“Give me death!”Like a big bird, the second lieutenant rushed to the cold on the battlefield, and at the same time shot a fierce orange flame from his mouth. Wherever the flame passed, even the air began to burn. It’s really terrible.

    But this flame has not been touched by the cold, and it has been blocked by thousands of swords. In the end, this flame and the sword light are all gone, and all disappear into the air.

    “Cold the cold, this opponent gave me! You continue to strangle those big Luo Jinxian! ”At the crucial time, the squadron smashed out and blocked the ensignment of the shackles for the cold.

    “Alright!”There is no temperament in the cold, and the squad is directly resisting the ensignment for him. He continues to search for the characters of the Tianxian and the Da Luojinxian who are hidden in the Lantern Army, and then send them back to the Dimension vortex. Among them.

    However, the heart of the cold is also clear, although the flow of years is indeed very strong, but it can never be the opponent of the youngest emperor, I am afraid that the time I can fight for myself is not much…Thinking of this, the cold-cold attack became more and more fierce, and more opponents of the Tianxian and the Da Luo Jinxian level were sent back to the Dimension vortex.

    “Less! What are you doing? Kill me that cold! ”The Jade Emperor, who always pays attention to the ground battle, angered his younger brother.

    Brother! The opponent of this Noble Family is really too difficult…She didn’t want to die at all, give me five minutes, and after five minutes I can kill the ember of the Noble Family!”A few violent but helpless responses…At this time, his battle with Lunian has lasted for about ten minutes. Although there is still a big gap between him and his own strength, it is reasonable to say that Lieutenant can quickly open this opponent.

    But in fact, it’s like a piece of cowhide sugar, but it’s like a piece of cowhide sugar. If you use your own body to block the flames of the Shaolin, you should block the ensign in the sky. In desperation, the second lieutenant can only go to chase and kill the cold if he is completely killed.

    Yikao You are going to help now…”The Jade Emperor bit his teeth and decided to transfer one of the five Heaven and Earth to help the Lieutenant. Although the Jade Emperor was under great pressure, he would have less help from the Emperor and the Emperor. These six great saints will immediately pick up from the shackles, and even a slight advantage is not necessarily.

    But now there is no other way. The Jade Emperor can only bite his teeth and solve the damn cold as soon as possible. Otherwise, even if he wins the final victory, the chicken kills six great saints. A few light pole commanders only!

    The idea of ​​Jade Emperor is extremely correct. It is indeed the best way to solve the problem of freezing the cold. Unfortunately, the decision of the Jade Emperor is still a little late. If the Jade Emperor let the Zidi Boss test the cold for a minute, it was a minute later.

    When the Jade Emperor issued this order, the originally endangered Tianting army finally collapsed completely…Seeing that countless comrades-in-arms have died under the unscrupulous attack of the enemy’s squad and the squad, the original 100,000 squadrons will only have less than 40,000 left…The remaining 40,000 Heavenly Soldiers could no longer bear it anymore. After a terrible scream, they instantly dropped their weapons and began to flee.

    In the state of flight, all the steps of the heavenly army are very messy. The flags of their hands are also discarded on the ground like waste. For the rest of the fugitives, it is a real defeat!

    “Finally defeated!”At the same time, in the core position of the Lantern Festival, the army of Luban’s collapsed Tianting army finally breathed a sigh of relief and then sighed, and then to Cao Yudao around him, “Can your skills be launched?”

    “If you return to the adults, you can already start!”Cao Yu nodded, and then the whole person floated into the air. Behind Cao Yu, there was a huge sound like Taishan, which was like the sound that the whole world could hear.

    “Fighting, courage.” Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted. He exhausted me, so it was gram. The great country is hard to measure, and there is fear of Fuxi. I see it as a mess, and I hope that it will be flagged. ”

    With the words of Cao Yu, which is famous throughout China and the world, the two sides of the war both lit up different colors of red and green.

    On the side of the Yuan Zhen coalition, the light of the red is shining, and the one on the other side of the heavenly court is a green light…This is even the case of the cold, the stagnation, and the eleven wilderness in the sky are no exception, and their bodies also light up the colors representing their respective camps.

    “My strength has increased!”

    “God! My demon power has actually increased by three times! ”

    “Me too, I feel that my strength has also increased by three times. Now I can kill everyone!”The Yuanxiao coalition forces took the lead and said with excitement that almost all the soldiers of the coalition forces found that all their strengths have increased by about three times…This is an all-round improvement, including demon power, strength, vision, etc…Equivalent to three times the full attribute.

