[PS: In order to compensate the troubles of the genuine players being interfered by the anti-piracy version, the author decided to start from June 10th and upgrade the day to the third, and last until the end of June. If the effect after the burglary is improved enough to reach a level of 1500, then the author will continue to continue until the whole month of July, as long as the average monthly growth of more than 200, the author each The month will be done three times a day. 】

    “That is Tai Chi?”In the study room with no way and the invisible ten-party, accidentally looking up at the sky, suddenly saw, in the distant sky, a black and white white cloud formed by the Tai Chi image.

    “Yes, it’s really a Tai Chi!”With a look of curiosity and a curiosity, I sighed, “This world is really unpredictable. I can’t think of a cloud that can evolve into a taiji. Naturally, we still need our fear.”

    It is the most suitable candidate for the Chairman of the Jian Jian Committee. It is a thick chicken soup taste.

    “Hey, Baiyun seniors, don’t you think this cloud is wrong?”The look of this Taiji cloud is very cautious, and it seems that there are many secrets hidden in it.

    ColorsIn the eyes with no turbidity, a fine man flashed past. “You said so, the half of the black clouds are really wrong. Its color is too dark, this should not be the case that the clouds are too thick to cause the sun to pass through. Is it true that the true color of this cloud is black? ”

    “This is not a cloud. This is someone fighting. Seeing this is actually a battle of the sword-level swordsman.”Without a chapter, the first sight of this Taiji cloud, he felt that this is not a normal cloud, this is the scene of someone fighting.

    “Look at that you are the direction of the Meiling Mountains…If there is a sword-level sword-bearer fighting, then the first time will be like I reported, but I have not received any information now, maybe just some sword-level little guys, idle and boring swords. ”With no words to say, with his control of Yuzhang City, the sword-level battle, it is impossible to win him.

    “Meiling Mountains?”There are no chapters and ten parties who have indulged in “the predecessors of the day, the words we have to talk about have already been finished, and things have been agreed, then I should complete my original mission.” The sword-bearer who was left in the Luoting vein by Tian Congyun woke up, and my prince was still on his body.”

    WellI heard that there were no chapters and ten parties asking about the cold, and it also involved the prince’s kind, and there was no change in face. “What is the name of Sword Immortal? What kind of prince is planted on the sword-bearer?”

    “Yes, although he said that the prince was planted in his friend, I guess that the prince should actually be on his body. This is a somewhat embarrassing child. Unfortunately, it is too tender, otherwise it is a good meal. . Well, trouble the white seniors, he brought them over, took the prince kind, I will return to Yanjing City, and the adults are still waiting for me to return. ”

    “Why don’t you tell me that the prince is planting on him!”The indecent beard was upturned. “The Luoting veins reported to me that the kid had disappeared with the medical warehouse.”

    (customer missing) Was this kid fainted by interest, thinking that he could retain the prince? ”Without a slap in the face, he thought that the cold could not bear the kind of prince, and escaped after waking up.

    “No, ten minutes after we left there, I got the news that the medical warehouse was missing. With the injury of the kid, it would not be possible to climb out without one or two hours of treatment. He should have been carried away by someone else. ”It’s ugly to have a lookless face. It seems that in addition to your undisciplined, there is a second group of forces who have watched this prince, and the stinky boy is likely to be robbed by them.

    “Dragon and Lion Swordsman?”There is no sorrow in the eyes of the ten-party, and if the dragon and lion swordsmen also intervene in it, the task of this time is probably not so simple. At least he is not able to depart for Yanjing City this evening.

    It’s an old fox with no words. With a blink of an eye, I think of the most likely answer…It is a pity that he guessed this wrong, and he brought the undisciplined ten parties into the ditch. The person who robbed the cold did not look at the prince species that had chilled the cold, but instead looked at the poor sword of the cold.


    “Good power!”At the moment when the Taiji yin and yang clouds appeared in the sky, Gao Lilin immediately jumped from the cold body, holding a sword in her hand, and concentrating on the direction of the Taiji cloud. It seems that there is a terrible opponent hidden there.

    Gao Yan Linai did not speak, closed her eyes and began to listen to the surrounding wind with her ears. She heard that the sound of shredded feet on the dead branches of the grass was mixed in the wind, indicating that some people were walking around.

    But what happened to Gao Li Linai’s fear occurred. With her control over the wind, she couldn’t judge according to the wind. Where did this sound come from, and from which direction, as if it were in all directions, nine days and ten places, there were countless people stepping on it. The dead branches are coming towards themselves.

