“I smelled the sulphur. It seems that there is a guy from hell.”The young man sniffed his nose and smiled, as if he was provoking to the cold. Do you have the ability to smell this Lantern from hell?

    The cold smashed his shoulders. He never fought with the Lantern from Hell. Of course, he did not judge the origin of the Yuan dynasty by his sense of smell.

    “This is a sly guy. With his own invisibility, he walks around us with impunity. Can you find this nasty guy?”Years of squinting, looking to the cold

    “I can’t find it, but I know that the insidious wild wolf also jumps out of the attack, such as now is a good time…”After that, the body shape of the cold was flashing, and suddenly appeared in the side of Song Hama. He pushed him hard and pushed it to the side of the cast iron that was late. “Protect your best friends and cast clouds. ”

    UnderstandCasting a cloud of iron to hold Song Hama, and then looked at the cold, and suddenly found that a piece of cloth near his thigh, the flesh is already a blood red. “Cold, are you injured? ”

    “Ah, just caught a paw by a beast, nothing serious!”The cold smiled and pulled out a bottle of potion from the pocket of the yuan and sprayed it at the position where he was injured. This is the quick hemostatic healing spray dispensed by the Yuzhang City to the sword-bearing. Generally speaking, the normal trauma is not five seconds, the wound can automatically heal the scar, but ten seconds have passed, and the cold wound remains. With blood.

    “This is fire poison. The general medicine can’t cure it. You have to lie in the medical warehouse for a while…”I have been paying attention to the flow of cold wounds.

    “This beast will not give me the opportunity to enter the medical warehouse. He is staring at us somewhere, ready to give us a fatal blow.”The cold smothered the spray back into the pocket of the yuan, and then slipped away from the slumber in the sleeping bag, and patted on her little face, “Wake up, wake up.”

    “What’s the matter, is it time to eat? It’s cold, and the poor belly is already screaming.”It is clear that the forty kilograms of frog meat at noon is less than two hours. The poor man is actually hungry.

    “When I will eat again, I will be poor. Now I have to fight. There is a beast lurking around us. Can you borrow your body? ”Cold and poor consultations are held to turn poverty into a sword form.

    “No, you can solve him by being poor!”When she heard the cold, she turned into a sword form. When she was poor, she screamed. She suddenly came out and jumped out of the cold-filled nursery bag. The little bit of the body jumped in the mine, and the poor sword also appeared. In my own hands. “The poor smell smelled the three stinky dogs. ”

    “three?”The flow of years and screams almost laughed out of the sound. In her induction, this Lantern Festival should indeed be a dog from hell, but not three, but only one is right.

    “three!”Unlike the laughter, I heard three poor people who heard the poor, and the eyes of the cold have become “poor, do you know where these three dogs are?”

    “Don’t tease, how could you know about poverty?”Liu Nian just wanted to say this, but the poor but nodded hard. “Know that poor people know where only three stinky dogs are…Ouch……Stinky dog, eat a sword of your poor grandmother. ”

    Seeing the poorness and shouting a scorpion, I sneaked over to the position of the dying year. I want to laugh at the old age. I am optimistic about your husband’s poverty. How can the beast be by my side? Can be close to me within five meters without being discovered by me, I…”

    When I said my words, the flow of years was fading, she felt a huge murderous, and the strong smell of sulfur smothered herself, less than three meters away from her, almost instantly Your own side.

    At this time, there is still a distance of ten meters from the flow of the year. It’s too late to call the sky. Under the emergency, a red sword is directly drawn from behind, in front of oneself, then the whole The man flew out seven or eight meters away and slammed into the stone wall.

    “Ah, the poor grandmother found you!”At the same time, the poor hands of the poor swords waving more than hers, the swords of the poor hands, and the position of the empty space that was attacked by the dying year were exhausted.The poverty is indeed using the strength of the whole body, and her little face is flushed.

    GRRRROARRRR. GRRRROARRRR. GRRRROARRRR.Three screams of screams rang at the same time, a dark red and two people of the same size, the three dogs with a dog’s head suddenly slammed out from the void, fell to the ground, his side abdomen, the poor sword It’s stuck in the top.

    “It’s three headed hell dogs!”Struggling to stand up, I recognized the origin of this evil dog at a glance. It is a three-headed hell dog from the “World of Warcraft” camp. His three heads are too conspicuous. I don’t know the amazing Lantern Festival.

    “This is a bit of a hassle!”The bloody sputum spits out a blood, the three-headed hell dog is the soul-level peak Lantern, and the evil World of Warcraft that has been fighting in the cold has been a rank of the Lantern, or the threat of the three-headed hell dog is still above the evil World of Warcraft.

    Three infernal dogs are legendary monsters guarding the gates of hell, with three different heads that can release fire spells, dark magic, Dead Spirit system magic, every head is the soul of the peak strength, cooperation in battle, that is equivalent to five soul-level peak of the yuan 冦, the strength has been almost equal to the sword-level holders of the Jiao-class Yuan 冦.

