As the cold sound fell, a figure dressed in black walked slowly into the Weiyang Palace in a walk, and finally stood in front of Zhang Fei and Liu Bei.

    Seeing the first sight of this black man, Zhang Fei became very excited, and the whole eye was a red. Since Guan Yu’s death, Zhang Fei has watched the pictures of the cold and the dragon lions emperor every day.

    The purpose is very simple, just to keep the two murderers who killed his second brother firmly in mind, in the future to revenge for their second brother. So in the first time, Zhang Fei recognized that the black man in front of him was the one who killed one of his murderers!

    “Oh! Are you the thief who killed his second brother? Fight with your grandfather Zhang Fei for three hundred rounds. See Zhang Fei’s grandfather and take your dog’s life with my backhand! ”Zhang Fei shouted at the black man, and the face of Liu Bei Liu Xuande on the side was changed overnight.

    Liu Bei is not like Zhang Fei, he is impulsive, especially when he meets the second brother Guan Yu was killed. He even throws his brain away, leaving only blood. On the contrary, as one of the emperors, one of the founders of the thick black school, Liu Bei’s heart began to become slightly uneasy.

    Although the various materials collected by the Yingling Hall indicate that Guan Yu was directly killed by the Dragon and Lion Swordsmen, the cold is only used on the side. Liu Bei, one of the most powerful champions of the Zhou Dynasty, did not know how many times he had studied with Guan Yu. He thought that it was not a problem to contain Guan Yu, and he could even do better than the cold. At this time, Zhang Fei was at the side of Liu Bei, and his brothers were concentric. The two tier-level plaques cooperate with each other. It is reasonable to say that Liu Bei has 100% ability to kill the cold and avenge his second brother. There is no other possibility in the middle.

    At this time, Liu Bei did not know that the cold has become a sword-level sword-bearing person, because this news is only spread among the high-level humans and some sword-bearers, and it is truly announced to everyone that it is also a meeting of the General Committee of the General Committee one day later. when. Therefore, although the cold has already become a sword-level sword-holding man a few months ago, almost no one knows about this news in Yuanxiao.

    It stands to reason that Liu Bei should not have any uneasiness at the moment, but Liu Bei’s heart is extremely uneasy, and the reason is very simple, because this cold is not an idiot, something that ordinary people can think of, and the cold can certainly be thought of. How could he take great risks and take the initiative to go to this Weiyang Palace to find himself?

    Therefore, there is only one reason why Liu Bei can guess at this time, that is, this cold-fixing is likely to have broken through the sword-level sword-bearer and become a sword-level sword-holding person…Is it really possible that such a thing is possible? This cold is only 23 years old, so humans have never had a sword-level sword-seller of this age!

    Liu Bei is indeed a generation of Xiongxiong. Just relying on the small information that appears in the cold, it has already speculated that the cold may become the sword-level sword-bearer.

    “Second brother! Let’s go, now go back to the Hall of the Spirit! ”Liu Bei is an extremely cautious person. After confirming that the cold can become a sword-level sword holder, he immediately prepares to take Zhang Fei back to a safe place.

    At this time, Zhang Fei, who saw the enemy’s extra-eyed eyes, listened to Liu Bei’s words. He waved his hand and Lance, and stabbed the cold eyebrows. At the same time, the tip of the Zhangba snake spear also had a huge The black dragon kills will come out and entangled in Zhang Fei’s Zhangba snake spear. Zhang Fei is like a black dragon stuck into the body of the cold, the momentum of the entire attack is unparalleled, just like destroying the earth.

    “The martial arts of the third brother has improved, and I am afraid that even I must dodge!”Liu Bei behind her was worried, but she couldn’t help but praise it.

    Just the next second, Liu Bei’s face turned into a black like a pig. In the face of Zhang Fei’s imposing attack, the cold and cold did not take a long sword from his scabbard. The tip of the sword is light on the black dragon’s eyebrow.

    The black dragon that had just been unmatched was just like the ice of the raging sun in an instant. It began to melt quickly and melted, and Zhang Fei’s face turned red, and then a big mouthful of black blood was sprayed in a flash. It seems that the sword of the cold has not only solved Zhang Fei’s attack, but also sent his own strength along the Zhangba snake spear into Zhang Fei’s body, so Zhang Fei could not help but spurt a large mouthful of black blood.

    “Hill my three brothers!”Seeing this scene, the uneasiness in Liu Bei’s heart has become even greater, but Liu Bei also knows that he must shoot, otherwise his three brothers may step on the footsteps of the second brother and die in the hands of this cold.

    Brother! Although we can no longer be like today, the three men fought together Lu Bu. But let us fight side by side today and avenge the second brother! ”Seeing that his big brother waved a double-strand sword to join the battlefield, Zhang Fei said with red eyes.

