“Luban adults, we respect you and thank you for saving us, but why are you cheating us?”Odin stood up and asked with a smile. However, there was a chilly anger in this smile, and Luban and Altolia were afraid of being afraid.

    “Not that I want to lie to you!”Lu Ban spread his hands and said with a smile: “There is a person who asks me to lie to you!”

    Who is? Who dares to do this? Laozi swallowed his dog’s head! ”The gossip snake screamed in anger.

    It's me.What the gossip snake didn’t think of was that a voice replied to him from behind him. Everyone immediately looked at the place where the sound came, and saw the cold and leisurely walk out of the Sword Qi whirlpool, cold and cold. Look at these six great saints.

    “The Admiral Brothers! You can’t talk nonsense! ”When I saw the cold, the Pingtian Sword Emperor and Qi Tianjian were immediately nervous. They had some anger at the people who lied to them. However, when they saw the cold and took the initiative to stand up and admit it, they became very nervous. They must know that the cold is one of the most promising descendants of their human race. They definitely don’t want to see the cold.

    But now the cold-holding initiative jumps out and admits that it is deceiving everyone. It is equivalent to putting all the pots back on one’s own body. He will instantly become the target of the public. Once the other four great saints want to get rid of the cold, Pingtian In addition to the escape from the cold, there is no other way to go.

    “I didn’t talk nonsense, it was indeed what I asked Luban’s predecessors to do!”The cold smiled and said, and Pingtian and Qitian could only smile and shake their heads, not knowing what their little brother wanted to do.

    good ! Since you admit it, then pay the price! ”Because of the previous blockade, the gossip snake had long been watching the cold and unhappy. At that time, if it was not the Emperor Pingtian and the Emperor Qi Tianjian, the gossip snake probably had already killed the cold. Now the cold has actually jumped out, and also made a lot of anger, where the gossip snake will let such a good opportunity, countless tentacles stretched out, ready to live and freeze.

    “Gossip, no!”Pingtian Sword Emperor and Qi Tianjian Emperor once again jumped out to stop the behavior of the Eight Diagrams Serpent.

    “Qi Tian, ​​Ping Tian, ​​you two should not be too much. This person dares to play with us. Is it wrong to kill him?”The gossip snake turned his attention to several other great saints such as Odin, hoping to get their support.

    “And slow hands!”Odin signaled that the gossip snake was calmer and turned to the cold. “I am very curious. Why do you want to ask Luban predecessors to do this?” What good is this for you? ”

    “There is no other idea, I hope that you can stay and follow me to attack and sweep the heavens!”The cold is straightforward.

    “Oh ?” The idea is good, but the behavior is wrong.” Odin smiled and smiled. “If you want us to sweep the heavens, we should kneel in front of us and try our best to please us. Maybe we are soft and will accompany you. Swing the heavens. ”

    “Not like you are now, use this kind of lie to deceive us. Do you think we will help a liar?”

    “Does Lord Odin think that this is a bad lie?”Solid cold and cold smile “If I am a bad lie, how do you six ran to the fire on the fire?”

    “you……”All the great saints heard the cold and said that their faces were awkward and they became angry again.

    The so-called hitting people do not face, the monks do not reveal the short, this cold has actually slap on their faces, even Pingtian and Qitian have an angry feeling for the cold, I feel that this younger generation is too unknown. Interesting, too much emotional intelligence, how can they expect to entrust the future of mankind to this person’s hands.

    “Right, you still said that I am a liar!”The cold man saw a very ridiculous joke-like expression. “Who is the liar?” Who used to deceive these poor descendants to try their best to raise themselves. However, when it was time to realize his promise, he escaped like a pig, and this is the biggest liar, lie to these poor people for 800 years! ”

    “you……”The face of the gossip snake is red and red, and the mood is shy and annoyed. He can no longer calm down when he is poked in the cold. Countless tentacles are caught in the cold as lightning.

    “Disgusting things!”The cold snorted, and the sword in the hand turned, and at the same time mobilized the power of the rules. These tentacles fell in the face of the cold in the face of the cold, and the blink of an eye was completely cut off by the cold.

    “Ahhhh…”The gossip snake made a cry, and these tentacles were cut off. It was not a very serious injury to the gossip snake. At most, it was the extent of breaking the skin. However, the severe pain that the tentacle was cut off made the gossip snake feel painful.