    “Cold husband, you should not approach him, protect yourself and you, you are not the opponent of the three three dogs, only my day can deal with him.”It’s the truth to say that if the cold is only the ancient sword-level swordsman with less than 1000 swordsmanship, unless you can’t cover your ability, you can beat the three-headed hell dogs.

    But now the cold is already a swordsman with more than 2,100 quark swords. There is not much problem with this three-headed hell dog. But when I heard the flow of years, I was careful to protect myself. She came to deal with this evil beast. The cold heart was warm, and finally someone was willing to stand in front of themselves to protect themselves?

    Liu Nian is the descendant of the family of the family. The means of his hand is much more than himself. Moreover, her swordsman is the third sword of the sword, and it is not a problem to deal with a three-headed hell dog. Therefore, if you choose to listen to the words of the old age, you will stand quietly beside Song Hama and Xiaobing. You will not fight in the battle of the three-headed hell dogs, but you will be guarded in Song Hama, lest this unpowerful guy be killed by three heads. It is not an exaggeration that a dog’s surprise attack is directly extinguished, and the three-headed hell dog has the ability to kill Song Hama.

    Bah.After the flow of years, he spit out a blood. “Tian asked, ask the ghosts directly, let this demon of hell see what you are doing.”

    UnderstandWhen Tianjian asked for a step, he rushed to the side of the three-headed hell dog. Tian asked the hands of the gods to raise a golden light on the sword. Seeing this light, even a powerful three-headed hell dog can not help but fall back a few steps, he can feel that this golden light can cause terrible damage to himself.

    “Ask the ghost!”The sword move of Tianwenjian is still gorgeous as art, and he is heavily slashed in the three-headed hell dog…No, the blade passed a head of the three-headed hell dog, and the result was cut on the ground…I have to admit that the power of this sword is very large. The hard ore has been cut and flew several times, and it has been handcuffed by the eye-catching soldier and sneaked into his backpack.

    GRRRROARRRR.The three headed hell dogs roared and smashed, and the two heads simultaneously ejected a red and black ball of light. The three-headed hell dog is not the storm squad of the salted fish BUFF. His two magical energy ball Accuracy hit the body of the question, and asked Tian, ​​like her master, to fly seven or eight meters away.

    Never underestimate the power of the two groups of magical energy balls of the three-headed hell dogs. The self-contained shield is directly sparked, which is a sign that energy is less than 30% and may collapse at any time.

    In fact, Tian Zhi asked the original personal shield is not so fragile, she is a Confucian and Taoist mother, after all, to defend the Confucianism and Taoist mother. It is a pity that after all, she has just become a sword-bearer for more than a week. Even if she has the massive resources of the Noble Family, she can’t go anywhere in her body.

    What’s more, the opponent is a three-headed hell dog with a peak of soul level. From the point of view of the power of the attack, it is not weaker than the level of the Yuanxiao. It is not strange that several energy bombs will defeat the personal shield of Tianwen. thing.

    “Bash!”The mouth of the three-headed hell dog spit out a flame tail. He licked the ground under his feet and exposed the fierce light. The new magic energy ball in the three heads was brewing, and its target was really falling to the ground. ask. In his perception, the threat of heaven is always the biggest, he must first solve this opponent.

    “Day, run!”The Year of the Roar shouted, if Tian asked another three magic energy balls, she would really have to rupture the shield, even the durability is zero.

    “Ha!It seems that the day is a bit embarrassing, sitting in the same place, and did not move. Seeing that the energy ball of the three-headed hell dog is ready, it will be launched immediately. A small figure suddenly jumped up from the ground and rode on the three-headed hell dog.

    “Smelly dog, stinky dog, your mouth is stinky, and the poor nose is smothered. If you are poor, you don’t like you. If you are poor, you are not allowed to spray this stinking thing!”A poor hand holds his nose, and then a sword is cut into the head of the three-headed hell dog with one hand.

    The “咔嚓” fire flashed, and the poor sword in the poor hands was directly bounced off by the hard skin of the three dogs. I almost forgot to say, as the Warcraft of Hell, the defense of the three-headed Helldog fur, but can ignore the attack of the ancient sword-level swordswoman.

    GRRRROARRRR.Although there was no injury, the three-headed hell dogs that had been slashed with a sword were very unhappy. They were actually riding on such a small and weak point. How could they be a handsome dog in the future?

    The three-headed hell dog turned over and fell to the ground on the back of his own. At the same time, one of his paws held down the poor belly, and the three heads opened at the same time. The beast was prepared. With three groups of days, I can’t afford the energy ball that the sword can’t bear, and send the poor to the road.

    “Poverty!”When the cold anger roared, he rushed out of his position and went straight to his baby swordsman.

    “Poverty, you must not have anything, or I will not forgive myself forever!”The cold heart is so arrogant.

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