“I am Cao…”Even if it is the eighteen arhats of the Dharma, there is no time to endure this.

    In this month’s time, the eighteen arhats have become twelve arhats, and six arhats have returned to the vortex of the dimension forever. This time the opponent is extremely difficult and the sense of smell is extremely sharp. Eighteen Arhats can be sure that the other party is still in the middle of the ghost forest, but they can’t find the specific location of the other party anyway…Eighteen Arhats have sent a lot of hidden objects to carry out a carpet search in the entire ghost forest, but the other side’s Spiritual Awareness is keen to a terrible degree, always avoiding the search of ghosts at the most appropriate time.

    If it can’t be avoided, the other party will use the violent attack to destroy all the ghosts before the support force arrives, and disappear once again without a trace.

    At this time, the best way is to let the eighteen Arhats stay in the various positions of the hundred ghosts. When the ghosts find each other’s first time, they immediately rushed over and dragged the other party, waiting for the arrival of the big troops.

    At first, the 18 Arhats did this, and several times they succeeded in catching the opponent’s tail. Only when the rest of the Luohans arrived, the Luohan who was responsible for dragging the other party was already attacked by the other party in a very short time. Killed, the six of the eighteen Arhats are so finished.

    After that, the Eighteen Arhats no longer dared to play any parting tricks. They concentrated all their power together and were afraid to find a chance to attack each other.

    In this way, although the lives of the Luohans are guaranteed, it is completely impossible to grasp the opponents who are not slipping in the autumn. It has been two weeks since the two sides were deadlocked.

    “Dragons! I have a major discovery! ”Just as the remaining 12 Lohans were upset about how to solve this tricky opponent, a Dharma Protector King Kong suddenly rushed over.

    “What major discovery do you have??”The dragon Luohan asked in surprise.

    “The ghost object of a Ghost Mother just reported that she found a hidden and very hidden human camp in the jungle of Jiaye. There is an ordinary person living there in the camp. The ordinary person and the female swordsman will There are seven or eight points similar, most likely the relatives of the female swordsman. If we can catch this ordinary person, then we must force the female swordsman to come out to fight with us! ”Dharma Protector King Kong said excitedly.

    “There is still this kind of thing!”The dragon of the dragon is also a joy, but immediately said with some doubts, “No, the ordinary people of humanity are not hiding in their base city and dare not come out?” There have never been ordinary humans in the jungle of Jaya, why do ordinary people appear in the jungle of our leaves? Is this news reliable? ”

    “Absolutely reliable! The ghost of this ghost Mother is secretly tracking the woman who holds the sword when she realized that each day will appear in the vicinity of the area, feeling there seems to be hidden something very important, so she sent a lot of ghosts in the vicinity of the search, It turns out that the other side has emptied a tree trunk of a thousand-year-old tree, then a makeshift camp was set up in the trunk, and the woman with the sword was hiding in the trunk, and if it wasn’t for this time in the area, we wouldn’t have found the women’s makeshift camp. ”

    “Alright!”The dragon Luohan excitedly squeezed his fists and began to recruit all the Luohan, Dharma Protector King Kong, Ghost Mother, and began to carefully surrounded the tree hole from all directions.

    The whole process went very smoothly, and the Luohans successfully surrounded the temporary camp without spending any energy.

    “Hands! Grab the live! ”The dragon Luohan waved his hand and everyone rushed to the tree hole together. The work of three or two times cut the whole old tree, revealing a strange road inside.

    “Can’t be wrong, look at this person’s appearance, it must be the woman’s younger brother.”The dragon Luohan nodded and smiled and said to himself. Because the other party is an ordinary person with no force to bind the chicken, the dragon has no any alert, and the manner is very calm and walks away.

    Who are you? What are you doing? ”Lu Yin looked at the dragon, and asked in horror.

    Amitābha I am the first dragon of the Eighteen Arhats under the seat of the Tibetan King Bodhisattva. Today, please ask the donor to take a trip with us! ”When Luo Longhan reaches out, he will hide the road of incomparable fear.

    However, when the dragon’s palm was just in contact with the road, the Sword Qi suddenly rushed out from the lower body of the dragon. When the dragon was not caught, the Sword Qi, who was directly killed by this lore, stabbed himself in the key.

    Every Luohan has his own Luohan gold body. This Luohan gold body is like the sword guard’s personal shield. It is impossible to harm Luohan without consuming the body energy of Luohanjin body.

