[PS: Everyone who looks at the pirated readers, look at the author’s 20th, today, the starting point or QQ book city subscription can not be completed]

    After the explanation by Luo Fan, the people present at the scene generally understood that this sword-bearer mission hall and hero coin are what ghost things.

    In simple words, sword-bearers and their relatives and families want to enjoy privilege in human society, and they must contribute to human society every month. However, it is too difficult to define the size of the two words. It is a contribution to kill a rat-level scorpion, and others to contribute to killing a dragon-level 冦. But the amount of contribution between the two is obviously incomparable.

    As a result, the mercenary mission system and the heroic coin came into being. Until now, it has been running smoothly for more than 900 years.

    This system first created the unique currency of the sword-bearer. In order to maintain the preciousness and value of the heroic coin, the KPC and the council have bound many benefits and benefits to the hero coin. For example, after becoming a sword-bearer, the core area of ​​the house, the exclusive maids and other welfare systems. The ancient sword-level swordsman will forcibly deduct 50 heroes per month to maintain such benefits. This kind of fee is called the monthly card by the swordsmen.

    As the level of the sword-bearer increases, this cost is still rising. For example, the sword card of the sword-level swordman reaches the level of 150 heroes, and the sword-level sword-bearer needs the monthly card of 500 heroes. .

    There are also sword scars, Ming ritual materials, Jian Niang equipment, and many other rare resources that are not necessary for the sword. All of them need heroic coins to exchange.

    Of course, the hero coin can also be directly converted to RMB, the ratio is a hero coin = 1000RMB, but unless it is extremely lacking money, no one will convert the hero coin into RMB. On the contrary, the sword-bearers are very much looking forward to the yuan can be exchanged for heroes.

    There is only one way to get the hero coin, which is to complete the various tasks released by the mission center. These tasks range from the initial patrol missions to the killing of designated scorpions, and so on. The sword-bearer can also use the personal terminal video to eliminate Yuanxiao, without taking the task, and directly use Yuanxiao’s head for the heroic coin. In short, as long as the sword-bearer goes out to fight and goes out to kill the Lantern Festival, he can get the heroic coin.

    In addition, it should be noted that in order to avoid any commercial operation, let some commercial wizards through a commercial operation or take a large amount of heroic coins, so that a person can obtain a large number of heroic coins without fighting if they do not go out of the city through the transaction. Therefore, heroic coins are strictly prohibited from trading between swordsmen.

    The heroic coin can only be used to kill the video through the mission and the Lantern Festival. The use of the heroic currency can only be traded with the government-related departments. In addition, the heroic currency has any access and use, which forces it to be held. The swordsman must go out to fight and not go back to fight as a civilian.


    After the explanation was clear, Luo Fan began to direct his students to open the window to completely unlock the hero coin account of his sword holder’s personal terminal, and at the same time there were 100 hero coins in the account. This is the welfare of every initial sword-bearer. You can choose to spend 100 heroes for two months, or you can choose to exchange some special items in the trade store to increase your strength.

    “Now everyone goes to the general task window to pick up the “Meiling Mountain Dimension Crystal Mine Collection Mission”. After the completion of the collection, come to me to gather, hurry!”Under the order of Luo Fan, the students rushed to several common task windows. There are a few in order to compete for the position of the front, and they have pushed each other a bit.

    “Oh, it’s really a bunch of young and lovely kids!”An old fritters swordsman saw this scene of shoving, and suddenly said with emotion: “I thought that I also came here with my classmates, I can’t think of seeing this scene today.”

    “Yeah, I was like this in the past. In order to get the task early, I also played Feiyan’s stinky boy.” Another friend interface with the old fritters and swordsman sighed, “I really regret it now, fly. Yan will not be there that day. When he dies, he must hate me very much.”

    “Who knows, he was crying at that time…”The old fritters swordsman sighed “I don’t know these children, and finally I can come back a few times, Lao Li, there are still a few living people in our class, do you know?”

    Five Six Do not knowLao Li shook his head. “There are three lives that can’t be linked, and I don’t know if I am dead.”

    “Old Li, or else we will organize a class reunion tomorrow, I think about them a little.”

    “Well, let’s have a good drink, and then find a few chicks to be happy!”Lao Li readily agreed that the students of the 22694 class would never have imagined that their fights actually evoke memories of some old seniors.