    Gao Li Linai, who can’t get the answer from the wind, can only open her eyes and use her eyes to find the traces of people. However, these grasses, which were originally intended to be concealed, were made up of obstacles that obscured the sight of Gao Li Linai, making it impossible for her to see the surrounding situation.

    “Give me down!”Gao Li Linai’s savage winds, in a small area, suddenly formed a fierce knife wind. The reason why he said that he is a knife wind, because this wind is sharp like a knife, even if there are two trunks that are thickly held by two adults, it is also instantly cut off by this knife wind, let alone wild grass shrubs. Something like that.

    When the knives ended, within a kilometer, all things were cut off by Qigen, and the whole field of vision was instantly opened up. At first glance, there was no occlusion. With the help of this knife, Gao Lilinai finally watched. Be clear, who is the opponent who loses his grasp of the wind.

    This is a beautiful girl with a cold face. She is very exquisite, but her chest is full but not exaggerated. It is the perfect size for a girl. The waist is full of grievances, the two legs are slender and charming, and a pair of white barefoot like milk, so standing on the green grass.

    The dress on the girl’s body is rather thin or tattered. Her coat can only cover a little bit below the chest, and the sleeves also indicate a little bit above the arm. Below the chest, large skin and spring glow under the eyes.

    The pants on the legs are also extremely short, just a little bit down the triangle, which is about a little longer than the hot pants. And the trousers seem to be very small, tightly stretched over the thighs, and the edges of the trousers will enclose the full thighs with a perfect meat ring.

    All in all, the clothes on this girl are all children’s style and length. She is like wearing her own childhood clothes. It looks so uncoordinated…So much so sexy and glamorous.

    Her skin is like a jade carving, and she can see a kind of thorough light shining between the skin. This is like a perfect girl who came out of the three classic Asian techniques of facelift + beauty + PS. She stood there and seemed to represent the limit of the girl’s beauty.

    Seeing her, even if she never cares about her appearance, Gao Li Linai could not help but create a feeling of self-defeating, even if she unloaded this disguise and revealed her true self, she also felt her beauty, not enough for this girl. one tenth.

    However, the appearance of this girl looks very familiar, and the more she looks at it, the more she looks like a girl. Especially the short children’s clothes she wore, Gao Li Linai is too familiar.

    “Are you poor?”Takahashi Reina asked an incredibly tentative question. Yes, this girl’s appearance is simply a child’s poor girl. And her clothes, that is, the clothes that I just wore on the poor, will not be wrong.

    “You make my body angry, woman.”The young girl walked slowly to the opposite side of Gaochun Linai. The lips were lightly vomiting, and the sound was pleasing to the eye. There was no milky milk that was unique to the poor. From the sound, the girl was not similar to poverty.

    “So, please go to hell” is obviously a girl’s appearance, but when you talk about it, there is a murderous temper.

    The girl’s poor voice fell, and the flowers and trees that were cut off by Gaochun Linai all floated into the air in an instant, and then in an instant, like a sharp arrow, all the super-high-grade Linai shot.

    “The power is very good, but these things can’t hurt me!”In the face of these attacks of flowers and trees, Gao Li Linai is not in the eyes, only the sword of the Lantern Festival or the swordsman can hurt themselves. Besides, these flowers and trees are impossible…

    Gao Yanlinai hasn’t finished yet. The moment she left her, she has already hit her face, and she has drawn a trace of blood red branches from her original crystal face.

    “This is impossible. How can this hurt me?”Gao Yanlinai’s astonished voice said that the next moment, more branches and flowers, all squatted on the body of Gao Li Linai, and could not be prevented. Gao Li Linai was deeply buried by these things and piled up several meters high. Like a pile of trees

    At the same time, when Gao Lilinai was buried, the body that was lying on the side of the cold disappeared instantly, and the next moment appeared at the foot of the girl’s poverty, saving the cold from the most dangerous situation.

    windA few seconds later, a hurricane burst from within the mound of trees, these trees are all blown open, toward the quartet of fire and out, the smoke dispersed, some embarrassed Kaoasaki tightly pegged to the girl in front of the poor, she found that the poor has been from the passing of their own toss of the little fellow, into a enough to match their opponents.

    “No wonder, no wonder he must ask me to take you away, even if you pay for it, you have such a strong strength and poverty.”Gao Lilinai suddenly realized that she suddenly understood why she had to get a poor sword in her life.

    “I don’t know what you are saying, but you can die.”The girl’s poverty is like looking at the dead man. Looking at Gao Li Linai, with one hand, she flew twenty leaves from the ground. These leaves gathered in the air, combined, and finally turned into a lotus-like shape.

    “Lotus floats, scattered nine.”

    Well, the girl’s poverty has also begun to like those of the second.

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