@Follow MeOn the edge of the battlefield, he served as a bystander. He suddenly heard the sound of Yi Qing in his ear. He did not react to what happened. He felt his body light and then floated.

    “my body!”Looking at his original position, he found that his body was still standing still, but his own thoughts had clearly flew up.

    “Do you say that this is the soul!”The cold is thinking, the mind has actually floated to the center of the battlefield…All around me are all kinds of aftermath of the Jade Emperor and the battle of the sky…As long as these aftermaths are touched, the sword-bearers and the Lanterns below the spirit sword level will surely die, while the sword-level sword holders will insist on a maximum of three or four seconds, while the sword-level sword holders may be able to stick to a minute or two. ……But this does not help, and it is all a dead word.

    It is such a dangerous battlefield core area, the idea of ​​cold-fixing can move quickly, completely unaffected by the aftermath of this battlefield, and finally floats to Yiqing’s side, and then enters Yi Qing’s body.

    “This is the sight of Yi Qing!”When the cold entered the body of Yi Qing, I found that I entered the state of sharing vision with Yi Qing…Or not only sharing the vision, the feelings of Yi Qing’s body, and even the flow of the swordsman in the body can be very clear, and the cold can even be vaguely perceived as the transcendence of Yi Qing. The power of the rules.

    Green childrenIn the cold, I immediately understood the meaning of Yi Qing. Yi Qing is trying to let the cold use the first perspective of the unprecedented experience to experience this battle. This is far more useful than the perspective of a bystander for the improvement and understanding of the cold strength. More!

    This is indeed the case. From the perspective of Yi Qing, the cold is so fascinating that it absorbs everything in front of us, because the cold is only a bystander. He does not need to consider the various things and skills of fighting like Yi Qing. Need to break down and absorb what you see in front of your eyes…Even the fighting skills of the Jade Emperor can absorb their knowledge…The cold is like a dry sponge, madly absorbing everything that you see and understand.

    “People! You are ready to take over the body of Qing Er, Qinger can only give you ten seconds! ”Suddenly, the sound of Yi Qing sounded again in the ear of the cold.

    “Use the body of Yi Qing to fight? Such an operation? ”I felt awkward in my heart, but I understand that this is the most rare opportunity for Yi Qing to fight for himself. Any hesitation, decisively replied, “I am ready!”

    “Alright!”Yi Qing said faintly.

    In the next second, the chilling of the bystander completely took over the body of Yi Qing, and at the same time more clearly perceive the existence of the transcendence rule…This existence is so mysterious that even the cold can’t understand his existence, but the cold can get a kind of insight from it…This understanding makes the cold feel as if it could harness everything in the world, including air, even feel that the day of his head is just a balloon, the ground under his feet is just a stone, can be arbitrary control according to their own ideas, as if they have become the whole heaven and earth, or the whole world, Or even the master of the whole universe.

    Under the blessing of such an understanding, solid cold directly to master all the things they all use out, “Xuan Tian Jiu Jian” hao, “Primal Chaos Sword” or even just from Yiqing and the great learned things all right, all without any obstruction of the fusion together, The fusion of these things makes the solid cold gradually feel a thing, or a way is waving to himself.

    This move is the last resort of the “primal chaos sword” that has been hard to find for a long time, but it has never found any clues, that is, the seventh move.

    Unfortunately, 10 seconds is still too short, when the solid cold faint as if caught something, he completely lost the control of the Yiqing body, even the idea also directly from the Yiqing body inside out, back to the battlefield outside their own body, once again completely back to a spectator angle.

    At this time, the battle was nearing the end. After several violent collisions, the Jade Emperor and the Heavenly Sword Emperor gave up the attack at the same time, and each stood opposite. The entire battlefield returned to a calm state in an instant, as if it was just fierce. The battle has never happened the same.

    “This battle is afraid of 10,000 years!”Looking back at the cold, there is a feeling that 10,000 years have passed. However, when the cold looked down and looked at the system time, he was surprised to find that such a wonderful battle actually only lasted two minutes. In the feeling of freezing the cold, this is obviously more than two hours.

    “My feelings will not be wrong! It’s almost impossible for this battle to last only two minutes. I’ve been in Qing’s body for just 30 minutes! Can it be said that the strength of these two sides has been out of time? ”Thinking of this, there is a feeling of creepy feeling in the cold.

    “I can’t think of it, you have come to such a realm!”When the two men’s battles were separated, it seemed that the situation on both sides was good. The clothes and the like were kept quite intact, and there was no wound on the body. Even a trace of dust could not be seen…This is not like the existence of two fierce battles, but it seems to have gone the same in the spring breeze.