    “Hello, this is the mission book of the Meiling Mountain Dimension Crystal Mine Collection Mission. If there is no problem, please sign the mission book, even if you take the mission successfully!”

    Chilling carefully looked at this task book, the task requirements are very simple, in the Meilingshan Diyuan Jing mine to collect a total of two thousand swordsmanship orthorhombic crystal mine, and then returned to the swordsman task center even if the task is completed, you can get 15 The reward of a hero coin.

    The Jianjing mine is a large number of crystal spar associated with the appearance of large dimensional fractures, it contains a number of different sword elements, is the forging of a variety of 冦 special equipment, a necessary material, the use of a lot of base city, is never too much, so this task is to duplicate the common task, Also be Rofan as a simple task to exercise new people.

    After the cold accepted the task, he left the window, and suddenly one hand grabbed his arm and took the cold to the side.

    “What are you doing, how old is it?”Smell the smell of a scent on the side of the nose, and know that this is the smell of the old age. This girl doesn’t look very much, but the taste on her body is very fragrant. I don’t know what perfume I sprayed, I have the chance to buy a bottle for poverty…For the sake of poverty, is it too early? In fact, the smell of milk on the poor is very good.

    “Stupid, you won’t pick up a mission and go out to the sun.”The young man bites the ear of the cold, and the little Nobel Family has no support. “I tell you a good thing. ”

    “I know” Gu Han smiled. “Just tell me that I should pick up more tasks that I can do together, so I can earn more hero coins, right?”

    How do you know?The flow of years was a surprise, and he looked at the cold.

    “Of course I think of it, this little cleverness is what a normal person can think of.”The cold sighed and glanced at the flow of years. “How do you know this?”

    “Hey, you know the identity of this lady, as the pulse of the family of the family, you are still the same as you after the first synchronization of the Miss, do you play at home every day? This lady came here to unlock the personal terminal the next day. In recent days, she has killed the killings outside the city.This mining task is already the thirty-fifth task of this lady. ”

    “You rock!”Nodded to the cold, he really admire this young lady. It’s only a few days before the war, and the young lady completed thirty-five missions. I’m afraid this lady is in the past few days. It was spent outside the city. The fascinating blood of the family of the family is so precious that it can be forgotten to this point. It is not unreasonable that the Noble Family can stand for 1000 years.

    “Okay, now time is running out, Miss Ben tells you that there are a total of four missions near Meiling, which can be completed by the gap of mining. The four tasks are…”The year of the roaming did not say anything, the cold has opened the run-off, and the big step left, this terrible suffocating suffocating, the heart is dark and cold is a wolf heart dog, the dog bites Lu Dongbin’s bad things.

    After a few minutes of the result, the cold has returned to the side of the rogue, and there is a list of tasks in the hand.

    “Look, you are not here.”The cold has thrown this list of tasks to the rogue, and the passing of the years has been taken over quickly. The face suddenly stiffens. The four tasks that he said are not all on the top, but they still have one more. Do not know the task, carefully look at the task introduction, it is indeed a task that is suitable for the task with the collection.

    “You…Li…”I don’t care,” but I still admire the three words. I can find out four tasks because I have been in the place of Meiling Mountain for a few days, and I know everything about the nearby tasks. It is. However, this cold-cold look is only the first day, and he finds out these four tasks in the task of arbitrarily fascinating eyes.

    “How did you find out? Is your brain so good? ”I didn’t want to ask about it, but I couldn’t resist the curiosity in my heart. I asked if I blurted out.

    “My brain is not so good that I don’t know, but I know that as long as the Internet Baidu [and the tasks of the Meilingshan Jiyuanjing mine collection task can be completed], a bunch of Raiders can appear, choose one month. Click on the highest Raiders, which details the five tasks…By the way, I have to go to Song Hama, let him put these tasks next, we will see you later.” After the cold and hurriedly left.

    “I rub…”The old blood was almost suffocated, and this cold was too hurtful.


    “The general manager is me. The target is ready to leave Yuzhang City.”Somewhere in the mission center, among a group of onlookers, one person is communicating through a personal terminal.

    “Yes, but the general manager, Miss is at the target’s side, what should I do?”

    “Yes, I understand.”

    The next second, the figure of this speech disappeared without a trace, and the other side of the cold, did not notice this point, the cold is not a god.

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