“It would be like this!”After finishing the discussion with his own swordsman, the cold has not yet recovered, still immersed in the battle.

    It’s not that the previous victory has been defeated. The winner is still cold, but the victory of the cold is not easy. Under the premise of not using swordsman, he has fought thousands of strokes with the sword of victory. I relied on some Sword Skills I realized in the copy to defeat the sword of victory.

    This is the first time that the cold life has experienced such a difficult battle. It is also the first time that the cold has been fighting an opponent for more than a thousand strokes. Before that, the cold has never fought for such a long time.

    The reason is very simple, because the tricks used by the sword of victory are all the tricks of fixing the cold. What tricks to use for the cold, what tricks to use for the sword of victory, the tricks between the two are not bad, the skill of the sword of victory and The standard is even higher than the cold. If it was not after borrowing the body of Yi Qing to experience the power of Heavenly Dao beyond the Emperor’s sword level, the cold may not really be the opponent of the sword of victory.

    For the cold, this is like fighting with another real self. Of course, it will become extremely incomparable.

    “Are you a sword of victory, or is it a solid edge?”After thinking quietly for a while, the cold suddenly asked the sword of victory that was on his side. Apparently the cold has already figured out what’s going on here, if it is the sword of victory is finally and solid Xuan edge this identity fused together, oneself become solid Xuan edge of time, in fact, it is equivalent to become the sword of victory, but now solid Xuan edge of the body from its own body inside independent out, became an independent personality.

    Then all the Sword Skills that I mastered at the time of the solidarity will naturally be mastered by the sword of victory. The sword of victory is the completeness of the solid. So the sword of the previous victory no longer exists. Not only has the appearance changed, but even the bad Sword skill has changed. The swordman, the penultimate swordman of the Xianjian class, has disappeared completely.

    “This is decided by the owner. You want me to be the sword of victory, then I am still the sword of victory. If the owner wants me to be a solid, then I am still a fate! ”In the face of the question of fixing the cold, the sword of victory said faintly.

    “If you let yourself choose?”Once again, the cold has thrown this problem back to the head of the sword of victory.

    “In fact, after the integration of the identity of the shackles, the original memory of the sword of victory I have not remembered, but vaguely remember where my origins come from. If the owner really gives me the power to decide, then I hope that I can exist as a solid foundation. ”The sword of victory hesitated for a while and finally said.

    “Then you should be a shackle!”Nostalgic cold nodded, the mind flashed in the mind, and then said, “The name of the sword of victory is also lost. From today, you are called the sword.”

    Well……The name of the cold is renamed the madman. After the name of the Goujian sword changed its name to the starting point sword, the name of the sword of victory was changed again.

    “暄缘剑!”I heard the cold, so the sword of victory…oh no! it’s aIt was the face of the sword, showing a smile of satisfaction, apparently very satisfied with this new name.


    Time is so orderly passed, during the day, solid cold on the arrangement of poor Lucifer to challenge Pikachu, and then will turn into Coke Lucifer again and again into the medical warehouse inside, to the night is fixed cold small class time, all the sword ladies feel their life become incomparably full, in addition to our poor road.

    However, after the training of the week, Lucifer finally got better. She would never even kill a Pikachu. She was given power to her paralyzed state and could not move until she was on the verge of death.

    First, because Lucifer’s agility has been greatly improved, Pikachu’s electric shock can not be hit, and Lucifer can already avoid Pikachu’s electric shock with his own Movement Technique and speed…After all, Lucifer is a sword-level swordsman who is much faster than Pikachu in speed.

    Second, because Lucifer has gradually adapted to the feeling of electric shock, the body began to bring its own ability to resist paralysis. Even if it was hit by direct electric shock, it would not be completely paralyzed and could not move, but the action became very slow.

    The most important thing is that Lucifer has mastered the Sword Skill of “Xuantian Jiujian – Jianquanquan”, can open Sword Qi shield, and block Pikachu’s electric shock with his Sword Qi shield. However, because Jianquanquan can only block one side at most, once the number of Pikachu is more than one, the electric shock is attacked from all directions, and Jianquanquan is not so good.

    With the blessing of these three abilities, Pikachu’s seemingly impeccable electric shock net was drilled by Lucifer, and as long as Lucifer was able to get close to the Pikachu group, he could rely on the Eight-winged Angel Sword. Send a few unlucky Pikachu back to the vortex of the dimension.

