The vein selected by the cold is called the Lion Peak vein. Under a mountain like a lion, a full-scale medium-sized sub-crystalline spar vein stretching for several kilometers is buried.

    Unlike most of the veins buried underground and that need to be excavated to mine, the main veins of the Lion Peak mine are hidden in the surrounding high-rise rock. To get the ore, you must drill the rock.

    On the two sides of the cliff, dozens of holes have been opened. These holes have been excavated by sword-bearers over the years. These holes lead directly to the most abundant areas of the ore.

    “Which hole do we go in from?”Song Hama saw so many holes, not a little dumbfounded, people who have difficulty choosing, will not be able to make a decision for a while.

    “Several adults, the villain suggested that you go in from the third hole on the left. There was a Marquis species with a purity of 5000 quarks. It must have been dug into the rich area. I went there to dig it today. Incorrect.”Suddenly, a somewhat crisp voice passed from the grass around me. After ten seconds, a man broke out of the grass and got out of it. It was a teenage child and his body looked like a bone. Very thin, at first glance, it is malnourished.

    “who are you?”There is a flash of light in the cold eyes, and suddenly there is a child here, which is too suspicious.

    “Oh, don’t scare him. I have seen this child last time. Hey, little soldier, do you remember me?”The young man slaps on the cold buttocks and then eagerly talks to the child.

    After some exchanges, I know how to have children here. Although the base city has not advocated the work of people outside the city to work in relatively safe areas, especially in areas with high incidence of cracks such as Meiling Mountain, ordinary humans are simply looking for death here.

    However, the value of the Meiling Mountain region’s valuable sub-crystalline crystal mine has deeply attracted those daring urban people who are not afraid of death. In order to earn enough money, even if the death rate is doubled, they will be brave enough to come in and try to catch a sum. This is human nature.

    But most of the city’s outsiders will opt for mining in the Crimson Mining area controlled by the government of the Henan chapter, or in the gold mining area controlled by large organizations, because those areas gather a large number of sword holders, the safety factor is much higher, as long as the luck is good enough, five years can earn a lifetime of money needed, and then return to the city to enjoy, Don’t stay out of town and risk your life for life.

    The boy named the soldier is such a city outsider, according to the soldier himself, his father and his brother in the Golden Hill mining in the Mei Ling Mountain, encountered a sudden appearance in the mining area of the dimensional cracks, from the inside rushed out of the dozens of Yuan 冦, although the mining area in the sword-bearer quickly resolved these Yuan 冦, But in the vicinity of the sub-yuan cracks, the city is heavy casualties, a full number of dead hundreds of people. The father’s father’s luck didn’t know whether it’s good or not. Their lives were hugged, but one lost one hand and one leg, and the other was below the waist. They were all forgiven by Yuanxiao. Both of them were frozen in a freezer, waiting for two million surgical expenses to regenerate the limbs.

    When the mother of the soldier saw this situation, she directly remarried and left. The small soldier bit his teeth and ran to Meiling Mountain to continue the old road of his father and brother, and to mine in the vein to make money. Moreover, in order to get enough treatment costs as soon as possible, Xiaobing risked a big danger and ran to the yellow area. This is even a daring city outside the city who does not dare to stay in the area for mining. According to the soldier’s words, if you are lucky, you will continue to live enough to pay for the treatment of your father and brother. If you are not lucky, you will die and fall down. If you have a hundred, you don’t have to live in this terrible world.

    After listening to the story of Xiaobing, there is some faint admiration in the heart of the cold, and there are some sympathy, because he and the soldier are all living for the sake of their loved ones. The cold is also holding the success of revenge, or a hundred deaths. The mind has worked hard to the present.

    “You called us to let us mine with you, and you can protect you by the way, right?”The coldness said a little, and in one sentence, it pierced the mind of the soldier.

    “Yes, the villain does not dare to ask too much. He only hopes to mine in the vicinity of several adults. The soldier guarantees that he will never bother with a few adults.”The soldier said with fear and shrinkage.

    “Yes, you lead the way.”

    “Thank you adults! Thank you adults! ”Xiaobing smashed a few heads on the ground, and then rushed into the mine cave. The cold wind behind him shook his head, took the team, and entered the mine.


    The Lion Peak Mine is really a very deserted mining area. It walks all the way through the mine. Only three sword-bearers are seen in the cold. All of them are in a state of high vigilance. The three sword-bearers waved their tools to mine, and their swordsmen were holding their swords in their hands, standing in good positions, staring at the movements in all directions. Once there was any change, they could all be in the first place. React for a while.

    When the cold weather appeared, they all stared at it with great vigilance. After confirming that the cold is not the Lantern Festival, but the sword-bearer, this is a sigh of relief, and actively invites the cold to be mined here.

