As early as when Sword Qi was used to eliminate this kind of hell three-headed dog, the cold was guessing the current situation, and it was guessed that the current year would be awkward, and the current situation is in the grasp and expectation of the cold.

    It’s not that you can use other methods to solve this Lantern. Even if he doesn’t use Sword Qi, he can use the pure-flowing five-year-old to pass on the Hell’s three-headed dog, but it will be a little harder. Something only.

    Or you don’t have to kill your opponent, you just need to get entangled, waiting for the flow of the year to shoot, so that you can cover up the fact that your cultivation has been a long time, and it will be very Sword Skill.

    However, the cold is not intended to be concealed, because he profoundly understands the truth, the secret may be hidden all the time, but the strength of the person cannot be hidden all the time, unless the cold decides to be an ordinary sword-bearer. After your life…Unfortunately, the cold is not intended to be an ordinary person. As the protagonist of the story, he cannot be an ordinary person.

    One day, the cold will expose its ability for various reasons, and it will be exposed in front of the dying year. Instead of being passively exposed when it is uncontrollable, it is better to expose this to the cold and cold. First, the initiative is in the hands of the cold.

    Because the cold is not going to lose the friend of the year, this self-entertaining husband and wife title, or do not want to lose the good use of this year. The Noble Family can make you step on the peak more quickly, and hope for it.

    Unlike most of the protagonists who want to rely on their own strength to become strong, the cold does not dislike their power to achieve their ideals. What to eat soft rice, depending on the wife, it does not matter, the real strength is the most important, when you stand at the apex of the world with the power of sweeping the peak, who dares to use this set of words Say yourself?

    If you have to, solid cold also don’t mind let oneself and the time of the husband and wife of the general to become the fact, time Lin although long bad look, but relatively engaging, although some more or less noble Family big miss arrogant, but her heart is indeed unexpectedly good, if can marry to the fleeting time Lin do wife, Want to come is also a very good ending, fleeting Lin will be a good wife.

    The most fortunate part of the cold is that I don’t have a woman I like, so I don’t have to struggle between interest and love…As for poverty, the king…It doesn’t matter, even if the sword-bearer and his sword-sister sleep on a bed, there is no big deal.

    The feelings of the swordsman and the swordsman are the feelings that are detached from love…The relationship between the sword-bearer and the sword-woman is also a physical relationship that is detached from the ordinary physical relationship…All in all, under the continuous guidance and indoctrination of the Swords Committee in the past millennium, the human wife can naturally accept the relationship between his sword-bearing man and his sword-woman.Just like the ancient woman’s perfect acceptance of the feudal ruins of three wives and four wives, if her husband and woman are few, she will feel that there is no light on her face.

    The cold must maintain a good relationship with the flow of the year, he must ensure that the relationship can run for a long time, so the issue of the strength of his own Sword Skill must be smashed earlier. The longer this kind of thing gets, the more difficult it is to deal with it. I don’t see the love dramas of those dog blood, because they don’t say a big thing, they gradually get out of control, and finally break up…It’s all like this.

    Therefore, the cold has decided to take the initiative to smash this point. There is a means to fix the small gap.


    After the cold and calm, the loose sword was released. When she changed back to the poor, she put out two earplugs, stuffed them into the poor ears, put her back into the pouch, and patted the poor head. Adults talk, children sleep well.”

    The resettlement was done in poverty, and the cold was only turned back, and asked about the angry face.

    “Are you excited? Your heart is up! Is my position in my heart really so important? ”In the face of the question of the flow of years, there is no embarrassment, no fear, no retreat, but take the initiative to take a step forward, but instead take the momentum of the embarrassing flow to take a step back. In addition, I asked a question in the heart of the year, and the momentum of the year was weakened unconsciously.

    “Then, I ask you, Miss Yan, what is our relationship at the time?”Keeping a cold eye on the eyes of the old man, “Please think about it seriously, what is our relationship at the time.”

    We provide comprehensive supportI want to say that I am a friend, but when I say it to my mouth, I swallowed it back. I am a friend and I am not a fake. However, at that time, he and the cold was a complete opponent. For an opponent who was almost a dog, he could count friends.

    “We were opponents at the time, right?”The cold smiled and took another step forward, and the flow of years was forced to take a step back, and the momentum was weaker.