    But nothing more. After being close to Pikachu, the hit rate of electric shocks has become higher and higher, and the volts of electric shocks have become larger and larger. After killing one or two Pikachu, Lucifer Will once again be dumped to the ground, once again experience the feeling of becoming a piece of coke.

    However, in every battle, Lucifer’s strength has improved. According to estimates of the cold, there is at most one more Lu Xihua, and these hundreds of Pikachu will be killed by Lucifer. Lucifer can also successfully win the title of a Pikachu killer.

    But the problem is that Pikachus are not fools. After discovering that their partners in the ethnic group have suffered casualties every day, after the entire Pikachu community “pickup” and “pickup” communication, they decided to start moving and prepare to stay away from this dangerous place. .

    Unfortunately, they simply do not know how difficult they are to provoke opponents. The cold and other people follow the Pikachu community, and there is still a poisonous hand of Luca in the past.

    Seeing that their companions are still dying, the Pikachu ethnic group who felt angry and frightened finally decided to warm up. In any case, they did not send small-scale teams to leave the ethnic group. The remaining two hundred Pikachus were all united. Eat together, rest together, even a single individual does not leave the group, want to use the power of the group to protect themselves.

    This is undoubtedly a big trouble for Lucifer. With the combination of dozens of Pikachu, Lucifer has been able to cope with it easily. It can hold more than two hundred Pikachus together. It is like a sea electric shock. It is not now that Lucifer can resist it.

    good ! Just right! ”Seeing this situation, not only did there not be any worry, but the face showed a satisfied smile. In fact, before the cold, it has been found that after adapting to Pikachu’s electric shock and possessing paralytic resistance, dozens of Pikachus have been able to make Lucifer’s Sword Skill Movement Technique less and less. Then, two hundred Pikachu may be the best help to help Lucifer break into a butterfly.

    So cold Pat Lucifer’s shoulder, to her the good disciple said a let her life feel the most desperate words, “give you a way to change a trial, from now on, your goal is for the whole person to rush into the Pikachu race, without hurting any of the Pikachu, and to ensure that your personal shields are not broken, Live for 20 minutes at a time. ”

    “What?”Lucifer was scared on the spot, which meant that she had to avoid more than two hundred Pikachu attacks in 20 minutes. Lucy suddenly felt that she had to waste the struggle with these Pikachus for the rest of her life. Got it.

    “Master, this is simply impossible, you are not annoying…I can’t really do it…”Two weeks after entering cultivation, Lucifer finally got awkward for the first time, because in the heart of Lucifer, this is simply impossible.

    “What?”Hearing Lu Xihua’s complaint, Lu Xihua glanced at Lu Xihua, and Lu Xihua was shocked and immediately lowered his head and dared not say a word.

    “Well, aren’t you saying that this is impossible?”The cold snorted, “Well, Master will let you see, this is not something that can’t be done.”

    After saying this, the cold is witnessed by Lucifer’s eyes and directly into the group of more than 200 Pikachu.

    Pickup truck

    Pickup truck

    In the instant of solid cold appearance, all Pikachu have found the trace of solid cold, red like apple on the small cheeks began to have a constant golden lightning flashes up, when the solid cold into the Pikachu attack range, these electro-optic in a moment all broke out, forming a train like the general heavy thunder and Lightning, At the speed of lightning, toward the solid cold split over.

    SlowAt the moment when the thunderbolt hits, the figure of the cold is almost like a teleport and appears in another position, and the rough current naturally only hits a nearby unlucky pine tree. The pines were carbonized in a flash.

    Pikachus actually stunned for a moment, and they did not seem to think that their proud attack was so easily evaded by the opponent. Uncomfortable, they gathered their own currents, and once again launched several electric shocks to the cold, but they were all hiding in the cold.

    Ever since, Pikachu decided to change their strategy and not to merge this current together. Instead, they used individual individuals as the unit. More than two hundred lightning bolts smashed together and felt like this. Like the big net made up of lightning, Zhang has no space to hide.

    It is a pity that since this is a web, there must be a mesh. Although the mesh of this net is small, for a master like the cold, a little bit of space is enough. The cold is like a beautiful butterfly, lightly shuttled through countless electric shocks. Even though Pikachus have already taken their own strength to the extreme, there is no electric shock that can be used to criticize the body.

    The last 20 minutes have not passed, but the current in the body of the Pikachus is exhausted, and I see that I have not hurt the possible cold, but the cold does not take the initiative to hurt them. Ignore the cold.

    On the other hand, Lucifer’s eyes have been straightened.

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