    Hearing the story of the three-year battle of Lu Bu, Liu Bei could not help but become excited. He completely let go of the uneasiness in his heart. The double-stranded sword in his hand held high to the sky, and a golden light sprinkled from the tip of the sword to the entire Weiyang Palace.

    And in the moment of this golden light, countless flesh and blood came out of the ground, quickly assembled into a column of queues, the last thousand armies appeared under the command of the double swords, starting with the double swords held by Liu Bei, and the whole process added together for no more than five seconds.

    The name of this army called Liu Bei is the white-eared soldier. It was Liu Bei’s personal body. Every soldier had the equivalent of the dragon’s battle. These soul-level scorpions are concentrated together, and through the command of Liu Bei, they can explode the fighting ability equivalent to ten ceremonial ceremonies. This is one of the reasons why Liu Bei is the most powerful martial art martial art.

    “brothers! Kill with me! ”As Liu Bei’s brother-in-law, Zhang Fei naturally also has the command of this white-eared soldier. When I saw the white-eared soldiers who were like the tides killing the cold, Zhang Fei suddenly felt that he had won. So far, there is no sword-man who is not a sword-level sword, and can not fail under the siege of the white-eared soldiers.

    “What’s the use of waste?”Looking at these dense white ear soldiers, the cold did not put them in the eyes, the hands of the sacred swords shook, countless golden stars spread out in all directions with the cold, the white ear soldiers who were touched by the stars The whole person will vaporize in an instant, and will change back to the soil and fall on the ground.

    Only one stroke of primal chaos stars is used to fix the cold, and more than 30% of the white ear soldiers are so finished!

    “A terrible group attack ability!”Seeing this scene, Liu Bei was inevitably shocked. The double-stranded sword in his hand quickly issued new instructions. These white-eared soldiers immediately gave up the attack on the cold, but instead flew like Zhang Fei.

    And these white ear soldiers in the moment of contact with Zhang Fei’s body, the whole person is integrated into Zhang Fei’s body. When all the white-eared soldiers entered Zhang Fei’s body, Zhang Fei’s whole person was already full of three laps. His body was full of explosive muscles. The whole person’s power was ten times higher than that of Zhang Fei’s. .

    It is the end use of the white-eared soldiers. These white-eared soldiers can enter the body of their companions and strengthen their abilities in all directions. Under the full command of Liu Bei, Zhang Fei’s strength has increased by more than seven times than the previous one…It is a pity that only 30% of the white-eared soldiers were killed by the cold, otherwise Zhang Fei’s strength could be increased tenfold.

    “The thief, my brother is coming!”Zhang Fei, who was strengthened, once again waved his own Zhangba snake spear to kill the cold. This time, Zhang Fei did not get the offensive just by the cold sword, but also was shocked. Internal injuries.

    This time, Zhang Fei and Kang Han launched a fierce hand-to-hand combat. One of them was a famous super-combatant in the history of China, and the other was the most powerful Sword skill master since the great destruction. The battle between the two sides was straight from the beginning. Entering the state of white heat, the blink of an eye has attacked each other more than 50 strokes!

    “happy! happy! ”While flying crazy, Zhang Fei shouted loudly. “Although you killed the second brother’s thief, you have never seen such a powerful sword.” happy! It’s really awesome to play! Just because of your sword, a certain family will leave you a whole body. ”

    “You are so happy! But I am a little bored! ”Let Zhang Fei, who is in a fierce battle, almost suffocate, but the cold is not excited, but it shows a little lazy look, as if he did not come up with real strength to fight himself.

    “Give me kill!”Zhang Fei, who is under anger, has once again erupted with more powerful power, and wants to kill this guy who is stinky directly.

    “It’s worth it! Time is not early, don’t play with you. ”The cold has yawned, and the sword in his hand has changed in an instant. A rule of power that seems to be able to distort the whole world is instantly enveloped on the battlefield.

    In the shadow of this rule, Zhang Fei felt that his five senses were vague, even far apart can not be divided clearly, and when all is back to normal, Zhang Fei was horrified to find his hands have been fixed cold abruptly cut to the ground, it is like Black Dragon General Zhang Eight snake Spear is directly broken into two, fell on the ground , like two pieces of scrap iron.

    Zhang Feilian, who has strengthened his strength by seven times, did not know what happened. He has already lost his hand in the cold.

    “Three brothers! Big Brother, this will save you! ”In the end, Liu Bei still had a little brotherhood. At this time, he did not play his usual personality and turned around. Instead, he bravely waved his double-strand sword, and the general death of the cold smashed the past.

    “You help me a favor, I will let your three brothers live!”The coldness is faint.

    “So great!”Liu Bei had a sudden brake, and the double-stranded sword was also inserted back into his waist. He nodded loyally.

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