    “For you who are opponents, why can’t I hide?”I will go back to the cold, and I will retreat. “I didn’t want to provoke you at the time. Dear Miss Dad, I can’t eat your family. I am not the kind of man who wants to rely on women. I have to rely on myself. The power of standing on the pinnacle of this world.”

    “I deceived you, I am as ordinary as I can, so that it will not arouse your interest, we will meet each other, this life will not be mixed, so I am only deceiving strangers, not My good friend, you understand?”

    “I …She was poor, and she began to accept the logic of cold-fixing. She also felt that the cold was right, so she instinctively took a step back and then forced the cold to take another step.

    “But, you, this big lady seems to be entangled with me, and you are taking the initiative to appear to me. It is you who saved my life. The person who is with me is you. It is also your agreement with me to be a husband and wife…Although I don’t want to admit it, in fact, we are already good friends. I don’t think I can swear you any more.” A cold hand stretched out a hand and handed it to the front of the dying, instantly smiling like a flower, showing the spring breeze. Smile “So, Miss Yan, let’s start today, be a real friend?” ”

    Good.The flow of years is low, facing the cold smile, the flow can not refuse, and she also recognized the cold-speaking rhetoric from the bottom of her heart, the previous anger or something, instantly vanished.

    “thank you for understanding!”The cold has moved a step further, and the dynasty will be sent to the wall of the wall, and the mouth slowly gathers into the ear of the dying, saying in an itchy tone and tone, “As a witness to our friendship, I will send you A gift is good.”

    Gift what gift? ”Looking up at the year, I saw that the cold has jumped from my side and jumped to the open space of the mine. “Let your Yixian sword be used!”

    It’s only after I found out that my own Yixian sword didn’t know when it’s already in the hands of the cold. At this time, the other side is holding his own Yixian sword, flicking up and down in the air, like a catkins drifting in the wind, Like a pine tree that doesn’t fall, the fluttering style is even more beautiful than when the sword is asked.

    这是The flow of years has widened her eyes. She suddenly found out that the coldness seems to be a very familiar sword. It seems that she taught the five styles of the cold, the movements and the moves are similar, but they are already It became a completely different sword.

    The original five-year style is just a set of ordinary basics of the sword, one stroke and one style, and there is no exquisite and powerful, it is a sword method that beginners will practice, very simple.

    But at this time the five-style to the hands of the cold, but become a set of people can kill in the invisible sword, seemingly prosaic, but each recruit contains a horror of killing move, fleeting five in the hands of the cold, has sublimated not know how many times, into a set can be a small noble Family’s ancestral sword, can let a noble Family thus rise, also can be shattered by the magnificent sword, again describe the popular point, such a set of sword put into the lake, can rise a burst of bloodshed.

    “Is this really a five-year style of teaching for the cold?”There is deep doubt in the heart of the year.


    “This set of swords is the gift I gave you, like it? Can you forgive me? ”A set of swordsmanship is completed, and the cold will pass the Yixian sword back into the hands of the young man.

    It’s a recollection of the five-year style of the cold demonstration. She’s sadly discovered that she may be able to carry out various corrections and sublimation of the five-year style, but she wants to sublimate to the point of fixing the cold to her. The foundation of the work, but desperately possible, perhaps only a few of his uncles can do this step.

    “A very good gift, I forgive you!”After a long period of hard work, the foot of the cold has been officially represented. This foot officially represents her forgiveness and forgives the concealment of the cold. The relationship between the two is closer.

    “Sour popsicles, you have changed, and I have become ignorant of you.”Song Hama, who witnessed the whole process, suddenly sent such a message to the cold. Song Hama couldn’t believe it. The one who was in a good mood and the sister-in-law, who was superb, would be dumb for twelve years. Good brother sour popsicle.

    “You should be happy for me, skunk, from the beginning of yesterday, I have officially and the end of the past.”The cold has replied to such a message to Song Hama.

    Song Hama, who saw the news, immediately recalled the scene of the casket explosion of the cold-cold parents. He suddenly felt that things that had long plagued his brother had disappeared. However, is this really ok?

    The three sword-bearers present have their own thoughts, and no one really cares about the improved five-year style. However, one person has completely recorded this set of swordsmanship, and tried to repeat the memories in his own brain over and over again.

    A few years later, a sword-bearer who claimed to be a famous disciple of the cold has risen from Yuzhang City and created another legend. Of course, this is another story.

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