In the tea-speaking hall of the Jianzhang City’s Jianying Committee, two guys who were buried in the soil were sitting together and drinking tea. One of them was a cold man. He was the chief of the Jiange Pavilion in Yuzhang City. Sword Immortal Liu Lei. The other is that the chairman of the Jianzhang City’s Jianjian Committee is also the Sword Immortal of the sword-level swordsman. These two are the only two sword-level sword-bearers in Yuzhang City, and they are also the highest fighting force in Yuzhang City.

    “Liu Laotou, what happened to you this time?”Sword Immortal took a sip of tea and took the lead.

    “You are talking about the things that the Prince has planted, or the things that have no rules and ten parties.” Liu Lei asked, grinning.

    “Is this not the case?”There is no way to lick your mouth.

    “This is of course two things. The things that the Prince has planted are things that the Prince has planted. The things that have no rules and ten parties are things that have no rules.”Liu Lei’s face is uncomfortable. “For the undisciplined, we naturally want to have a good tea and wine reception. But about the prince species, but can not give up like this, this is the baby unearthed from our Meiling vein. He sent a Sword Immortal from Yanjing City and wanted to take it away? This is too easy. ”

    “That’s good, this time you have a look at it, go and get the prince to pick it up, and send the undeclared ten party gift out of the way, everything is handed over to you, how?”

    “I dont go……”Liu Lei’s neck is shrinking. “I want to go to the two of us. I can’t beat him. I’m old, I want to live for a few more years. It’s easy to live to my age?”

    “Oh, yes, that is the young and strong, and the two old bones can work together to deal with him. It’s a shame to be thrown into the house.”When I had no way to say this, my face was very bitter. There is no way to be an old guy who looks like a bitter, and with a look of bitter smile, it is bitter and bitter, almost the same as crying.

    “You can’t say that, everyone is the mainstay of humanity. How can we really do it, that is, we can learn from each other and do not move the truth, and we will not hurt it.”Liu Lei forcibly comforted himself.

    “Mr. Liu, I have given orders to the people of the Mei Ling veins, this can be the Prince kind I decided to give up, Hao days old sword Emperor, it is said that he is constantly in the body of the sword in the exhaustion, the distance feather ascending cents, I am afraid it is the matter of these years, have a prince planted in the hand, perhaps can let him drag a few years, for us human is also a good thing. ”

    “Yeah, this old guy in Haotian still needs to drag on for a few more years. Otherwise, when the human beings have left the Dragon and Lion Sword Emperor, I am afraid that it will be the most dangerous time for us in the past 600 years…The last time we humans left a sword emperor or something six hundred years ago, I can’t think of this fucking era, actually encountered by our generation. ”Liu Lei said it was easy, but the expression on his face was very serious.

    “Oh, let’s not say Sword Emperor, let’s take Sword Immortal. There are 18 of us, including our two old men. It seems that although it is not the lowest number in history, in fact, the age is over 80. The old man, seven of them accounted for seven. There are 12 people over the age of 70, and Sword Immortal, which can really be used for more than 20 years, has six people left. ”

    “According to my calculations, if I don’t calculate the new Sword Immortal, at least five or six years later, the 18 people will have about 14 people left. If I have a decade, I am afraid that even 10 Swords. Immortal is not there. At that time, we not only had to experience the era of the Sword Emperor, but also experienced the least time of Sword Immortal. ”

    10 PIECESLiu Lei’s hand twitching tea, “You have no idea about this joke…Ten years later, there will always be descendants who will become Sword Immortal, and a generation of old people will be replaced by new ones. Isn’t that the case? ”

    “Hey, now those sword-level sword-bearers, three people can rise up in ten years, I want Amitabha, thanks to the swordsman, I went to the big sword-level gathering last year, what are the wastes? They can rise to the level of the spirit sword, and it is really good luck to pay for eight lives…What are you…WasteEight of the ten are waste. ”Speaking of this, the expression of innocence is not anger, but sadness, deep sorrow.

    “No, old white, you think too much, the future things, how can a meeting be able to see clearly, but you look at the people and arbitrarily judge that people can not become the sword-level swordsman, how to do this ?”

    “I told you that I used to be the sword emperor…No, at that time he still tried Sword Immortal, I was just a small sword-level swordsman. That time I fought outside the city and met a meditation. My mother, I was so scared that I was licking my butt. Fortunately, at that time, Sword Immortal was passing by, and a sword killed the Lantern. ”

    “You think about it, what a rare thing to meet Sword Immortal. I was cheeky and asked for Sword Immortal. Did I become a sword-level sword holder? As a result, you guessed how to say Sword Immortal. It was a desperately shaking head. I told you very disdainfully, I am It is impossible to become a sword-level sword holder. What happened? I am now a sword-level sword-bearer. When I try Sword Immortal, he also has a look. ”

    “Was I? How have I never heard you say this story? ”I stared at someone with no doubt and looked at it. Someone waved his hand. “This kind of shameful thing, how can I say it?”

