[PS: The sister-control attribute of the cold is triggered, hahaha, the author of hard work strives to reward, seek subscription]

    “Captain, this person, I have to take it away!”The cold girl picked up the girl who was bruised and bruised. She loved her and hugged her into her arms. She did not want to let go. She didn’t know what the reason was. It actually changed the cold and instantly changed his attitude towards this girl. .

    “I am afraid this is not appropriate…”The captain of the police frowned. “According to the law, the ordinary people should be responsible for our police. This girl still let us take care of it and help her find her relatives…”

    “She is not a girl, she is a swordswoman!”The cold slammed the captain and gave the captain a few steps back. In my heart, the eyes of this man were so terrible. I just glanced at it and actually felt the breath of death.

    “Since she is a swordswoman, then we are responsible for the swordsman, poor, let us go!”To fix the cold, I picked up the poorness on the ground and stuffed it into the baby bottle on my chest, and then went away.

    “Adult, how do you take it away? How can we write about our work report? I can’t explain it to you!”The captain of the police saw that the cold was gone, and everyone was about to cry.

    “The work report is your business, not my business. If you don’t know how to write it, just report it on the truth, I don’t bother to control you!” You can rest assured that even if you report it, I will not secretly retaliate against you. “The cold and the words are completely lost.”

“***************。”After seeing the disappearance of the cold, the captain of the police took a sip at the ground. He is also the ability to complain about this secretly. There are many more things, and he has no courage to do it.

    “What should we do with the captain, how should I write a work report?”Several policemen came over and asked their team leader with a bitter face.

    “What can I do, of course, it is compiled!”The captain of the police said with a sigh of relief, “I said that this Bai Jie abducted the girl, and then was smothered by the sword-bearing and brave wisdom.”

    “But what if the parents of the girl who was taken away came over and asked us to ask the children?”A policeman touched his head.

    “Just tell them that the child was taken by the sword-bearer and took back his family to become an apprentice. If they have the skills, they will go to the sword-bearer.”The police captain continued to marry.

    “Captain, is this going to be too unconscionable?”A policeman feels his conscience, and he feels that this kind of mischief is completely contrary to his original intention to be a policeman.

    “You didn’t hear the sword-bearer saying that I wouldn’t secretly retaliate against you?”The police captain whitened his hand and said, “He just told us that if this thing goes out, he will not give us the opportunity to retaliate. We will die directly.” Damn, this is all about it. When Lao Tzu is young, how can those swordsmen live without picking up Laozi? The dog’s eyes look at people’s low things…The sword eye looks at people with low things, I am jealous. ”

    Although this matter was finally concealed by several police officers, it was not made public, and no family members of the girls had come to the door to ask for people, so they were deeply hidden in their hearts. Until one day, they watched the news broadcast, only to know the cold and the final result of the little girl, and then stunned, sighed, deeply spit.

    “I used to talk to the Sword Emperor in the past, but it was really a smoke on the grave.”


    The cold girl will put the little girl back in the medical warehouse. The little girl is suffering from trauma. She does not need to go to a hospital or the like. She only needs to wait in the medical warehouse for a while to heal.

    In fact, it is the best choice to take a little girl to the hospital. There may be some injuries that medical warehouses cannot detect and treat, and professional doctors and medical equipment are needed for treatment. However, the cold girl just checked the body of the little girl and found that she did not have a personal terminal…This is a very unbelievable thing. At the moment of human birth, the chip of the personal terminal is implanted in the body, and then a personal terminal that is integrated with the skin is brought on the arm.

    If a person does not have a personal terminal, it will not survive in the base city. All transactions and living conditions need to rely on the personal terminal as an intermediary to trade. There is only one kind of woman who has no personal terminal in this base, that is, the swordswoman, but the swordsman does not need a personal terminal.

    However, I have checked the girl’s body just now. There are blood and flesh, there are five internal organs, and the medical warehouse has scanned it again. It also shows normal humans without any abnormalities. If it is a swordswoman, don’t say anything else, as long as you can prove the identity of the swordswoman: the swordswoman has no blood.

    Then something very interesting happened. This girl is neither a swordswoman nor a personal terminal. Combining her amazing face, there is an amazing guess in the cold. This girl, I am afraid that my own biological sister is resurrected. It is.