    “What happened to my feet? It seems to be as heavy as lead! ”

    “My fairy! How about 1/3 of my fairy power! ”

    “My magic weapon, how can I use my magic weapon!”In contrast, the army of the heavenly side found that its full attribute has dropped by about three times, and even the speed of escape is no exception.

    “Brothers kill! Taking advantage of this opportunity, kill all the Heavenly Soldiers! ”The Yuanxiao coalition shouted loudly, and then the whole attribute was tripled. The Yuanxiao coalition’s momentum soared to the extreme, killing the past with those unfortunate Tianbing days…Because the total attribute has dropped by three times, these Tianbing days have even turned into a kind of extravagant hope. They can only be killed after being slightly rebellious for a while. ,

    The Lantern and the Allied Forces are three times stronger, and the Heavenly Soldiers are three times weaker. The conversion between the two is put together, that is, a gap of six times. This is a gap that cannot be resisted with bravery and morale. .

    The remaining 40,000 heavenly courts were quickly overtaken by the Yuanxiao Allied Forces. These soldiers were easily killed by opponents like a scarecrow…The Yuanxiao coalition even reduced the casualties to a level equal to zero.

    The celestial forces on the ground were miserable to such an extent that the four of the Sky’s heavenly armies were not better off, they, like their own troops, fell three times times in an instant, and their rivals soared three times times, and they also formed a six times-fold power gap, which was a fatal change for the four emperor.From the first second of the change in strength, the six great saints suddenly erupted their attacks to the extreme, and they will be directly rushed out because of the incomparable four heavenly emperors.

    The three emperors whose strength has plummeted three times may be the opponents of the six great saints who have tripled their strength. Under this attack, all four emperors have suffered heavy damage…Although this kind of injury does not kill the four Emperors, it is very simple to let these four Emperors be in an absolute disadvantage.

    “you guys……You set a trap…”Seeing that the faces of the six great saints were not too surprised, the Jade Emperor was awakened, and the green light that appeared on his body and the red light on his opponent were all traps set by the other side, and he fell so stupidly. In the trap of the other party.

    Only the Jade Emperor did not understand anyway, how did he fall into the trap of the other party…Or what the other side’s trap is a ghost thing, even if you don’t know what happened, you are caught in such a situation.

    “This is not a trap. It is your own failure to keep your credit. It is also that you are self-sufficient. We just played a show with you!” Hahaha Ha! ”Qi Tianjian was so proud of his smile, his eyes filled with ridicule.

    “This time I lost!”If it is normal, seeing the other party’s mocking expression, the Jade Emperor will send his own army to tear the other party…But now the Jade Emperor has lost such interest, he seems to have accepted his life, but faintly conceded.

    “No! You are not defeated! You are dying here! ”Wu Zetian made a long laugh, and a pair of Qiankun Jinling in his hand made a burst of killing voices. “Oh, our grievances over the past 800 years, we will end here!”

    MajestyWhen I heard Wu Zetian say this, the other three emperors’ expressions became extremely frightened. When they came, they came with a relaxed attitude of teasing prey. They didn’t think of it anyway, and the final result turned out to be like this. Are they dying in this inexplicable place?

    “Yes, we really have to die here!”The Jade Emperor Yang Tian sighed and sighed. “But before you die, you can let us be a ghost. Where are we books?” Where did this damn red-green light come from? ”

    “Don’t talk nonsense with him, we killed him directly!”The most arrogant gossip snake said, and also put forward a very correct suggestion. Whether it is for the protagonist or the villain, it is a very stupid thing to explain the cause and effect before the other party dies.

    I don’t want itUnexpectedly, Wu Zetian refused the suggestion of the gossip snake in a clean and neat way. “The old lady accompanied them five plays that have been playing for so long, and arranged such a good trap. If they don’t talk about the ins and outs, the old lady can’t sleep!” ”

    After Wu Zetian snorted, he asked the Jade Emperor, “Hey, can you hear the name Cao Yu?”

    “Cao Wei!”After thinking about it for a while, Jade Emperor nodded and said, “Hey, I heard this name! But what about the arrogant Cao Yu? ”

    “Yes, that is Cao Yu!”Wu Zetian nodded, his face full of excitement and smug expression, apparently already immersed in the pleasure of explaining the ins and outs. “Cao Yu, this little guy is just a dragon-level Lantern, but his skills make you the Emperor of Heaven. It is really ridiculous! Ridiculous! ”

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