    “Don’t be an adult, the veins here have been dug many times, and they have become thin. These are not good places to mine.”Xiaobing said to the cold, the cold and smiled and refused the invitation of the other party, and moved to the deeper part of the vein.

    A few people walked for a few more minutes. The soldier told the cold and others to stop and pointed to the mountain wall in front of him. “Adult, the last 5,000 quark of the Marquis is a diggard, which was dug out here. Then, after digging down, you can dig up more high-purity diorite.”

    “Okay, just dig here.”Nodded to the cold, he took out the mines purchased from the camp and was ready to start mining. Because the elementary crystal ore contains swordsman, the ore made of ordinary materials has any effect on the rock wall. Only the secondary iron prepared by the addition of the secondary spar powder can excavate these rocks.

    Because of the addition of the secondary spar powder, these ore prices are not cheap, and the mines with a content of about 5% sell for one thousand dollars, which is almost the same as the price of the 100 yuan. If it is a mine with a content of more than 10%, it is sold at a high price of 5,000 pieces.

    At the same time, Song Hama and Liu Nianyi also sent their own swordsman Tianyan and cast Yuntie to the two sides of the mine, monitoring the movements at both ends, so as to avoid the sudden attack of the Lantern, and attacking the people such as the cold.

    Seeing that the swordsman had protected herself, the soldier was relieved and finally managed to mine in a relatively safe situation. The soldier pulled out a mine with his own height from his waist, and spent a dozen or so on the stone wall of the mine. Only a small piece of rock wall was smashed by the hoe.

    The small soldier picked up the stone, and the whole piece of ore that was illuminated by the strong light source was bright, and then carefully looked at it several times. He shook his head helplessly and threw the stone behind him, ready to re I began to mine, but found that Song Hama and Kang Han were watching themselves, and their faces were red, explaining.

    “My family has a set of methods for seeing ore. According to the color of the ore, it can be seen that there is no orthocrystalline spar inside the ore. Just now I saw that the stone was white, and I knew that it was just an ordinary stone. There was no secondary crystal ore. ”

    Every time a stone is excavated in a mine, there may be a sub-crystalline spar. Just in the absence of a very expensive dedicated stone machine, it is impossible to break the ore and see if there is any spar.

    So the ore that is dug up is only saved first, gather enough a certain number, with these ores back to the camp, rental camp gravel machine gravel to take mine, because who also do not know how the ore in the sub-yuan spar, in case of a dukes such a priceless sub-yuan spar, then directly rich, So this gravel process has also been turned into a gambling stone.

    However, ordinary humans such as Xiaobing do not have the space props such as the sword pocket holders. They can throw the excavated ore directly into the pocket of the yuan and carry it to the camp. They can only carry a limited amount of ore in their carry-on backpacks.

    Over time, ordinary people like Xiaobing have lighted the skill points of stone identification. They can judge whether there are any orthocrystalline spars in the ore according to the shape and color of the ore. However, they can only judge whether there is any, but they cannot judge the inside. What is the quality of spar?

    Song Hama seemed to understand and nodded. The scholar Xiaobing looked up and picked up his own hoe and dug it up against the rock wall. But soon, Song Hama’s forehead began to sweat, and he dug dozens of hoes. However, no stone was dug out of the rock wall. On the other side of the small soldier, almost a dozen or so gimmicks, it is bound to dig out a piece of ore.

    This made Song Hama very embarrassed. He was an 18-year-old adult. He was older than a small soldier for a few years. His body was still blessed by cast iron, equivalent to the body of five or six ordinary people. The quality, the speed of mining is actually not as good as a child, which is very shameful.

    “Song Hama, you are not doing the right way.” Xiaobing is very excited. At first glance, he saw the dilemma of Song Hama and actively explained that “these walls are very hard because they contain sub-crystalline ore.” It is very difficult to dig with brute force, and it must be dug out with skill.”

    Then, Xiao Bing explained in great detail how to use the skills of mining to mine, Song Hama is not a fool, after the small soldiers explained a few times, although some still not easy, but quickly dug their own A piece of ore.

    “Look, the acid ice lolly, my Song Hao talent in mining is still very powerful!”Song Hama proudly took out the stone that he had just dug out to the front of the cold, and looked at Song Hama with a cold and disdainful look, then pointed to his own feet.

    Song Hama looked at the foot of the cold, and suddenly he did not speak. His face was stiff and became a mustard. At this time, four or five stones had been piled up at the foot of the cold, and the emotional family had already realized the method of mining. Go and see the flow of years, wow, more exaggerated, piled up ten stones.

    Song Hama suddenly felt like a silly hat, annoyed to throw the stone into his pocket. Then the fire was fully vented on these unfortunate rock walls. For a time, the entire mine was the sound of waving a hoe, a hot sound.

    No one noticed that at the top of the darkened mine, a small red-red crack suddenly torn open, and a dark red claw like a magma stretched out from the crack.

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