    “hmm… I am here! ”Yi Qing nodded and admitted very refreshingly.

    “You are just like me, is it killing your true self?”There is no special expression on the face of Jade Emperor, but it is very calm and asks, it looks like two ordinary friends who are communicating.

    “I am a sword-bearer. You are Immortal Cultivation. I am taking the Great Dao of the sword. You are walking the path of the three corpses. How can I kill you like me?”Yi Qing smiled. “Where am I going to find a real one, I am killing myself?”

    “So, can you sacrifice what you have achieved?”The Jade Emperor asked again.

    “If you ask me what I sacrificed? Then I did sacrifice something! ”Yi Qing nodded. “But I am different from you. You sacrificed your future. What I sacrificed was my past.”

    过去The face of the Jade Emperor, who has been calm, finally showed some inexplicable expression. “How should this sacrifice in the past?” If the past is sacrificed, is the future still there? ”

    “The road to the future is certainly still there!”Yi Qing nodded.

    “Then you can take that step?”When I heard Yi Qing say this, the Jade Emperor suddenly became a little excited.

    … yes, it is! I said, my future is still there! ”Yi Qing laughed.

    “Was I? I really envy you, and the opportunity to take this step, not like me, even if you are a jade emperor, it is only a sad piece! ”The Jade Emperor lamented and silently closed his eyes, and the subsequent vortex of the Dimension slowly began, and the body of the Jade Emperor was absorbed into the Dimensional vortex.

    “died!”In addition to the faint feeling of the cold, when the Jade Emperor and the Heavenly Sword Emperor were separated, the two men won the game. The rest thought that this was the intermission of the two. Until the emergence of the vortex of the Jade Emperor, the talents suddenly realized that when the two were separated, the fate was decided.

    It is no wonder that the mood of the Jade Emperor just now can be so peaceful and quiet. The original Jade Emperor already knew that he must die, so he put down a lot of things, and the whole person became quiet and peaceful. The so-called people will die, and their words are good. This is this. reason.


    With the death of the Jade Emperor, the battle with the heavens was completely over. Seeing that his only dependence is gone, the other four Heavenly Emperors of Heaven know that they and the six great saints of the Lantern Festival and Yi Qing, who are extremely horrible, have no possibility of reconciliation, and they do not want to live so humiliatingly.

    So after the death of the Jade Emperor, the remaining four people looked at each other a few eyes, then uniform choice of the explosion, and then their remnants of the soul as the original six, slowly drifting to heaven and the earth between the various positions, if someone to regain the three pieces heaven and earth Precious words, may also be able to revive the four of the Emperor of Heaven …As for the Jade Emperor, he has returned to the vortex of the Dimension, and there is no possibility of a half-resurrection.

    “Don’t you stop these remnants?”Seeing the six great saints indifferently watching the departure of the four souls of the heavenly emperor, the side of the flow of the year asked some curious.

    “No need!”Qi Tianjian shook his head and then looked at the other four great saints around him. Some indifferent said, “Our six alliances have ended. The world’s pattern has returned to the era of 800 years ago. Our human opponents have changed. It became these Yuan dynasty who broke through the sub-divisions from all sides.”

“……”The Year of the Year choked a little, and some surprised said, “But just now, you are still fighting with your comrades!”

    “It is no longer!”Qi Tianjian emperor shook his head. “But you can rest assured that we can’t fight in a short time. There are sun-baked swordsmen, and we have tens of courage for these yuan. They don’t dare to hit our human mind. We don’t have it now. Kung Fu went to find the troubles of these Lanterns. We only want to save the remaining human beings from the brainwashing of heaven, and then reconstruct our human civilization. ”

    “So at least in these ten years, we can still maintain a relatively peaceful state, and the only things that follow us are clear to our disciples!”Qi Tianjian emperor sighed.

    “Because of the deterrent of Yi Qing? Saying what kind of realm and rank they finally entered, I feel that the battle between Yi Qing and Jade Emperor is beyond the scope of my understanding! ”The stream sighed and wanted to search for the figure of Yi Qing in the sky. As a result, nothing was seen except the blue sky.

    When the year of the roaming was intended to search for the cold, it was found that the cold was also missing.

    “This luscious bastard, I am so embarrassed to say that I like me…”She is very dissatisfied with the martyrdom. She knows that this time the cold is mostly with Yi Qingqing and I went, but the flow of years has not disturbed the two.

    After all, there is no need to be jealous with a guy who has been dead for more than 700 years.

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