind.

“……”Gao Yan Linai did not move the whole moment, standing on the ground, her hand reached in front of her, the hand was innocent, but the air sword on her hand has disappeared.

    “Nothing strange, this is the same way as I just melted my skills. I will build an air sword.”Gao Li Linai thought that it would be necessary to control the air again by the wind element to compress an air sword…However, no matter how hard the high-grade Linai is, the new air sword has never appeared. Not only has no new air sword formed, but the air around the high-altitude Linna has never been moved, just like Gao Li Linai has never used skills.

    “The wind is coming! The wind is coming! The wind is coming! ”The panicked sorghum Linnai constantly wanted to control the elements of the wind, but at this time the wind element in the air did not care about the command of Gao Lilinai, just as Gao Li Linai was just a Second Young Master woman.

    Unable to control the wind element!

    This is unimaginable for Gao Li Linai. The element of controlling the wind is her innate ability. The uncontrollable element of the wind is like the ordinary people suddenly can’t eat. It seems that people who have codewords for a lifetime can’t write a word. same.

    “Is that petal? Does the petals cut off their ability to control the elements of the wind? ”In Gao Xin Linai’s mind, there is a speculation of incomparable fear, which is completely two-level concept compared with the skill of annihilating oneself.

    “No, I can’t fight anymore, I have to go!”For the first time in her heart, Gao Yan Lin Nai had the idea of ​​running away. Then she began to escape decisively, just like the decision to escape before the cold and decisive.

    Not to mention, Gao Li Linai’s escape speed is still very fast, running like a small train…If she doesn’t have the ability to control the wind, then she can go all the way, and the speed is just like a small plane.

    The “cut-and-see” girl was poor and cold, and the petals of another white lotus flower fell, and then appeared in front of Gao Yanlinai’s eyebrows, blending into her body, and then, Gao Li Linai, who was running at high speed, suddenly 踉跄He fell heavily on the ground.

    Gao Yan Linai in the running suddenly felt the same mysterious and mysterious sword before the loss of power. Gao Yan Linai’s eyes were black. The instant blindness made Gao Li Linai lose her balance, and then she just fell.

    “What for? Why can’t I see it? What can’t I see in my eyes! ”Gao Li Linai was so upset that her eyes did not suffer any harm, but she was blinded without warning, just like the ability to lose control of the wind element without any warning.

    “Is it true that poverty can not only control my control of the wind, but also cut off my vision?”There is a terrible speculation in Gao Yin Linai’s heart.

    “Throughs and listens” is the flower petals of a white lotus flower, which is integrated into the body of Gao Li Linai. This time, Gao Li Linai found that she had lost all her hearing, and she could not hear any external sounds.

    The “cutting and touching” girl’s poverty alleviation continues to deprive Gaochun Linai of her various abilities. This time it is the turn of Gao Li Linai’s touch. The feeling of the earth that was originally transmitted through the skin is also officially from the brain of Gao Banlinai. Disappeared.

    The fifth piece of the petals of “Tang Yu” fell, and Gao Yan Linai lost control of her limbs. No part of her body responded to the instructions issued by Gao Li Linai’s brain. At this time, they lost their skills in sequence; they listened; listened; touched; Yu, the five basic abilities of Gao Li Linai, had become a prisoner, trapped in his body, and imprisoned is the soul of Gao Li Linai. .

    “Cut the Soul” in front of their face like dead fish in general, has lost all resistance Kaoasaki, the girl poor without any want to put her idea, but mercilessly spit out the “cut the Soul” two words, as the name suggests, this time the poor girl to intercept is the soul of Kaoasaki, once the soul disappeared, Gao Panli Nigerian also really dead, the 冦 came to do not want to save her life.

    With the two words of the girl’s poverty, the last flower on the white lotus also officially fell, appearing in the eyebrows of Gao Yanlinai, ready to take away the life of Gao Li Linai.

    “help me……The father, who was trapped in the depths of consciousness, knew that it was time to decide his life, but Gao Yanlinai did not want to die, and she made such a cry in the depths of her soul.

    “Oh, wrong, wrong, and ultimately is wrong.”The soul of Gao Yan Linai heard such a sighing voice, and then a large hand extended out of the void, covering the body of Gao Li Linai, and the falling petals touched the big hand. At the moment of contact with the big hand, the petals were burnt into a dark smoke, and the big hand burned a black groove of the size of the fingernail, as if a piece of meat was missing.

    “The maiden is forgiving, we are wrong.”This whisper came from the sky, and then the body of Gao Li Linai grabbed the body and returned to the void, disappearing.

    “eventful!”The girl looked at the disappearing big hand and hated it. A big fight, this is the end.

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