    Yes, when I saw the first sight of this girl, she recognized her when she was cold. She had the same appearance as her sister, and the girl was herself like the moment of sadness 12 years ago. Sister, I have never forgotten the stubbornness.

    Of course, I know that this is incredible, just like the Arabian Nights, but the truth is here. Say goodbye to yourself in a dream, prove that their souls have always stayed with their parents and sisters; they are exactly the same as their own sisters, and they have the same appearance; without a personal terminal, they are completely out of the flesh in this world…All this is too coincidental. Coincidence to the cold has to believe that this girl is her own sister.

    “Does someone specifically think of ways to enter their dreams, create a dream for themselves; re-manufacture or mold a girl who is exactly the same as her sister; and finally take away the personal terminal that can prove the identity of the girl, just to deceive herself? This is impossible, and I am not worth the effort of others. ”It is impossible to shake the head with cold.

    Going back 10,000 steps, even if these are true, then how about looking at my sister’s appearance, I feel a peace of mind when I am cold…Or wait until she wakes up and talk about it.

    In the whole process, it will be solid…Let me just let her fix it. After putting the sputum into the medical warehouse, the cold has been squatting around the medical warehouse. Looking at his sister silently through the transparent glass, it has not been moved for a long time.

    “Master, have a meal…The food has been hot three times. ”Outside the door, watching the cold and so focused look, holding the three-time meal of the warm and charming rhythm can not help but deeply curious, this is the sacred girl lying in the medical warehouse? It is actually possible for his master to make such a look that he never saw.

    If Wen Meiyun is only curious, then there is a little guy who is angry…She felt that her status was deeply threatened.

    “Cold the cold, the poor will give you meat!”The greasy little hand was placed on the neck of the cold, and then a large piece of pork was sent to the cold mouth and hit the closed jaw.

    When the cold turned his head, he saw a poor face and looked at himself seriously. He constantly tried to open the closed cold teeth and sent the pork into the cold mouth.

    Seeing this scene, the warmth of the heart is warm, the mouth is opened, letting the poor get a large piece of Dongpo meat with his own half of the palm of his hand into the mouth of the cold, and then the mouth is violently Closed.

    “哎哟” screamed in poverty, this nasty cold-fed meat is also counted, and actually put his own palm into it, which makes the poverty of some trouble, is it possible to hold the palm of your hand? Eat into your stomach? What should I do if my palm is really eaten? How to eat meat in the future? Do you want to let your cold drink feed yourself for a lifetime? In this way, it is good to be eaten by the cold and eat your own palm.

    It is a pity that the cold does not eat the poor into the stomach, but like to eat a lollipop, carefully poke the poor hand, and put the oil on the little hand into your stomach. Inside, then spit out the poor palms.

    “Oh, this cold-hearted person is so comfortable…Finished, so comfortable, so I am fascinated by this comfortable feeling. If he doesn’t lick himself like this in the future, then he is not like a poor kitten and puppy…”Thinking of poverty, the unconscious, I was hugged by the cold.

    “Mei Yun, you take care of Gu Yu, you must look at her well, don’t let her know a little more damage?”The cold twisted and twisted some of his stiff neck and handed the task of nursing to Wen Meiyun. “I went to take a bath, and getting poor and getting my neck is greased.”

    “Cold the cold, the poor will also bathe with you!”The poverty alleviation suddenly came out with such a sentence. This is not a request for poverty and a cold bath, but the cold has never agreed to this request. But this time, the cold has actually promised.

    “Well, today we are taking a shower with our best friends…”

    “Whoa! ReallyPoverty can’t believe that your ears are “cold, are you really willing to take a bath with poverty?”

    “Yes, I promise you the cold.”Cold and refreshing response.

    “Cold the cold, is it a good thing to be poor today, so you reward the poor?”

    “Well, today’s poverty-stricken people have helped find the most important people. Today, all the requirements for poverty alleviation will promise you.”

    “The poor hopes to keep the cold forever and poverty together, always put poverty on the chest, will the cold also promise to be poor?”

    “Of course, poverty is always the heart of the cold, and no one can separate us. Even if it is a ruined priest, it will kill you.”

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