“Seven public, this old poison is also a friend who comes out from a world, and you two are actually friends of friends and friends. Why should this old poison harm you?”The cold is somewhat puzzled.

    “In fact, the old man is not very clear. It is reasonable to say that the battle between me and the old poisons was also for the Jiuyin Zhenjing. Now Jiuyin really has old poison and has already practiced. There is no hatred between the old man and him. Yes, he really didn’t care for me, so I believed him so much.”

    “But he still tricked me into the Cining Palace and entered this corridor. It is really unreasonable. However, the old man learned from other people’s mouths. It turns out that this infinite corridor needs a master like the old man to make sacrifices every ten years. Otherwise, the entire corridor will reverse the gap between the dimensions, and finally it seems that all the dimensions will be destroyed. ”

    “The existence of the old man is especially so good, so the old poison in order to get the benefits of the spirit hall reward, the old man was tricked into the world, this is really the style of his old poison!”When Hong Qigong said this, his expression looked very dull, but how many pains there were, and it was estimated that only Hong Qigong’s own heart was clear.

    So it isChilling thoughtfully nodded. “To the seven public, in addition to the sword-bearer of that car, have you ever met other indigenous humans? Or have you heard any interesting stories about old poisons? ”

    “Indigenous humans have never met except those who have, but the old man has heard such a thing from the mouth of the old poison.”Hong Qigong reveals the expression of memories. “The old man remembers that the old poisons once said that their masters of the Hall of the Spirit seemed to have gone to a meeting in the heavenly court, so there was no master in the entire Hall of the Spirit, and his old poison was reversed. It has become a master of the entire Yingling Temple headquarters!”

    When Hong Qigong told about it, another time-space conversion began. Hong Qigong disappeared in front of the cold, and the cold immediately took out his personal terminal and began to search his own terminal. data of.

    and 2nd CDP. Still going to the heaven meeting? ”Solid cold sank into a deep thought, suddenly, solid cold thought up, seemingly in more than 800 years ago, the era of the Sword Emperor, Yuan Kou in order to prevent the establishment of the chapter of the city, once gathered an unprecedented force on the city of Henan launched an attack, at that time in order to coordinate the various forces between the Yuan Kou, The temple of the Fallen and other great powers of the Grand Masters have gathered in the heavens to discuss how to allocate their power.

    This is also the only record of the masters of the Hall of the Spirit who went to heaven in large numbers. With the failure of the attack, the Yingling Temple, which was the first to retreat, sold other major forces and offended other major forces. The relationship between the big forces has also become tense. After that, the masters of the Yingling Temple have never entered the records of the heavens in the human intelligence. As for the darkness, there has not been such a thing, and the cold can not be allowed. And know, but the possibility of coming to this is not great.

    Therefore, it is almost certain that the cold can be determined. The time when Hong Qigong entered the Yingling Temple was the time before and after the establishment of Yuzhang City. This also corresponded to the big iron cow running on the ground in Hongqigongkou. Because 800 years ago, humans had not mastered the technology of magnetic levitation, and all the vehicles were still destroyed before the car technology, which would run on the ground.

    “This is really interesting! What I have met is Hong Qigong more than 700 years ago. Is this the time when I returned to more than 700 years ago, or did Hong Qigong come to 700 years later? ”Cold eyes squinted and said to himself.


    What did not think of the cold was that after just saying goodbye to Hong Qigong, it was only three days or so that he met the third Yuanxiao who was trapped here, and the other party also knew himself. When he met, he was very close. On my shoulder, the enthusiasm inside the mouth shouted “Cold brother.”

    The appearance of this person made the cold feel very familiar. After thinking about it, he suddenly found out that this guy was actually similar to Liu Bei’s five or six points.

    “How do you not know your brother at all?” Let’s be the best friend in this corridor! ”The other side looked at the cold and said that the cold was still a look of arrogance, and then I patted my head hard, and some incredible said, “I said dear cold brother, this will not be You saw me for the first time!”

    “That, it is indeed the first time I saw you!”Cold and helpless nodded.

    Haha! I said that we have seen a dozen faces, how are all old acquaintances, I have been thinking about when we will meet each other, it is at this time! ”The other party suddenly laughed. “That brother, I will introduce myself. My brother, I will not change my name. I will not change my family name. The Pea County’s little gangster Liu Bang is my brother!”