    But unlike the sword guard’s personal shield, the sword guard’s personal shield is without any weakness, and it can easily protect the shield of the sword body. But Luo Hanjin has his own cover door. Although the cover door is extremely small, it is the most vulnerable place in the body of Lohan. The defensive intensity is not as good as an ordinary dragon-level Lantern. It is the biggest weakness of the Luohan.

    The dragon door of Luolong was in his own little brother, and Sword Qi, who was pierced into the door of the dragon, was not the ordinary Sword Qi, but the most staunch sword in the “Xuantian Jiujian”. Fighting.

    The sword fight is a sword move that power cannot be estimated by the regular mode, because the power of this trick depends on how many Sword Qis the user injects into the sword move. The more Sword Qi is poured, then the sword The more lethal the move is, the stronger it will be.

    As a well-prepared assassination of Lucifer, it is also the most skillful move of Lucifer’s practice. This trick has poured a lot of Sword Qi from Lucifer, which is a trick that was put to death.

    If this trick fails, then the only way to wait for Lucifer is to fail.

    Fortunately, Lucifer succeeded. This success pierced the body of the dragon, and then all the Sword Qi broke out inside the body of the dragon.Even the strongest of the eighteen arhats, the dragons of the dragons could not bear the sword of a horrible injury.

    However, when the sword penetrated into the body of the dragon, the dragon seemed to have not suffered much damage, and the body remained intact, with a dazzling golden light.

    Amitābha Dare to ask the donor, what is your name? ”The dragon Luo Han suddenly took his own palm and asked Lu Xihua.

    “My name is Lucifer!”Lucifer replied faintly.

    Amitābha I can’t think of the fact that the donor actually used his younger brother as a bait. It was a fatal loss, but the dragon was very curious. How did the donor know the position of the cover door? Even among the eighteen arhats, there are few who know where the lower hood is located. ”Luolong Luohan asked curiously.

    “It’s your good brother Fu Hu Luohan told me!”Lucifer looked at Luolong Luohan, and the Fuhu Luohan was one of the six Luohans who had already died in Lucifer’s hands. “He hopes to use this information to change his life, but unfortunately I lied to him!” And how was it? Are you very hate that he betrayed you? ”

    “No!The dragon Luohan shook his head. “He really wants to go back to the Western world of bliss. He just pulls me.”

    After the dragon Luohan finished this sentence, the whole body was like a cracked land. It began to fall down one by one, and finally became a piece of broken meat falling on the ground, and the emerging dimensional vortex was absorbed.

    “Everyone is moving quickly! The swordsman in this woman’s body has not come much, revenge for the dragon! ”Seeing that my friends returned to the world of bliss, the other rohans around them suddenly burst into flames of anger. At the same time, they also realized that after using this trick, Lu Xihua’s swordsmanship is bound to be less, it is their best chance to kill Lucifer!

    “let’s go!”Lucifer’s face suddenly changed, and immediately picked up his younger brother, Lu Yin, who wanted to rush out of the encirclement, but these were very easy to catch Lu Xihua’s Luohan and King Kong who were willing to let go of Xihua, both sides In an instant, a fierce chase was launched. Lucy, because of the hidden roads, the escape speed of the whole person is far less than the speed of the opponent’s pursuit. The situation faced by Lucifer has become extremely crippling.

    “Brother is running away!”Lucifer took the road and turned into a jungle. In the next second, two magnetic levitation motorcycles rushed out of the trees, and one of the roads escaping quickly fled to the periphery of the ghost forest. Lucifer himself went to another very different gallop.

    Apparently this is Lucy Hua’s long-planned escape route, hiding two already-initiated maglev motorcycles in a piece of grass, allowing Lu Yin and himself to escape through the two maglev motorcycles in the first place.

    What are we going to do?Seeing that the two opponents fled separately, the Luohans who were pursuing were obviously hesitant. They did not know whether to concentrate on chasing Lucifer, or to separate the people to chase the escape.

    “Separate to chase!”After a short hesitation, the Luohans made a decision very quickly. The reason is very simple. In the past battles, the Luohans deeply realized the strength and slickness of this woman named Lucifer. After there was no road to hide the oil bottle, maybe the other party would escape.

    Therefore, the Luohans finally decided to separate the people to chase the roads that are easy to grasp. Even if they did not catch up with Lucifer, they could use Lucy’s younger brother to lure Lucy to vote for the net.

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