    There is no way to know, this is actually Liulei often said another story of the revision, and the first half of the story is the same as Liulei said at this time, but the last word has changed, in another version, COO to do sword Immortal is said that “your life as a sword-class bearer is impossible, However, when a paladin sword holders still have hope. ”

    “Whether, I don’t know what the sword-level swordsman of other base cities is, I don’t say anything, but we are the ones in Yuzhang City. We two old guys can understand, you Say, who is it possible to become a sword-level swordsman and take over the position of our two old men?”Have no way to ask.

    “This is more, there are four or five little guys, their swordsman has broken through a million quarks, and it is sooner or later to become a sword-level…”When Liu Lei said half of it, he was interrupted by no way.

    “Liu Laotou, I am very serious about discussing this topic with you, which is related to the future of our city. For up to ten years, our two old things will be finished. At that time, all the little guys will support them. I ask you to answer my questions carefully and don’t make fun of me. ”There is no way to knock on the table.

    CutThe answer to this question, you know better than me, why should you ask me? ”Liu Lei saw that he had no way to look seriously, but he could only helplessly answer “I admit, if there is no luck, those little guys, only the tigers may go one step further, other people unless the miracle comes, otherwise It is impossible to become a sword-level.”

    Although I admitted this point, Liu Lei still reluctantly added a sentence that “the sword level is certainly not used, but there are three little guys at the sword level. I am very optimistic. I know two swords. It is not bad.” Right, there is a little sword of the ancient sword level, hey, his bones and will, I see the emperor level is possible. ”

    “Ancient sword level? Also have the opportunity to become the emperor level? ”With no way to laugh, “You are an old thing, when do you care about the little sword of the ancient sword level, and said that he may become the emperor sword level, do you think you are Bai Xiaojian emperor?”

    Hundred Xiao Sword Emperor is a famous sword emperor, it is said that he came to a new class of ancient sword class inspection, and 30 students one by one after the dialogue, to everyone wrote a note, note above some written on the ancient sword, some wrote swords, and wrote a sword and Ling Jian, and even a student’s note on the Emperor Sword.

    The other person did not understand what he wanted, and asked Bai Xiaojian, what is written on this note, Bai Xiaojian smiled and said that after forty years, you will understand.

    Sure enough, after forty years, people determined the meaning of the note written by Bai Xiaojian. Originally written on the note is actually the level of the swordsman when these swordsmen died last time. Thirty people, no difference, no one wrong, all were said by the Bai Xiaojian emperor, including the one at the time The ancient sword-level swordsman of the Sword Emperor, he is the later man and the sword emperor.

    After that, the world completely persuaded the eyes of Bai Xiaojian, and there was no way to use the Bai Xiaojian emperor to satirize Liu Lei.

    “What I said is real……That little guy did give me a feeling, the same feeling as a bureaucrat. ”Liu Lei forced the bureaucrats.

    “Oh, even if you are telling the truth, that little guy can really become a swordsman, that is the fastest thirty years later. When the two of us are dead, what will we do in Yuzhang City in the next decade? Is it supported by a tiger? ”

    “Old white, you have been so much with me, what do you want to say?”Liu Lei feels that something is wrong. He is not a person who likes to complain. On the contrary, he is a person who likes to put his worries in his heart. He suddenly said to himself that there are so many people in Yuzhang City, he must have something to look at himself. What does he want to say?

    “Are you reacting? Liu Laotou, you are really old, if you did not find it right a decade ago. ”With no way to smile, I took a letter from my pocket, and gave it to Liu Lei. “All the things I want to say are in the letter, you can see it yourself.”

    Faith Laobai, when are you interested in this antique gadget? ”Liu Lei took the envelope and took the envelope. Since entering the electronic age, almost no one has used paper letters to communicate. The same city will be counted. Between the base cities and where to find the postman to send you a letter.

    However, Liu Lei’s smile was just before the opening of the envelope. He spent 10 minutes to read the whole letter and then returned to his position.

    “It’s no wonder that this antique stationery is used. If the things inside are intercepted by the people through the network, then the writer who wrote the letter will be finished. His courage is too big.”Liu Lei muttered to himself.

    “Liu old man, I believe you also read, I think you also guess why I have to say that we have no success in Yuzhang City. What do you think in the letter, what do you think, or what do you think we should do? ”

    We provide comprehensive supportWhat Liu Lei wants to say, suddenly, the personal terminals of the two people rang at the same time.

    “What, Medusa appeared in the Meiling vein, and has already played against Tian Congyun!”From the newsletter, I got this shocking news. The two men looked at each other and Liu Lei took the lead. “We must come out of this matter. Just right, I also met the ten-party Sword Immortal.”

    “No, you are the chief of the Pavilion, you have a big relationship, you can’t go!”With no way to swing the hand “This time, I personally shot.”

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