    “It turned out to be Han Gaozu!”When I heard Liu Bang’s self-reported door, I suddenly said that it was awe-inspiring. This also explains why the other party actually has a similarity with Liu Bei, because Liu Bang is his ancestor! And the cold has also thought about it. In the mouth of Hong Qigong, Liu Bang’s name has been heard many times. It seems that Liu Bang is also trapped in this infinity corridor.

    Liu Bang is a Yuan Zhen, and the cold is a human being. Although his position is opposite in nature, the ancestor of the “Han” of the Chinese Han Chinese is unquestionable. Therefore, although born to be opposite, the future is also destined to carry out the killing of your life and death, but this does not prevent the cold from paying tribute to Liu Bang.

    Hey What Han Gaozu is not Han Gaozu, the last thing I regret in my life is to be the emperor, it is a meaningless position. After boarding the position, the wife who is screaming is not your wife, but the queen; the kind and lovely son is not your son, but the prince; the friend who is courageous is not your friend, but the courtier; The brothers are no longer brothers, but they can’t wait to kill each other’s opponents. ”

    “So the emperor’s position is the most boring and most boring, and it is also the worst position in the world. I would rather I was the little punk of Pei County at that time. I spent the rest of my life at home, and I didn’t want to be in the supreme position, and I ended up with a lonely man! ”Liu Bang sighed and said, this sounds very fake, but perhaps it is Liu Bang’s sincere heart. In this case, it is estimated that only the people who have sat on the high throne in the same way as Liu Bang can be said.

    Come on! Since this is the first time that your brother and I have met, then I will send you a gift from my brother, and it will be a little bit of my brother’s. ”What did not think of the cold is that Liu Bang actually took out a pocket from his own body, and then took a thick book from the pocket of the yuan to put it in the hands of the cold.

    The cold did not go to see the book, and the attention was firmly placed on the pocket of Liu Bang’s hand…From the beginning of the invention, the pocket of the dimension is the only thing that humans can use. The Lantern can only use violence to destroy the pocket of the dimension, but it is impossible to use it. Because you want to use the pocket, you must have the sword. Yuan Zhen is undoubtedly one thing that can never be done.

    “You are very curious about this?”Liu Bang saw the cold eyes staring at the pocket of his own hand. A funny smile appeared on his face and asked, “Would you like to know why I can use this pocket as a Yuanxiao?”

    “Of course I do.”No matter how cold the cold is, “If you are willing to tell the truth, you are willing to use ten novels…No, twenty novels come in exchange for the truth. ”

    “Hey! The opening is 20 novels, and it is worthy of our first richest man, Sword Immortal. But I can’t accept you for these novels, or I’m too cheeky. Why can I use the pocket of the dimension? It is because of the help of a person. As for how he helped me, then I can’t tell you about it, but I believe that you will know the truth in the future. ”

    “Fine.Seeing Liu Bang’s attitude, Gu Han also knew that it was impossible to ask anything from Liu Bang’s mouth, and he nodded very simply, and at this time the whole world began to change suddenly and faintly.

    “It seems that the first meeting of the two of us will stop here. Brother, you have a good book, we will meet again!”Liu Bei arched his hand to the cold, and the people disappeared with the transformation of time and space. Only a novel left in the hands of the cold also witnessed the existence of Liu Bang.

    This cold has the opportunity to carefully look at Liu Lu’s own novel. As a result, the first time I saw the novel’s name, the whole person trembled because the book was not another novel. Unfinished “Feng Shen Bang”.

    Before this, solid cold has been through a variety of channels, the human world caused a series of sub-yuan collapse of the yuan, should be the legendary saint, and not only their own hands of the poor once was the leader of the sword, even the four Swords is the celestial leader’s weapon, and saint This is beyond the Emperor Sword class bearer of the existence, but also “seal the gods” in the presence of power.

    But the cold has only known so much. There are more stories about Tongtian’s teachings, and the world background in the gods list. Various characters and masters do not understand the cold, which is undoubtedly for the cold. It is a huge trouble.

    Therefore, more than once, I want to get the original text of the novel “Feng Shen Bang”. Through this novel, I thoroughly understand the story of the entire human era. It’s just that the impact of the cultural annihilation is too great. Even if the cold is borrowed from the privilege of Lucifer, there is no way to search for any stories about the “Feng Shen Bang”.

    When the cold is almost desperate, I never thought that I could get the original “Feng Shen Bang” from Liu Bang’s hands. For the cold, the value is probably bigger than the 10 million hero coins. many.

    So in the next time, the cold will put all his energy into reading the novel “Feng Shen Bang”.

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