    “I must kill you! Gossip! ”The tentacles of the Gossip snake began to recover quickly, and the cut tentacles grew again. Then the tentacles merged and quickly became hundreds of 40-meter-long swords.

    “There is actually the ability to push the gossip snake to the point of using the real thing!”Seeing that the gossip snake used the move of Bagua, Odin could not help but said with some surprise. Gossip snakes generally do not use this move unless they are in the same level of combat.

    The reason is very simple. If you compare such a low-level opponent to make such a move, then the gossip snake is really a shame.

    But now the gossip snake is disregarding the fact that the other is a sword-level sword-bearer. It directly uses the gossip. Can it be said that this human strength has reached the point where the gossip snake has to use the true skill, that is, with them. Also belong to the Yuan Dynasty of the flood level?

    “Why bother?” Waste timeSeeing that the gossip snake directly used the skills of Bagua, the face of the cold did not have any fear, but instead a eager expression, “Let’s go together, how can I raise you up, how can I put it? Send it back!”

    “The Admiral brother, you shut up quickly, don’t talk like this! Apologize to everyone! ”Pingtian and Qitian really anxious, this cold is so provocative, even they want to violently chill, not to mention other people, so Pingtian and Qitian can only try hard to convince the cold.

    “Thank you two predecessors, rest assured, I will send them back to these four, but the two of them can continue to live in this world!”Said cold.

    “Hey…”An old blood in Pingtian and Qi weather almost spit out, such people, they really do not want to help.

    Nice! Ok, very good! ”The light bulb of the King of Ot is so fast that he is about to explode. He stands directly beside the gossip snake. “Gossip, this guy is handed over to me. I will send him on the road with the king’s light wave!”

    “I …The sullen and sulky guys like Odin were also suffocated and eager to prepare for the same cold. Suddenly he was surprised to find that Wu Zetian’s most overbearing and violent woman did not have any anger. Instead, he stepped back a few steps and stood together with Qi Tianping and Tian Tian, ​​and did not want to take the cold. meaning.

    “There must be problems in this!”Odin’s instinctive reaction came over, and the anger instantly disappeared from the brain, learning Wu Zetian’s look back a few steps…Since Wu Zetian does not do it, he does not have to do it.

    Ever since, the two swordsmen of Qitian Hepingtian were surprised to find that Odin and Wu Zetian actually chose to stand with themselves, which made the two emperors puzzling.

    “What are you two doing?”The king of Otto also found that something was wrong, but the gossip snake on the other side could not hold back. The hundreds of 40-meter-long tentacle knives were slashed from all directions to the cold body. It’s like lightning…On the other hand, the cold is still motionless, as if the attack of the gossip snake is not in the eye.

    “Your boy is looking for death…”The gossip snake is even more crazy.

    “Gossip, you dare to bully my husband, big courage!”Suddenly, a clear and angry voice echoed in the entire underground palace.

    Coming She really shot it! ”Upon hearing this voice, Wu Zetian’s expression was instantly stiff, and then there was a look of gratitude on his face…As if to be glad that I did not choose to shoot.

    “How is this Wu Mei Niang…”Odin saw Wu Zetian’s reaction and suddenly felt that things were more weird. At the same time, the voice of this voice felt as if he had always heard it before. He was so familiar and familiar with himself from the depths of his soul.

    “Is it her!!!”A woman’s figure just appeared in Odin’s mind, and countless swords light filled the entire underground palace.

    When these swordsmen retreat, the gossip snakes that stood in the place before have disappeared, leaving only countless pieces of flesh on the ground, and eight heads full of horrified expressions are constantly moving on the ground…The minced meat around is trying to get closer to the head of the gossip snake.

    Only by completely eradicating all the heads of the gossip snakes, the gossip snakes can be revived by their own ability sooner or later, and such injuries can not completely hurt the roots of the gossip snakes…But the other side’s Sword Qi is out, the body of the gossip snake is all divided…If such strength is to deal with a ceremonial class, I am afraid that the celestial squad will not live for five seconds.

    You know, even if Odin wants to kill his brother, Loki, who is a Zeomic Lantern, it is quite difficult, and it is three times and five times to let Loki escape…If it is the owner of these Sword Qi, I am afraid that Loki can no longer escape.

    “Gossip, do you want to die again?”An ankle wearing a sneaker was stepping on the head of the gossip snake.

    Not dareCovering the sky…I really don’t dare…”The head of the gossip snake is extremely sad. He is also a ruined shackle, but he finally fell into such a field. It is really sad!

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